Show A WORD OF WISDOM for the benefit of the counsel of high nigh priests assembled in kirtland and church and al also aiso the sas in zion to be sent sen gree grec greeting ting nut by commandment man dment nt or constraint but bul by Rew vt lation and the word of wisdom show showing I 1 ng firth f irth the order and will of god in in the tein temporal salvation of all saints in the last days day div cb oh for a principle with a promise adapted to the capacity cp city of the weak and the weakest of all sainte saints who are or can be called saints 1 behold verily thus saith the lord unto you rou in m consequence of evils and designs which w do I 1 and will exist in the hearts heart afoon of conspiring men in the last list day days I 1 have warned you and forewarn you by giving unto you this word of wisdom by that inasmuch as any man nun drinkuth drin keth wide vide or strong str drink among you behold it is is not good ax neither meet in the sight of your father fattier only in ass asE assembling embling yourselves together to offer odfer u up your sacraments before him and behold be holT this should be wine yea pure wine of tile grape of the vine of your make and again strong drinks are not for the belly but for the washing of your bodies and again tobacco is not for the body neither neit nelt ller lier for the belly 1 and is not good fc fer fir r man mau but is an aa herb heib tor for for bruises and all sick cattle to be us used edwith with judgment and skill and again hot drinks are not for the body or belly 2 0 and agu aga again arain i n verily I 1 say unto you all w wholesome holesome herbs god hath ordained for the constitution nature and use of man every herb in the sason thereof and every fruit in the season thereof all ali these to be used willi prudence and thanksgiving yea flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air I 1 the lord hath ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving nevertheless they are to be used sparingly and it is pleasing unto me that they not be used only in times of winter or of cold or famine all grain is ordained da med wed for the use of man aad and of beasts to be the staff of ilfe hie not only for man but ar the beasts of the field and the fowls of heaven and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth and these hath god made mide fl for or the use of man only in times cf of fir far famine nine and excess of hunner huner 3 all ra n is bcd iohd ocd f r tho iho f od ai a aa V ti fi it etli vii vil 0 tit it wh ih h yi r ij id ii li f I 1 r 1 1 i 1 i I lr r iiii 1111 i J or r a aa ii itin tin gu g u slik la L rr lei lel iii al alkil c rn for tile the ox and oats the horse and rye for hc fowls and IP e and fi r all ail I 1 hi h i t X f tn F fhi 11 1 1 1 lil 10 0 v ar 1 ill nil lil lii ill us n fi ft I 1 ri r i id ll 11 I 1 11 0 1 l n nhi h r f 1 1 1 1 p d to the commandments shall receive health in in ther n uvel ivel an ani marros marica to their irne une r d na f 1 1 na n c i it t r i f ka indge even lrea tie tic aim f umi ami 41 1 awl I run run and not be weary and shall walk and not reint taint and I 1 the lord give unto them a promise that the destroying angel shall pass by them as the children of israel israe and not slay them amen we recommend a thorough perusal of the foregoing word of wisdom to the twelve high priests seventies elders bishop priests teachers deacons brethren and sisters sis Sih of if the tire church of jesus christ of latter litter day saints sainte and that the acers officer of the church genially genf gena aily ails ally wally present the stica aa b before the church as they have the opportunity either cither separately or collectively and confer together upon the principles contained in the above and decide whether they are sent forth in the wisdom of heaven or io in the folly felly of man and if in wisdom that each eack ohe so deciding manifest their falth faith by and prove to others that their faith ja alving faith why is it not wisdom a common practice of drinking tea coffee or hot drinks drink of any kind physicians Physician at Philow phe in israel will you please to answer for the tho news MR ain EDITOR sir sin with many thank for foreast past favors chave I 1 have taken the liberty to mention another of the questions which wa spoken of last week which you generously answered it was whether any high priest seventy elder ac had a right or would be b thought in good standing in the church if when the tile presidency thought best beat to send persons out of this basin to transact busine ba si for the should go there filere with ther them famili families eq without being called because forsooth th it it would suit auit their own private ii u i terest ac c su cuip apoe e that the presidency of this church should I 1 hink best to ti send a few brethren to the houth south tn country for a wise wise purpose and one of ti th twelve should i giuld without being ton tow or coulst led take his family and remove there becza bic use ase it was v ab a warmer climate wod norvl more pi pl nigul ac what would be in the mouth of very saint would it not be that 1 hat he wi wo fast merging verging to agosta cy thai thal 4 1 spirit sp antof of god glod had len left him hirn and that he be arii in no inter 1 in m the building up of gr the tile church chur h query will not this also apply to eve e i man and woman which bel hel belloi to tile the 1 h I i fh h many t th h whal wh ri I 1 L we are transacted by vale vate vate vale nu ia 1 a of the tho tl c laurch lurch would appear very cur curious curlovic lovis to the eye ce were aej ther they mi 1111 1 i r the pr pre ley aey esi enn ariey eri ey twelve Tv rele ap but wa li have ii 11 I 1 the preding officers of T ach as m ini thi li liberty I 1 and as mant many pr li J as private i i bers why thea then t be any more inere r private members to do arny in in ij ir case caw than fotr for the arrs lulng drig t goffio sti TI more IG G d s t ts a I 1 r t br ibn for precept r h r th iti iii r i e as he soi goi sone tunes doe does i i aies den and aad all nen nea to provide pro pio iride y ir families faun fanu heb Hea but their eam fam fa miliea ilex aliez liez r hould be provided fr f r with the kingdom King eing doak doai ani eni nl Q n i 11 i ao 10 ic i t tue tle tir ein kin domed do med ed g I 1 I 1 I 1 ence ci mence tence between the in a terest lerest of one of the twelve and an eidt eldi r both of hem them have hare their eternal salva sal sai uon to work out and one should have as much iu m terest i in the up building of this church as the other it is true one lias has more responsibility i consequently lie he has the more to answer for and end e and nd so far as I 1 have witnessed has a more plausible pretext to wish to go where he can get wood cheaper and can get the necessaries of life with greater ease case for the twelve are necessarily poorer because they are oftener tener tenar called upon to go and open new places than any persons in the church who when a mission is is completed have to return to their homes hames to work hard at the plough or chop wood to pay the debts shieh their families had to contract while they were out preaching i n g the gospel when the saints of god can feel the same interest in this work aa as the presidency or twelve and seek for the interest of the whole then the work will roll on with such that it will wila astonish the world and braidi raidi ave wll wil 11 g give power and influence to this people that they have little conception of and who will reap the benefit every saint in the church and those in particular who have been in as it were at the be beginning beg gin gln ining ng and have lent their shoulders to the wheel I 1 to baroll roll it on yours respectfully homer R utah county dec 1850 1830 5 TO THE EDITOR OF THE having arrived at this point the instant all ali well angood in lood good spirits and have aked at the and location of the settlement here and from what we know and eun eln cin learn regarding the many facilities to be lund land at this point wo we would recommend to any ay perg pers ienn tons who are seeking beeking a location where pi nty of er of the first quality first rate water eater T ater power and any quantity qu antty of good land fon fir farming purposes let him or them thenn come t athis this point and they will not regret making makino the thet move mum to secure to themselves a home hom which namy nagy of the other settlements will evy e vy great CK ditis due duo capt james pace for te anew he li liw hia w manifested in in making this tins ii twenty maa nul a from any adv other from this the loc M under his diree direction fuen fien a fire id eatow ve P settlement may soon be looked for fon by om Pioneer of th aaram p id is ncr ncy n fine finny findy ay and under wiy w nty nuy ty looi 1001 M ake 1 le a aw of of steamboat judging f fr im tho the IL mrs urs GEO A SMITH 3 lawis rats ciener cleric |