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Show -- iqe-s- y tt tn rr r im i EML f NEWS DESERET TUESDAY j - JANUARY 31 ,1922 ,, r . I S. Chdiiiler of Comm p to t,ike th init.auxe n a ftw ln in jt renting to tne federn ninifnt suggestion uhUh it Itfcte??! pioeM tranpor-- t xi jitoWfrns. Kuril u th urpor v h rwirhlj? the Itah ' Indstiies aritl Jt i vi t r it ir tflorfimnt4 Mil) h for-- Representatives of the Third Ward the that tlie reclamation Improvement association were given B. Albert fund depleted. Secretary Fall of the department of the interior, assurance Inst night by Mayor C. has refused, on behalf of tfie govern - Clarence Neslen that if it is possible ment. to sign a conn act for the pur- a npw f,re will, be erected chaee from the Idaho Power com-- 1 state - fair of the vicinity two of its pany power plants apd!n other property at American Falls, ac-- 1 grounds this year. 'The mayor in to advices received in Sait I formed tho delegation, which waited Lake City vegterd.iv. At a hearing accorded .Senators 'Iu th cE commimdon, that the W ilham budget conuins an Item of E. Borah and Frank R. for a ciw fire station and that ensun Goodin ImgAUau Director TV. H. Bywater has requested Fhief E Shepof the state uf Idaho, W additional 10 Diemen to be eta-o- f pard of Twin Falls, and L. Jt Evans tho building Present plans American Falls. Secretary. Fall tionedforat the stationing of ttfo police pointed out that the fund was officers imat the station, also, the may- pitted to fhe extent that if was poss.ble to make the first pavnunt of or aaid. deleThe commission the Informed He 000. referred to Dr. M. also $250 - R Stewart, commissioner of gation that it might have beenif posparks : lha ami puMte property. X peti'Ton asking over the plant eUile a, of the that bred D. Winger be retained as private irrigation companies Snake river valley had not defaulted j electrical inspector irr tlm interest in their promised payments efflcbmy and harmony. pressed hope, however, that the op- -' ,At) ordinance passed by the tion might' tie renewed for another 00 rfpvmisMoti last night makes It city and that some plan by n h, b law rul knowingly to operate any the purchase could be mane might alll,)mblie to whmh sled or other bv worked out in the meantime similar conveyance attach- Ser-J Follow.ng the meeting with Th, became effective' retary Fait members f toe e!ega- - upon Us puhll,Al,rin tod t!on expressed confidnp ihat tne)i F!inxiif rht .niCPt,? r ftrkh-McNar- x hHI will b by c,ommU ' selection Congress, in winch event rt is almost , .. out atji .itjuicr .he-Fal.s project cer'a'n th American of Jfn win go forward and th? contracts with Idaho Power coinny closed. hi W fh (i .b ,ub-tati- HM Lik' 1ounm l ' O Platt ruanagpw of n SJioh tjittv ranrcmd, W of thr blau b. the ftnofihf off h a 'hef re ihiv end on eir gp.nuM in J.he matter th i of 'otimerrr IM The pUn avhtrh n te fi.rti ul.itM at A meetlLir of the hoard of duei 'topk of the fhimbe? .inl to l i.ext juseated to umoth, ift g &rfrpoint'iTKrH of a I' H eomMitaKtoY! gfrnrii tf He ui)l he app-- l' r traiipuitatiiin ed hv r. prnnient h would Hi- nare his Un, and xh,nM and office would not he n i ohfi. a! one nut would be choeen he oae f hta prat that Wuowledure and e v j T ene with tt anaportahon pro? lem. j The mmTTiiofltr of would f!rtt of all keep irAtipaiutoir Informed on all transportation matTer nd ned ' of thw He rountn In thla would coordinate with al nNes that ha e dav or Ieieulat)nR for the fallroada would ln befnte .these Rgenclea reenmmemlftt'om to lmprno He would transportation matter lay before Congress anv rffnflii ts or unha tmoiiious eondinortw ' hh-frr-arise between transportation bod es or those connected with such matters He would be notified of any of board that hearing 'any transportation, rates charges, etc and so he enabled to appear before such boards and give them the benefit of his views He would be authorised -, Hi Ml Oj.dn h 1e A- H hn Jj t. lain' ! aj nh to-tak- He-ev- hi SJ. utim i Ou Uio iw4on i heu,af own t'tOKnj?ane rrhgrnurliod S4 jiuLUid. t. . f 'w i!e rtHH-Jt- ee.tod on ?! Phcosman took vohK.tarily and mite-- 1 XrthrtWHwn-forrhrttr,T'!Tfcr?r- j! ' , - e anj-Thlr- Report of Convention inter-mouna- - -- , Davids Day company. CONIES TO H.W.RFED, FIRLMJISGEfi For the purpose of promoting Trices to le pad for tomJ'OM by between Ucdea- canner.es In 1922 as well as the acregreater and Salt Lake City, the board of govage desired bv the factories will he ernors Of the Commercial club, at Hubbard Wilkins Reed. 72 ylce pres- considered tomorrow at a Join meetmetlrg yesterday, prepared plans for ident and general manager of the ing of the canning crop committee of dinner to lie given in honor of the Ftah Fire clay company, and at one the Utah State Farm Bureau and repdirectors of the 'Weber club of time a prominent mining and civil en- resentatives of the Ftah Canners' asThe meeting will he held Invitations t the dinner wri't be gineer d'rd a' the home of his daugh- sociation emended hv Piest' F C. Schramm ter Mrs Robert J Olendinnlng. 69 In the Weber club. Ogden, according the clist e of the affair to be announced First avenue, Monday night, after an to an announcement made by J. EdInjured later. lllnees of only a few hours. He was In an effort to secure round trip taken UP yesterday at hie offices in ward Taylor, commercial agent of the rfctes of to The street from California of the the Atlas block and was taken to hi farm bureau. passenger 'car. tide lights M. P. Brown of Roy is chairman Delbert Putnam, It, son of Mra. Salt Lake Cityr Ben F. Redman, ap- daughter' home. the machine were turned off but were , discernible again ater the machine Ethel E. Putnam, lit west South peared before the board yesterday and - Mr, Reed we a native of New Tork of the growers committee He wilt had traveled about a block, according requested Its support In thU matter, City, where he was yvULi'vv, 2,1s 4 9 Temple street, suffered a broken col- The quest low win i efn led TO thstrgf- - i Soon after his graduation from Dart- - represent the Beber county growers to the evidence. And mfTlOni OT tnfl farm llire4U Will ffr and a bone ankle fractured lar and tmnannrtilHnn' AftMmltaa imntlih cnMworo ha atartaH fnr lha testiright corroborated the Nelson Fred 1 he when Ll,e Boselder. Davis -, tool afternoon enboard got C The H. Monday followed as an and the his Nelson, his pledged of profession brother, mony whose car was the first to arrive at close to a chain drive truck and was of the club toward making a success gineer for several years in the Dako-- 1 an, LIcer or the canners association in the chain The machine of the fifteenth annua! automobile tas. where he was one of the men ini the scene of the accident, following caught The boy show to he held at the Bonneville- - charge of the construction of the antl0nce" sntn time ago that the He said the coupe was was driven by John Crofton the coupe. to peck double a ride pavilion dur.ng the week of Feb. IS. iNorthern Pacific-railroaHe later factories are planning driven down the Ninth South hill at a said he had Intended to ;went to Mexlco but returned to the'h n"ber f caf handled in 191 rate of speed. Willtam J on the truck but had derided notwas dangero of about J;0'000 fack tled t our.y. ,Tms sat8 an1 Sliver and Sidney Wells testified to and was turning awav when he were Name Chairman for theica8eHis Injuries . . . he out was . in chain of where the Colo.,, , with seen manager a caught lights cdupe having . Lincoln Celebration Revenue Tunnels mine for It years. pass Seventh East street on Ninth cared for at the emergency hospital. He was also the original owner of the iLtlttrge Ot OTgCTy IS South street shortly after I o'clock, R. N. Tpung city treasurer was ! Campblrd mine at Ouray, out of which the vening of the accident. University Professor Preferred Against Doctor Thomaa J. WaUh made his fortune, yesterday appointed chairman of the.In the early-'90- s To Mr Reed came to i Talk on Psychology Handcart Pioneer committee o arrangements for the Ftah and assisted in floating the Daly In connection with an alleged had h annual Lincoln day cele-- 1 West mine. At one time he was heav. check scheme Dr. H. W. ShoyerlU Diet in Lot Angelet Dr. George S Snoddv of the Uni- twenty-fiftbration to be held by' the Young Men a 1!T interested in the .Con. Mercur north First West street, and L. Ack- versity of Ftah wil! address the Utaii Republican club If- was announced property, having been vice president Word has been received In Salt Physictal Education Society on the by 839 east Second Sooth street, J. H Garrett, president of the or- - for period. He owned and operated erman, ted Lake of the death In Lon kngeles of therapesjetlc side of psychology at ganization, that the affair would be many otfier other mining properties in by detective Monday. Gymnasium Saturday held In the American dance hall Mon- - Utah at various times Mrs Caroline Larson, aged 89 years the Deseret was charged wtlh forgery and 8hoyer 1 be.About two Reed Mr. Feb of at ten years ego day. o'ploek. Reporta Death occurred last Thursday at the morning n will According to present plans Gover- came interested in the Utah Fire Clay Ackerman with obtalnlhg money unPial atcommittees home of her daughter. Dr. Helen , landing be this meeting. nor Charles R. Mabey will deliver rompany. Mr Reed died last Octo- der false pretenree Ackerman was Presented of was a native Hunter Mrs. Larson elected office of the the Gettysburg address. Governor D. ber but Mr. Reed had continued his turned over to the sheriffs office and Sweden and crossed the plains with 'The newly John mV. Davis of Idaho and Governor Ro- home at 777 east South Temple street. 8hoyer was held In the city JaJL She 2for the handcart pioneers in 1862 1 On Tuesday morning. Jan. 17, Mr. 1 of Wyoming are also n,XTrtjr of ,aT pre; bert D Carey is survived by three sons. Eli of Boise, ,0" ?f ijl Reed was in an odd automobile acciexpected to be preemit. Will Honor Anniversary. , -fhe Hynim E and Oscar N of Salt Lake. U. dent. but he apparently suffered no pub and one daughter. Dr. HunterT hehystciat-eaUcatton-Trrnd M injuries beyond losing his breath for a dchildr.o aurvived also by IT Boy on Sled Behind Auto The ninetieth anniversary of the few mlnutea He lost control of his and eight while driving from his home birth of Brest. Charles W. Penroae Hurt by Another Machine machine to town, the car skidding on the tee will be the occasion of a special proFormer Resident Here of Lands- Clarence Hoagland, ft. son of Mr. and not stoppingat until dt ran into a gram of exercises at the Fast meeting Waterlogging South Temple and signboard Diet in California C A Hoagland, 738 South huge Mrs. and Richards ward on Sunday next. Charged in Application Eighth West street, suffered a double Second East streets Hymns composed by President PenWord ha been received in this city rose will be sung of the left to below the knee Man Who Conducted by the enlarged the water of Cur-- 1 fracture before using Imgato 9 oclock Monday aven- of the death In Lo Angeles of E H cbolr and Preet. Frank T.- - Taylor . - jfShortljr reek are lra-nwtlh charged practlpof will Own be one of the Case stake Granite on whtch he was te)T when a sled Found Guilty t Graham,56. who was associated. withg - ; excessive irrigation to their lands riding with 12 others was struck by an speaker. the Western Union Telegraph n a state engl-- 1 automobile driven by O V. J chanson. A Jury In Judge B. Wights pany in Salt Lake and Ogden for 41 near filing made with CtheStubhlns roaid. The sled was of 1620 Redwood yesterday by I, He was a member of Weber of the Third district court Lake The Goshen Irrigation attached by a rope to an automobile afternoon returned a verdict of camp No 74, Woodmen ot tne World, j Balt terday a. y vmp-nto nave drlvemL. A. i. legea engaged Rueckert. 704 eouth j guilty In the caee against Oeorse W!n- at Ogden by cans-tb 1 for Ts many practice years, survived The West street. j Mr. crabam accident ters by hlajj" Eighth with robbery Winters the water lodging of large areas occurred at .Eighth South and Second acted charged afdow. and the following children: ot land as his own attornv arguing and consequently depriving West street Mrs R P. Moore Mre R H Hap- The injured boy was the ,urv leaven for Dnnveir President J. H " a the - , good Mra C. A. Hughev land Hnamer others ofMrthe beneflqlal use of the given treatment Toung and vie president Fred Wild Ftuhbin make appllea- - hospital and later removed emergency Graham alt of this city. The hod Fater. to Er. V of th Denver A Rio Grande Western feet of water from H O roves-wi'l he taken to Ogden for funera! y D9. hosp?a- lleft for Denver this afternoon. -creek to he used In 4he irriCurrant 2jecond services of 4.4S0 acree of land To Recover on Contract The Schogation I In fc second application filed veter-- j Prizes Awarded tor field Auto company has filed suit in j dav Mr Ktuhh:ne would store 'some Third district court against the tha r-Safety Firs? Essays 8.00ft acre feet from the Currant! National Bank of the Republic to recreek in Juab county to aid in irrigat-- i cover $259 on a contract. First prlrc for the state in the es- - Can We See Through Glass? Th Jng 10,480 acre application Agency Inspector Here Agency y contest on the subject of "Safety contomplate making u of thr Inspector W M. Benton of the MasFirst as applied to highway trans- sachusettsMutual Life Insurance When we speak of seeing through j pbrtationr has been awarded to Mer- - glass, we are, of course, referring to company, wan In Bait Lake yesterday, . lene Beck of v Miss Heiea Draper. Ou new location affords p., clear, transparent glass and not that from Springfield, Mao., visiting the iPtnke t Mldvs'e was awarded sec-- , of I OUng Woman Lfies o , the frosted or opaque which, branch office in this better facilities for meetand M1 Little of' although it admits somevariety JuPtta of the light city, he was entertained while here n.Vn'f'nd I Hnm In At It ing your convenience, . In and off tho sight by local General Agent O. R. Duncan. Arthur Jones of Ringham rays. completely cuts Murray on the other side of It In and fourth prise The essay of anyone prompt service and distrirase of the former kimh used for Mif Mabel L. Nelson. 23, daughter (third of Offices Room S23 in by Merlene Beck will be ' f or-- the bution of Ford care, genehow-casthe theChange windows, Boaton building has been vacated the sthte school office to waves of light pass and t re like, Mr, and Mrs Nets NAson, died at Rr,1 uine ptrts andaccesAciriee almost through Cross for use as an office Red th by the family home In Union Monday l,he natlonal highways and highway exactly as they arrive at the glass and. for dental clinics of men, committee and will in the caee of a ve-- y f(n piece of sheet She was a native of Union, whrye she ft(an,Por,at-oIn charge. lth eesavs from the other glee, we are often unconscious of the with Dr. was born Nov. 26, 1898 Beside her! 'ffiPe,j DRItR IN. another clinics these us is wepk will fact By that be and bstwsen states for The anything national honors. prizes parents she is survived by the follow- - consisted of a the object. atwtich. wa-- are looking. tn operettonyhe Red Cross has been gold medal. and 316 for Here and sisters. Alvin, L. big brothers th aa a acts Room transferred to C. glass $17, and R. tl7-- g BflfJit Service, W Herman- E.7 Mrs. Thomas H Evans, first prize, a silver medal and $10 tor perfect conductor of the practically light raya. Glaseman, in charge of claims and Mrs. J. V. Park, Mrs. John Oekerman second prize and a bronze medal and Just as some metals are excellent conis located lq Room ductors of electricity, and the rays compensations, and Mrs J Malmstrom. The body Is $5 tor the third and fourth prizes. 601. Formerly at 3ia Fast In charge of the George A. Jepkina repch our eye without the- - slightest Broadway, deviation. German Ooonsnl Office Open It la undertaking establishment of Murray. Wednesday s Organ Recital. apparent In the case of frosted or translucent announced .that tha offices of th ' glass, however, only a portion of the German counsud general at Ban FranParcel Post Regulation. Wednesday's Tabernacle organ re- rays filter through the frosted section the glass and wq are conscious only cisco, closed during the war, have cital program will be as follows, with of in 'the North western of a blur from the light on tho other been "C. O. D. tags on parcel post matAssistant Organist Tracy . Y. Cannon side, rather than anv Pacific building The new consul gendistinct impression of image themselves This i. ot eral is Dr. Ky,rt Ziegler, his Jurisdicter must be placed on the address side nt the console. A course, due to tpe "frosting process tion including,-' California. Of thg' packaeir according to Instruc- Natl orrau nt WlM Oregon. ISl-tof the glass with Arizona' and 'Alaska Sectel Hetl J. 8. Bach which covers Fantasia in G. Minor . etaa inetlaon tion received yesterday by Postmas- Andante coating bke frost or like a sheet ot Washington. qeTiwT WASATCH 2lk. Mendelssohn awhite e (btN vada, Utah, paper stretched evenlvwcrOea tj,,! ter Noble Warrum from the postoffice Berceuse 61 1 sent Spinney surface.-cuttin- g of the rays Arizona This requirement . is Favorite "Mormon Hymn. "O department. and My effect nullifying thsTrsnsparent made as a precaution Against this mail -- Father Arr. by Organist of the glass itself. BEST COAL IMMEDIATE DELIV(. , An becoming mixed with ordinary parcel Arr by Organist (Copyright, 1921, by The Wheeler Syn- ERY 2 years nneqaaled , Marche post matter Lem mane Pontifical, Mania Coal Oa, 11 Mala M. Wfa. dicate, Inc.) Cam-pan- ll Dg-jde- i t ; i J were-arres- 1 ' . gn i eom-i!r,- t j 1 ! , t eni. WHY?- j res-Isa- - Utah-Idah- P1-1- " of es ene-e-nde M and-Ala- -- -- i in OrnerjottL ,h, tutinett Critit pe The National Woo) U rower for Jam-juarjUt issued contains a full review of the proceedings of the late annual convention of the National Wool Growers association, with invarious News of the death at Los Angeles teresting nrws ftrorn The -points ,, Mrs I, D Wagner, mother of of, 1a"ibs have been Abe Majors- - notorious Ftah convict, cntrac Tii' f), delivery! .nest spring, was received in Salt Lake Monday by after. -shea $R2i(r mgrar per hnad. also Jndgif ,1. W. 'McKInnev The mesof ,he,9n northern sage was from Ralph Wagner, a son California ,at has clip bfn of the dead woman, and lead as thaf Idaho roolrri auMiifi sold, and wtorrrd ftr foiows ortland has been auctioned Nt passed i z My darling little mother to 304 icnts per pound E P.. away last night Please give notice Tintninger of Cascade, Mont., has through papers to her, friends sold his 1921 cl'l m original Mrs Wagrer was well known bags at 8vy cents, the highest price paid, came here she shortly it Is stated, fpr any Lake, entire clip from af'er her son was in, prisoned and that section worked for jears for his release. Mrs Wagner's first husband. Majors, was executed in California for murder and Welsh Societies Will her. two sons by him. caused her a Observe St. great deal of grief, one. Archie Mafight with jors. w? killed id a gun The annual St David's the police after he and Abe had held day gelehca-tio- n, which occurs up and robbed Fred Hansen in - the March outskirts of Brigham City. During 1. will be observed Wednesday, by the Welsh peo- this fight Captain William A Brown Cli y. ashag been the of the figden. pnln-department was plu nf Palp shot and killed Abe Major was rnn- - 'utom for many yvars past On of first degree murder In con-- , dJ evening of the present week com- and w is nection with Browns representing the Cambrian sentenced to be shot A new trial was association and S.,ns and Daughters of Wales society will meet to decide was found obtained and at this h character of the celebration as guilt v of second dgree murder and the weH as the place sentenced to J'fe imprisonment nfmaeUng PrL- Several yearn ago he was paroled TT. E. GTlee is organising a chorus lo- of Welsh and finally pardoned from the state cal singers to furnish part of prison He was subsequently arrested'--In California on a charge of hurglarv and is reported to be serving time In on of the penal institutions of that v, v b -;, un-na- ' tht tate He idniitted that he had 4. non a lKog- - fmipr moot on N l nt h Son'll oircot dbou' tlip Him- - of (ho . jaul iiuis. ji t 1 Uni and turnrd alniojt oomplnel around noar iho o Tenth Intel soction East street, where a few seconds later the bod of the hue was found Cheesman inaintained. however, that he was unaware that ho had virnrl tho hnv He sad lie was driv- tlons intending to engage In Interstate at a transports tton either by land, water ing w ot i n Ninth SouLh-stre- et rate of speed between 20 and 25 miles or air. an hour when his car skidded on the Over icv pavement Heayi that the ma chine swerved around as he attemptSays Insurance President ed to turn into the roadway off the street car tracks. Arthur E. Childs of Boston, prea-den- t Several witnesses testified to having of the Columbian National Life observed a Dodge coupe driven Insurance company, declares there Is west on Ninth street South rapidly without lights about the time of the nothing wrong with the f.nancial condition of this country. Mr Childs is accident Kalph Ross testified that he on a tour of lha agencies of the followed the west lo Eighth coming here from Los Angeles East street in an effort to ascertain Its number, but was unsuccessful Leo and gave a luncheon yesterday at the as his E Penrose testified that a Dodge Hotel Utah with the following General Agent A W Wright. coupe passed him on Ninth South guests' W. 8. J. R W Storrs. Eakle. Agents near Eirhth East street The evidence Indicated that the W. Garff. C. E. Corey. C. L Casaady Miss Merle Corey, coupe drove to the wrong eideof Jhe and O. W Parker; He left a standing street car at cashier, and H F Savage treetpsM a yesterday afternoon for Denver. Fourth East street. Anthony Mr not does that consider Childs said he was an eyewitness to hack to normal, but this act. lie said (he had stopped his business is jetworst Is nver and that the machine when the street car stopped declares and aa he wgs waiting for It to start there t plenty of money for business up again, the coupe going wesLawrung .purpoeea. to the south side of the street car. When Walter Eldrldge, a passenger on the Boy is car, told of seeing the automobile skid Auto Truck Struck south by on coma to a stop the and ac-a- l Fill On j be-n- Recognizance. Vk STMIIi OF Verdict of Coroner's Jury Say Accident Was Felonious Released on Own f NEW FIRE -- TLfc I BUM 'DEPLETED FUNDS TlieThrowback. OF TRANSPORTATION IS TEffl i "full Choe o. ttj ay l he$ , f- - rJpH , , WW4illlVS ,,,,,, - iL ska. o Fri-Virt- ed d-- j Advertising Methods in ' Salt Lake Described state at present Salt Lake Selected by Scientists for Convention The methods pursued by the Commercial dub in raising a fund of $40,-oo- o tor advertising and publicity work, are described in an article in the January lsue of Judicious Advertising, a Issued at Chicago. month'y publication bp article was written by J H. Ray- burn, general secretary of tha club, at the request of the editor A picture of one of the electric sign boards in fialt Lake City, appears Decision to hold its annual conven4 tion In Salt Iaike June has been reached by th American Association for he Advancement of Science, ac- cording to word "received at the Uhl- verstty of Utah. The national Includes the Pacific division of the organization with which' the Utah Academy of Science is affiliated. It is expected that more than 1 0000 over the article. sclentsfa will be present for the meetings. All branches ot science will be Pronjirtent Early represented at the convention and 22-2- aiwo-clati- night meetings 'of general Interest the bublle will be held. Settler Of Fairview Laid at Rest to (Special to The New) FAIRVIEW. Jan 31 Funeral services for Janies Anderson. Sr. 79. known here as "Uncle Jim, whobetter died Thursday night, were held tn the South ward chapel Monday afternoon Mr Anderson was born In Scotland and. came to Salt Lake a band cart company In 1816 withwith bis and two elder brothers They parent located at LTnton Fort, but moved to Spanish Fork In 157 In the spring of leo they moved to Fairview, where they again engaged in fanning. took an active part in the Black Hawk of 165-6He was married to Hannah Matilda Cheney In 1884 and in 1867 he went to Green Rtver with Captain William Seely's company after immigrants Their boat man while ferrying their oxen aero rapslted a swollen stream and lx ef their number perihed Mr Anderson helped build the Union Pacific railroad von Echo.can through. Frornl870 to 1873 Mr Anderson spent considerable time hauling freight to Ploohe, Nev.. and loading with bullion for the return trip In 1882 he and hi brother. John, started In the sheep business end he followed that occupation, combined with farming, up to th time of hie death Mr Anderson helpad develop th firet Tslrvtew ator. rotting mill and creamery companies Uerved as a city councilman and wa active In church work. Utah Ranks Well'M Fund Raising Campaign Utah ranks with six oher states in contributing more than 100 to the fund being raised by the Belleau Wood Memorial association which aims to construct educational Institutions in the devastated regions of France as a memorial to American soldier The total raised in Utah the public schools was through ffM.80, according to Dr. C. N. Jensen cMafe superintendent of public -- m Examinations Announced. Civil service, examination tot the following positions on the dates given will be held In Salt Lake City according to announcement made by C. A. Crock well, local secretary: Forest and field clerk, Feb.. 14; computer. coast and geodetic Survey, March 8: In spector of locomotives, March 8 and ; inspector of safety appliances, inspector of hours of service, March 22 and 82 i computer, grades and 2 (ordnance at large). May 1. X - E 7. - Feature Lighting System. - A 'picture of the Main street light-- ! Ing system will appear as an lllus- tratlon In the chapter on street lighting of a community civics text book! to be published by Harcourt. Brace! Fo. The city recorder has, been asked for a copy of th picture by Ella C. Lewis, author of the book. The picture in question appeared ta th American City, a magazine, January. 1919. February 14th Is SL Valentines Day I Manti High School , Will Present Opera I Special to The News) ' ment or the high school, under depart. direction Of Principal Ellis E. the will present the opera "Chimes Johnson, Nor? of Jnnfg JVto. i!nu ,hMtr wdna- ! yuTl!!j?fhrlt"sn. S soprano, and MckXUl liter, tenor, from the B. T. wC Ralph Booth, S' violinist, front the Snow Normal college win sestet In the rendition. ... WOkEJI CLt B EXlTSTtn. sTdiTar m. OW is the time for the Vpkiddies .to make their Ht tl love messages. A box of Whitneys Valentine Materials will ' make at least ten lace valentines. XUCC, V 4SC'-''- ' Or' Dennisens v- ! k j outfit of L dainty darts, hearts, cupids, etc., for 75c. See our counter and win- dow' displays. a, W1p,r club of entertained husbands In their annual socialtheir given at the home of Mrs. Joslah Blackham 8t-- u ' day night. Supper Was served under th direction of Mrs. James A. Christensen and Mra Walter Metson, The evening was spent in aarrylng out s program of music and game under the direction of Mrs. Jms C. Feehser, Mra ito. Prestwick I sai Mra Dswln Oea ' Ajr |