Show ballooning IN THE U S SENATE on last mr douglass presented to the senate a memorial from irom mr air wise of lancaster pennsylvania professor of setting forth that lie he had hid brought that science i to such perfection as to make it useful in the transportation of the mails and also in time lime of war an engine ile he proposes to construct a balloon capable of raising twenty tons and raise it over the capital above gun shot and discharge amita tire missiles to show its capacity in the destruction st of an fort or army he lie asks aska congress to appropriate V to enable abe him to make experiments As the project wes waa a rival to whitneys Whit railroad lie moved its reference to the committee on roads and end canals laughter mr bright dright 0 opposed U d such reference that committee biad nothing to do with ceriel cerial affairs be he moved that the subject be referred to the committee on foreign relations laughter foreign ministers were interested in the means 0 of getting speedily to their destination mr mangum protested against such reference cje he moved that ibbe it be referred to a select committee with mr douglass douglasb Dou glasa at aaita atita ita head laugh laughter Laugk ter mr douglass moved that it be referred to the naval committee which was agreed to dispatch jan 6 REMEDY ron SHORT SIGHT dr tam tum turnbull has discovered a remedy fur for shorts short sight h t which he has communicated to the cai medical cal publications the learned doctor thusie thus describes the process in the first instance I 1 applied the extract of ginger which was rubbed for fur five or tea ten minutes over the whole forehead with the view of acting upon the branches of the fifth pair of nerves afterwards I 1 submitted a concentrated tincture ture of ginger of tha strength of one part of gi ginger I 1 tt two parts of wine by ant animal charcoal the thet success of this operation was remarkable in many caws cases it had the effect of doubling the length of vision in so e pra ms ins I 1 bouril the iris ins was i 0 much dla dia dilated ted but very ard I 1 li those cases uses lap I 1 up pled pied pi ct vj i covone cone covo ari nr J d tto tic etie tio tie tle of p per i id dij ci ibe lie mie saine same streng strength oth tn and an ithe the same manner as the th tincture ot of ginger tho this I 1 used us d antl 1 I 1 observed thit lint the thy iris had catan taina d a geat r power f c 11 tr act i n and di I 1 it iti n r i iu ru r hi livi h i I 1 had laid aali aall r cur curp c urse P t ule uie tincture of giager tais tats pian plin of t eit cit ment his been baa attended wilb the tle tie vv nii nil aud and persona who were vere earel VArel liely s lon lan lons lans iona ion a lighted have ver very 7 soon saon been bean enabled t P 4 i ineptly if liy by as aade da ther the r concave conc ive lve glasses rowil ey cat the dole ind an chief who has arih i a ct fea eret ere eret ero t in mexico alexice hm has his len ien pr p painted a f the peace by melt mell can gov rn kait LD D s |