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Show ' , , - , :. .. . ' I 10ADESERET NEWS, Wednesday, May 17, 1950 UTAH HORSE SCHEDULE PROGRAM NATIONAL FREEDOM TO-NOT- , Nordic descendants In Utah Joined with their countrymen all over the world Wednesday in celebrating Norway's national independence. The Independence Day celebration, marked by parades and colorful festivities in Norway, was observed mareguletly by the- - local Vikings. Victor Johansen, chairman of the Salt Lake Norwegian-örgazdzation, said local festivities will center around a gathering Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Emerald Gardens, LDS Business College campus. Native songs and dance programs will be featured. . Trygve Larsen, a native of Dramen, Norway, will be principal speaker at the affair. .1 I - , cRAsHI(ILLs 2 Idahoans Are Killed SIR GEORGE By Tractors WOMAN, 39 were . , SALINAMrs. Jean ' - - , (Special to the News) Two Idaho youths killed Tuesday in separate farm accidents, both were crushed beneath tractor& DEAD: Ernest D. Palmer, 6, son of Mr. and Mn. Jenk Palmer of Male& Kenneth Christensen, 19. son of Mr. and Mrs. Volmer Christensen of Preston. According to reports Mr Palmer had just arrived from the field with the tractor and truck, another eon, Tommy. driving the tractor, and Mr. Palmer the farm truck. The tractor was stopped near the house and Tommy. the driver, left it with the engine running. The boy got out of the truck and ran and climbed on the tractor:As he did so he struck the gear lever and threw the machine in gear. As the tractor jerked forward he was thrown onto the track and pulled under it, his head and shoulders being crushed before the machine could be stopped by the father. According to Deputy Sheriff Ray Fackrell, investigating officer, in the death of young Christensen, the tractor ap- Wysong Lowe, 39. St. George, was killed Instantly at 2:50 p.m. Tuesday when a station wagon she was driving crashed into a wash four miles west of Salina. Her death was the 54th traffic fatality In Utah in 1950 compared with 49 for the urns period last year. Mrs. Lowe, a dancing intructor, was apparently driving at a high rata of speed when her vehicle went out of control, State Highway Trooper Ted Hansen reported. The car rolled Into a nearly 100 feet deep, be said. Death was attributed to a skull fracture. The body was ri-moved to the Peterson Mortuary at Salina. Mrs. Lowe was the only occupant of the vehicle. No inquest will ba held, Trooper Hansen declared. Mrs. Lowe and her husband, Richard G. Lowe, had operated dancing schools in St. George, Cedar City and Las Vegas. and hid just recently opened schools In Richfield and surrounding communities. Jean Wysong Lowe was born dictober 6, 1911, in Los Angeles, a daughter of Ansel Stewart and She airs Holcomb - Wysong. studied dancing in Los Angeles ' - , . .- . 1 DeadSPRINGDALE line for entries for the Southern Utah flower show to be held in the Springdale Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, Saturday is 2 p.m. of that day. Musical and ballet numben will be featured with the exhibitimm. The Springbe dale darden host forth event. ' CHAIRMEN cri li TA 2r7 iI . will I , - N, : ". . , 1 " Cowley. PrbeiNIS day Thur and PridaY e 'S s- , 1?, ,.....1 i. , 1 C189t4i. &In , . - :Ili! tat. p,1:uintl2:1:811tas be sten Btwied Ogaden& s are--hi- '..e mar call evening Tatar to hnd Mr. Rowsell by been 'employed Rio and OttlYet the rn e S I r,anderoodW Conti:tans rorri 1918 until his -ettrement In illob Rail Mr. kowsen Part an elder to the ward at tne tote of his death. Re was Erminifia Isi EMI 111:01211 TOOELWRequiern mass for and of Mr d &tighter Mrs. Tony Ist will be celebrated Thursday at 10 a as. in St. Marguerite. Catholic Church. at It pm. Rosary will be recited Funeral Home in the Tooele Wednesday Burial wtll be in Tooele City chapel. Cemetery. The child died Monday. Survivors include her parents: eight brothers and isters, John Ala. Montello Nev.; Molly Ala. Bite. Mont.; George Mrs Emma Serrsio. A:a. 0. S ArmyMorgan. William Murray; Mrs. Esolma Domenic. Tone nd Alfonso rel. ail of Ophir. Tooe:e County. b. ....:), .., L os lts 4 - .at nulffte e: Service as will t .,.., I.! kit ' (e l .., ibeng,HneCile.sste.n r Vecinteallye Ci Scotland. Jan- 30. 1878, to Ben j aro in and Susan Madill. and came to the Dotted Suites as a ch ild. He was em- -ployed by Utah Coo15 per Company years and was tore- Man at the McIntyre ranch 15 y ears. He married Nora w he Rassmossen 1 , g died Marcis tie n- i 1 199 CARLINFuneral services for William Albert Smith were held at 2 p m. Tuesday in the Carlin Odd Fellow Hall Mr. Smith. SS. a well tnOW12 resident of Carlin for IS years. died Sunday morning of a heart ailment. He is survived by his widow. Mn. Myrtle Smith of Carlin; two sons and a daughter. William A. Smith Jr,. San PTSTICISCO: Curtis W. Smith. Carlin. and Mrs. Alma Hyatt. Salt Lake City Utah. Burial was In Carlin Cemetery. N - , Mr. Sanders was born Dec. 15. 1917. In Otto. Wyo.. to Mr. and Mrs, PIIINII Sanders Sr. He attended school at Otto, tho ll!blon Normal School. Allston. and the Utah State Agricultural Cullers at Log an On Oct. 24.. 1945 he marrbed Margarita Jense Mr. Sanders taught whoa twi tine Psts Frank Terry F. James W. Stewart Trigg 10 - Jirpw, 1"-Dr" 11104g1-1- - ,,1144;ff t Headin' for EVERYBODY'S OUR NEW RADIO AND TELEVISION DEPARTMENT to get a good look at the C . ,- - FOR 'JP All-Elect- r ric vision. - , lip eter pSLTIAAUNF cF sHaril i 4. :I , , , our many friends and customers to see and hear the inCape-ha- rt Radio. ,. ': Notttumea truly great performer big picturebuilvin 'The , Phonographs as well as Television. h traditiottally fine Capehart tom - a ... t GRAY'S MOTOR SERVICE tio., At): arD:11 el ,o - 0 5 i Radio and Television Dept. 404 NORTH 2ND WEST ,ft HOME BUILDERS ASSOC IATIoN UTA , invite comparable , r.,,..;.. , EircSo. 122 EAST 3rd SOUTH We f . Styling art definitely so. daft best bey in selo, , OIMMO Perfection They 1 LOWEST PRICES AND LARGEST TRADE-I- N ALLOWANCE, SEE ALhi: Ii Cabisset t - - I la Tonal Fidelity 1 , a is Fame , t$ ' 1 dud Receirers that are the "talk of the totem" W- - NEW TELEVISION - f IL Sanders 32. Ida died Sunday at the home of Chris P. Jpne IA Rexburg after a lumoring ',' if WrIlll'Iiti to Sanders E. RRX1311110. Venstra - ' set: Paul Edmund Crash Victim's Rites Planned IMMO and "111"r smas71110.w dun. IMES 11 ant. Society room Wednesday to service tune. will be conducted AdditIonal In Tooe.e Thursday at 1 p e. In the Ta-- e Mortuary chapel where friends eta! rail Thursday from 10 a m to service time. Burial will be in Tooele City Cemetery. January of married Edith Edna G. us ,,, Salt Wr athall ,..,..., . Lake Cite. art WILSON his ate Mrs LANE, Weber County Survivinz ...., a ''''''. Surrivitt are his olden. a eon and wtdow. nine sons Edna Gi.ti Venstra. 80. died Tuesday at SanCary Paul and Mr. Madill and daughter& 7:45 p m, st her residence here after a daughter. Hofer. otters. Mn. three ders: Virg& K.. M. A. long illness. David Utah: Mrs. Elda Marshall. HamilA native of Holland, D:enn and Des.bert Madill Salt Lake Ctty; she was born Dec, Mani!.Mont. and Mrs. 54itired Jones. Otto. E. L. Maritr.. Msena; Mrs. May Booth 23. 1869. to Bouvet and Boukye Steensina ton. mother. VAIL Isis and Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Fern McDona:d, Magna: Mrs. Gall, and came to the United States in Helen) Lamb. Mailers, Mrs. Larry (Frances, Jevnager. Denver. Vera Hammond. Tc,oele. and Mrs. Rosalie She two resided 1902, years in Chicago Colo : Miss Flora Woetc. Roosevelt. Masi Prince. Santaquin. 25 grandchildren. lour and Meted to Utah. She was married to Q. Hull Lily Woget. Niagara. Wts : Mrs Ted (Wiand a sister. Mrs. Henry Veristra in Holland May I. 1.93? lmat Campbell. lone, Celli., Miss Ester William Carlson. Salt Lake City. Mrs. Venstra was a member of the HMI formerly of Ey, one brother. Frank Wogec. Roosevelt, ittytdmund in4San Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Francisco. accordFife Wendell, Whiting. Ind and ten grandSaturday Saints. She wee baptized a member Lug. died to word received here from We children. ing 19. 1914. services for Frank OGDENFuneral G. Hull Sr. Walter brother. Funeral services will be held at 10 a m. are her husband. six ions Surely 36. of 2942 Wall Ave., who Mr. Hull was 61 years of age aml was Monday in St. Helen's Catholtc Church, Terry in a Salt Lake hospital and daughters. Albert H. Venstra, Salt born In Elko in ISM, later moving to died Monday Roosevelt after a long illness w ill be conducted Lake City: Bert Venstra, Wilson Lane: Ely. He remded here for a number of Holy Rosary will be recited at 8 p and Mrs. Ulrich (Berthai Kapp, Ogden: Mrs. years and following the death of hts fain the Harold Dilthlan Mortuary, Friday at 1 pm in the Lindquist Yale Funeral services for Mrs. Ro- Sunday Ilona Funeral Chapel (Minniti Haight, Seattle; Mrs. Ino ther serving as acthig postmaster in thla by Ali red salie Allen Wyatt, 24. of 1500 Roosevelt. Church of Jesus (Tema) Kapp. Wilson Lane: Mrs. Alex city for a number of months Burial will be in the Friee City Cemetery of the Reorganized of Latter-da- y Barna, (Edna B.) Caell(lk Riverdale: 16 grandHe had resided th San Francisco for a West Parkway Ave., who died dizetted by the Harold Dillman Mortuary. Christ Mr. File was born in Ogden July 9. children. and nine number of years, 1913, to John J. and Elizabeth Terry Funeral services will be conducted Pet-da- y Survivors include two brothers. Walter Monday of injuries suffered Fife. He spent five years as a boy in N. at 3 p tn. at Lindquist and Sons Fuand Percy W. Hull. both of Ey. Saturday in an Burley. Ida,. and had resided the rest neral chapel wtth Bishop Arthur W. BOWof his life in Ogden inal2 of the Wilson Ward officiating. accident, will be conducted FriBRIGHAM CITYMrs. Laurens NeilA veteran of World War IL baring Friends may call at the mortuary Jensen Olsen. 78. died Tuesday at served more than four years In the Thursday from 6 to 9 p.m. and Friday day at 2 p.m. at 255 Second sen Funeral BENJAMLN. Utah County her residence. 593 South Second Bast Si--. Ay. Mr Fife was a livestock buyer. until the hour of servires Burial will services for James William East St. Stewart. 86. and be in Ogden City after a long Illness Survivors include his parents Cemetery who died Sunday In San Bernardino, Elmo A., Mrs. Olsen was born in Shetland. Denbrothers and a sister: Roy Mrs. Wyatt was riding with Calif, will be conducted Thursday at 2 Aug. 28, 1871. daughter of Jens George A. John E. and Miss Beth Fife, p tn. tn the Benjamin Ward chapel. At the all of Ogden. her husband on the motorcycle mark. and HILUSIMI Sorensen tleilsen. Elmo Church of Jesus Christ of Lattar-da- y call at the 12 Of Friends came States mortuary ale to United may she age which struck a stalled car at as a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ Thursday from 8 to 9 pm. and Friday Saints. ELYPuneral merrier, for Elmo M. Friends may call at the Claudia Fu3100 South Redwad Rd. of Latter-da- y Ssinta. She settled with prior to funeral. Burial will be in Clin- Trigg were held here last Friday in the neral Home In Spanish Fork Wednesday ton Cemetery. In Brigham City. Wüson Estes chapel. under the direction evening and Thursday before MOIL BurThe services will be in charge theon family Oct. 17 1887, she was married of the Rev. Frank IL Bradley of the ial wiU In Benjamin Cemetery. E. of Bishop James A. Johnson of to Lars N. Jensen in tha Logan TemMethodist Church. Mr. Stewart resided in Dentatala until lived in Mantua. Bet The couple pi.. Burial was in the My City Cemetery.. moving to Rupert, Ida. the Redwood Ward, Church of Rider County, a number of years and REBER CM' t for Funerel services In southern Idaho prior to Mr. JenMichael E Evert& infant son of James B. Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y sens death in October of 1925. at Downand Rely& Sulzer Evens. will be conductSaints. y, Ida. ed 'Thursday at 2 p ne. at the Olpin Mar- 44 Olsen returned to Mantua and leer! Friends may call at place of yeaMrs.married chapel in Keber City. to John Q. Olsen in Brigintent died Wednesday asentleme funeral Thursday from 4 to 8 ham' City Oct.. & 1933. Mr. Mean died a The was He bars May hospitaL City Feb. 11. 1946. 15 21,1 p.m. and Friday prior to servSurvivors include nine eons and daughSurviving are the parents and a sister. ices. Burial will be in Salt Lake ters, Eugene Jensen. Van Nuys Calif.; Ann Evni. all of Ramey three 41515,0.t. Mrs. Beatrice Swainatom and Orion Jen- Mickey Mrs. Olive Evans, Eames, it sen. Preston. Ida.: Lloyd Jensen. Port- grandparents, City Cemetery. and Mr and birs. Homer Sulzer. Midway. land. Ore Mrs. Inns Christensen. Down-Sulaer John and three great trandparentA ey: Earl Jensen and Mrs. Etna Buehler. 4riftpt end Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sorensen, Midway. Sala Lake Citr, Mrs. Mildred Lilly, Prowill be under the direction vo, and Mrs. Fern Larsen, Moscow. Ida.; of 'Me services y I .1 1 the of Bishop Jorgensen Joseph 41 grandchildren: 28 II 1 t , I 1 Seoond Ward, Char ch of Jesus Christ and a brother. Ferdinand Nelson of of Latter-da- y Saints Friends may call at the mortuary entil Urn. of services. Burial will be in Midway Cemetery. L4-4- To daemons burnreedeParLalee ea loam al kart ing et DUCEICSNI,---Ptmerterwices for Mrs. Florence Gee Bate. 65. who died Woowere to be condibeted Wedneada dsy. I p m. In the Duchene Ward chapel. Church or Jesus Christ at Latter-da- y Saints. by ElishoP Syron 5. Collett Friends may can at the ward Rand William A. Smith ,. SPECIAL! a sinn Ivy CALLOUSES Florence Gee Bates Ore: he H El It ty Hye,briad...n : '..it Thurston B. dimi MORGANSteve B. Thunman. Tuesday at 1:36 p.m- - in a Salt Latta Ill ten been He bad day& hospital! and Thursday A ion et Gies and Ada Gibes Thurstad and at the family emu in Morgan. Ni. 24-borne t in Tannins ton, he was 4. :if II IS30. and was gratistared treat the Morgan k Thersday v e n I n g A .,,, High School where be was actres iluAl Will athwtics. Hs Won medals tor several funeral activities. be la Tablona Cense 1 He was a freshman at the -- Utah Smite lithr. Johnson Camp where he tree A eon of lens and Agricultural dlizaosetit 3o4'annesdatter Johnsoct. h. waS member et the boning club He was a ward teacher in the Morgan born March 24. MS, at Po Ilinge. Sweden, and came to this country when he was Ward. Church et Jesus Christ et Lotter, eight years old with the faintly. settling day Saints. Survivors Include his parents. en in Heber City. They cause as concerts to brothers and sistere cli ot Morgan. the Church. Fred. Connie. Sally. Nell end Ann Dale., 1911 In Sir. to indeed Johason I He Thiasten: three granciparentn Mr. and where he had since resided Sits. Bert Thurstou and Mtn llama EL had served S4 bishops counselor and Giles. Morgan. and a A ward clerk in the Tabiona Ward, Mry. Matilda Peterson. Morgan. Leader in construction Of Tabiona waterP'uneral services will be conducted PM-d- ay worka . he served as clerk of the town at 2 p m. In the Morgest Tabernacle board several yews. He was a retired by litshop Prank Mat ot the MIXT farmer and sawmill operator. Friends may reI at the ward. On April 28 1902, be married Lillian In Montan Tuesday afternoon sod hom Waddell in Heber City. This marriage evening and Priday until 1 r30 p n was solemnized later in the Balt Latt Burial will be in Clinton Cemetery eziMrs. Johnston died 11 years der the direction et Temple, Lindquist and Soma aro and PAL Johnson married Mrs Irene Mortuary. Al.1:4,....:tri John Madill -- i Steve Friends lusty call t the Olpin Wwhistry Allred Jun. 24. 1941- seven include his widow. Surrivong sons and daughter& J. Lamar. Wallace. Andrew and Sy lamina Jo Janson Ronald W. Jotutson. Provo; Olaus Johnson and Mrs. Lila Broadhead. Tabiona: live stepsons and stepdaughters, Mrs. Crystal Hackett end Mrs. La 'War Pace. Hanna. Duchpling County- Lorin and Dale Allred. Tabiona, and Mrs. Velma Apianein Salt Lake City: 23 grandchildren: five brothers and sisters. Mrs, Betsy Olson and 0:e Johnson Heiser City: Mr-HuNTERJohn Madill. 72, Salt Lakeat Caroline Mrs Olson. Park City died Tuesday - Elizabeth Sandell County game warden. Brown. Tabiona and Dr. An10 a m at his Isom' here after a Ungerdrew R. Johnson. Nampa. Ids, '' - Ward-Frien11. V. Ott at the Pearth way can at Vaasa Mammy ta Bountiful, Thursday from S o pos. and Friday Isnot to tarteral. thistel inn be in Bountiful City Cemetery.. e- themondit- scondunwmactedx. byurnituthopoow ..... NAMED Lynn Thomson, Logan district finance chairman, and Franklin Richards, council finance chairman, are in general charge. The "functional committee" consists George Raymond, pees!, AChurch the Mount Logan Stake, of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, prospect chair', mast; Henry R. Cooper, presi- dent of Logan Stake; C. A. Hut-reZest Cache Stake representative; Casper W. Merrill, Cache Stake; these mea will work with WOODO cROASPtmeral torototo Ice inn Sumo. II. who Mod ltooday. to tbo be conducted 'rata', at 2 p noontstat Second Want ditapeL Cbarcn Babel& bl et Jesus Christ at Latter-t- a, 1,, 14,-,e- i- - 1 i3 - z-..- LOGANSix hundred prominent Loganites will enter a novel experiment on May 23. Actually, the entire town will participate or will. observe with interest - conducted Pricey at 1 p.m. In the Miller -Ward chapeL Church 4 4 of Jesus Christ of Latter - day SnintS. , 40 kart 3300 South St by Bishop U. W. ohokdiedla - : The 600 will meet in the at 6:30 in the morning. There they will eat breakfast. Then they will "make an investment" That will be the beginning of a "dawn to dusk" drive to get funds for scouting in Logan. Each campaigner will take a list of prospects whom he will see by night. He will check in that evening, and the drive will be over. No straggling out over several weeksJust a vigorous, concentrated campaign of a day, the leaders point out. i J. A. Scott, 73, supervisory agent of the Union Pacific Railroad ttlee In May of 1927 he married hillsona Company at West Yellowstone, in the Sall Lake Temple. Mont., for 23 years. Mr. Scott tayma He was an elder in the Brentwood at the time of his death cited Sunday at Bozeman. Mont., Ward widow. a son. Barre Surviving two sisters Mrs. Los AngelesSchuberrt. of causes incident to age. Emma Louisa Peas. Los Angeles. and MnDortmund Wig Germany. conducted Final rites were by Funeral services will be conducted Frithe Rev. Laird Loveland of the day at the Brentwood Ward chaoel. First Methodif; Church at 574 Lawrence W.Chatterton East First South St. Burial was Lawrence Wi Molt Chatterton. 56. died in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Tuesday al 745 p in at his residence. 771 Garden Ave., of a heart ailment. Since his retirement Jan. 20, als, t,d' ! lir. Chatterton wasr"4,, Ire n 1948, Mr. Scott had resided at 44' es,A ':Pti".' ,.,,.4 assistant keeper at Bonneville ,.7'f. golf eourse at the and Long West Yellowstone time of his death. I , A.4 Beach, Calif. He was visiting at b,lieso !land tboprebmooc Bozeman. huHconeo.ssoo born Feb A native of Canada, he was son8ao:tf 'Lake born April 10. 1877- Anna Wilitam and CarIPOTS Chatterton. at.', , Mr. Scott began his cateer his early During IP cla ys he wo rked In with the railroad at Soda , he at shiprards later Wash Springs, Ida., in 1901, reerton. a s a botlermaxer working at McCammon, NamIn 19 23 he mar- tilt rled Juareta Phis. pa and Downey,,..oln Salt Lake Lake in Salt ter City he worked in the freight City :ucte in, Survivors Mr. Chatterte claim department from 1918 to a !Isle:" h:s alcitpr S 1920. For a short time he son. Robert Oisen. serYing in the Army and two sisters. Mn. A. IC.R Emery. worked at Pocatello as station Sait Moran. Lake Cite. and Mrs. J. Long Beach. eicat supervisor. Surviving Mr. Scott are his Steve Wogec widow, Mrs. Salome Fulton OGDENSteve Wogec. 61 of Roosevelt. Scott, West Yellowstone; a son, garage owner. died in an Ogden hospital alter a lengthy ill6 smiL Wednesday Eugene C. Scott, West Yellow- It ness. Rev. the three stone; brothers, He was born Nov. 1I IRMO, in Croatia. a aan of Steve end Barbara David Scott, British Columbia; Yu(oslavia, Fabian Yancich. B. came He to the United States 45 years Frank WashingScott, Judge and has lived in Roosevelt for the ton, D. C., Harry Scott, Alham- ato. past 22 years. He married Mary Pectult. bra, Calif., and two sisters, Mrs. He was a meinber Of St. Helen s Cathin Roosevelt Mabel McKenzie and Mrs. olic Church are his widow, two sons. Joe Maude Smirthwaite. Oceanside, andSurviving John Woitec. Roosevelt: eight daughters. Mrs Keith (Barbera) Bosch. Oacien. Calif. Miss Watheine T goatee. Denver, Co -- . Dan-ant- e i termer resident ot Henry Sehunerrt., Salt Lake City, died Tuesday U3 Los Ana alter heart attack, accordusg to geles word received in Salt Lake City. came In 1924 Utah to kIr. Schuberrt as a oonvert to tro Church of Jesus Saints. He settled in Christ of Latter-da- y Carbon County and within a short tune moved to Bait Lake City where he lived until 1936 when he moved to Los A- vices for Frederick Reuben. 73 of 2121 Third last 8t... who died Monday tat a Salt Leto hospital. will be hmeral ir -- . James lryson Latter-da- y Saints ter A Joan L. Johnson. 75. ' - , ':' TABIONAPrincipal Bondy S. Tob ler announces valedictory honors have been awarded to Patterall ....i .5 Frederick Rowse Henry Schuberrt 600 To. Join Drive For Scout Fund :-- , Valedictory Johnson TABIONA. Ducheane Could, ',c.w.o. oul en, coati...Led Wilde Ot 1 ao p.m. la the Tables Ward chapel. Church of Jesus Cttrist of Rug-se- tt -- . Two Chosen To Give High School Exhibit Set For Thursday FLOWER SHOW DEADLINE SET - PRICEPrice City Chamber of Commerce is preparing a gala Govwelcome for its home-tow- n memand Lee Bracken ernor J. bers of the Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce who will be in Price May 25 on a good will tour of various cities in eastern Utah and Colorado. According to Henry Mills. president of the Price Chamber, city officials have invited prominent persons in the area to special breakfasts in honor of the visitors. Committees have been named to handle details of the affair. Speakers at the breakfast will Include Governor Lee. Gus Backman, executive secretary of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce; Mayor A. D. Keller of Price. and Wilson. McCarthy. president of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. The Salt Lake group will parade to the city hall, and a special feature will be the Scotch bagpipe band. Candy will be distributed to children and the Carbon High School band will participate. Committee members Include Mayor Keller. A. N. Smith, George Patterick, Henry Mills. F. A. Norton, Hal Mac Knight, mgd Paul Mancini'. - Survivors include her husband of St George; three SOM Richard Lowe Jr., U. S. Army stationed in Japan; Kenneth and Raymond Lowe, St. George, and her parents.- -Funeral arrangements a re pending. - OBITUARY NOTICES Funeral services were con ducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. for Lee and Party L John Marvin Ottosen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leland B. Ottose n, Tabiona, and Miss Gay WagJ. Olsen Laurena staff, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Claude Wagstaff, Tabiona, because of their equally high scholastic record throughout their years of high school. Each will deliver an address at the Tabiona High School parently overturned backwards commencement exercises This as the youth vas driving up a is the second consecutive year Evans Michael steep incline to reach a field on that two Tabiona High School the Christensen farm. been have honor students desigDeath was probably instan- nated as class valedictorians. Glen Lewis, now attending Utah taneous, Fackrell said. State Agricultural College and AMbier Miclge, now attending Brigham Young University were awarded similar honors in 1949. Marvin Ottosen is a member OBITUARIES of the high school band, plays in the school orchestra, participates in sports and other school activities. He was win- Mathias Roland Webber Louis H. Hole homeA ST. GEORGE ner of the 1948 Conservation James Harlow Carlton Mathias Roland Webber. 54. 1610 making department exhibit will AFTONFuneral services for t011iB services N. FARMING'rON. Ave.. died Tuesday at 6:55 p.m. in Hale were held at the Afton South Ward be held in the shop room at Harlow Carlton. 74. of Paroling-ton- . Salt Lake hospital. chapel. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y for James ' 9 were the He was born Asia. 9. 1895, at Boulder. in held FarmingMay Woodward High School ThunpSaints. Wednesday at 2 pm. Mr. Hale 00711, Colo.. to Mr. and Mn. Mathias Webber. ton Ward chapel. Church of Jesus Christ died at a local hospital Sunday, where '4 Hurts& was te He married Maud Hutchison at Craig. of Latter-da- y Sainte. day. he had been receiving treatment for yel.", .. t Green's w n Cemetery. Colo.. July 3. 191g, 1 low jaundice. In the homemaking depart-Mr. Webber was an operating engineer Mr. Carlton. a bon of James Harlow and Louis H. Hale was the so is of Aroet L. for the Utah Construction Company four Hale and Eliza Yeamam He was born Diciarna Carlton. was born Nov. 12. 1875. ment, skirts, blouses, aprons, ...".......,':".i years. H. spent his early childhood in In Afton. Dec. 17. 189b. Mr. Hale spent I t St. George. Utah. ty, dresses, glass etchings and home After &pending most of his childhood Wyoming before corning to Salt Lake his entire life In Star 'Valley. occua cattle ranch at Pima. Arm.. he City. pation was a farmer. until recently when on project items will be exhibited. of he he became In 1930. moved minister with his family to Colonia Dublan. for the Farm Valley operated Supply , The shop group will show arWitnesses. Jetiovah's Mexico. hater moving to Cheichupik Old , a short time He moved from his farm ' .4,a, . are his widow. two sons. and was residing In Alton at the ume where he and Nora Ann Johneon were 4,,,a Surviving ticks made of. wood, plastics, Leonard Webber. Wallace. Ida., and Matt of his death married July 24. 1897. Driven from their Webber. Salt Lake City three daughters. He married Lois Allred Sept. S 1915. at home in Oaxaca during the "exodus" metals and silver, including "Mrs. Vivian Mrs. Perm ',.... from Mexico in 1912. the Carlton& lived Rawlins, was Wyo.; tertian. Ida. Later the marriage chests and tables, lamps. and - 1Sk-Jane McQuade. Orden, and Mrs. Ella solemnized In the Logan Temple. He was in Douglas and Pomerene. Aria. returning ' The family ) White. Salt Lake City: his mother. Mrs. preceded in death by a son who died in to Co:onia Dublin in 1917';'' S":, 1 other wood items. , G. E. Webber. Wammatter. and three 1937 as a result of burns while fighting moved to Farmington ha 1940- - Whore the; A., ,,..--. , , sisters. Mrs. Charlotte Dow.Wyo., r Denver: Mrs. forest fires east of Yellowstone had resided smce National Clay models, soap carvings, AliAll: A' .t.,:z .A Grace Bragell Wamsutter. and Mrs. Velma Park. Surviving are his widow. five children.. stick figures, wall paper deEnce. Oliver City. N. 11 and four Survivors Include the following sons: Sestus H. Patagonia. Arta: Leo. NUM iohn Matt Lawrence. and Ted Marton: brothers. Hale. Hale. N, Reno. Nev.: Dianna USAP, Sidney Alton: Blair Maj. bliss Wagstaff Webber. Beggs. Wyo.. and Wallace. Sacramento. Calif.; Mrs. Beverly Peter- Morrow. El Paso. signs, leather work, bead Mr. Ottosea Tex.. and Ora Call Chevenne. Wyo. sen. Grover: Lyle. Kay. Dee. Roen, and lordsourg. N. 11.: tlx brothers and sisters, weaving, block printing, wood FunerM services will held be Aldan William. Calif.: Joel. EPrine seven Hale. Moorpark. Alton. and Friday grandTitle. Ariz.: Alice Judd. et, Devi& Aria: carving, water color paintings, Essay award in a contest in It 3 p.m at 125 North Main St Burial children. Calif.: Clara be will Lot Lake direcof Duchesne were in Balt Ruth services which Edwards. Funeral Angeles, all students under the Cemetery. City outdoor sketching', chircoal Friends may call at place of services tion of Bishop Harold Papworth of the Pondexter, Klamath Fails, Ore.. and Anna was in Al- Johnson. Glendale, Arts, and Nevem; and pencil studies, pen and ink County High Schools partici- Thursday at 4 to 8,30 p.m. and Friday Alton South Ward. Interment 10 funeral. ton Cemetery. grandchildren. drawings and oil paintings are pated. He will be awarded a prior exat BYU to the scholarship among the items being shown by member' of the art classes. ercises. He is also a Star Scout It's Sensational THE GREATER 1950 UTAH and lacks only one merit badge of attaining the goal of an Eagle Scout One-Da- y Miss Wagstaff has served as r a class officer and student eil member. She was the Tabiona High School Junior Prom chairman last year, has ward bishops and clerks to get served as a pep squad leader, , plays in the school orchestra prospect lists. and has contributed her musical OPENS TUESDAY, MAY 23, FOR 6 GALA NIGHTS- -2 TO 10:30 P. M. DAILY WILL CHECK FUNDS talent and training in other , Mr. Thomson and Mr. Rich. ' -; ''''s - : ,:: ards will have charge of signing school activities. Famous Hutchinson Model Homes -- 4-. up the 600 key men who will be '" I f .' 10" Il'-','',.Latest Home Building Ideas on the firing line, and will check !Z1111111111111111111111111MIMO , 1 ir,41,1,---, in their funds with Auditor Cal, p,,, A Demonstrations FHA Remodeling 41 der Hall. 7340 p.m. 1,...71 , . , a Reed Bullen Mutual Improve43 ,. Newest In Home Furnishings ,.: ment Association Superintend,'''-Allowance ' Labor-Savin- g ent of Mount Logan Stake, is the Modem nono For Vim Old Appliances chairman in charge of arrange- omb mom Weaker i ments for the breakfast Co- ""' School 9 ON A NEW Cooking operating with him will be MIA -LAUNDROMAT Fashion ShowSpecial Events Supt Ralph Olson, East Cache Ff., c Stake; StaukPet'.. Devon G. Wiser. , LIMITED NUMBER Entertainment Sparkling Logan ILsIttel4t MI11111111111111111111111111110 Dr W. Whitney Smith, chair,94,1, THOUSANDS 1 go igan man of the bacteriology and OF DOLLARS Ti.. -1 Utah health NIUE department, public IN VALUABLE 4 4i ! , Famous , State Agricultural College, will PRIZES GIVEN :.summojrirl! relio Westinghouse plan the breakfast program and - - AWAY AT THIS I , Automatic estMAI 4 I ,,,..6 , t will be master of ceremonies GREAT SHOW Immommi Washer Dean Carlton Culmsee, USAC IC. , .... ,.. With the .;-Admission 35c is in charge of publicity. w Exclusive - WILLIE" "UNCLE boll including Sever . and Hollywood; -- - Welcome For - . Funeral Held For Retired Railroad Man !Price Readies , , IT COSTS SO LITTLE TO OWN A I i i 1 iI ro,,A 4 t I N 1 I 0 ... Ii ,, - e P., .. -- - . - I |