OCR Text |
Show - ,, , - - - - : '''' ' - , ' ' :., 4$ - -7- :'', ,. - - - , 4 e,44 ... T .48 ' ) ' 4 ' :: 117"..4: , ., 1 .'").'",. ' 14' ,1 ' - , - 3 ' '''' - - '"' ! ),,... - ' - :,,,,,,.-,--t- I ,,,,,,,,:, !, ,,' . ' - ': '' .' I 4 ' 1.,' 40, 04 ; N ; 1 , .. ' : , , ' , , -- 4 ' . ;r.iiii 's Ir, ' fraffc' ', ' I is, - r: ' , ,' , , , , , . ,, , - :" , .' on- ...0,1)e,:i.-S1.4t- P' ,, '''' ! '', ..5 ' --- ,,- - . - , I 't ' - -,. J ' - :'. to do et1Broadway play. bat being a Aa dramatic show, ... . ,;;4. ': ''',f4.. .. , - - ' ''..,,r , . ee Now ,' , ' ' ., . .., , - ) . , 4 ti , - I ;i , Television Highlights - t IL, ' ; I - ' , - tt ,, : ' 41 , ?, .,,,,i..- ---, ' ' , . . - - ; - , , , , - . . ' f .,' '' - F-- ---.., . , ' - .. i'''k' ;,r'' ,,1,,,,,, , !: ,i ,,--- , - ' : , - - ' '17 ', ,,- - - Soft Lake City', Saturday, February .27, 1954 ' ,. .IT - - k4'44 . f" - I ' ' ; f" -, '4: , :. kl ; , , , - - r I , - tit. .',',' '''. ... .,,, DESERET NEWS AND,, TELEGRAM, - ' ,,,,,.. , ' ',. ' - - , ' a , :17: ' , , , ' :. ,, 1 - r , .. , , . , . '''.3.'''!.:' ':''''''1 "'''''''' ''' - .:- ' s.: n ' : , .:. -- - ' - 11'.'''' ' '.. ..1--''' ". lt i77.---,-- ---.- , ' . ' , . - , - '...'-- - , . ' ' - h -4- - ; ; ' s .:: ; By HOWARD PEARSON - rAN .e oi Salt Lake' City, ,' Scenes ' 0 t ar ., , : ' a '. , t 4 his FoN4ry ' r, , 8 Oland limita ' comedian he,onders ' 6,......o '' ' ''.. 411.1.4''''.' 4 ''. ' - , ,,,. , ' ' ; t 11.4.v '''''''''''' with main focus on the Temple 1 '' ,' rt.it His ', when x bons. .i. ,,: tie': 4 ,, hopes'llse 1 : r 7""''''' 1,..1 , ' '' Grounds aid the Tabernacle, I, '10,.. ,.,, .1',.1 : .l:, ,,' i, ,,, , ,: .., remembers an old friend,:Mis s , i i ,. i7,k,,,.,, r .0 --,... , soon on Edward '.1 , 4. I, :t - - :' ,,?,, ,--,..,, ,:,.,.- ,, , , ,,,,, i will be showy or Hayeswho agrees to help him '4"s. , e'" 1; , , , ,r, ,. ,,, ;. ,r., ; i 4,4 17. R. ,Murrotett See It- - Now pro. ' '' '' Iwith-lesso1 ., ''''" , ., ''.' , . . ,. . , vr -. 11,,,,,r - ; '':, .,,,.,. grim, . ..1,:.,,---- -' ' I IF' 1' .,:, .;, 'fr,'", i -' -. , Shows: Adven- - ' IL Fascinating ' . ,r'l .,::: , A ,i-the i,. of Aerial views otthe .' city, 2:. C' ii, 7 bagnowsi .7..''4w,k 2:30 Sunday) ...mow , , 7 4, " ture (1( S ' 77-S, w.giswg 'i Alit' of ' and 1 ---. Temple Grounds ' .' will tell ,the story of life in the ' 4..., ' , 'michael '. ,::. , '' ,, ... tla7 Gayle Day le roof NpC4-- 0 ;,,,,r--Rohn Tabematle'a aluminumSherrie Stanley -, , . . ,. trr ',, - : ' Far- Nortti, featuring , a polar 4y.,1.., t Street . ., , Morgan will be taken by a ,special , , ',. Losser ,, Sandie Harding VIDEO--Eth- el Street!,. '' Holdaway .. ''' Cub, a' Walrui,-- and foxes 00ePift Mcoemrinedany! . .' .1,.' 2'- ;----: ' t''''' , a crew . next. week,. ,, Amer on the t be Zoo ;f. . . . Parade- birds ' - t , '''''''',. ' , - ' ''''' '''' 'Ns ''' '''''' '''',''' '''''''''' '' A..'4,0 :41lik,!--''',,,:' ' ' ''''','-'4"-4-;,.- ,' Tuesday evening, the pictures will (K D Y ':' Helen -- '''''''''''''''. and '' Hour 'r 1 ';.., ' . ; also Hayes Unfortunately ' 4.4C. , , 7 i , ." of the Tabernacle1 Choir willbe N ,, i 4,,' i ' 4: do a comedy sketeb On Jack - at 2:30), will tell about animal , i ' ' ,.; t ' ''l f 1 - As ., -'''",,,s,. 4t , ,, made ' of and , , ! ,,,:, recording , ,L, , t. ...,, ' ...... , '" 0 I taken, Bennt.s: show as Sunday . You Are There homes ' , ' ' '., ' ' Ali; ' , . , 4 .1. , , .. ',A.' , ttie4- 'pangs. , i ' : Y ' , highlights. will' (IC <V, ,.: fi , 4:39) , ..,' ; . :.; ,, l : - , ; Approximately 2,000- feet of Kidd. .., --, 4 hanging-of t)ie Captain .'t; -' ' '411k ',.. .''',..' ' ..ii :,,, film will,be taken by the special Comedy Hour.. Miss .: ,, ''IM''''' , , ,,,,,,. 1. - , t Die Alakel Appeal: A filmed l i,.. i 11 , 6,1,4, ii.... It. .,.,.p Camera, crew with about one. lit the TV show, will return to ' ;. ,, ...;,5".";Pot 42,64; .iiii4igN, ,Aligiw,: .41;c!.,. appeal by Pres. Eisenhower for . 6..111,4, itill'r ,.. .. .. '' ' ' '''1,...'. ' i ' t.- .., , . 1 C.4.4 .. , , :, of that foot. the 'sixth to 011114 ,,, ,r 1 role of the Red Cross March ddve will .: 7: . original4starring ' ' Ar 1'114 41,7,r, , ,,........,' 10140 ."1 age being used on the program Reno Sweeney she did on be 1,, ' .' ' i..- -0 '' k integrated into the regular:l': ' '' k , ' ''' 1 ' .. '''. as the middle cOmmercill. The Bros dwciekikabettr,. ,' ..; -' ' ''.'-''-'''' ' 1 where "Anything' live - telecast '' 'r ' ,.. f ''''''1 ' r ay, ' .k.t1"4";'' c,.., . ,I ' ow, -i N",111; .43, M. Peepers ' AP ', .. .i ,,,,. completed film win, ,nin about Goes" ran for ,420 consecutive (K D Y t .5.30 Sunday). , , ,7 , .1 two , t . ' ,t Minutes On performancer4tarting In 1934. and, bat-ha.' . Ir .4 Musical Salute:: Fred Waring ,,,, , .' 1...:. , of ..."": 4,,..,...,....,,,,,,00 T.! I . ; ... : T. fi the show, ,In the Comedy' HOur version, (IC SL-T': ..., '7 Sunday) will lea. ' fi' .! ' -,4'',. ,441i - -' ..1 0 Ito William R, Gibbs, supervisoi Miss Merman will be supported ture arrangements of patriotic , 4 ' 1 - t ''' 4.; 1 4 - ). e AA t t..;, " ' it4, (., -MM. ,,,...---Ofl of filmoommercials for, Alunti- - by Frank Sinatra, Bert Lahr songs that have won nation. ,,..4.. t' L t mit Company of America, is 'mut Slieree North,, the Jack' wide acclaim for many years. -. Kim James Debra Bonnie ,!.' Ralph , In Salt Lake City to supervise Benny burlesque. dancer . . ' . ---- --'-' .. , Dramatic Offerings: The IL:S. Kichas Robinson'., Kruger Midgley i,,i, ; .t Sackett Tanner Brugger. , -Ed Sullivan's Toast of the Town Steel Hour (K S the filming. 10!15 , ,. . ,., 2 , LocalNotes: A request of wilr,have Red Skelton, David unda , ) will star Diana Lynn . ''. - Ir 4 t . ' ,,,s 4. ''''':. ';.' 107.,' 'T'''''', ' ' '.. , f.' ' Mrs. Grant (Lois) Gregerson of Rose', N. --- .10.0,04;.ni.,. Marchand, and in 1 2 , P..."! ----- '.1: .1,-- '. ' ! tor r'.i . .. - or 4 ; e I 2568 Redondo Ave., Salt Lake. t 441, an acro- the hopes and dreams of a .' I.'. r:I'' ' 'comediennes, ' . singing, c , ;....,-;fr"',,.. ',:'f'.: i :t ';,' , .......; ;,;te:-.",,,, ' 'A...a . City; will be fulfilled on You batic dancer; a novelty act and group of people. who live in ...i.;,,,s... 110 -. ,,,,,N, . '..t., ..; '!.' , ,' P: .. ' : I ri. ' ' 2 Asked-f- or , . :., at an opera singer. , ,' ,,' nonetoo-goolt on K S circumstances ..,-" , k ' .; i 1, ' i ,,, .11:1) 'i Wilk, t ,iff - ,,,,r'll i ,,,i' 9:30 The Sunday. , I,. ,,.. That Opus: Omnibus (c S te TV Playhouse OCD Y 1,2I'V, 7) ,feature mi.,. p.m, : 1,,,, ' , , t : , -' . Ago... kr,--.--.., co; , f V Ali i, , will show, June Taylor,- Olympic T1,r, ' .1' , 0,, -I- vy,: , Sunday) will present will present "Buy Me BlueRib- 6. 06,0 ow . illek ' 1, '1 1 , not the June a' noted underwatei:explorer in bons" a comedy about a rich, ., l. ..,,. swimming star, .., , .' , ., , ' , ,r e.0- -, '10 -.. '1,z , leg ' dirtrt I 1'llgall, ,- -, , Taylor of Jackie Gleason's shOw the floal Instalment V A docu- spoiled, arrogant .star . , ; ..,...:t ,...-57. ., r"..,..., s,,...i, '. David Whiteside of Lay,ton, mentary. about undemeas ar- who finds himself a professional , ,...,.. te' '"'' 'li or' ' ,,,,: ,1 I ,,,,...,,fe. beilde-slwUtah, will be Big Payoff part- chaeology, &matte zero at 18, starring ROddy Mc. . .,,i,..., 1 ' ') ,, on offerings, a comedy and asiove DOWRII.- - , - . rs s,s ner for- his daughter,-Susa'I1"Nraopoo,-,-e.1'''' , ' ',,, - ...,t ,, ,,,,, ' ill 't..,, -- .., . "r,,,,.....,,r , 0" . ,f r ,,,.-- t,,A.. ''s ; 0,, 'P' ; ,,: r It - : ; .;,, z., ,...,-..e- : 1,t,,:..b: N Saturday, Highlights! Your regulars ... ( to Big Payoff , over K S LTV- at story--- !,,, , i i,, t ''...,.0.". , , Hit Parade, I Led ' . - 4 - , ; 1 p.m. Monday. , , 1i .,-.. : ,z ,' 1,.. .., Comedy Promised: The Jack, 1"rrhersthri'venst shohdowe 1Nr-i'!---Ril, Bniger show ,,,,, ... ,, ' , 'II p.m') :will ',, D ' S .'Hot .' (li 5.30 .:'" ',Jones (K Spot": L.TV, Comedy 1 ,,,,,.. Sundey , program , Benny ' ; , IlVig Margaret Truman as guest 1 ,;..1"let"4.' .,...,,,,I, i , 41$ 'tWil .0.,. "'ll'i 414,' 4:4 ,- ."', 's 0 . '..,$);,,,s ;i, '' , ' Hour (lCD Y'LTV) will throw Sunday) will feature a sketch Medallion S 8) wilt .. Theater : til .. '' " : Karenlean Thoilat ,:''ilncent--------7-------Kathy, Blitinti7:::-Lois Dan .'' the book at Toast of the Town teaming Benny With - Helen nregtert!enturieertraaned;da :troarcyticxceeprenr-- . -.. aressend Gunnell Perkins . Richardson Connell Cunningham ...- Jorgensen , Snyder in the 6 p.m:-Aim(K SL-TV-) show, Will wetrated by land &smite on Oklahoma ti Hayes. The half-hou- r The . Gleason . . - slot Sunday. Ethel Merman will be the first role iIke tilers comedy straight .,....--s L.Tv..si Will ileaactkuiree Garry 4 tor: , .; ' 7 '4 Ann- - Holcleway, sub .4., .', Late Show tit S GREETINGS:''' star on Sherrie in aIRTHDAY Cole W. TO: Porter's Miss In the video. musical, ewer .... for, Hayes J', , , be ""Mais, of Conquest." starring -- ., , - "Anything: Goes,", by Howard sketch, Benny goes to 'New. Richard Dig ""," Night Owl ill I) Y L-' ... .1' Ind ,..Airs,,,Ton.1, lioldaway, , spa ,. i , daughter of .05) will ghow "Up in Milberg .' 111',3;,,1,1Russell on Crouse -, a York with the, idea of doing Lindsey and kVe.i. &Art) 'tosser, son --OrMr; end Mri. Roy r, . Lbaier, , , , ' 331 W. 3300 South St; Stanley Sanchez, son of Mr. and Mrs. 4 II Jack P. Sanchez, 314 N. 3rd West St.; Michael V. Harding, .i , Se tinkly, Fob. V, 1964 ,, America's First Feb. 27, 1954 Store Saturday, Dept. . . , son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Harding, 1003 Major St.; SAO Georg JoMal Show 040 Ted P404,4 6:30 Whor's Raymond 9:4$ Nwe 'Doyle and Gayle Street, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. WalWashington News Buried -- - the United States exported 7:00 Life Worth Living) 10:0 Oleg Dome 546441 Me fastest lace Street, 1045 E. 3300 South St.; Gay Morgan, daughter selling WASH1NGTONL--Th- e 7:30 Flosisonto head of more than a quarter nf a billion 10:30 Jussiet Owned of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gayle Morgan, 1568 Kappa Ave. No. 9; MOO hbidellien Thootero 11311 P6Www CONSOLE TV SET 30 RH Skelton Show the committee for a national dollars worth of goodlio 320 lessety Tips Rebecca Brugker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brugger, In America! 9:00 Jading Gleason 3:30 Stet 2104 News Washington Bureau .469-13t- h trade policy Saturday urged foreign countries "whicksupply East St.; Lonnie Tanner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo'i10,00 Two for the Menoy 4:1 liws Vendwlwa or 10:30 this Is Show Bus Mess Ethel end Albeet WASHINGTONSit commitseph D. Tanner. 3370 Edison St.; Ralph Midgley, son of - Pres. Eisenhower to reject tariff us' with wool. 11:00 The Leto Show R CA-VictSpilm Awes Show 02:15 News I Weather tees of the National Reclama- 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ben G.' Midgley Jr., 1940 Redondo Ave.; Bon- , increases on wool reportedly 630 Awatow Hwor I Now 1914ANI1116-36E. William 7:00 Martha Pays Skew Sackett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. f', sent to him by the U. S. Tariff ition Assn.will meet in Salt nie Jean 251-7t830 Yew Hit Ponds h Debra Ann lachas, daughter-oEast St.; March 'Sackett, 1, 194 RADIO TELEVISION Meaday, t HO tea Moss Uwe - Lake NRA . h City March East St.: James D. Commission. 9:30 Nowt Ponule Mr. and Mrs. Sam N. Kichas, 900 ths larly Show ENGINEERING:,-COt.10:30 for Tomorr 10:00 Soarch a 4360 r Wriostling Secretary-Managebrother of E. Charles P. Taft', William ' Robinson Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Robinson, Only' 11:110 U. P.466 News 10:45 Levis of Life 430 SO. STATE W. 5800 South St; Kearns; Jim Kruger, son of Mr. and Mrs.. the late Ohio senator,,said: "The 11:00 Guiding Light 1105 MOW Owl Moshe Welsh announced Saturday. 12:05 kilitnight Nowt 11:15 brighter Day PROMPT. RIASONABLII REPAIRS Wilford Kruger, 870 Oakley St.; Karen Ann Snyder, daughrecent demands for higher pro- The farm finance committee, ' 11:30 Margaret's Kitchort ALL MAUS RADIO AND TV 1606 W. galvern Ave.; Mrs. Th.taIb.i and J. Mr. ter of John The World Today 12:00 Snyder, KOYUTVCHANNEL . 4 DAY AND wool American tection for beaded by .Loeh--1.,Belie of Lois Ann grow. Nos with 1210 Sornothing in Wind: Connell, daughter- - of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Con4 664,611 10054 ottomans Tunin Homoritaken Scrairk. )2:15 en s endangers a quarter of a lasatityl Pa 11411e Mesa, Wash., will open the ses11i30 Art Linkletter nell, 1660 Atkin Ave.; Dan Jorgensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Makeonv-atais- h 8311. Too Posisni Canute ex-American Dm lig Payoffs 1:00 Richardbillion dollars of sions March 9. The , group is Paul Jorgensen, 333 S. 10th West.; Blaine Dee 9,201 Visoolsefol 1 'BLACK. 1:30 lob Crosby soil IAN (keine IO EASY Robert Riverton; Mrs. now and son John Mr. Richardson, to of that countries supson, ports TERMS 200 Diablo or.Nothing charged with assisting settlers Hawkins leNs , DAYLITE2:30 Striko it Rich Vincent Cunningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Cup- - - ply us with wool." on new projects. A critical ts Not root Stagg. 13 These Steps Wavolo . 300 Garry Meer Show of son Martin 111:41 TIADI-I- N Thomas Posed Perkins, BIGGEST so Dr.; 854f Basin. in the Columbia Lafayette ningham, Wintry 330 Yoe Am Whet You Ed problem $17093 , He pointed out that two days TELEVISION CENTRE 12:43 Joan Marshall 2609 g Wiwi 3:35 Dointhe Town I A J. ALLOWANCI Mrs. St.; Mr. and Perkins, H. T. 7 Simpson Dean Person of the op ea Strait Pleat Mast 1:1111 kots Smith 400 Adventure Unlimited Ti. Iteenst ago the New York Herald Trib- , LOW COST GUARANTII, School of Engineering, Univer; Fessendeil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Fessenden, 1 4:15 Playtime Party DWI 34373-4- xt 431 Visissoos ',reveler, TV REPAIRS une published a story which 443 Sagebrush Playhouse 1131 Ridgedale Ln&Kathy Ann Gunnell, daughter of Mr. . sity of Wyoming, will preside and Mrs. Wayne K. Gunnell, 123 W. 5th South St., Apt. at a meeting of the repayment stated that the tariff commismdeowsKofstoyMP.ormmeh -- AD VU TI$UMf WY No. 10, and all other babies one year old Saturday. (Baby committee the following day, ADVERTISIMiNT had forwarded to Pres. sion ADVERTISIMENT 11:60 P.M. a, PIONS 74n3 Am The agrieulturat research compictures will be taken free of charge Monday through FriEisenhower a 'recommendation mittee, of Which Dean George - day from 10. a,m. li.m,at offices of the Deseret News, Which "probablycalled,- for , D Clyde III SAQIsimem 33 Richards St, three days prior to baby's birthday.) 'Astray. are laralshell by the asthma la the evenaccuracy, pse cell th e tariffs on wnol." --, higher under next meets the chair, directl. ber, Alltit-$was recommendation I "This KMUR-12- 30 KALLIII 0 I MM.-13- 20 BABIES WERE BORN IN SALT LAKE 'CITY HOSANAK41210 ''' - ABC rnanship of Dr. Harold Vagtborg TT '1 P.M. .1(4, I CRS AttS4AN I initiated of result the hearings SATURDAY NBC, TO; halepeedest Independent PITALS of San Antonio. by the secretary of agriculture Rhythm on Records .1:1 $esitorth--; TPre. John T. alityyl .... &LIS. on, the . A... 4iew,s, Theiwater users' committee .Kal' .. "' GIRLS: - - : :: : . leVuttigneftterrlor 4.3t the tariff conducted in rope, with Lea Torethor We etane tipitla.li'ev;ievt -- -and by i 12 nieet Mel Remy?. W. !!' ?Meta - ."... will with R. J. March ny liestaraan ,.. Utah Hesith ::: Council Housewives 4.. Proteo months :ago," be de... ... - - - - - .: Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Salazar, 369 W. 1st South St McMullin, engineer of the Salt . .... ....... Sews , clared. J ...... Pattems ties IMMO .. ... , Guy. a Gal and a Mel Remy . . Theater Royal with Mr. and Mrs. Don Petterson, 3944 Luetta Dr. ............... Woman VOteill B APPLIANCES MAN og Thowebt lA Band River project in Arizona, as NE .... nicriuc . .... Lawrence Olivier. 5,.. Purrs .. .,... Tim AimNITllirdlk. Intermomtata news Mr. Taft said the secretary t InTeoMelodies'''. . v. The PreVieli Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schatten, 615 E. 9th South Big te IOWA .. johmoce. chairman. ,, Pres ,. .. Democracy Speaks .. Willi Fred Sabina acted of pursuant Ave: Paxton 157 agriculture Mrs. and Mr. Ray Bluemel, . . Twenty The water policy Gunsmoke Questions- -News Melodies World . .. N e w .... Previewing ...,.... ETIIEL and 6:.. U , 'Ube toldomestic farm price support .. &Mira Sailltal 128 I St. I Ilnlatatamant Pesky Lee ShoW ., . I Records commit tee. on which all west. , Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Howick, MW al ...rimer Cacti DZOWn . Gras Gangbusters Cavalcade of Preview Music.Ble i legislation .which requires the, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart E. McGill, 4310 W. 5500 South, ALBERT .-ern state l are represented, or duties of to Salute higher application Tiro Moat nitwits Freodoos.latarlIto For'tho i Kearns. Stoic In theAlt .. ' meets March 13 and 14, with Preview ...... comedy hit oil " ... IBIS Preview Import quotas if the domestic :,,,,, ", ' Ale 'iiia.elni'Paitii At itoltet... ...:'.:: I .1;linai ateitWi ShOW SOOtiliht. owla'ititr! rfeziced,Serniodo.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Smith, .435 Blair St. Nevada State Engineer Hugh :Rearm of Rlessihys... Arterica WWss Ole Opry ... 121 Two a and Hattlitasketboll are Warman) ad. 'I: operations .. E. St. support Hoedown . 59 W. , Crystal ,price Mrs.Wallace Webb, and Mr. A Shamberger g. Haws of the Cavalcade of Music. Dude Ranch Jane. versely affected by imports. Brito thall ''Y'r vs. in M IK, vs. Coor Utah's representative is Ernest flostraskothall ti ,. bore 841 With Slit of BOYS: -- i"In the ti a th Wycni A. and M. meantime, the Presi-- , .... Iduf . Today at ade. Pee We Wing .. ) t Navy Show Nation's Tap landst Wynn . .. .. and Kay .. .. .. . .. ...Star .. " .. .. .. Record Alley Country West Musts JFjeldsted. Chief task for the 0 in his recent message to S. 8th East. dent 1544 Evans, and Mr. 5:30 Mr. Raymond committee will, be the drafting Classics '.. Bitola Williams Tech.. Larry the Congress tn farm policy Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vigil, 857 S. 2nd West St. I , , SCDYL-T- V ot a statement on water policy ' IWith e v. .1)03. Th.o' 2160 Iiiikbirdolaild; s f ...... ., 'g. ::. : , recommended altering the pres- . N.........i.. ITes Rail Party.. ,. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thomas, 327 Douglas St. for presentation to the Hoover , for ent program pride support Tines Tt II Moond lel Dance Mr. and Mrs. Alvan 1. Miller, Bountiful. Perfect World News . Curtain Call News Commission. .. - ..., .. ... ... Mini- - Music for the late lilts - wool and has recommended asFro m tIMP I Midnight Ka yel . .. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glassett, 2977.8. 14th East St. mum og Tam ,..., NoureMusic 0 Netherlands goo The small projects commitsake lerenide .. I :::.: ::::::;,::;: Sammy 1. Rind. .. .. Ns- Wave wool M. N. Report, est by el the with Sill Welwyn growers St. . I...w East S. R. i 3525 sisting llth Mr. and Mrt: Marvin Black, tee, on which Utah is repretertainwent P I it Curtis, Your other means as a result of the TV TROUBLES? Dream Iteport LIATI7 Mr. and Mrs. Winston Gibson, 214 W. lit North St. and Wes ther ., the lest hs Ifigen al M ater. Until I sented by T. W.Jensen, will In I b a went into the for)doeelrietther that studies IWithW . .. rt.muia ,.. INews tor .... Dimon Milton Ave...,0,a 604 Ervin Mrs. Mr. and Webley, 08 .8 00 In With RI meet on the final two days, e. & WWI' DAY NITE . new farm 88 .8 a. 88 00 of the policy totstine mulation St: South 1st E. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cluff, 553 E. John Bliss, New Mexico state meets . ...-..; .. in Ott stated. be 00 00 00 00 00 00' Song Sty line St. East proposalek 12th Join S.' the 1979 S. -and Mrs. John Cornwall, .6 'Mc. ea SERVICE chairman of le eel, the 00 00 00 ',mph?. Top Swing tverttog engineer, L 0, Itire Late 0), : . ; ... "The secretary of agriculture ., ..... , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Power, 583 4thlAve. Jodie's .. .. .4 iEtinOtf group. .. .... . .44. ...... News ....... are-porte- d told the President, has East SI Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Peak, 648 S. 2nd MONDAY MORNING PROGRAMS 3-72- 36 in the New York Times Oklahoma Wrangler' Warne CodyBright Sunrise Salute .. ... Top te Artil Morning 54:30 a.m. Will Pacts "rot ararmara of Feb. 13,, that proposals Cactus Jint Western, Mune to Suet Your lir a r in arealdast Bement to Spook "Old Arnold leis Guitar. Songs, Day. Beginning at RflandaP 6;ill tariff r,ates on foreign ial14ivith ia .. ........ irounNeill .. til Records Good 1;30 a.m. Sena- - Johnny toe WSW.. ... .. ; .... ., "unto will" .. . 1Wor id . News 'Harland Betrent, state aeroSertics.Co. wools would, weaken the ability Factory Priteal tall Counter. News Weal , . .... Vs neterh f Valentino rautics director, will speak on , ; ' of dornesticwool to edmpete ,.. ,,,, . ....... ,,,.. 2. .... . .... ..s, ...2" ... Offleial al I . Road Report , 533 Sot;th ,..1 ,,,,. ,, . . ... , Oa, tad PIM Trent Netts. Jim Peterson, News !Campbell.. the Right 'SI& News .., fibers." "Telephone Creek," Tuesday at with .. ,. synthetic conNewt, MomMg Nen". Song ..... .... have .. 4$ OODIN CAU .', Shop... Com- Residents in the area' Sara .; 4.Cood Sitct a Lake Salt The County a meeting of Salt Lake Round He also said that the Departw:; 10 a BUOY Day Featur, News ,., 2,,,et,,,2,7Lot-rm,,--cmission Friday accepted a com- tinually complained of the "eye:71".zeiodi;A.:: 'Ir. Table. conIn Will hat'Road r,.!:, of &WWI Official , Agriculture us 8: Johnn y. Sam and hazard it has pre7 ment r a g 1, News of A STICII ei . . , ..1r.., ., ',... ,.." : With Time, Writht, Weatb- - News Report . inThe club meeting will be held promise offer of $733 in settle sore," and WIMPS and Kay .. Margaret Matters ., Aunt Fanny ... . .. ''., a or and Music significant that cluded .Valenttno Vandertrf in the neighborhood. at 6.30 p.m. Tuesday at the ztent of $1,252 in delinquent sented in ted Top or the Arthur retard would crease Godfrey tariff Mutes& in Presents.. the -Coburn's StrikeCarousel.. It Rich , .. .. Commissioners accepted the 'Time .. .. ,. .. ........ :II tlel Mintier, News Records .. ... building ,. . taxes on a burned-ou- t Money! Monet .. University Club. Modern atottabem... Qosen for a laayre Make Ga Tess Mand Morning Jamterel encour9 :211' meecrGo.Itotind .. I Phrase That Pan-- . ; offer on the promise of Richard foreign trade and might near the University of Utah. Malone ., Melt Salley ..... os.mar y .. .. .... ... ,. .. ...... id .. Break e .... the Bank retaliation by wool export, ,1 The building, located at 1320 M. Baker, Ogden, petitioner, age countries. ,Coborn's fleoond chanak da, television's 1tetalleTs iti ..ort' gezt Campus Tzr , II u,ithr reconoutstanding ing 7 CommScheid ...... Make Mine MU114 E.' 2nd South, was badly dam- - that the building "ill-b-e 10 Hou- r- I With Jos Leo . . ,.. porsonality of the year "I quite agree with Secy. penMz.v.1. ntla:. Mr. ,tcrw,:.,i!rarJzzTragen'zi ::: - ..- -- , . . - -- Illth..........,,,----lee leo BLACKDAYLITE aged by fire In 1049 and has structed into a students' dormi- son's . to -,,,,;.:1 more recent statement , PAYthm Cobont'S Ca myna ...111tot: been unoccupied ever. since. tory. Wil rrhUtIontillturaons TireHoin71 - 'ar pigezatt:d.1.111:: Hort Cowie ...., ... cer. facts the CIDri .' President 1 and ( the , 1 ' Grind Contrig Ste, Harmony Rouse - . Young Dr. Itateno.. Meltkly aub .. ... Univeralty'llour. :: : 301 Leo : .4 ....4.., added: ,.. be and .... .. him ' t if ., on lön The a . out," Kay Litht bear tali ,.. Guiding 41 .... .. owl ....:':,.: : ' Drifting "4. . , ---nowt ., 1 .. tainly that . Out Taft Mr. pohned PAL' MONDAY PROGRAMS ' AMIINOON '. 4 I , '1( ---'N --News - ... 40,ritAr erteo-n-,'News; WIliliehs trn Hob a .. .. Itt 1:01 grg; L17, , Godfrey ;rlil! Arnold Rho; I Coos. Hit ruVe Request -- - '.. - :. Ct - ? ,.: , i , I. .,,, , ft. -: - 47-6 t se- ., : r ' ;. - -- - ' - -- - ,r, ' - . ' ' e , , -- "4 f .1 ' . ,-,.. "'-- ,.,. ,...... s:,,. r : : ,,,,...--,.- ii,,,,,iiiiit-1.4.,-4-- ' ' - ' -- , ' z, J'. .' , '- - .r , - ?, :,, : ; . ,.' , , '', . - ,- ;:' -- , - . . , .. 1- j - , 2 1 it . , N' ' ' I - . r ,t. ' til r lt ....,..1 . . N . ' , -- , - . ---- ' ' - , , . , - . - , -. ' L-T- , , . t - 4 1- '.., . ,,,: L-T. - -- -- ; ' . ...4. - 4,, - - 4 .... ' one-eight- h ',.. ''. . - , - ji 4 ' 1 I ,. ' , . . - ... .''' , , ,:, r,, , beani-dr- i - 2 ' . , - - -.- 3 ''. 0.! ns. , , ':-- . r s - y- ' .i,,,,..-- .. . $ - ' s'e- - 7 ' '',0-'- ,' 1 .' ,,:-..: '-- , - '' --- - - ' ': - 6! ..- . -- . lc 4, t.4 ' ' -- ,, , - ' ' - '.- - ' ' , ,i' - , 1,--,- F ..,' -, t.--.- :-i, I , - ,rft-S.e- i - - ". . '..'1-- - , , . , T '- $ ,, , ' - 4 ... . ' -- ,'' ' ' s ., ,,,: : ,i :- 0.4'-',.- ' 4 -,. . .; - , , , .,, , - ; 0 . , n, ' , , , -- 1 d ... , ,.,,...s. , , d .. r r':- -- ,:. 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Boautiful t, Giant !rodeos , . s, a I t .- i 4.' - , I' '.1"- ' ' ,. 4 ' A , I' ,, : f , ... of M r.....ut tyk, i,..,,-,1-- ', ,;" ,4 A f el 1 i ..,:.. , ,orn. TA El , ? .4 I ye, - - n Ai , r.,,.,J f , It "liter Ao 1, p t 1 J. 11,,! i,,k 1,- ',0, ilei . , (N, PR A VA it,i ,,..t ,i,,,,,,i, oi ,f , t 1 y i r! i!1,. ,ii 4" 14 ;41 A.:" USSO4 L your frionis for Hotel Utah thisrtiputor Monday be I fa Nosh' by . Aoki Duke end his orshostro' It4 t( 1 . um p. ',.t i- ' 4 fise so ' ' Job. Olt r's". tall. , . '11 , S ' I , . If.t1IPIreltildallt - ; ft' Day ,4, , , ' DATBLACK c.141 stA dicalll I. ,10 ,,. , e - t . , ' '' ,,., , - , 4 ,.., k of , i , I ''."1".1 I 1 - ,?.:::: Plikt , I Nita 51 I .;'''''-'-- -I ' ' ' AUTHORIZED ., SERVICE - , it.11461 . FAST - -- P '. ' 1 . V.,. , 'I., ,. NOVI :TgAtit:OatiTtIVAkt ' It E eV ' 44'144;"4' 0 ,,,, T ' ' r : , , ,- ,..,- ...,...... .seusid e Zing. . I v 7:00 PL Ite .- I .. .. ,,,, .. .... .... - tIrste-,.,:,- . i 4. ,.! Music tor SlotterriE - - , I. - ,....... ......... - a- .:. ...... ........... - .... ... :. ,. Season 11414tiP , , isill iitiggois . .. .. " -- . .. live Loaalle - ;. Guy. IA Sand a GO and a ., Ittniiiitts ..-,..- I fu termnamiaes; 'Award H. idurrow. !swigs ',ppm . .... ,,,.' ' : . ......... .,..... iiió ..: 4. Nano. 'rhot prugtog, ppm I diply 5 :4s4,Ad loom, IBM Mara, Spart... . .... - ... NEMO ,, . Tna - ad ,,.. t - S J and POD. ..... ... .,... ,..... ..... Li -- - . Jerome'. Olitlr . A . submit, WarriaGotig Snow- -- iTiezetti .0t. vaciets andi Piano and Records Paroling . - ,o,nmi................ eiiitil I . Ji RIM With ato- - Hit rano . ' sic. kiosk. Music Hit Thaw .. .. 1L ,. Litt Can Bo Pelee i Primal 1 i' .. The hoed of Life.. 1 40,1, .' lid;;dt- Pik's' Sateilis,',50 ilewii ... ' ea 4. PePOer YOUrift,. 1 i Cactus pat f Hight to HooPIWPW Hi 05 Pritedly ills His in l t 4 ,; It WrIght't Itee.fliaclestage WHO tdd,13 ..ito... $howfa Deted , so ww, .. . IWM - Album of TouriStella 2, Dallas RN,11111"1"dtn, couslan1lery'Rfeurd'Db. lad,, I . ith Roame ' ,,,, ..":-Tilos Favorite INVIdder ... Mysteries Brovid .. ,. ,. . Hommotars. dorastaa ,. tWoman In Houre.i. livirstinu Hit Parenetrtairt of Odds ,, oillmo Out for MoilI .Pisin Bill I,!urt I ... -... , Fart:,,ell lront , Chia 1 ii Rint,P111 Radnor Toil ri;;41' (ntdro SurioitStite' Melds intil Loma,Page Id moss .... t Hardt Pima' Music ,!, .. :4$ !Cavalcade of Hilltop Hoag .; .. Wayna Logan andi Pays to Se married i Martin Jackson Mort dhow Gordon theca Maytag) ow Record; Music. tittle., Mu. WricomeTrassisra- .' Newel i he Nation's No. I Hemingway. News .. . ... Men Tont flarlitN2 lAilan 'to Day Di sc Joc key i i Gordon .... I tie Dr Paul :art (.1,......-...- ... ue Gusts Sam 10734 evi :: Joe Pt a 'duo 1 lq ,,,,, ..4 ,LAIret 110 ,, :t49ris4, , PAYDAINT vo ! gape 40 V -- - rrm 112 1,1 - ; .- ' 9.41,41 ACHANNEL 5 1 SATURDAY, NO DOWN MOM . Folttin J. Sheen TV 'SERVICE p C) I U .1 itt again iach tieek! How! Enjoy :341) Bishop ...-.,-- - .,.-, ss.... .,... . e. - ',e'l Road ghow ., - - -- . 5: 21i Nowa ... i ',. ss 4. Mortals Realty ,,,.,.4 . , -- - AIIPTI and Hodada a s 1 . . . ., , , ,. , ... ,.. ,,- - ' . t-- , ' - ' -t ' ' e4 '' . ;1 ,,, . ' , , , - ' - .'. ,a , , ; , s'; ,',' ' , ; 't 4 ;: . . |