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Show - - 1, 1949 Novo Wodowesder, , People LI la Sok Loki City, Utah THI OWLET N EvélyNyhere-- . 1 V. , V , i (Ot ow "ik, Jo A ,a , b 1 ',,j1 "eh Snr7Z .., 9- - ' (11 ,-- ZEST OF ALL BIRTHDAYS, Mrs Violet Grissom of Spencer, Tennessee, standing, was honored miler itith birthday by the baptism :L int the Church of her daughter-i- n law, Mrs. Reverdy Grissom, center, and her two granddaughters. Mary Grissom, left, and Mrs- - Leard Hitchcock, right - Mrs joined the Church 41 years ago.- - 71"reCt 1 I ACROSS VIZ ' AND coNTEnter RA" --- PRIMARY TaAuxtmniras SLAIN ClItlICR HISTORY FIRST RAND &Aire tho PrImart bays from klanumant Park Ward. Roma vine Stake, spent an instructive afternoon with Mn. Spencer W. Kimball aa their guide. - They stopped to have their picture taken in front of the - - beautiful Patclarck Trims Smith IdontunctIL : rider and Mr Stephen Brown and that: two eons, jamesAniert, and Clarence Stephim, 5.(traveled 3000 milts from their home in Brockville. Ontario, 1::!anads, to the Salt Laks Totopla and back this week. Con-verts to the church 18 months they belong to tho Brocksilao branch at 21 members in city srith---- -a population of 18,000. 111 , 4 - : -- ' 4 tt:;, arstER THAN ITERBy actual count, the Genealogical Society had 2214 patrons during the month of October, which was an increase of - - - Neis Bits ' . - e'S patrons Year these Patrons Called for 12,541 books and 1019 rolls of microfilm. , I WOMAN BARRISTER nor.' taco IL North, former president of the San -- r - r,,,.v - - 011..11 SDiCZ SMI WAS 11I Loma Stuchl has attained a perfect record at attendance at the Santa Clara Ward MIA, St. George Stake, tor, tour and a halt years. During the same period he has missed oaly twice at Sacrament meeting and Sunday School. Pe rourteen-- C - Bloonfondeini. Irma the popular 'Mormonaire, YWIELA, , they-prasent- it ed him - eopy of the Book of Mormon. the book are Elders Pro. Pion India& Ma honor, the mayor of - Yost, Wilcox, Marietta and Barton.. ' ...,. ..., ma. ---2,,.,,, 6' -- A ".4..... ilift.. with :-- a DELP DI THE HEART OF ItEXAS President and Idro Benjamin V. left Salt Lake City Tues Bowling day- to predde over the TexasLouisiana Mission. They will drive directly to Amarillo, Teem' to begin a tour of the mission with the retiring president, Glenn G. Smith and Pres. Bruce R. McConkle of the That Council of the Seventy. The new home of the Bowrings will be he Houston, Texas, headquarters of - chellenge of the men of their ward, the North Twentieth, in the Bnaign-,-- Stake, the leaders of the Young Women's MIA, Relief Society, Pri-- c mart, and LDS Girls' organization staged a "Ladles Nightfl-fo- r. benefit of the ward welfare budget .Beginning with a ham buffet sup followed by- a'full evening's program presented by the Progresalvt School of Dancing, the L women raised nearly. $500--ab- out $200 more than the men did on their Night," a month ago--- tHRLSTMASPrestdent Creed Raymond of the North- ern States Mission is expected to return to tds home In Salt Lake City near the end of the year. The -- ' BLonsroxitut rzomisro To READ - e' , VI( --1 .10611T-i.Areepting-t-he " t; 17,0top.a. TIMM MAYOR OF ., the - bbtrb tosb,..bbyr J al MEETINGS! MEETINGS! MEETINGS! Milford C. Cottrell and Elder Elder Dallas O. Petersen recently held meetings for ten vonsecutive nights at Mt. Sterling, Illinois, In a little country chapel. An average attendance of 22 persons were present each evening. b Stake Iron:multi - 'has been appointed Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner. A praetieing attorney for the past le years -- and mother of three ehildreil, Mr.. Noth was feted to the $8400-e-yepost by the judges of the Superior , , - - - stun was divided last week by Elders 1Pf. Kimball and nerdy IX oyle As won as the two new prest-dents San be permanently located. President Raymond will turn over ' 71 - , WIT WI ILIDG. AT.I.DI StILNISS itiLLEGI - --- - Alfred- C. Nielson. LDS Bs- - Bari Smith. vice of the nut directoir . shows lAah Dun- - nsen's chapter; Bothpresident Blanchard and -lord a pledge, the printedhletahmtClart-L4talgeesini- t Pang Delta Sisma. Updegraff, vies of the president dmralt fraterrdtir. Wateh!as ate vtornelia chapter. -- - 1,P - - - the dictation of th 141don to them and ?shwa to bis dentistry profes- ANL - alipt tant general superintendent of tbn - Young Men's 1111A General Board. was in Salt Lake City for tttres days this wish, busy packing and moving kis faultily buckle es audio dtC. raster 1:41::;11:unryes of Broadcasters. ' a YOCNO MAN.13der NEWS k ,, , . WERE'S TRE ' EYErs,11-- - WEEK Of tiOVEMBER t 1919 , |