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Show THE UbSHKCii felng i.tl UV.1 '.."--- rr I in the district one at leant Mfired lanll tdt tl' ' Inor-jn.- . mil ''! to do ao withoutd from thlr oritamrj.-u.nil tUrn to work 0 In tlt-' today that If ner- was f V-- .(ijtlns '!' H-- ,f i ivf s i eei.i he ino bu rt irn d ro if h s fpvVft Regulted in Death pJ0j Laid to HusWoman Of band in Statement of Ban- Senate Passes Measure Subscribers of jQ Overtures for Peace af Too - Banks That Have Tailed j. dit Suspect.- Hz vr, Hed I re Costly Power of Irreguj.' A house U VSHINLrTON Jub 20 (Rv Associated Press) s H senbers of Lib- Jars Must be Broken. H,i o r iie SAV FRANCISCO. July 20 ') :ree State Spurns Reported " GIVEN HEARING h resources ,r,rf ir wood hejhrowrt1 nf producing cent 1il t o,' ntir.rrs dec.tnod to nrk n g'jard j i 7 hana. tnn ft ird 'm v war "iu wMoh . f, .ftp . r THURSDAY; FRIDAY, SATURDAY (By The Associated Fresa.) . FAIRBANKS. Alaska, July Of hgeh, round .ywac farence O, Prest. tn ho started Jrom Eagle for Fairbanks Sunday and has not been heard of since Searching parties made up of Fairbanks citlsans. sk.lled m ushers and Including hav old-tiprospectors, of .scoured two hundred - tallies country- between'- the two- oitie -Grave fears for without result Presta safety are ertertained, at tha season is the worst ever known here for rain and cold and Prest was without food or a blanket. Henry hatejw)kMi ,c.ulied of Vrlnp Arthur v ir.rl yt'ter ay y a,,,r castor, brothers, to stag, an(j to con fere rtv5 t tna house .eat a fake holdup, !n which Wllkens Shortage Disclosed in ! ,f and hilled on a atrat " .PJtAal H L p tued Funds, I Chicago Suburb, . n fH ri total $254,000. m aitor.a. sst.s t c er0 jay jj)( continued today to face f.a foverco-fcn- l of auth-rzho.c fi u is e cm Rhfh tb In police court a preliminary murder jtroHrindgenera! lyrees are iniu (By Afcied Pre.) pay, the gov ci'uHWi1. ut d melf marked yesterday CHICAGO. by the tu Juiy 20 Accountant oppw-W;'Thr rin have for 'th'13r'Mngr"H! atatwa wldewewtey tlJrj.funct "'"wltC It Mis." ill Biob'irbMl!?,rirrrs(.J;f of the village of Franklin Park, a ! bond th and some harder Work to StttOat- a,, ,,,rt ahort-ag- a aiered bandtta -ubujb already have found a 1twa c r;- - rr;-- trtimbwere aad, lost - approximately TSOOO, Wllkoa wait ii I the autorooElli with Vaterford, fork and ao Theb fa'.ures ta'tA ,1(, learned today and It li exp'ected leim with rhe Jectlon to the riimel in the hill Include Bar.F by later distor la s.na r.oaa, Cnlif . and the Farmers dres, when she was fatally shot He coveries. will labo increasedthat subjection U used a grand It expected OU.ii.Uh,!. J,hrts. hadfee"two bv4U robbed, reported iftveatlgatienn aU- XqIIqw helmink- - in fa' or him and then fired1 the bullet strtk jury PREMIKK PFFH.FD. tnani-a- . 'S'Z? T 'It- - n iTI theie INJINriK'N Iwsf FD. ly. i no Older auini.r to . frTw injury. t jo ii i i i) ba of 0 ROME, July 20 The chamber Judse f.eorge on Juiy whose purported I'NIFarjo Arthur Fasior, anowliu thie an overwhelming vote this by deputies In-- 1 f case ued the J satee r khIh ropfeselon against m v'ew temporjrv confidence The et lun.ci.t. lige ... i ' J vVi'keos twrgety rests, la tn custody. afternoon refused a- ote ofmotion was, The FactaIs sought by the police. in Premier brother Hs on 103 28 to coniprvrru rejected fj More than two hours of concludes -ra.lroad failed to break down the The safety and future welfare ofjj-story of Arthur Castor, told under a the nation depend on the power of the down feai U. S. Asked to Operate premise of immunity, that he and his, Irregulars being broken brother Walter participated tn the built on compromise with forces that Mines in Coal behaved have Michigan j as the holdup Irregulars behave While Castor was making his re- would ba a peace too costly for the ) " Associated Presa Bv cital. In which he accused Wllkena of Irish nation area toLANSING, Mich, Juy 20 Gov. knowledge of the holdup and describReports from the fighting nation-s- l the by a ed Indicate pressure meetings between his brother and day of ernor Alx J Gro.shcck in a telegram Wllkens, the latter sat with his head arpiy force on earh extremity President to power-funtransmittal lor nk prepared, bowed. Tie did. not look at Castor the insurgent line, develop. ana evreTrdtne roughly from Ik- - TXir.diijt icluy ioKClTfhe sanction of( Castor declared,, that hla brother TO" nck snd Waterford, thereby cutting the federal government for a plan that Wllkens had coal WaUer told him him CAMP LEWIS, Wash , July 20 off virtually the whole of Munster take over and operate Michigan mesaa far as any st The contred under ite ines was loot but. of Utah R O. T. C stuwitness the province concerned, Vniverslty y An attack on Waterford was made ,ag. asked whether the federal gov-b- continued, they went to th Wtlkens" are eertalnly holding her dents in state from Kilkenny, ernment would Join with the troops advsnclng After Wllkens and Walter had home their own in camp athletie activipreceded by parties of engineersInwho Castor cams talked. said, they away. the ties, especially in removed the heavy obstructions Walter then gave him a $100 bill, he of boxing bouts which are held road and reached the outskirts stated. two n'ghts a week In the last Waterford Tuesday evening Lenine Assassination contests Utah men have won four The nationalists found the main two decisiona lost one and got one cut off through the Said to Missouri Town Dark Premier Denied; G. L Dunnahoo and C. part eof the city draw. over the river Suir being declsloned boxers from the As Effort is Made to To Be at Moscow .Villa raised The railway bridge was imColorado School of Mpes and Stanthe A Colorado man Combat Coal Shortage ford a university passable and the troops opened R decision from L W Sidweli Service ) IntprnariAnHl attack from the north side of the river got G. W. Latler while got a draw The report of MOSCOW, July 20 with machine gun and rifle f're, (By Associated Press ) with an Oregon Agricultural" colwhile eighteen pounders shelled the th murder of Nicolai Lenine nhich 20 boxer. HanniJulv HANNIBAL, Mo, lege appeared originated in Copenhagen, Irregulars barracks Utah also made a good showing Is untrue, it wan established today by bals streets last nght were virtually In a match pistol shooting event, M Neas Service International Hold today scores th as drastic in darkness, procHy's getting second place inat four Michigan Miner Kamenoff preident of the Moscow 2a ards. of seven shots each local soviet said he had visited Len- gram went into effect because of a one No Major Grievance SO at one at yards slow fire, ine three dis ago and found 15 yards rapid fire and one at 25 him coal shortage at the municipal light Is Report to Governor irnfifovi.n in-- . health. Lenine J stii plant three yards. Utah was within With less than a weeks suppTy of points of the winning team. Presliving In his il'a in the country near i'' TBy Associated 'ton Grover, captain of the Utah fuel in eight every effort Is being Mnvrow team, was high man. Besides e the drain on current. I was much pissed to see the made to sa1 Mich. July 20 The LANSING, Grover the men on the team are Meanwhile the board of public works recovery Lenne is mak'ng G governor's Investigation showed, he speedv L Dunnahoo. L L Anderson, C scouring the Illinois mine districts R Kate and W. B Oddle. The declared, that neither the workers nor said Kamenoff He walks in the gar- - j is secure to some coal and for home of his and discusses affairs den arranging field have any major grievances artillery battalion Is on a employers route march over Camp Lewis resand that the men are out only be- of stae with friends and sdvieer .relief from large local industries. The population of Hannibal Is apervation. It left here Monday and cause workers In other statee are out However, he will be unable to resume was expected to be gone five days. proxmately 25.000 It showed also, he declared, that his full duties for several weeks." (ij-jr- Economy Specials re When the fir$ is Out - ) , JULY 20 1922 For Aviator Prest OFFAKEHOLDUP ij1' lHUKSUAir Prospectors Hunt MAN ACCUSED tvat the state -- KJtws and the water-soake- d comfort--abl- o; OC A value1,. ruins are heaped in a tu(& roofless j to) Delightfully coot and .white linen: Loul, heel, 100 -- trim white linen Oi O OR ford: low heel, 4 0 ufc.WvP v.tna Only Decidedly the home, H liisciit-nejigatne- t H. 11 thnst. klea-wiif- i i advi-edi- k A llllH 5 v mf ub-lt- he indiv-dua- owner, often wonders vroasin - i'- jwhy.he . neglcctedto. y. buy adequate -- 1 rj Twim- -r Jrsj(r insur- ance. e 1 n M - ciP ns y double-crosse- ' i Fwagger flport Oxford Smoked elk. patent lin'hfr apron 7 CO Insure that your loss BUck Kid Two-tramilitary heel. A daahlng little 4 QC C 00 value. Only WwP model, A f valub (S.3U Only Only CE will be made good. mi BUT Insure here that we may help prevent it. p. Satin dainty Black 7 SO Lou la bed. value, only .... . ... C QC Children, Lw FMtwnr draw-bridg- ' Ladlea Brown Calfakln Oxford Cow rubber hel, olid and mtghlygood looking, 0 AC value. ( Blu-ch- -- 1 UTAH HOME All short Has greatly reduced fi FIRE Insurance atyle) patent delightful vamp with beige auede quarter. low heel, 1 00 C QC yaluo- - BpeijaJ A Company, P-- HEBER J. GRANT & CO-- , with buckle, Patent low heel; exceptionally 1 QC waJ 00 value amari, General Agents. Salt Lake City. Logan Stake League. STANDING W L. OF THE CLUBS. Frt W. $ lWiitb Ward Logan Id 14 d IS CUira 19iProv Id . . t Ever Hts T I .141 Lofaa lot I S .141 Ith Ward Logan 12th S I f4fc Logan 7th t th Ward ) Prov Ut.. 0 L Bet. .10 .$00 .m .11 10 10 .147 11 . Friday' Schedule, Sixth va. Twalfth Eighth rg. govaath. Ei.vonth rg. ftacond. Rivac Haight v. Proridane Flrrt. BUY NOW AND SAVE! (BpoelaJ to The Kav.) Milton England, who LOO AN. July 20 f t ha a regular Baba Ruth duo to hla homo run hitting, atopped out for additional honor taat night whan ba lot down with nary tho Providence Second a clean basa hit. Ha pitched hi team to a 12-- 0 rtetonr. Man got on base but thay got thera by raaon of orror and ona walk laaucd by tha tar barler. Tad Lawi was another star sticker of kas dJtnvuahrd finko lcuo aa Speaking of- - Important Names you had to buy your lubricating ofl out barrels : oil, the sources of which were unknown. How could you then e sure yon were getting the right oil? A name as widely known as Polarine means more to ySu than you perhaps think. It is an endorsement a certification of a reliable refiner to the effect that the oil conforms to certain rigid standards.' These standards, and the name which guarantees them, are for your protection against in- inferior and fluctuating grades of motor oil. Polarine is your best motor oil, when used properly, because there is a grade especially intended to meet your SUPPOSE MS :ty 4 requirements. THE CONTINENTAL Denver Greet Fall Albuquerque Butte OIL COMPANY Puebla Salt Lake City Conoco- is balanced gasoline. Have you learned what that means to the motorist ? - . Boiaa Cheyenne , tho game getting a homer, trip!, double and a single Batterieet Provideoee Mathew and Koier; Logan Seconds. England and Curtis. Umpire Rao Smith. CoUaga ward won from. Logan First Ja d contest 1 to S. Coll age bit a hard while tha First made numerous error. Batteries Collage, O. Nelson and W. Nelson, First, Jacobsen, PhUUpe and Thomas Th Eighth ward hit hard and played good Jball behind Jtrby ThSch resulted in a victory vr the River Heights crew if t 9. Batteries Eighth. Kirby and Tartar; River Heights, R. Davidson, J. Davidson and Btndrup. Tho Sixth warder pounded the half at a terrlffe clip and wen from the Elev. nth ward 17 t 4. Wilcox and Baught war tars. Batteries: Sixth. Wilcox end Hail-stonEleenth. Haw. Blanchard and Berketon. Blanchard. Tho Seventh ward won from tho Twelfth by default. Gus Becker Makes Fine Score in Coast Trapshooting Tourney (8poial to The Kewa) OGDEN, July 20. O. L Becker, Ogdons tmpshooter, ha returned from Portland where h attended the Pacific coast trapshooting tournament from July JX to 19, Jdr.J5eckerwoa a place on th. Pacific cout Him and durtn th (hoot mad, the apl.lidid acor, of Hi out of B powlblo 200. H tho only Utah (hooter at th, tournam.iit. team ia eompoaad of Frank Th, coast Troeh. O. N. Ford, and Frank Templeton, all of Portland, Mr. Backer and J. D. Ankeny, tha latur of Walla Walla. Mr. Backer flnlataod cloaa to Champion Troeh In the double race and tho aon, cbamplonahlp on th, slnfl.s and boat him on the handicap tercet. Tha Portland Oregonian published Mr. Rocker's photograph and declared him to b, the country's best shot. More than 100 trapshootsra from Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, California Hull and . British .Columbia wore present at the meet. Imbm Yesterday Total t Boston 1 AMERICAN. WWlkev FhUadolphla 9 FACIFIG COAST. 1 Salt Lake tend S8S Cor. Main and Broadway League Twilight CLIB J STAD1M. CLCB STANTON O. W. A T w L pet L. pet-- t A 9 ltf i Remit CsMwsll Spring I. Kmmstt I. Wolsor For otto 9, Form ' Pyolt .. Emmett I .T..441 2 11 .151 t. Boiso 7. Deaarat Few, D. 4. B., a. Olebe Opts O. S. Mtn. Stouter. h. ... State, Imt Night Ksw, 9; O. Drt D. Browning Auto, 9. 9; Rmolt. S L. t. A. R. O. I. Central Utah League Th Dceert Kw nln Ust night d fsstsd th fast O. 8. L. crew by th count of 4 to 2 It was a fins gam with th result In doubt until th final out . .S .400 Tetter)! Lehl came through with bis usual good Midvale ...t ,.SS.40e S S performance, striking eut eight ef the .4.0 SlMUk. Pork S I .aoo'Amer. Fork .40 opposition in five anlngs. Hail Bpry and I M Prove .. Sortagrille H. Ley were th beet hitter for Th kESTERDAT'S New. At Peeve Paywe 4. Provo 1. The New team will Invade Clerketon. Fork , Lakl A (pro- At LeU Speofa game on July 24. The New Utah, for team will play the town team, and Mann At AiMfkta FMk SjjiliigTtl ip ger Crown, of The New aggregation, exsa Fork 1. a real battle. The New nine ba pect At Midvoi Hohor , lWfih S. reached a stage where It must be clasped the fastect amateur outfits In the among WESTERN ASSOCIATION. mn and the manager will " tat. Eleven Tiwfc tb trip Karren Is th pctolbl w. L. Pet choice for pfbchcer W. j. yrt. for Th Mews. St. Joevph t It .Itromaha .. .41 44 .114 eor : ' Th Sloes city t4 tl ,t7Okla. CKy 14, 44 .421 Deseret Vow. O. 8. L. Tolas . ...44 41 .414 D. Motnea .44 4, .444 AB R H O.A Mrgan, Wlfhlte . 42 44 ,447Savr . .41 41 .427 H.Lve.lf 9 1 2 9 4 lbl( 1 1 1 I F Meln,a 9 9 Lwlyn.2b 9 Tnttriay II emits. Cpry.th 9 12 9 1 Hnvy.tb - H. B. 14 At St. Panl: 9 9 9 9 9iDrdan.cf 9 9 i..Mwt 144 1 Ksrraf Colnmbtt, ,. ... .9 9 9 9 liPMaliUb 9 9 9 7 9 Hsll.s St. Paul 1 9 9 9 Vaa.e ..2 HSkns.!f sad Le; Roger sad Cwaa.lb Batter1eq-Sny- dr 9 9 9 4 1 Davis.rf ,1 9 9 4 9 Gonxalee. 1. 4 jCrhtrxeeOv-- 2 ILLvejT 1V 1 4 4V 1 2 KUand p 9 4 9 f 1 VetrltP R At Xmmi City: Burne.lb 1 9 9 4 9 19 .. 9 H.Jt I Tndlxnxpoil 1 15 19 KartNS City 4 1 14 fl Total .24 T.tal .wITTi BxttertesHl. Ptty imd Krger; Zina ammaryt Eirora Prank KiaMi, Two-bo- a, and McCarty. kits. Spry. Van, DavidMa. TkiM-bR-B hits 14 Lev.. Swtfta. kite H.ll. Pt.loa At kluMpoll; 15 1 baM. Hall, Van. Morgan, Pied NsoMb. Toldds so rack lt, by Votterli 4, by Keflland 1. 5 T 9 Minn poll .. on balls oft V.tUril J, .ff Kalllaiid 4 Kochcr baM Bsttwi nQ1rd, McCuHocgh Left I. bw. Dwerot News I, O, B. L d Myr Owsn. Thormshlsa, BcMw R. H. E 4. Hit batamaa, Vaa by K.uiaad. Vmplrw Second guns: 1 . 11 Otlborg. , oee.T Tol4C mo, 9 19 Browalag Ant. tmk a .Iom me from .. .. Mlnncnpcll ,, h- 1h4 Or the afftht, Kc d McCmUoogh Terry. Bttrl being 4 to 2. Th. wla olachM th. ftpm,. Mora, d Ksjem ta, mi FkiUp txtta tor ttw am. irnnr: H. K 7 E1 At Mltwki I Livin BOXERS CllH STANTONO. W. U Pet. 00 Payee. 4 1 2 .KWHetMT .. w. I- - Pet. Rltcm..II f 111 119 119119 ......... 11999 Jilt, l .. ..19 11 2 and Meyer, klvtvkM MAY HAVE BOOKING AGENCY . July 20z Fla PORTLAND, t 9tAblUh Or-- MrencUg IS Portland I teinl LEAGUE TOTAL. Aeserlcmn, 111. Western Idaho League Bnttmlc C11P, BiwttAm; ytgh . Onat, Judge Building Downstairs I .,....19 NATIONAL. M. Louis , As -- - Ff f,,a,t,,4,,,ll HOME RUNS IN LEADING LEAGUES 26 SPEICHER5 I ' Kitkul, , g- Mra. IaviZ k. William at Kew York and t jyha. .nnh 1.a wanager, a?M"t!Ty bin arrival from Sydney, N. &. W. Dudley, farmer mayor et Renta Monies,' route to . Ban Frandeco. Laa AuaUa and K w Xark, . aocordtng be ward meadvad her. Ni ' - 1 |