Show ag storm IM IN great TO con conand and monday 1 afternoon about half balf past four a mall mali shelby sheiby border on franklin county wait waft wa visited by the mo most ytol ent storn bf and ral rai araldi raids and hall evey efty expert encee in that reia relm region I 1 in ille lile lle ile lie vicinity 1 of christla t buix W bagdad and consolation it briged with unprecedented violence on the farms of some ten gentle nien the wheat was aas so completely prostrate as to make it unfit I 1 tor for 0 T har bar esting vesting and the he corp was damaged to almost an a 4 equal extent large fruit trees were blown down and fences carried off by the sudden rising tot 1 streams steams of were never nev er before known torun t run so full sri I 1 the storax came up u p suddenly and passed off in a very short period in th the rail rall railroad cut near bagdad the zhe hii Ili water elvater run in a stream so deep that it reached above the thee truc ksor of the cars coming at full speed despite the fury of the elements capt ta and other gentlemen in the cai cat caas state that it bad been raining but three or four minutes yet so violently that shat gullies guine and beds bids of stream perfectly dry before the storm form were roaring out with water three and your four feet fat deep the hall also drifted in same places he the andela and elx feet high we heard yesterday nixed fixed al as the probable 1 extent of the pecuniary damage caused bythe by the storm tills this we esteem 6 a low figure judging by the a acost apar narks of devastation that thit we vial visited ted fed yesterday in passing by on the cars over ahree hundred acres of wheat were entirely ruined and ld almost almust as much corn conn ir basket and mr taylor were ildari heavy suf Euf lerer the storm ivas was a very eri tri erratic one it pursued no do particular line or I 1 cour coure course e being zig zag in its progress A large wheat A heat field of one gentlemen was aas destroy destroyed edy hys ahls adjoin adjoining corn crop i was untouched while a field ol 01 wheat bel lel to a neigh 1 bor and only separated tro iro mothe rothe corn by a fence was de det 1 va stated abed Louls vuie vUle courll june jung 14 i 1 |