Show NOTICE tr THE ltv MEMBERS of the of are re t d to tnt meet int at the house hoos of charies charles ath G 7 S L city the t branday in each earb month at 5 pm te ne ra embers mst Bat mat battiel trel larel abroad are wrt to amort them elved elvea at t tem lea lenet lenit t on onte A var vay in writing and nt abo ab aho h o to 0 o ind I 1 in n their if they ther it hare hara are ave not previously done so a we to know afif atan stan standing dint nf f every member of me the Quor urn arn and nl dhosi who ila ilo not report themselves my expect ext ent k W bo be dropped drop pad and ancl their places ly by eth oth BS rici DK ilet porn co vald paid to 0 8 ro 12 ft no great exel einen elnen PLEASE DLEASE BRING hid RID hidi hldi JL jart bare BARK to td th the bat bai bathhouse bath houle house randery tannery an abd end 1 you a fair price rice for them em IA 12 st GOLD G lw STRAYED 1 11 l FROM PROM THE stewart on ilig bus cottonwood j 31 branded C R on the left c ft hip and fore hoof had bad a IL short piece af afa a barlet ro roi the finder will please leave the mule prula at the ath ward oraa or a in my r ann farm ana on dig big bir co rewarded 1221 12 21 AT ATTENTION 1 1 T aph HV subscriber a JL inform the public that he lh has hae ing efell pumps at J taylor taylors in 4 laica city where he will at all hit times I 1 be b orders in that line of business angwill and wili will warrant his to be done to the satisfaction at of those favoring hild hila th peir ei P patronage a trona ge 1 12 4 at t jamee JACK NO NOTICE TI cid CIO INDEBTED to me for JL JL la in the welsh kanyon are hereby informed they can inake payment for he be same it if they wish working on the road ii iq said kanyon on friday and saturday the ath and ath and on thursday and friday priday and 1 ath of june next bring shovels hoesy hoes pick and nd f crowbars 2 allowed for 10 houra honra work of or the privilege of hauling out 8 loads oi of wood 12 at ABRA ABRAHAM iram trAm coon COOK STRAYED ROM THE loth WARD PASTUR PASTURE F FROM last sunday night may 0 71 27 71 a sorrel gorrel MARE also aiso an iron erny erey horsey branded A AP P sagne on tb the e right fore hoot hoof both had bad hao hac griets round their necks when it rayed strayed any person finding the above honsey horsey win will be liberally re warded by leaving them with B hawkins naw ardor ward arlor or A P S STONE T aard Ward 0 VE 1221 12 21 Stoker sward aWard IN STRAY POUND AT AT farmington davis county ral one light red COW rather brindle brind te 6 5 or 6 9 years old oid id crop ott off right ear car no brands visible also one dark red COW with a yearling calf same color the cow supposed to pe e 6 5 or 6 y years yearb ears earb olds oldy old oid no brands visible I 1 alo also one red two year old sneer STEER no brands visible also alio one ona lined back pow cow dwy red sideny bided sided 6 years old 9 no brand visible also drie one brindle BULL bully 2 years olda old oid no mark or brand visible algoone Al soone one brindle STEER 4 rears years old a crop and a split spilt la to each cara ear ekr branded J P on right hip JOHN W hess 4 12 at pound keeper GROCERIES E HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED WE W on commission comin lealon direct from san bernardino Bernardt no d a choice huice lot of SUGAR coffe COFFEE TEA SOAP OLIVE OIL DOMESTIC nto TTO etor which we offer an as low as thoi th contingencies of the tha th trade tride will allowa atlow allow for CASH oali i I 1 coffee per H M sugar 40 tea to indigo indict Is i 20 1 madder 1 40 soap 40 pr man nan domestic pr yd olive oily oil a pure artick to td pr bota 13 at I 1 T S 00 I 1 vor FOR sake SAIE ROTARY knitting KNI KNIT ring TrING machine A froin from nottingham england Eng lind tor for making P pants inu brawers Pr awers rg under and Over shirts socks ac loo or a good yuke yoke of af cattle GEO GODDARD list il 11 at auction auctioneer n eer NOTICE have in my care a sorrel HORSE isop tsoy 12 years old ion brand visible aiso also a brown oxy OX 8 years old branded on the left mft hip with a horseshoe horse shoe and has a crop off the left ear and an on the right the owners are requested to ta prove proper property tv pae pay cli cil charges argeo arleo a ami ta take tale them away JOHN THOMPSON 11 nau nal at pound keeper keener ity STRAYED OR olt STO STOLEN neki LEvi ON the night 0 of the dinst out of the on sprint creek utah county a red ow w with ith a short tall the points nf of her horns cut about 6 years yea 0 oid old id branded with t on the left hip also a black 3 year year yean old heifer very lage large branded G S on the left hip knyper any peron veroo on that will return the above animals to john lot lott t at t of or david dwinton brinton on big cottonwood shall be liberally rewarded it JE WINDER IN addition to the DESERET MEAT melt I 1 IN STORE on east tempi st have takes THE MEAT MARKET corner of union square squire where a choice selection of neat heat provision i will always be on hand band inhabitants in that part of 0 tha the tha city can be supplied oa on tho moet most satis SALIs satisfactory factory term N 1 I 13 boar our tannery in now in fail fall operation and we wr want BARK B ink irk hidei HIDES AND SKINS lift the tile of seventies THE HE members of the quorum are L hereby notified that me betings tings are now held 0 on u the first and third in each month in th the e upper room of the council hong hont ftc Ilc me immediately after the afternoon inee meetings tings in the tabernacle on the above davs days attendance of all who are in the city and nd neighborhood in lit particularly roq ron requested members are requested b tu write out their thor biographies a short sketch of their ures uree anil and mend send them in to the clerk by order ot 0 the council JOHN G CHAMBERS 1131 11 at 31 clerk NEW ANEW CLOTHING STORE U HJ the subscriber hm hta opposite 0 hydok hydek provision store a 11 clothing estaba Ish ment con lfting of a fine lot of black and broek coett C oatt 1 ratin satin and tonne A american mo orlean vet tet filner fitner but buff mashy silis sl and ind valencia 9 know rants ranta mack black and braney ynie GasA mires magne bagne B IH new and ond oi Or croom napo Vapo a pol poi ionn lonn gart oart B adint and ilbert albert neck neek tim tin shirt and a general Out outwitting outfitting fitting store t win ruu run continue continuo to carr on the tailoring Tallor ln linstone and execute in tnt aldr ord in the amt etyle of workmanship all artt artl irb leb irs to roy T corsale for sale gale I 1 will low for earh carh and lomber lumber and I 1 invite my old friends anti antl nii nil mw new ode one to a on ill lii pias foe poe buy boy and ara be catl P D nt st forget opp epp ate oie 0 ayd nyde 14 stow store ilu 12 U GEO 58 5 REWARD RAYED AY E D fro from M theao u ahw jf elota elora emigre liaw itri on K avon von about the thu ill lit of liw lie tit 1 1 i v i vc ed d on the near hip the leit lert leit hind teg tag stiff sebe bebe above eward deward will be paid by returning the said laid ox A t at J M HOCKADAY AI 1 at 31 Y D a ift fit IV L JOLLY i f LUMBER UMBER MERCHANT ia is prepared au to purchase lood lumber lumery for which he wili will pat pay part cash i i i W I 1 L J C can in be found daily dally at Goddard 8 aucta auction zi store rey east nast ast st ot K X 13 baw bmw VI L 7 has as on hand e constantly a good supply of well assorted season U SHINGLES latil PICKETS ac and Is 14 siso hiso prepared to execute orders to any amount on very r reasonable e terms ll at VOR sane SALE A T salt lake city post office a large lA jl amount of 3 and ana 12 cent stamps rec tec recel elved ted by we the last ast california mall mali E M STOLEN OK OU COW red ears branded brand bd JL on the horn a small bell on her I 1 will satisfy the finder 7 tt tf SAMUEL iv eok FOK OIL olk saile SAIGE 1 annies annles A few good american Amerl ameri qan pan horses and ana moler moles also a t few prime flat head ponies for parti ulars apply at the deseret storey store or to E W van tan vi esteny etten ward 7 tf tr WOOL woon CARDING Cardi cardl carding carling nr machine is now in sue successful MY operation atton at the sugar wo works bg kanyon crees creez all AH those who have wool to card can be accommodated 8 tf BRIGHAM toung YOUNG WAGONS WAGONS S WE VE have for sale saie a number of excel excels T lent wagons suitable for general gen pen ertl erti we use also al so ox yoke yokes chains act which we offer low tor for flour wheat oats cats and lumber ac 6 5 tf T S WILLIAMS CO TO EMIGRANTS C H R I 1 S T 0 P H E R ARTHUR sen bread and cracker bakeri bakery baker will have on b handor andor make niale to orde bread and Cracker crackers sp which emigrants travel travella traveling ln south routh to california iii dil ill find advantageous and cal cai in their store ol 01 provisions I 1 cedar city iron county 3 sm 0 NOTICE taug HE big cottonwood canal to be JL ang for the purpose of boating granite to build the temple Is being survey turvey surveyed edy and the completion 01 ol all that thit portion north of little kanyon creek between I 1 it and its terminus in great salt lake city barq br davil david wilkin his been appointed to superintend and to dispose of the he lands adjoining 7 tf tf BRIGHAM toung YOUNG SPINNING wils WEAVING ivi NG adan dyeing ac done athor at jor JL dan woollen Fc factory tory wooi wool taken to make into cloth jeans flannel Sa or blankets on shares ghares or otherwise wooly wool grease wheat flour floury pork ac acy ac taken in exchange for cloth clothy blankets 5 linsay unary ac at the jordan woollen woollen 1 factory carding done on usual terms by 6 cm MATTHEW GAUNT ron eon roil fou SALE SAIE T the salt lake city post office AT stamped envelopes at the following rates turee cent letter gizey sue at per six do do six sir cent official size at do post masters merchants and nd others othera in thia this territory can be furnished with any of the above by remitting the cash oaf E SMITH P it I 1 oil baro Ll ul els s 0 ON 09 9 or about the I 1 st sst of february a dark brindle cow line back some borne white on belly beliy and ana bush of tall one horn langr than the other please to return the and be rewarded ALSO AL iii my possession a dark rd red cow white belly hind legg legs and rump points of horns sawed otry oft off no brands the owner can have hava the above described k animal by provins in property and paa pai ing charges chaws 62 tt tf ALEXANDER HILL pound round keeper BATHHOUSE BATH lio IIO HOUSE au SE TANNERY ephe subscribers wish to say to the JL public that they design keeping mast wast constantly antly on hand a supply of 0 sole and upper leather of the best quality falso also ready made boots and sheet and are prepared to make to edler edier boots boote shoy ahoi ac at the shortest notice from home manufactured pr imported leather and will receive in exchange most kinds kind of pro produce prodoc duc bark bides hides cattle or cash an assortment of claggs on hand alo also a few first ant quality hom haree OvI ovilard lars larb rhe tha lighett price paid for allds nid B and bark 4 month GOLDING HAT KY ICY T THE HE subscriber has established the ai abord boyd busi bugi nesson hig his premises in the ward one block north of 0 temple block G S L city where he Is prepared to execute order orders for euch such qualities qin qiu litle and wid styles as may be desired J L HEYWOOD ETWOOD It wakter WANTED in exchange change formati tor for hati bati otter beaverr beavery reaver leaver 1 eaver eater fox wax and add rabbit pelts ALSO Firewood br batter egged egg porky pork rork lard lare wheat lumber etc te 3 att tf jin ji jih n important TO ALL the under IMPORTANT 1 signed are prepared to commence schools tor for military instruction in the various warda of G S L city wherein will win be taught the dun dur arent bran branch ebee ebeo nol mol of in cavalry and infantry drill namely the ue of the sword musket and rifle aim alm company eom rom piny troop regimental als alp battalion and awl brigade movements on the latest and moat most improved principles in riding and managing dorsee and the usual gymnastic s to so highly conducive to health will be te parent parents abd slid guardians gnan diana dlana would do well to bend bead their youth to there these schools for each fach pupil in advance 2 per quarter for further particular apply to D J roby rob HOBO y ROBERT SMITH ward drill p dri mote maate ra uni att DAVID DAVIU J ross noss UNITED STATES STATE S MAILS BY Y the present arrangements made by bv the tho department the malis malls mal ual are ire to leave and arclo arrie at salt halt lake city as fou fon fonow follows toU ow the southern mall mail to ifante will leave every thursday morning and arrive every wednesday evening the california mail malt via fellmore morey carowan parowan Pa rowan and cedar city U rr T and san bernardino cal to san pedro alu leave nna tea e the day and arrives by the esth of every month the mall mail to city leaves every monday mornin ir nd arrives every tuesday evening the ogden mail leaves leavea every very and in morning orning and arrives arrivee every eue To euely doely ely day and friday t the eastern mall mail leaver the farst arst and should relve arrive ly tho h last day of each rach month the eastom and california malls are arc coel coet as 4 p nio niu m the th last lot day of eash cash tah borrer ants will T to well weil el to 41 aiu tf ir smith P 31 AGENTS the following pe rions td ed to act as agenw agents gor for or the deseret news newe voi vol loibl 5 ap i n I 1 1 t GREAT SALT LAKE COUNTY kanyon 1 lef lai f A 0 gardners gardeners mill ell eil creek robt gardnea Gard nes nex lull yuil alu creek r alex hill nill big cottonwood lyman stevent south cottonwood ward I 1 andew union f j 1 I i in S I 1 1 i 64 k wm win draper j I 1 vest e s t jordan J 0 rd a ward vi rd 4 joseph e p hark narke 1 1 I 14 J jhon JEow beny birry 1 i tooele thoele city 0 uli ulf 4 4 t nell jell eil ell 13 kelsey i cn ea thos 11 clark D DAVIS xvi AVI couer stoker 1 jhn john stoker i f AB cherry t farmington 11 jas jda Ll thead Kays yule vUle saml henderson WEBER COUNTY ogden city 4 J gi ga brownin browning ward r p 1 E bingham south weber He heberd berj thomas kington ast weber A vardi Wardi worth north korth or th wirch thomas dunn north korth willow crek civik salmon warner Youn Toung gaville avlUe ll 11 i eil ell 11 piere clerge Pl ere erge j ij UTAH COUNTY countr provo prove cit city b D carter aaron johbson J lehl city david evans i i 1 isaac houston honston no uston i cedar valley vailey alln alin all n weeks american Amerl can ran rork pork VE V E pleasant Plea piea sant sint grove wm G sterrett PaiT rait palmyra nYra 1 i h 1 john W berty denty payson Ch chaab chas asB B haugck juab 1 TB foot SAN couty george georce peacock lullaby S P hoyt N t liton IltON COUNTY COUNTr H parowan carowan j i J C L smith ce cedar arcley city olty J isaac C U haight washington WASH 1 V oto 2 COUT C 0 UN TY john rohn D lee j san oil D M X thomas ivins county surveyor I 1 residency Reside 9 ward north ot of temple block 4 im 11 1 1 to ti trailers emik Emis elbi ilgra vanis ranis ilits ana aud WARD GUERRIER IW at sandy point 7 miles west of fort Laram laramie lf anthe on the main emigration roads bould ouid inform sao sto to and from the states and the public generally that thy they iiii constantly keep on hand band at their stati station ony a good supply of fresh animals groceries provisions and general assorted merchandise which they will furnish on reasonable reason ablo abl terms they will also trade for tor cattle mule mules and horses WARD G guerrier ER united states mail to idi ini anti antl THE subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens cit ixena izena of utah that the united states mall mail coach for passengers and pare part elswin leave B hawking hotel notel great salt lake city aery ry thursday ThUr at 6 a ma mand and arrive arnite at mantl every sat saturday arday at 6 p pm ing inq |