Show TO THE PATRONS OF THE NEWS this number closes the volume which we P proposed to publish of the news newa in its present form it was commenced with very few subscribers which have since trebled with very little facility of intelligence from abroad which has since greatly multiplied and on large type and andt little tle tie matter which has been ira ita improved proved by smaller type and double e the matter our course has been before you concerning which ve we have little to say only that we have endeavored to publish such things as would be useful to the saints gener ally and all who were disposed to profit by the same how harr far we have succeeded judge ye this consolation we have that what we have done don we have done gratuitously bills for labor paper and other materials were so much higher than we e expected at the issue of the prospectus that the subscriptions will be exhausted in defraying the mechanical execution of the news without administering to our necessities should the news new be continued we anticipate it will be on a super royal sheet or twice the size of the present ora or a little more than twice the amount of present matter and recommence commence re some time in september but this will depend on the number of subscribers if our subscribers will each procure two new subscribers so that we can have a list of two thousand we anticipate that there will not aped be any increase in price we leave it with the friends of the press to say whether the news shall be continued and if so we want our friends to forward foiw ard names to us by the tile first of september ruthc weather continues very warm night and day the earth is very dry and the waters low IT 5 we hive no late newts news from the em emigration ta y mr Hol hoi holman nian indian agent has visited this pla pia incer to laramie La ramie to attend id 1117 1 the rea at cou c uncil of indians with the gov erdmen aoe age a ris which is to take place sept lat T I 1 s u agents ts and various tribes from this side el L e pass and interpreters are ex exi pecked to attend the counci council II 11 v IV rya A synopsis of the celebration of the will ill be found in this paper omitting acs ans which we have not room some of wh I 1 eniy be expected hereafter neby mry bry an unavoidable incident of the pressa is viry fewox our subscribers msp asp vm t g le left ft without the previous he news UP t the indians attempted to steal cattle from the coral in tooele thoele on friday night ath dinst but were discovered al alarmed armid and fled leaving two tym horses on the route as we understand ke K e livingston packard beach waddell arnold and others left for the states on the ad dinst this company met mr kinkead and etheri at echo kanyon when mr air kf faced about for the states and mr livingston returned to the city bringing us a large number of papers of the tile latest dates times to june from mr kinkead with compliments which we warmly return the floods were raging in the west june ad in illinois was submerged deep enough to float steamers and on tuesday the oswego was loading from froin the second story windna of phelps cos warehouse e the brid bridge re over devils creek in iowa had floated off those acquainted with these localities cali ties need not be told that the water has been higher than in 44 and probably exceeds that of 1828 damage great at alton I 1 hannibal marion city entirely submerged the water stood eighteen inches on the first floor of the rapids hotel keokuk bona parte bentonsport Benton sport and lo waville were sub merged bridges houses and stock were wore n ere going down stream str parn the ohio was rising and it was supposed that the mississippi had changed its current and the lower countries dlo flo flooded eded we learn by the papers thit that the cholera is extending in the west private letters say that eight persons died in one family at independence during twenty six hours we understand that sir mr cogswell a merchant now in our city from independence ha has s lost all his family by the cholera the numbers of visitors ta the worlds world q fair were immense and the interest in the exhibition inc increasing rensing deseret Dr sERET senet pottery the first kiln of ea earthen adien ware has been drawn at the pottery near the head of emigration or third south street and all who are in want of mil milk mik pans buos mugs butter boxes ac will have to speak qui qu quick k if th they ey would secure the purchase |