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Show - - -- F. Yefees4sy,:tiovetntir 2, 1949 11 Schdol Scribblings: rower-Schoo- ls a inequcr: t!cien Ity Maids Wing and seem Schee! Haycock John 'Vander Melde reports that his third grade class- won the PTA membership contest. Sixty-sevcard tiled out for parents of children ba ,.P,E, - ForAtheir---prim--- , the - traders.7 chose SC tim - strip on pioneer life. They tett share it with the whole school and use tt in the new projector the PTA bought for us last year We will soon be studying about pioneers end we will enjoy seeing our film , ,,,, -- Horn ofPkiit Pupils Draw By Gar Norman and Den -- - Halloween Parties first-10- 4 grades wore costumes and kt wad The Salt Zak. Oty Board of !duration spent 771 cents of each d011ar, or $3,8121,421.22, for instruction in its elementary and ferent colors. schools selomtary school year during the 11411-4- 1. Jr . M. Lynn Bernice, superintendent of Salt Lake City schools, cited this !Iture 1leeday st a meeting of the Salt - Atrlinstott School. Murray InLindsay's thIrd1 grade Holds -- pupils are drawing cornucopias and 'putting iregetables In them. They hay. been Ant:1712g about CAPailk Guymon sad 'James food- s3sIthes. leffesiess Schaal Mn. Wood's first grausrenave PUPIL" of all rooms had been studying traina-Ttle- y base wean parties at Jefferson- - nit Snide a - train with different Jeffersotr :i. E.'t-0:4.,-4ti..ip...tio- Cents of Dollar ed around the school. Tbe others did not wear costumes -but they had nice part1L Ths- Seventh they gradeern bad i dance; and all enjoyed it -There were pictures of ghosts . witches end other scary Halloween decorations all about the school.- - My1 but 4 at's Halloween we en 0...0:0t:::..ttoo..ec....op:,,.-i:--- Get 17.7 0 ntest , , jug how the taxpayers' zooney Is spent for schools. - ' The rest of the- expenditure dollar included ILI tents for operation ot huildings, cents tot maintenance of. buildhigs and grounds. -- LS cents for general control, 13 cents for fixed charge, and tS cents for auxiliary agencies, D Bennion also pointed out that the cost per pupil Le nubile schocds $139.03 in elementary schools, $1111.24 in junior high 111 oeniot ochools and high schools., , g -- The BHP beet sugar crop will be about 1,530,000 short tans, it yes ,esy4nate4 i Toesday at ameeting of the American Susar Beet Industry policy committee et the Rotel Utah,7 The figure is ionsiderably higher than estinuttes made earlier thls year by both the government end the sugar trade and II aa increase et 17 percent over lbe late crop. Harry Clark: chairman of the poliCT committee, mid this cream ' gives housewives and other altar- - consumers in the marketing area full assurance that they will get all the sugar they' need at reasonable -- prices. HriM Clark sild the dom- estic b.et1 sugar industry would be represented at S bearing near the end ef November in Wash make hatton, mendations as to the amount of sugar teamsnem will need in . le.id.- - - Mr. Clark was reelected their , of the pcgicy eammitteet Robert H. Shields. President 01 the U S Beet Sugar Assoriarn a ton. Washington,. t.,D named executive vice chairman, Fisher, Deaver. and, Robert lerreoltrY Cole,; wee tastsurnr 'Man - 28 School Visit-IxeatCaptto- - if l, To bare good goversunent as you would a good brmie. yam mint take an interest in tk Gov. L Bracken Leo told a group of 23 school children who etined on him in ids office at tho capitol Tuesday. The pupils wero front the Vitt and sixth grades of the Jefferson Schnol at 1071 South West Tem. - -- - - ' pit were brought' to the achoot bt driven by .Abele' automobiles tes rhers,- -. Ma tt -- Galt - and - Prin Mills, and by two perents. r. S ' --. - the& THE DESERET HEINS - -- - - e. 4, .... SUPER SALESMENOneclua School third graders who won PTA membership sales drive are represented hereby Robert Riecken, (left) John Vander Meide, and Judith Smith, who Inspect their - prize of a filmstrip on pioneer - life for- - use irt- - their future study. - a N 0 31 Is $1.I.429.P.-,6..,it,eli- , The State of Utah recovered 40 per tent ratio ea paynstets $11423 tuider the .gd sips as- not exceeding $50 smoothly, with sistanc lien: law ' during the Its smaximuto grant being , $30 In con- toward Pelmente above $50 rriedrnan. Searle It. and - Albert S. Tried-m- in of Salt lAkit- City are de tendants in a civil suit for 113- 1the fed68834 filed Tuesday eral court by the- - United States government. , The suit areas originally filed thesouthero- - district ofCall, lornia and transferr,ed, here for triaL The government contends that the defendants, doing business as the Western Salvage and Sup. ply Company received a great deal. el machinery and equipment of all kinds when the. War .liseete Administration disposed of the materials of the- Basic Magnesitun Plant at Henderson. New - during 11146, end that the defe;dants owe the - emment the sum named Ia. the Sarnuel IPriedman - 1: -- quarter, trast to no funds recovered before the law was enacted toe years ago, IC C Shoemaker, chairman of 'the State Welfare Commission, reported Weds'sluly-Septem- The money Jrepresents posymenla to the state by children and other potential heirs seek. lug to keep the property of elderly persons en welfare rolls free of state king. Of the $11.422 collected, $6540 reverts te the federal treasury wlule $ISSO goes to the state.: Tee federal government puts 60up old age. assistance on -- , suit 1- Homé Building . The defendasts---la-this-sivil suit together with Jinn's ward Celli., former deputy War Assets Atbninixtrator, were charged in Salt Lake by a lederThe amount 004 Am al grand jury with conspiracy to hien. defraud the WAJV 'They were building nearly doubled an acquitted hY a inn' alter a October compared with Septemlong trial; ioncluded Nov. saiutough:the SkUnthillr et building permits increased - by only 34 during that periodole- tording to areport --released Wednesday by the eity's Bureau of Mechanical Inspectiom Expenditures jurnped frees in September 10 Slane 101111C31311b;;1 $543.014 LI. y embeereand eel Ineespetieeted 100 in October.. tee teepee ebeelestbee during the Commercial construction reI be Sweeten Riede Tele ignegeeme u Irsawerwa. Backache. Leg Pete& Pergegantes. mained steady, Iwith 88 Lew perItheunesbe Pune awl Sweeten Merles one be mits Mated in October, comPered dee toe set aseeeeeeleee 116- soy get tbsekez theigeb a seek epee the With 94 in September. Ccets were eery est lime et tee metre Ileelly esp. reented exedaterm eaUet CY8TILIL re:sell $1,041,012 j for T September- - and g ees Se were nett emper Potpies peg Shows Increase ' - - : - - - sr' . npi irepc I. ttelps Dat moon g.,,etegg emeseePle geiseeeeleleeelegelet seeteie wee. - 2-- ebtermeng glebe Bala eaten' North centratUtah la the sea- ter at ' s intermountain area - which is saisidlY coining Into -- - 112 rem as a producer of eared chemical and inineral products vital to the biduatrial development et the We,t as emphasized This fact Tuesday by Dr. IL W. Ryan, as-melee professor of chest:deal en- entering at University of Utah, in an address before the Pacific -IAA - The paper, read by Di. Beta, ea 'Chemical liegniremente of the Intaraseantain Area," was prepared by lila department of chemical en gineering and the Bureau of JEconoinic and Business Retouch et 'the Universitr et Utah. "We have in the kitermecuitain t Dr. the largest known reserve el plant toed An the Inne of phos.. pat rock- - and potamium salts. La the United States. B. also said that the- area contains the nation's greatest teal reserves and tremendous deposits et cul shale and aistnels. Wise;---reported ityan,-ANibeu- Ia elarifyirt - area's peeShit position in the national economy, Dr. Ryan said that up 10- to the piseeni:Inue had month of both yesui thawed that aervad.mtainit I - , - -- prices averagbag about $2,064, you're battling Old Man Wear for a rich pot in that new automobile With Um -- the-ore- s -- ---' semi-refin- - Ai.; struction were greeted In 11143- - -- -- :'ilitifillaPi 0 illiA1,, 11.- - - 21 Magical Porfoimanest Even' 1 ' - And wear is especially hard to beat in - need an unbeatable hand You'll need "'A, - , wear-prevent- Woo () 44 ,- lo ,t 3 abe 4 1 'Al ...konos OSLO" NA7lii r L, rig:soot, I , Tiff' rjr2y) See Your P:11 istroThogstes'wdlw)17raorA Fratill ISIS' 30 "I go, 2.9 noco , Ottastil i 3, Winter's A i(Mort'lliese 4 - rs, at their worst In wintm, threaten 3rour car now. New and older can Conoco Nth. r'w wear-make- - urgentli. Deed Don't wait ...drive both 0 youis In today and armoz agani4 wiater with Conoco Nthl V 'N C.,dilinC ."'".""...USLANICIILID VAI:11(til feature of patOil Conoco ented NA Motor , mre performs a de by fastening a shield of special lubricant to working parts. On PLATING can't all drain down even overnight! 011Plating-.- 4 fait) ,N grinding olds from combustion from -carbon calmed blwear. sludge-lan- - 7 q117L t 4 starts . . . "dry-frictio- n" d - OIL-PLATI- ,...... -w- 4 hemist'itthellProtectsfa-na lubricaYourtingenginotIrtromitse-1- I, winter. To win back your stake, you'll ed of kithlattiektitiettiktiii increased population In the bitennountala west makes lb refining and manufacture of twiny-- chemical and mineral products for load enneampten profitable bed- - new-ca- r ofyoiirs! .z..- .- PiliZa. w eek gerenees tee airy H ee Pepe tropmet site eat 2068 permits for 816.730,8421tave from which raw and deg tabs, thee premegung better inatetiala were supplied. Get cyan teem re today,. War been issued in 1048, while 2447 samoOsi. peal gebelegest emblem 'C4t, "New," be slid, 'the growth for $12.041,167 in conpermits, , a..111111 ell enase, - The Utah Refined Chemical Products Cited ileage MerchantI 1. w ab .ft gh,000p Clogolobi sidk Caolamtal ad Gmagno LN |