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Show - -- r . w. w V e, '"' '' '"'V '' issSVa hr T0C0NF0RMT0 n ' ! Industrial System of NONPARTISAN j Australia Praised by I (By The Aeeoclated Pres) in- NSW. July J Ansocial between the tereatlng contra and Industrial Itf of Austral, with that of older countries waa drawn by Dr Sydney Strong, of Seattle. Wash., in a recent address t Metwrarne. The Commonwealth, with lta universal suffrage, ita.old age pension, ita facbaby bonus. Its high wages, state tory legislation and lta nationalization of public utilities, has been called the he raid. "Livworkers psradlse.' ing tondltlors here are certainly much belter than In England ami America. Industrially speaking. Australia baa gone a longer, way along the path of coon--, progress- than either of these tries. These thoughts are. brought to my m(nd by the celebration of 'sight hours dayTTh IT labor movement has accomplished much In Australia for the worker. But outalde organisations, League,' such as the I co-&- m SYDNEY. Recognition of Obregon Government Hinges on ...Definite Announcement Country' Attitude. I The Asaoclsted Press ) Hecogol. WASHINGTON. July In Ban of the' Obregon government Mexico awaits some definite action by Trthat government aff.rmtng the of the present bounced purpose Mexican officials in relation to metor United State ier emment or AmerlcafT citizen are la ( By - - J. jerested. - Tht euBunuy of i - --4 the aUuattbn was an authoritative from obtained today tpokoam&n for the Administration nd '(here can be nO doubt that it reprit rouA-i-Because of the world-wid- e tents the views laid before Adolfo fl of minlater Mexican nomie conditions, Auetralia, like other Huerta, crisis, countries is facing an Industrial DSnce during his recent conference with President Harding and Secretary j would give you this word of advice, em- Let hare what you "Hold on to Hughe. eo A summery of the sitaatSvn obtained pioyer and employee from the same source shows that that there will be no lowering of the S hi is there has been much talk of the standards of Hvlng ' 'Intentions and policies of the Obregon -. government which would be in har(hony with American views, no defln- - Its action in regard to any of tha "titrations on the part of tha Mexican rev emment hat yet come to the knowledge of the slats department. It wss Indicated that the Washington government was not insistent that general Obregon sign a treaty such as htt proposed by Secretary Hughes More than a year ago specifically ..guaranteeing protection of legitimate American rights in Mexico. LONDON. July Startltng revelaIf It la possible for the Mexican and dethronement the tions respecting 'government to arrive at tha sama end Is some other way through acts of death of former Emperor Nicholas are long res or decisions of the Mexican J promised by Alexander Kerensky, on miprsme court, there is every Ilkell- - tlrne president of the Russian repub- . good that American desires In the ,ultIy wrlUng hl .Matter would be satisfied by such a Uc who h memoirs In a oLndon flat. Kereskys ..ieurse. plan was to spirit the emperor out of Russia to a neutral European country or to the United States, but this. ba contends eras frustrated by Great Britain. The book of tha former Russian dici tator will begin with the inoeptlon of the war and cover the final collapse of the empire It will explain not only the cause of the Romanoff overthrow but the failure of Kerensky's own gov emment- Tha writer declares that If the AlLONDON. July women let Russia been hed io. lies willing Bngttsh for a period, they could ue equalling their American sisters remain passive as a valuable ally. The In the scope of their occupations j have kept her out that tha Entente I book will women legislator. lawysrs, physicians Insisted onpoint Russia displaying energy and sculptors are fairly common in on the front while In the throes of a boms. at both countries. But now London comes revolution His own overthrow Kerensky at long with a woman "marrying tributes to simultaneous preesura from She la the Rev. Constance. the two extreme parties the Royaltet a graduate of Oxford university, on the right and the Botshevlkt on the 'and joint pastor of one of the West left, aided by the hostility of the army . inds fashionable churches. Some women like to be married by Condition Reported Good. , Mias Coltman: she does hot ask them The condition of Kershaw N. White to use the word "obey, in fact tells ward to them to avoid iL Bbe requests the bishop of the Twenty-sixt- h bride and the groom to present each the Pioneer stake, who suffered e the fractured knoe cap Tuesday while , Hher with a ring, repeating ..words: "As this .ring now encircles cranking his astomobtla, was reported so let love to b gnd this morning at the Dr. W, surround my jjiy finger, H. Groves L. 0. 8 hospital. all the days of thy life Kerensky, Former Russian Dictator J i i TeDs War Secrets ' -- -- bn Woman Minister ; Introduces New Jow in Marriage VI u H-- - part-ion- Colt-ma- jf i n, TITO SD AY JULY IJEAGUE ISSUE i WMW WWfll'W Vrr i 20 1 - 1922 BY IN OKLAHOMA POIICY OF U. Sj American in Sydney: 1 CT - THE bESERET HEWB MEXICO ASKED U Thfrlev4nc committee of tbo supremo court and Utah State Bar (rassociation composed of C. W. Morse, D Thomas and L. W Stewart, in a decision rendered tht morning dis- -, charges preferred against J. D, Skeen, D. A Skeen and W. R. Skeen j later Male fcugnreompnay,. tbo , Keen.' Pioneer Sugar company. Preston Sugar company and George E Saunders, la a ' petition filed, the plaintiff! asked for tha disbarment of tbe Skeens on the (By Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY. Okie., July ground that they had grossly violated of the profession. 10 with a Noppartlsan league Issue theIt ethics set forth in tbe derision that to ths timelyie notice drawing especial attention wee given to each of the content for the Democratic ncpn'jia- - defchdenu end to "the complement to cfiniwrwtT'tKe'ftttte,,,T, On thetbedate tion coT governor, voter of ovilhomT" ttat,d named it is pointare preparing tq register their pref- ed, the accused attorneys eppeared ' and dented each and 1 charge made erence for allstate office, August failed to appear but the complainants ,'ery Ktate-W- f Hearing in atr'primary. - A tavger Hthesupport of I the charges it stated, was adjourned of candidates are in the field fromesse, time to time in order to allow the than ever before In the history of complainants to mak proof substantibut on each and ating their tbe stain. " ' every see aalon they failed to appear. Tbe Nonpartisan Issue arise from By reason of tbese promises It Is to the supreme court and charges made against J. C. Walton, recommended also to ths Utah Stats Bar associamayor of Oklahoma City "and a can- tion that th charger be dtemteeed didate for the Democratic nomination, Who has been Indorsed by the Farmer-Labo- r FLYING CIRCUS ACE Reconstruction league, organization formed at a Joint convention of the Oklahoma State Federation of Labor and two groups of farmers WaKon'a opponents assert that the reconstruction league ie the Nonpartisan league under a new name, and With th arrival today of Captain that Walton la attempting to use tha prestige of the Democratic party to Lowell Terex, dietincvUhed Enrllsh Into reconatructlonlata ace. sweep the arrangements will be rapidly compower. The issue has caused the pleted for eta ring the first great serlee campaign to take on unusual Import- ot aerial events ever sees In Utah, ance. The Flying Circus Is to be staged at Walton l opposed by Thomas H. Bountiful. July 24, under the auspices Owen, former justice of the state su- of the S29th Observation Squadron of premo court, and R- - H. Wilson, state V. 8 air reserve, stationed at Fort superintendent of public Instruction. the for the benefit of tbe Douglas, All are making vlgnruoa campaigns mesa fundand of tha organisation. who comee to Salt flamb Plan Indorsed. Terex, Captain from Ban Francisco by the aerial The platfdrm adopted by the re- Lake war racord aa had wonderful a routs, construction league and upon which a flyer and la regarded as one of the Walton agreed to run included the cleverest flyers doing exhibition work the In this country He makes hie plane following plankg: Indorsement ofrailgravity-defyin- g Plumb plan for control of the perform amaslng, roads approval of public ownership stunts. in Besides the circus there Terex of various utilities and tba printing be other Mderedevlle, among whom of all school text hooka by the state, will ' n are Clyde E Pangborn. opposition to a reduction in the wages holder of all records for upside down of railroad employees, condemnation flying. of compulsory military training and a Straight from performing stunts for of Las demand that war profiteers be com- -, tba movies comes Freddie Lund, T)iav-walknown professionally as military Angeles, polled to pay the nation ' of aio speeding wings debt. blindfolded and handcuffed. Wilson and Owen have advanced no planes, swinge by his knees or by one ban outstanding principle In their plat- from tbe plane, changes from plane to forms. Each, however, baa recom- JIane, and does the famous bullet In a parachute. mended changes In the state banking the Air races, tug of wars, exhibition system designed to strengthen war of work In the air, bombing and memguaranty feature and safeguard about everything that could be Included ber banks. in the 'sky vaudeville are In the proNext to the One hundred men from Fort race general Interest in the primary gram rmughis will guard tha faM at- - Bene direct traffic centers in the congressional contests, tiful. sell the ticket Two-Hundrin which all present representatives and protect the public. ed ObArmy fliers from Mather field. Sacare candidates for Ban field. Criss and ramento, from the servers are watching especially be H at the field Francisco. wi(l also second and eighth districts These la reported. are represented respectively by Ml Alice Robertson of Muskogee and COPENHAGEN Quean Manuel Herrick of Perry. Both Mlse Louisa of Danmark, Dowagar who is seriously Robertson and Herrick 'wer elected ill with pneumonia, spent a restless In the Republican landslide of 120. night. It was said her strength was and observer agree that stubborn op- slowly ebbing away under the attack position faces them in thetr efforts of a high fever. for renomhuttlon. HOME The fall of the ministry of Opposed by Womm. resigned yesTwo hundred dresses have just arrived from New York. Perfectly astounding values. This is perhaps the first time In Premier Defacta.towhich have been precipthe history of the second district that terday appears itated Catholic the which by Dresses of fine soft gingham. Dainty trimming effects in organdie and lace. A splenparty, a republican primary has attracted Until although it had eight members in the more than nominal Interest. assortment of colors and patterns. Dresses that were made to sc"! for a great deal did over to the passed opposition. the district waa regarded by the cabinet -- fascist! - Come early for best selections. Violent of more. and repression Only $2.50. Democrats as one of their strongholds demonstrations la believed It Is raid thst Miss Robertson is per-ba- r communist bo volt osedtdste in tbs primary to have been one of the principal factors in the downfall of the ministry. wlfo is obliged to take into consideraKing Victor Emmanuel aa yet has Slip-Sweat- er tion the womens vote. Considerable taken no action on the resignation. opposition is aatd to have been voiced by women of her district to her atevery fresh water fish can titude on various matters of legisla- beAlmost found In Michigan. tion affecting women and children. Herrick was nominated without opan position in ltfO. The lack of InMAGNA BANKING CO. opponent resulted from confusion at Magna. In the county of Balt cident to a double election in the dis- Loeated Lake. State of Utah, at the close of Notice how everyone is wearing the Two hundred and fifty Just arrived! trict, one to fill ths unrxplred term business on the 30th day of June,!I of Dick T. Morgan, deceased, and the 1322. That dainty little short sleeved We have not more jumper frocks. simply other for the regular term. Several 1. Loarra-answeater that d 30,213 41 slips on over the head. Wear discounts candidates who filed for ths to been able get enough of these handy 30 21 , term with the intention of serv- 42 Overdrafts with a sport skirt. Here's them anywhere Furniture and fixtures . ' I 240 00 frocks. Slip them on over any blouse. Wear ing through the regular term also, 3 Due 3.310 44 other banks . of all the popular shades, a fresh shipment failed to make a double filling until 13 Cash from S3 4 items them in the auto at the summer dance after the time limit had expired. 377 Sd U Gold white, orchid, gold, tan and pink, including 2 231.43 I. M. Gene man of La ton. repre- 14 Silver anywhere. Easily laundered. A bright new green. Come while the selections are comsentative from the sixth district, ts 13. Curency .. . 10,343.09 assortment for tomorrow at ONLY $1. unopposed for ths Republican plete. $1.75 and $2.95. 913 421 T? hand... will occur In all 14 Total cash on Contes .. . 2,791.23 Expen.es other districts. 17 Interest S33.37 paid Observers are giving little attention to the nomination - for- governor on T0tT 't.v .9 2.34F t J 2L 30 00 love and treasure our own country cbl-ca- tha Republican ticket. It being the 13 Sucpcns . d.masd, t :0 Holland demand u 14 cab!.,. bi. 2.02 and government aa Gods own gift and 34 optnlon of politicians that John Fields, 23. Cash short W 45, d.mand Norway de8sdn31 44. editor of a farm paper published here, Total ... . Inat'tution. and that we be aubiect un mand It 4 Denmark demand 9114 014 03 will get the nomination over George to them aa unto God' own representa-tiie- s Eeritierland demand It' Poland Spain demand Liabilities. 15 53 oreece stockman and retired a farmer 111. demand. 1 in eartnlv affair Healy. demand, Ckpit&l stock paid in...$ 2S 000 00 demand 2 23. Arsan-tin- e nil, d free ho Sov.kio a ! Surplus of Beaver. . Neither Is making It Is necessary, of course, that w fund X00 Oo mand. 3, 12 Braatl demand 14.4 3 Undivided campaign. all times make such provision that Montreal. 53 at ... 9 704 93 Including candidates for ths state 4 profits the truth will be a real defense Let Interest .. .. 2,879 70 us make every effort to keep our ! legislature and for district and super92 34 ... I ior judgeships, nsaidy 1,000 names 7 Exchange abreast of the times, and at 8afe dep. Locals ballots of on state the be will placed the very head of the procession - Let33 78 boxes ths two major parties One hundred 8. Commissions conduct be auch as will bear e our 10.40 and sixty will be on ths two tickets Return from Trip Miss Ada that the supporters of our Chris- vote. nominated by state-wid- e 9 1.721.78 Totsl . tian day schools are the very high- - ! Doubieday of tbe state engineers of- all county officers will be Less expenses returned the very flee, of Christians and 5 pe alter yesterday rrom a vaca- Synodical Con- est type type and taxes t tion named. of lojal and trip to Chicago and Several Ohio highest 3 343 40 paid etc 342 IS Net undivided profits .... ference Answer Charges Americana. jeties 43 Deposits ub METAIA, 80 to check 81,044 jeet De-, Critics Made and IS. by fhiers NEW YORK. Jut? 20 Copper tadv, tla Ky - 1 4eTectroTrtTc cheeky v. :t t.l4t 79- aftJ'UWT j. tt Contestant Field For Gubernatorial Interest Nomination Many i ! ! 229 So. Main ; , char, j peide-Dow- On Sale tomorrow at 9 Dresses Of Higher Value on sale at -- When the clock strikes nine tomorrow morning, well have ready for you another striking sale. ltt I' -- Jumper Dresses One Dollar Only $1.75 'slip-sweate- rs. unex-plrs- Piano and Player Piano BARGAINS ' - glee plartas eondttlen. ntahegany. $387 $338 CONOVER PARLOR GRAND.. rendltlea. la CQCAW lJ)Ou 4" rtrft CONOVER UPRIGHT .. ..... Other Pianos C $350 uw. Art Model a, . .$75 And Up $275 And Up Players Easy Payments ; LUTHERAN DAY 1 SCHOOLSTATUS IS ENDANGERED at Ce-tf- May Compel Women" checks .. p6f SI T tl 7 Tta Iroa itwedy, unchanged- - Le4 quiM. pov. 78 I Zncm 5"1 pot and nearby delivery 3 M AnOmdR. fends Efficiency. 8.78 . 42,12 ' ....... ?t 4 (By Associated Freaa ) OMAHA, Nebr, July It The a pet.1 8 exI istence of the Lutheran day school threatened. PVof. F. W. C. Jesae of aA-id Soda ggtL-Nedress before the thirtieth Internation- convention of the Walther league, 0,l fj) r Associated Free t me Tatf-lCOWT STINOPt-K- " :Soare VauVSh,? optimistic aad determined Turk, tn L Ex angelical Lutheran to law, depose and aee that t (attempting to persuade the wotne according conference. Unless we named Synodical above bank. I Is of eathier the of the land to adoDt a standard form fortgoing Ttporl keep in minA th opposition- ,- said of dress. Optimistic,, because Turkish ntaliui a full, true snd correct stste-- , Frof. Jtwt, whet In aosvtMiif criti- ,v Vii.b!!Ili ctenig declared thgl the sthouls were -.incM of the confi'Mon -v wotnetLeeem no more imJlneg day efficient and patriotic a uniform than would their sister, of ' the clos of busincs on ths and aeek to combat It at every point, it la clear New York, and, M. W. BENT Z- London. Part and In the end th that will de opposition Committee Correct Attest .determined beeanse the , P E ATHAS. prevail, and we will lose the treasure I Mode la thinking of calling upon w we a now nowscix. possess. the police for help in cjurying out its JOHN L. REYNOLDS. Taking th system in their aggreDirector. the gate. the weenen w testimony of those who have VPjtern To before me Subscribed and sworn them ; Investigated consent ttr agrees that the wholesale c 0 found w, ,SJ an entlque and strange costume ef vv charge i inefficiency Is just as unfair Q KCHROW, C. is en of our Christian day schools aa today only in musoums Pubtie. against Notary the queetioo hurled at the reformers. Residence. Oarf laid. Utah, j. agalndt our public schools. The charge "Where lo the woman who would 16tk day of lack of patriotism the commission My expires Is still more unrecommend socp a costume to another of July, 14. founded. The teachers In our ChrisTurkish woman pf old world Can Btamboul drone like a modern banoum State of Utah, Office of Bank Commis- tian day schools are American with American training, owing alof orlotocratic POra' Nationalist fansioner: L folk Piston, Bank Commissioner of legiance to no earthly power but the aticism is aa excellent tblng, but only within limits the State of Utah, do hereby certify government of th United States. Our The committee. In answer to those that the foregoing Is full, trus and must, and do, tall oar chilhas aa-- , correct copy of the statement of the teachers 'and sundry other attack, dren God. bofora whose eyes even nouncod darkly it Is working on a above named company, filed in my of- th thst and motives of ths 1411a thoughts schema td put over it. project, th fice, this 14th day of July. hearts ars not bidden, demands of 8BTR PIXTON, application of which wiU vbe placed I ad an ns that w recognise and Bank Commissioner. every la th hand of th municipal polio. l "' Of 1 flrau.Un tovrr r. cltl-xe- Glen Bros.-Rober- ts Piano Co. 161 SOUTH MAIN STREET I I "tl Late 1 Calied i !, 2. Death At t local largreti E Lrent, 21, who pM I nt residing Til I t.Lrk"1 ! LONDON MOXIL LONDOH, July P,fal been etr-'- -t 5. fotnrro. la, olrctroly.lc pnf. 79 Tta, spot 154 lln,. 4a. I0o. futures, t 23. 2, talar-147, I rod. spot 25 sine. ppot. 13. 12s 3d. (atar--s. 13 14s. td. biwwesui MrrMqrasesaniMnswsvBBOTWMbe. BONO ILItkET. Actlv- - bar'nc -- f NEW YOIK. Maty bond ws resam-- d liberty lura-- s m b'eh record, being market todey, Ubli-hc- d by the third 4ls at t4 3 and thv fourth us at 11.14 bnrtlr steady European war leans wrr n lu-- s on lltbt dealings. II1 8 l(W nc eontfavM to Mid, kntean 4 cb.Cu Republic 8 ( 198 r point fell on point. S emostie Industriplo tiMl atilitieoi . York CMr! wr Armkotortls, otrong otMivortlblo 41,r At end Ohto Ch p fa, ond odtatmat Lmii Bb Froactaco Moreoatilo Morino m falocd lorpo froetlono with Affmovr 41 aad Wtlooa oonvorttblo 4a, whilo CMioll4it4 Gao 7a, ond Chll Cop- v I poiirt fwb per to iao mod o M rocord LiNrty-HOihrra of ttit for tho year at 141 nrkt ohowd furthor drenyth and thoj tro4 noBS ralU waa towardr Lifter lrreia, rt lireMr. unde-takl- hog. hee Seventh South 41 ennt 'wa, HTg -- . lwwfy'T"'af'T7is parlors. FUNERAL NOTICE. Funeral aervirea for Mre. Film !f RktheU, who d)eLJ uijr ig Portia Oir. win he heid Fridavra at 3 pm. at the Unic will be trmjrl condur-c- d hv 1 hr order of th Eastern gtar T1- - hodv mnv he viewed at the Kvan A Earlv parlors frnu- - II rm. until 1 p m., the of the funeral. Interment will be day in . Mt v,el cemeisry rnrfe-taki- -- h" MONTANA It bpparlwaltloa jfo ' hoove Bead for frrr hawk frarrlblif tha wferra IrrifaTtoo prajerta Idaho flomoa' Cwlaolwa located loaf oprlaf. j Bar ailvar, Jd par aaaoa. Mom, If par wL Dioeoaatvratca, abort biUa, 1 par cant; thraa-moat- h billa 11 9 1, 1 par cast. rORETG BXCHAbGEa -FEW YORK July Foria rxebanfa firm. Groat Brttaia damaad, 4 4$, eabiaa. 4 48f; 89 Franco biila oa banka, 4 demaad. daj eabiaa, I 44k Maly da mood, i.89i aabia 4.993. Boifbua domaad. 1.93 4. IRRIGATED LANDS G XV. Agrlcoitoral tffrf LINCOLN Dtirlapoeat Afoot Great Northern Railways Bos 379 FocotellWg Idaho. - |