Show STORE GENERAL assortment of A row how goods just opened and for sale inferior interior to none ever offered ia in this are as follow fallo s DRY GOODS fla pla nel nei nel of various colors carpeting petin gingham shawls alabach as is dc de lurns turns cruts pr ants etc rie V aud AVD AND HARD TIARE lre ARE Rc rains ids Ins bics figs 0 dye stuffs clocks shovels hoes pitchforks forks house trimmin trimmings s bi I 1 ton leather boots and shoes look looking i ng 3 11 glasses lasses boston nails urman grman german glass teas leas cutlery eee dee et ctr ALSO A gooral g nral a rement of stationary lel lei i pl the largest b and best variety of s loo ool sool books ever braht into this valley blank hooks such suph as blotters bloaters bl otters j tir Lir nals edgo memorandums paper 1 ink pencils etc ri ulf ir our friends will plea piea please call at mr nir bayliss Bayli ssT house in the ward I 1 st south streetie twe will wil I 1 take cleasur yle asur iii in exhibiting them good artiel s which if they wish to buy we will sell as cheap as we can en afford W WOODRUFF nov 11 r I 1 VICAR BARLOW wa tva it h mae mak rs v and n d Je wellers ailers A A LL kinds of jewelry silver toa loa tea and baile t bie ble spoons and all mothr oth articles particles i it i thair thi ir line of busi i ess ass ss manufactured to order A articie article of gold pens far sai sal s sie le A 0 o all kit kii s of clocks watches etc ete repaire i and alid warranted the tiie highest cah cli ca h price paid for gol col doll goll I 1 dist dust d and silver sliver whit wh it takei talc 1 lil iii exchange for wa rk eliop in iia 1 aa fj ward waid wal wai d at jes jea ee ice Tur pins nov noy 13 1850 blocks ij pL clocks the very best patent spring clocks a useful article articie arti artl cio clo and beautiful ornament for sale by J ae E REESE HEESE SHINGLES SHINGLE S TURNING ac ALEXANDER LEXANDER co would aa inform the c citizens I 1 t I 1 zens of tl the he vai val valley vailey cy that they have rented horac G x bbs sh hj gle ni minh minn leht miles hiles south ez east cist of tins this city oli south mill cree creek kand and are aie constantly sawing shingles at the following in prices per albeo ihen inen te ti niber is and 50 cents deducted when the timber is is roll ed on the log way and the shingles removed by the owner as fast as they are arc manufactured orthey will manufacture timber into shingles for one half for timber delivered to make 1000 shingles will be paid in cash shingles for sale at 1000 per thousand they are also prepared 19 do all sorts of turning in wood and iron except heavy mill cranks and those may maybe be turned in pieces and afterwards welded MRS N RS A SMITH late of st louis invites the tiie ladies of great salt lake city and vicinity to the inspection of a s superior assortment sort ment of velvet silk satin and straw bonnets and a variety of millinery Mill mili enery and fancy goods two lots south of elder J taylora Tayl orsi house in the ward nov L 1 maken AKEN UP at ilme little cottonwood CoU onwood a tray stasy acoy J liver colored with horns pointing inward and two notches in her ear earn the owner can have her by applying to the subscriber at little cottonwood two miles above jordan river R COLLINS noy nov 0 2918 gilf HERDING 11 ERDING the undersign ed would respectfully inform the public that lie he is prepared to drive all kinds of stock to his lierd herd ground at black rock 20 miles west of this city on monday of each eacle week start from widow whites in the ward at 9 ol 01 0 clock a rii iii for further informs lion inquire of the subscriber CHARLES WHITE nov 1 1850 iio ilo OP or 4 if I 1 ithe firm 6 VUi aau aaa blar biar BL is this day di dissolved solved solves ly by ma re J consent all debrs debts agai agal against st sa sald said 1 d fi fm m will be settled se t tied by T S williams who is determined to carry on the tilo business on a permanent scale aad wil will 7 41 ively 11 goods 15 per ienar ien ten 5 1 for former m cr prices he only j his L m 11 friends and customers to call and see for themselves all those indebted to us are requested to call and thisie accounts immediately lir liv acte or cash as wo we cannoy cannot 10 w clr crr business the same idone T S WILLIAM WILLIAME S al BLAIR N B tho subscriber sab aab scriber it is prepared to purchase any amount cf wheat for which the highest price in goods will be paid T TS as WILLIAMS nov 1 18 A ALT I 1 will keep salt j stanlly on li and hand at the follow fonow ing places black rock widow wide r whites J E reese living tona ton fc kinkead and at mrs Us I 1 lers in the old fort CHARLES WHITE nov 1 1850 LAT 40 45 44 LON ilon ili lii I 1 I 1 I 1 W 34 DESERET NEWS emmy otner SAT saz riAT months montha S 50 in adeania ad tanta vinc single ewy copy 16 15 cents one oner doz 1212 lel iel 12 12 1 2 cents each advertisement per square squares 12 lines tines or less lesa 1 fa succeeding insertions 50 cents ok invariably paid in advance NEWS DELIVERED at the foil post 0 affif U k A will be open eack sabbath from U 12 t jf fiock P ar A GENTS AGENTS arrs aris call GALI north kankam DANIEL danien MILLIER MILLER north CoUo eld awA ISAAC clark clare weber webber county JOEL juel 11 mili Cree WILLIAM crosby ISAAC HIGBEE utah nelson nelso san pet pets ezba EZRA T BENSON denson towle fienny LUST iron county HOLLADAY aud arld dit dil taj lbs asli siti bishops in the city unless subscribers advise ec ra to to t iye ile dwy we shall send their thair epta pita ta joaw off suf a th aa ewt their I 1 J |