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Show idaM04,4111,41.411 - ci010 h? j . , - ' Book of Motiiiin Establishes, ,41 . , . ' t - - ' lords of hlic fathers, which were , could he have in his possession, learned that such would be the , èase. Alma, who lived before , the coming of the Messiah arisen airnong certain students di , of the Book of Mormon a theory prophesied this. He, however;1 -' , to the effect that within the by divine appointment', abridged , , ';' 1 from those records, in his own ', , period covered by the Book of oft , ., k Mormon, the Nephitts and La- style and language, a shOrtae' ".. count of the more important almost . manites were confined , t,. I , ',71 within the bordeas or the terri, and prominent items, from the days of Lehi to 111.S own time, tory comprising Central Ametif ice and the southern portion of ' after which he deposited, as he , on the 529th Page, all the the Tehuan- isthmusOf says, Mexico; ----same I trecords in this I hill, ,Cu- I tepee probably being the "nal'. I I morah, iad after save his small I I tow necit' of land spoken of in ft record to !titer son Moroot the Books of Mormon rather , I as than the Isthmus of Panama. appears' om the same, whoill . ' exmi nce, the , This theory is 'founded upon ' aiter,witnessing , of , his peopia as a tinction , im7was the assumption that it '' nation .,. ' v possible for the colony of Lehils , 4 fl i ' ' :', '',2. HUI- Called Ramak - to multiply and fill the heng-: Cohere within the limits of one :mThia bill, by the Jaredites, ', was called- liamah: by it, or thousand - gears,, or ',' from the ':,;:;,s, ' coming of Lehi fromlerusident 4 famous - aroundof it pitched the ' i,' : ' 7.to the time Of the destruction I Coriantumr their tents. , army i t I Hill was IltirSat the 3,03Kril MLDING1 Corianttimr of the ,Nephites the last king t i',,:ii '' , - '' ' Cumorah.1 of the Jaredites. The opposing , Moreover, that the A31"Eall army'-wof the ookorlformont-------4-1eWinge.-01 -thit' same valley and near by, - of the migrations, building of cities,ithe wars and contentions, Inid 'of Cumorith in New York. from day to day, did. that mighty I the possibility of the AS ft has been known 'since the race spill their blood,- bi wrath, . - preclu'ai as were brother it overcontending,Agreat visitation of Moroni to the people's spreading'distances such as we find !pith- - Prophet Joseph Smith for the against ' brother,' and father 1 riz this seine spot, in the borders of North 'and bill Is to the proximity of the against son. , , view; from- the top of South America.' Great Lakes, and also in the in full -1( If we are willing to leeee0 land of many rivers and .fourt- this same bill, one 'may gaze ; Bible record, which is con- tains. Moreover the Prophet with astonishment , upon the the firmed by the Doctrine and Coy. Joseph Smith himself is (main- - ground which was twice cov; with the. dead and aying - snant, the entire civilization of ord, definitely declaring" the ered I to of our fellowmen."yessenger , the earth was destroyed in the present bill galled Cumorab 1835s and Advocate, PP. alai. ' flood except Noah anditis fain-fl- be the exact hill spoken of in '' , Moreover, this destruction the Book of Mormon. further, vale lie commingled, took place less than five thou- the fact that ill of his associates in "In this one mass of ruin, the ashes L --sa-nd years ago, and today the from the beginning down have of thousands, and in this vale ' identical as notthe of it ..... spoken population of theeartts, ' I1 to consume was destined the I withstanding Wars and destrue- bill where Mormon and Moroni fair forms and vigorous systems tions, is estimated at some -two hid the' record;- must carry of tens of thousands of the billion Bolds. The population- of some weight. raceblood mixed with t Europe, based upon the best It is difficult for a reasonable human '.., with flesh, bones 1 ,1 flesh blood, men such that believe Into 'f records available, 41 vastly person and dust with dust." with bones, - creased over that at the time as' Oliver Covtdery, Brigham ' ' :I Messenger- - and Advocate, P. Pratt, Orson of the -, ' ' MONUMZNT TO MORONIAn commemoration .1 of the discovery of America; yet Young. Parley 1833. , ., , July, transmission of the golden plates front Moroni son of upon this hemisphere are to be Pratt, David Whitmer and many The quibbler might say that .,, found hundreds of millions of others, could speak frequently this statement from Oliver llormon, to the Prophet Joseph fimith in the last dis.it descendants of Euro-7- of the spot where the Prophet Cowdery is merely the opinion,, -- pensation, this historic monument was erected by the people, -, obtained the of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints atop the ;(and not the pean and Asiatic ancestors who Joseph asSmith Hill the Cumorah, hill where the records were concealed. t ' ' knew nothing of this land be- plate; of the Prophet expression . fore the discovery by Columbus. and not be corrected by the Joseph Smith. It should be rewere not the if that Prophet, of The rapid increase these letters in !spring seat and Joseph behind three witnesses to bear record posterity that membered Is known to every genealogist fact. That they did speak of which these statements are uswhen traveling along in a of the book!" who has traced, the record of this hill fn the days of the made were written at the clear While in this statement it is open manner definite space, a very pleas-quein this Prophet westsettlers and under his in this the early old man and-- not positively declared that he, his- Prophet's ant, of record an is established . ern country. personal supervising. Surely, tory. under these circumstances, be denly appeared by the side of Hill Cumorah is the place where Theory Confusing The first reference .of this would not have permitted an our wagon and saluted us with, the plates were obtained, yet This modernistic theory of kind is found in the "Messenger error of this kind to creep into 'Good morning, it is very warm,' the implication that such is the necessity, in Order to be con- and 'Advocate,", a paper pub, the record without correction. at the same time wiping his face, case, is overwhelming. Moroni sistent, must Place the waters lished by the Church in 1834-- At the commencement of these or forehead with his hand. We declaring from Cumorah he of Bipliancum andthelJUll ).835. In a brief history of the historical fetters is' found the returned the salutation, and, book to be revealed! - . Cumorah some place within the rise of the Church by a sign from JoleN I invited .by following: Perhaps this matter could rest restricted territory of Central Oliver Cowdery. beprepared makes ref."That. our narrative may be hinf to ride if he was going our at this point, but the question America,' notwithstanding the erence to this particular spot correct, and particularly the in- way; but be said very pleas. of the territory now embraced , teachings of the Church to the In the following words: troduction it is proper to in- antlY. 'No 1' am going to Cu- within the United States havcontrary for upwards of 100 form our patrons, that our morah,' This name was ing been in possession of Nel Account Mormoors years. Because of this theory A. offered thing new to me; I did not know phites and Lamanites before 'Brother Jr. has to and 529th the e "By turning Church some members to assist, us. Indeed, there are hat Cumorah 'Meant. We all the death of Mormon, carries have become confused and 530th pages of the Book of Mor- many items connected with the gazed It him and at each other, some weight in the determin' mon Mormon's will read you greatly disturbed in their faith of this subject that and as I looked around inquir- - ing of this matter. In the light forepart of account last the great strug- render his labor indispensable in the Book of Mormon. It is of Joseph, the old man in-- of revelation it is absurd for for this reason that evidence is gle round this Hill Cumorah. With his labor and, with authen- - ingly stantly disappeared, so that 1 anyone to maintain that the here presented to show that it In this valley fell the remain-- ' tic documents now in our poC did not see Nephites and Lamanites did not him again." a of and is not only possible that these ing strength pride session, we hope' to render this possess this northern land. F. Smith asked: "Did Joseph Neonce powerful people, the a pleasing and agreeable narra- you notice his appearance?" places could be located as the While Zion't Camp waL marchChurch has held during the phitesonce so highly favored tive, well worth the examine-DaviWhitmer: "I , should ing on the way back to Jackson ' time of at in the that but that but Lord, very past century, and perusal of the Saints.", think I did. Ile was, I should County,' near the bank of the In darkness, doomed to suffer deed such is the case, and Advocate, think about five feet Messenger eight or Illinois River they came to a It is known that the Hill extermination by the bend of , nine inches tall and heavy set... mound containing the skeleton Cumorah where the Nephites their barbarous and uncivilized His lir and beard were of a man-TProphet Directs Publication history of this inwere destroyed, lathe bill where brethren. as follows: cident is Niuvoo idre Brother white, the PePratt's Later, but during dewere also the top of this the Jaredites of the Church, and again bia beard was not so heavy. I Lamanite Disinterred stroyed. This hill was known to Mermon, with a few others, riod remember that he had on "The brethren, procured a the Jaredites as Ramah. It was after the battle, gazed with box' under the direction of the also his backa sort of knapsack shovel and a hoe, apd removJoseph approximately near to the 'rot upon the 'mangled remains Prophet i with same Oliver Cowderyd letters by something lo, shaped like ing the earth to the depth of waters of Ripliancunr; which( of those who, the day before, -, about one foot, discovered the , Ether says, "by interpretation, were filled with anxiety, hope, were republished in the "Times n book?' skeleton of a man, almost enany References ta essaprah Is large, or to exceed all." Mor- or doubt A few had fled to the and Seasons,"---ithout, had this mon adds: "And it came to pass South, who were bunted down thought Who can read the words of tire", and between his ribs point of a , Lamanitish that we did march forth to the by the victorious party, and all description, of the Hill Cumorah Joseph Smith as recorded in ' Section 128 of the Doctrine and arrow, 'which evidently proland, of Cumorah, and we did who would hot deny the Savior been an error. 'Another testimony of interest Covensnts and not feel that he duced Elder Burr the and his pitch our tents round about religion were put to retained the arrow. Hill Cumorah; and it Was in death, Mormon himself, accord- Is that of. David Whitzner given had reference to the Hill Cu- Riggs "'etcZ contemplation 'of , the a land of many waters, rivers, ing to, the record of his son Mo- to Elders Orson Pratt and Jo mprah in western New York? seph F. Smith in September "And again, what do we hear? Scenery around us produced peand fountains, and here we had ronifiwas also slain... hoped to gain advantage over "But a long time previous to 1878, when they paid him a visit Glad tidings from Cumorah! culiar sensetions in our bosoms; c, the visions of the Lamanites:" this national disaster it appears at his home in Richmond. To Moroni, an angel from heaven; from his own account, he fore' these brethren he said: "When I declaring the fulfillment of thethe. past being opened to my Cameral Described was returning to Fayette, with cprophet -- - the book to be re-- I understanding by the Spirit of It MUSt.be Conceded that this saw approaching destruction. Joseph and Oliver, all of us rid- reeled. A voice of the Lord in the Almighty, I discovered that In if he the the tits 13ertect1y factt persued description ing in the wagon, Oliver and I the wildernea, of 11..a.Yette... 4e. th! "person iwturl skfletont was : dfashionid wooden neca County, declaring the on an e3 Silturcfciy:rebruary, See PROPHET, By JOSEPH FIELDING SMITH - President if the Council el , the Twelve Within recent years there has '. i L , . ' , 4 - ---- , , , , , ,. N , , -' , - ,'' ', ! , - , - , , - I I .1 I 1'. -- , -- ( , : , .; s , - 1 - ; i : .. s 1 ' -,- t.. , - - , ' , ' :, - ry ----sto- , ' 7 - -B- .., ai C - - - I - - - , 1- I I i - : 1 I y. 58-5- 9. , 1 - I I I , - , i "c-- ". . , - . - . . y Olivet-Crowder- y ", - '- , - - . - ) I - st nice-lookin- g - , -- - - - , 1 - some-Smit- h , A : of-th- - , , j, - , H r - d r , he -- , , the-ston- his-deat- h. e -- - . -- , , 27,-19- - i I 54 , . - . , i :-- :, - , , .5 |