Show rhe THE celebration 1 TY FOURTH OF JULY 1851 IN G S L CITY the day broke in upon the citizens ol 01 areat great salt lake city with the firing of three rounds of cannon and the swelling tones of the nauvoo brass band moving in majesty through our areces in their mammoth carriage and serenading sere the citizens with its out cheering airs aira the mornin morning shone forth with itil its usual and splendor at 7 one round of the cannon was filed hen when heu the city assumed a living moving mass directing their course to the bowery and prior to the time of forming the escort both and around the spacious building concentrated cent rated the tile beauty ele eie elegance rance mance and strength oatlie BeeH bee ilive iveSt sute tte ite and all bespoke the annuli return of odthe the diy daiy of a peoples rest and nd exhibited a great grand phalanx of the mightiest 1 men and tile the loveliest v omen women with their the families whatever that ever assembled for such an occasion on the temple ground northeast north past east of the bowery and on a liberty pole pointing painting heavenward was spread above ua us by the thi gentle gentie zephyrs the stars stripes and state arms of the large larme deseret dla fla flag and banners were hoisting by the dlf dif different ferek feren t companies preparing themselves for the parade the companies were organized in the bowery and at 8 0 clock the escort was formed for parade in tile tiie following order the nauvoo brass band vilh their flag military dand band the pioneers with a banner representing their crossi crossl crossier crossing nr the tiie platte having borits for its in motto inato nto ato bies blessings Bles sins follow sacrifice and each ench pi meer neer bearing of his calling which was iva 3 necessary for them in making a new settlement the regents of the university carrying each a book boo with their flag inscription ton lon all truth company of 24 aged fathers flag motto heroes of 76 24 bos boys uniformed white pants and straw colored roundabouts round straw hits and blue bashes sashes banner hope of israel 24 mothers lii iii in with banner motto our chil chii children dron drou are our glory 24 young girls dress d in white pink with banner motto virtue dwells dwelis in in zion 1 24 youn young 9 men slack black coats white pants and red sash bearin bearing a 2 banner with inscription lion of t the he L lord d 24 young ladies dressed in white with wreaths of roses on their heads blue and bearing a banner hail to our chieftain the stripes and stars of the united states brigham young 11 C eim kirn ball W richards john smith patriarch dr J AT ST bernhisel mr harris secretary of territory tory judge brandebury judge Z snow mr rose suh sub indian agent 24 bishops dressed in uni uniform gonn ronn each bearing a flag with some appropriate device the escorted party were received with the cheering of odthe the band banti and a continued roaring of cannon until all the escort were seated in in tile the Bw bowery ery the tile audience was ivas called to order by elder J INT grant prayer by elder elde NH N H felt 0 come come today to day was sunk sung by hegira He girg girs kay bullock goddard and ellsworth orth 7 A D II 11 wells then rose and delivered the following ORATION FRIENDS AND BRETHREN again has our national jubilee arrive arrived J laden with the rich fruits of peace and industry the summer harvest and greeting of our friends and brethren gathering home into the vallies of the mountains where four years ago this day was only heard the chirping of the C cricket r the howling of the wolf and aid the yell 0 of f the indian now the hum of industry and the voice of gladness have broken the spell the silence of the eternal hills has departed and the roaring of the cataract responds to tile the clattering mill the past the past the history of the past rushes rushen upon the mind with the remembrance of who we are and from whence we came that like the mighty oak which has withstood the tornado of tile the torrid zone dares to lift its head and behold the devastation spread around we jostle each other to know that we are awake and have recourse to the mirror to know that it is us let us look into the mirror of the past in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty on the sixth day of april ap ri the church of jesus christ was organized at manchester ontario county new york and consisted of six members soon after this they moved to kirtland ohio where in the midst of opposition and bitter persecution they continued to grow and increase and proved that truth is mighty and powerful in 1834 the church removed in what was called the camp of zion into the state of missouri in the winter of 1838 1818 39 the church was expelled from the state of missouri by a murderous mob under the exterminating order of governor lilburn IV boggs bogus in the year 1844 on the day uy of june the mob of illinois murdered in cold blood the prophet joseph end patriarch hyrum smith while confined in jail jali under the guaranty of safety and pledge of the governor of illinois thomas ford in the fall of 1845 after permitting the mob to go on burning the houses of the saints for ten davs days without raising a hand to defend themselves the church ventured to interpose the strong arm of power the mob were dispersed and in consequence thereof the church were compelled in order to save themselves from impending destruction to treat for their safety by flight into the wilderness der ness in the following winter and spring of 1846 the church in accordance with the provisions rovis i 0 ns of said treaty left their hor homes rues and in the most inclement season of the year amid storms of snow with their families crossed the ice of the mississippi and pursued their 0 journey O ur ne y we westward not knowing owina where or when he the they should hould find a resting place ilace in 1 the same bame me spring while upon this toilsome march the government of oatha the united states required a battalion batta llon Jion of five flye hundred men to leave their families in this rim him fa ous situation without money provisions of or friend other than the god whom they ai serve rf v i T Z to perform a campaign of over TWO THOUSAND dilles on foot across trackless deserts and burning plains to fight tile the battles of their country even that country which had afforded them no protection froin from the ruthless ruffians who had plundered them of their property robbed them of their rights waylaid way laid them in their peaceful habitations and murdered them while under the safeguard safe guard of their pledged faith that country that rould could have the under such peculiar circumstances to make such a require mt nt could have no other object in view than to finish by utter extermination the work which had so ruthlessly begun the battalion marched the residue of the camp in poverty sickness and death remained in hovels sheds and wagons on the tiie banks of odthe the missouri while hile hiie awa away upon this campaign with scarcely s a prospector prospect of ever returning to the bosom of their families or if they should happen to live to return berha ns it would be only to find their families in an early grave while thus away the remnant who through poverty had not been able to go away were descended upon by the infuriated mob who thirsting for the blood of the saints were determined to slay them rather than th an give them a chance to get away the wives sisters aisters and children of the battalion were thus mobbed plundered and driven while they were in the service of the united states in the spring of 1847 one ond hundred and forty three men left ift the camp on Mis mib Missouri massouris souris 1 dark and turbid waters to find a place where a settlement could be made where the church could rest in peace they arrived in the valley of the great salt lake on the day of july 1847 selected a location broke ground built a fort put in seed and returned to their families the same season and the spring odthe of the next ensuing year 1848 found them together with their families on their way to their new location so much for history and what a history to haye have transpired in a land of ii light and liberty of enlightened freedom celebrated for its ita intelligence its benov elent institutions general oen men di diffusion of knowl knowledge edme and just and e equitable qui administration of justice among almonr all ali allalie the anniversaries that might be celebrated that the memory dwells upon with peculiar feelings of interest of f recollections dire and deep fraught with ith every emotion to which the human heart is susceptible this the day of july the anniversary of the arrival of the pioneers in this valley hag been selected as the dawning of a brighter day as an era in the history of this people upon which turned the axis of their dt dp destiny stiny of the ener energy y perseverance tact endurance sacrifices requisite for the accomplishment of such a task I 1 leave to be pictured forth by abler minds mainds I 1 also leave the history of the past which treads upon the memory like the dying moans of the stormy canopy s till vivid with the glare and usher in the happy present pre sent tent which like the calm summer of content crowns our hearts hearte with smiles emiles of beauty redolent with fragrance of the summer harvest harvist the hiitt 9 aili enjoyment of peace and of freedom the freedom of the key of the continent here let a tribute of gratitude ascend to the great jehovah who sits aits enthroned in the midst of his kingdoms that he lias has turned our sadness into joy our mourning into rejoicing jo as it is this day we are now surrounded with the comforts aye the luxuries of of life and permitted to enjoy the same in in peace safe from the llie midnight marauders the bloody assassins who so long sought our destruction st and overthrow it has been thought by some that this people abused maltreated mal treated insulted robbed plundered murdered and finally chased and expatriated would naturally feel repugnant to again apin unite their destiny with the american lle Ite republic public preferring rather to associate with the less refined les less s enlightened and less philanthropic inasmuch as their superior intelligence appeared to be exercised to devise the most wanton cruel and dastardly means for the accomplishment of our ruin rum overthrow and utter extermination no so wonder then that it was thought by some that we would not again submit ourselves even while we were yet scorned and ridiculed to return to our allea allegiance lance to our na tire country remember it was by the act of our coun country tryg not ours that we were rioted and then consider the opportunities we ve had of forming other ties let this pass while we lift the veil and show the policy which dictated us that country that constitution ution these those institutions were all ours they are still ours our fathers were heroes of 01 the revolution under the master spirits of an adams a jeg Jef jefferson fierson and a washington ton they declared and maintained their independence inde en and under the guidance of the spirit ortruth of truth they fulfilled their mission whereunto they were sent from the presence of the father because demagogues had arisen and nd seized the reins of power should we relinquish our interest in that country made dear to us by every tie of association and d consanguinity s because of the momentary triumph of anarchy and coffus confusion ion lon of corruption effeminacy and the daring baring ascendancy of polluted politicians who cannot refrain from olom desecrating dese crating the soil in which their fathers lie entombed should we abandon those tombs aye more their yet living representatives and those sacred spots where our infancy learned to asp their honored names should we for reasons such as these wrap ourselves in the mantle of insulted rights dignity and pride even though enc enclosing losina in our arms the innocent victims of treachery and bloodstained blood stained honor and seek the overthrow of that government of that country of those institutions whose only fault lault is the want of good and faithful administrators who fare aare are in the hour of their count rys peril perli ftp step ferth and stein atela the torrent that ilir threatens eitens to engolph all in the die wide spread vortex of anarchy and ruin those who have indulged uch ugh sent seni concerning us have not rad and Mornion iBin aright for never nuver no never will maii we desert dedert our country s cause never iii lii vill ill webe we be found arrayed by the side of other her encinias ene enc inies although she herself may cherish them in ia her own bosom busom Althou although vh she mav may launch forth the thunderbolts of war yar which i iphy and spend their fury upon her agn ngn h head held e ad never no never will we permit nature to triumph of country our devotion to ahsee Z I 1 e handed low to us y by our honored sires eires made dear by a thousand tender recollections although we feel the strong arm of oppression and writhe mider under the keen cruelty of the tyrants rod but rather stand aloof while slie she welters under the withering nv curse of the almighty jehovah for the shear shedding din of innocent blood rather seek beck a shelter fro from the impending storm which no arm can stay until she has received the full measure odthe of the indignation of insulted innocence the just demerit demerl it of all her crimes crimea crit nes then will she consider the past then will she see sep in the sad extremity to which she will be driven the unrighteous course she has purs pursued tied towards us then will she look to the poor de f fenceless en celess mormons cormons whom she has murdered persecuted and driven for succor then will the basin state in the power of righteousness and truth step forth to her country count rys Is rescue then will the patriotism af the saints saint 1 shine forth and the ship of state glide swiftly on in the pathway of honor and renown emitting glory on all around and being guided by those who are not ashamed to seek counsel from him alim who is eternal shed her beacon light to those who wander in darkness extending her benign influence to earths remotest bounds but here we are axe in deseret Deser ct I 1 congratulate you my friends that after having sustained ourselves in our weakness through perils the severest perhaps that ever has dai fai fallen to the lot of any people that now as we have begun to gather astren strength oth ath and power our great national father his bis hi s seen proper to extend his protecting care thanks thanks for the severest trial of all js 3 yet to come for verily in prosperity we have not hitherto been tried oar our territory is about being organized our officers are here and if they should find that we vary in in our views in our sentiments and policy from that to which they have been accustomed they must remember that we have llave learned earned in the school of experience in a school of adversity to which wo we most sincerely sin sincerely cerel y hope that they nor us may liere hereafter anber after be subjected we have before us the wide spread domain of public lands rich in natural resources flowing with cool clear rivulets a buoyant and life inspiring atmosphere where health invigorates and natures sublimity exalts we breathe the free pure air drink of the free cool fountain and cultivate the free earth in peace and thank the lord who hath in the abundance of his mercy vouchsafed unto us so goodly an heritage in prosperity then we shall be tried and happy will it be for ui if we shall have wisdom to appreciate the timely assistance of our friends to pass us through the fiery ordeal the influence of power is great the influence of wealth is power but the influence of intelli intelligence ence is is both wealth and power 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