Show III ili N UTE general conference of the church of jesus christ of latter day kainu held at great salt lake city state of deseret april 6 1631 10 A DI M pre bre president sidiny brigham young presiding liim irim present M earit of the first presidency Brigha frigham tn young heber C kimball and willard Vilt rd richard richardg patriarchs john smith and isaac morley of the twelve apostles Apostle sr wilford woodruff band nand ezra T benson presidency hoftke seventies jos levi leti W hancock zera hen henty F II eriman erlman albert P rockwood benjamin L clapp and jedediah M grant presidency denev of the stake daniel spencer david Ful eul fullmer inper lnier and willard snow nigh high priests quorum quo ni john young and reynol T hoon the he high il h council of the stake clerks of conference on ference thomas bullock and william clayton conference opened and adjourned to the ath on account of the heavy rains and the leakage of the roof of the bowery monday april 7 10 a m conference being called to order WAS opened with singing prayer by john young and singing sing irig president young being t detained by sickness president kimball stated the business of the conference and remarked very pointedly that it was the duty of the presidents of the different quorums qu to furnish a list of their several quorums qu at every conference for the benefit of the historian and the authorities thord thodi ties of the church and presented brigham young as the president of the church of jesus christ chrisi of latter day saints throughout all the world and also as prophet seer and revelator which was carried tarried b by y unanimous vote heber C kimball was then presented as first counsellor to prest preat young and willard richards as his second counsellor who were severally sustained in that office john smith was sustained as the presiding patriarch to the church of jesus christ of L Ei itier liter day saints willard richards was sustained as the historian of the church and general church recorder orson hyde was sustained as the president and parley PT P pratt orson pratt wilford woodruff john taylor george A smith amasa A masa lyman ezra T benson charles C rich lorenzo snow erastus snow and franklin D richards were severally sustained as embers members in of the quorum of the twelve apostles daniel spencer was sustained as president of r this stake in G S L valley and david tuli full fullmer me r and willard snow his counsellors coun 11 II G sherwood was sustained as president and eleazer miller john kempton heman hyde lewis abbott win W maor r levi jackman elisha H groves ira E EI ldredge dredge john vance edwin D woolley 34 nd id 34 I 1 jolin john parry as members of the high TX jonh young was sustained as president of tite tile h high ad priests quorum and reynolds galoon caloon and george B wallace his counsellors coun counsellors joaeph young was sustained as senior benior president and levi W hancock henry herriman zera albert P rockwood benjamin L clapp and jedediah al grant as presidents dents of the quorums of seventies prest kimball nominated edward hunter to occupy the place vacated by tile the death of newel K whitney whim Whit mey aey as presiding bishop in the church of jesus christ of latter day saints carried unanimously john was sustained ined as president of the elders quorum and james 11 smith and aaron sceva seeva his counsellors coun joseph harker was sustained as ts president of the priests quorum his counsellors coun have left this stake and he is not prepared to nominate new counsellors coun mcgee harris was sustained as president of the teachers quorum and john vance and reuben perkins ferkins his counsellors counsell coun drs the presidency of the deacons quorum having been removed into other quorums qu no action was taken on their officers some of the bishops having removed to the southern settlements it was moved that nathaniel V jones be the bishop of the ward carried abraham hoagland bishop of the ward reuben miller mill creek ward abraham 0 smoot big cottonwood ward ezekiel lee Holl settlement peter mccue 1 st ward and joseph C kingsbury ad ward prest kimball nominated brigham young to be trustee in trust for the chuich of jesus christ chiist of latter day saints carried unanimously bishop edward hunter was elected assistant trustee the motion to build a temple to the name of the lord our god in G S L city was carried by acclamation A committee of one viz daniel 11 wells was appointed to superintend mhd hd building of the temple and the public works the following new song entitled the sixth of april composed by W W phelps was sung by the choir say say the church is twenty one today to day let all the people sing and pray though justice mourns oer josephs tomb still wisdom cries rejoice my friends thy kingdom grows and never ends see see the saints of latter days are free destina De on all the earth to be the only precious seed with faith to live by light and truth troth and grace and gather gither adams fallen race oh oh the jews some thousand years ago with aarons priesthood hoodwin hoodwinks kd so exclaimed nis his BLOOD MAY BE os ON cs US we hold the line of king and queen ciso so crucify th thu tint tha A nazarene done done the boasting sons of washington throughout the realm yes every one on in secret said sald KILL JOSEPH joserh SMITH no prophets more need we expect ive we vve are the cab Can iSTIAN lords elect still still the fatral man is prone to kill till every plain and every hill Is crim oer with prophets blood and now the judgment day is set to call the world to pay the debt rise rise for now the holy priesthood erles tries the lord requires a sacrifice before the day of vengeance comes to end the wickedness of men and clothe the earth with bliss again now now the faith falth faithful ful fal elders all know how bow when revelation comes to bow and go and do the will of god not asking the consequence or when get a recompense then then ye saints who suffer much from men up up and get four fold again when earth is field with peace and loved love iove in houses lands and friends and wives and cli cil children ildren lidren WITH ETERNAL LIVES benediction by J M grant adjourned for one hour two p m Con conference ferenc ferene 0 o opened according to adjournment in the yard south of the bowery singing prayer by E T benson singing prest kimball presiding brigham young was sustained as the president of the perpetual emigrating company to gather the poor and H C kimball W richards W woodruff 0 hyde G A smith E T benson J BI A grant D 11 wells W snow E hunter D spencer T bullock J brown W crosby A ly man C C rich L young P P pratt 0 pratt and F D richards were sustained as an his liis assistants J M grant grunt then made a call for volun leers to go to iron county and requested those persons who were appointed last fall to go and fulfill fulfil that appointment an anson son call gave a short review 01 of what had llad been done towards settling nr that country prest kimball then called several by nime when 37 persons agreed to go E T benson said this morning you all voted to build a temple you appointed appod a committee to superintend the public works you yu are aware that they cannot progress pros without your assistance you are arc aware we ive are the latter day saints and are the bone and sinew to roll forth the work it is required of the presidents and quorums in this church that they pay their tithing and you know this thia thishia his not been seen lived up to I 1 consider it a command on this people there are some sonic men and women who have done and will do all they can this church will not become of awe age age until we all pay our tithing ani ani we live up to all the commandments binding on them then they will be free indeed for the gospel is the tile gospel of freedom many persons enquire when shall we H c get any more wore revelations thois I 1 tell you we shill shall not get many more until we as a people observe those revelations which are 1 already ready given when we do that we shall get got a t more 11 II C ii buil bill remarked we should be glad t c li lime ii uc this euil coji ference three or four days b i i wc wi annot innot lie lle called on all men to att ait at nd ud t 11 their duty and md then the power of gid wili will be N 1 11 ua there will be no fear gitil alie tha e wilo wiio aj uj r ac on iii lii tion c nace hace ic i rence adjourned to the farsi ursi sunday bunday adi in september 1651 la imi 1 demised b ne diction by willard THOMAS BULLOCK clerk |