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Show 7- - 7'4 ' 1, SOCIETY ND CLUBS 000,01000.......' , ot IA RS W. Di MacLean, Jr, enterV tabled thielitternoon at her home p the Avondale apartments in honor r Misa Leila Warner, who marriage le Bernard Barnes of Seattle will take , lace In February. Rose colored snapdragon and r were combined in an iridescent, biawt br the tie table,which held a clunY ace cover over.rose tin. The hostess Fee assisted by Mrs. Arthur E. Graktm and Miss Nanon Graham. The 'meets were Mimi Warner, Mr. I. IL Warner. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Kiss Mildred Bat, Miss Dorothy Rob- Miss MOSDoily rgeno Dull. Miss Dorothy Jensen. Miss darion Nottage, Miss Helen Gabbott, plias Phyllis Raider. Miss Ilitrda Miller, pins Lucile MacLean, Miss Julia Shores, H. , e February - ' , r -i ecor Ictor - ' liere ill be at n. I oin'orrow . - f -- V. I , This Week's Beauty Help - , licart-Arr-w- ilt . 1 ni eve-th- ng I Ale. rt, )d - , - of, pr, .7. vrhen you use the stan&rdlaking - -- --No- law t '1 io yr EAU commons .01 na U ,fl Gifts, . " ' - o q . tz Möst Liberal Credit tt ro -- ' -- A 1r 0 c .1 4I Dress,-Co- at I oft. II ." ;0 irApb ,," im) tneWel1115111,1101, Y. V-r- WEATHER REPORT et ,o tt v; . 4.& , , I.. 4:70 ' &St 11 141;4 r 'n It - (isFill. - 61h. local ComPlotilitioo , -- . Weather Forecast- Balt 'Loire City, Utah. Jan. 21, 1922. rot Salt Lake City and VicinitySnow and coldet tonight; Wedneedag tar. ger UtahSnow tonight andandeasteastportionporWednesday; colder tonight tion Wednesday. F or Southeactern IdahoTonight and Wednesday mow. JTIVELY yesterday .. last year Higheat in this month month since 117this in Highest Lowest thio morning Lowest this month last your Lowest this month since 1171 Normal for Yeaterdor ..- Mean yesterday Aceumulittsd delielneT this montr Accumulated deficiency since Jan- - 7 he Ess-Ja- y - finnolidit7 - - , ' 23 Registered and,Exprienced Pharmacists at:Your Can - - I J. I I I ,--- nil , tiled Lydia E. or Colnpound !,., :::- - 29 ..... stqc , - IS i 4 29 i it 1 ; 1 , at Ir., p.mt. 11 I 1 t';'1 l , time." t : I Every precautionary method that modern science 1110'11.,.7, can suggest has been adopted in our prescription All prescriptions are departme5ts. Our pharmacists safeguard you against overdoses. All directions are .None but tbe purest and freshest of drugs are used the best obtainable is our policy. , We shop for qualitf-7-pric- e is of secondary consideration. We never substitute. Everything that the doctor prescribes is heroin enormous variety and under our -- big volume of business freshness ofdrInzs absolute riertainty. With stocks constantly MOV: jug in and Out accumulation of old or stale drugs is Impossible Our efficient corps of registered pharmacists is ready to meet your every demand . cheerful promptitude that we aim' to meet your highest expectations of a real prescriP-- . tion service. double-check- - t ': . . . 4 . Iv drip,. IP ill 1141, T ! - - k . ait. I . I it ; Illations--- ed type-writte- n; . t; r ALT Baker . , - LAKE frolaW Dearer .... ' Greed irligritaft, JliactIon - en 11,... i "; II ... - Hume .. KADS4ill .. --- . ..1 20. 1st . 4, 46 . - ""I -- 1 $21 31 2s) 62 -- -l... i.. 44ti ssi ; Omens phoenle Pocatello ; Contend. Or; ,,. , Rapid car Rene dot. . :rbt. Louts St. Paul :... .,, , 24( . ' 42, , lib Ili 1 ' I . 24 34! 241 SS( all 14 Z. 24 67 V141. 241 )4( 42( 181 24( --I- t Dandruff Soon Ruins ThiHair , 'want plenty of thick, Girlsif 11 61 ss ' .34 yfit ' Lettka- Wtomer, Silky hair, do itielinf fetltT 'or.4tarcdrtiff7'.ti4:-IC:ivi.h and - ....tit''''- o 4.'" - to; ..' I 24 11 20 34' t,....2g ' 'wsi---.'1 - tY palehonie i , 0 0 - urasilidiglan 74 Name,. Adtirriks. 0 . . . 1 - Opening, 9 a.m. Come Early 71 Ladies'. Ready to Wear 'L o 0 Exclively I 0 miry. loar air rl Bluttp, oittITT . I ruin It it yoa a ; : To do this, get pbout four Ot114-0- .42 ordinary liquid ,arvoitt. it et - wben retiring:, nowapply -.-144 Lightenough to I moisten the scalp and rub It in goat- Y M M - .14 .011 11 doesn't do much wood to 417 .90 top .S11 brush or wash it out; The only Sure way to get rid et dandruff Is to dir-- : 0 t sots it, than- - you-des- try O entirely:A 1 m by all :.,, 7i 7A 0 , 0 4r1 '444, , ocisE or; 0,0lit uDERALLtev -- Lmoitr;), I s4 ,', 10 m.. u 1 L - A AA 0 si - Ir A 0,1 2 Remember Tomorrow - . r , This coupon filled In with name and ad. 'dress, entztlos you to a $ lt Cash Certificate. good at ant:Jima On aalLkiha-ilt-tilitato-re f with the finger tips. - ,' By morning. most If not all. of your lit4i ..4 will be gone, and three or dandruff gol....,, tor ' 1 four more applications will complete- tol.,..,.. 4S .......-- r"ir I. !.- - disatatua.;and-entittl- y.. d Wray a v (try I gn and trace of IL 7 l asiota rill . . . I notTou 8will 21) Seatthe too. find, that ail Itchirg ., zt :41 ...... 8 be Malt digging of the scalp will atoll. I and pokes. ,,..,n, look and hair will and feet .4 I your TODOPIIItt AAA.. A,,, .onimonnolloonima ..; hundred times better. You tan itt,t I 7..111ti."..:i. , Iltegletnetort ,... . arvon at .....-store.-.1quid It kit 1 any drug I Winn.asucee : .,,, . Tellsraritt. 11 ,,..,;t; 5; inexperzive ,tntt tour ounce& is a:J I ' in need. 00 testier how weed, sus at ; ough.4 sout agia, --- -' him 1 dandruff you,have. This simple rem- ' leata , adj. sto'or 1 .41 Given to Each Visitor I I 12 22, 1 4 Lander - ... . Log Angeieg .: Modena Orleans Neer Tore ''' North rtattle-T.- ; . i itl . ,, ..,.:11.111 4 0' A , , ' , 32,, .1 - 12 , - . , DUrillete, , 11 27! a' 141.- . Dodge Cltg , r. 211 . -- Cheyenne Chicago 1:L 1-- 7A - Wt. Jtmixia, Foster, ' - Oregon- - 0 re- 74 !-- t, ' I: u Doing the housework for family ofseven is some task. If you, as a house- wife, are troubled with backache, irra regularities, are easily tired out and 5,11 irritable, or have other disagreeable ail- !I g ments caused by some weakness, give : I Lydia ,E. Pir,kham's Vegetable Corn- ; i pound -a triaL Let it help you. : ,I. I Attractive Stylesand - note our markaiA.values. 7, pound doing for women, so I began to take it. It has ' youtodrop in - 4 ri ..,1 xi èbrdi1T 4,1. ' 7A i and look over our wonderful array of the Season's- Smartest and Most per 1 0 Opening I9morrow, 9 a. m. . I telling what Lydia E. Pinkham's Corn- Vegetable is - 71 tn. I ,41 leJ31, - '"ir k 2fi WEATHER OISPESIVATIOI'M At I a.m., Jan. SI ISSI, . 1 Vegetable . t , i iv; Des. - 4. LI helped fine, do all my housework and washing for seven in the family. I have been ir- ; ' regular too, and now am all right. I am . garb) i telling Preelpltallou-- 9 my friend-- what it has pone for -71.1 me and am sure it will do good for ' 1 Total ?enteral A .. . I 3,1 others. You can use this letter a I timonial. I will stand up for Lydia E. . . .. .. ... I 'Total ince January 18o Pinkham's Vegetable Comylbund any Accumulated einem eines Jan. I .: -- - Mrsyesterdey bdinidity Relative , t 14 21 i 1611f 144 1 1. - All Alterations Free . 111 - , Dry bulb temperature at We bulb temperature at I a,ns. Relative humidity at it a.m. at,- temperature yesterday - 1 BeautifuL Dresses Modish Suits 0 Newest- Cloth Coäts 3 L Fuze Plush Coats o o ) - . pains across 11 411I 4- - Label is a guarantee that your prescription Has been accurately co- mpounded o - 74 thej small of my back. They bothered me so badly that I could do my work only with I the help of my hus-band- - Oneday he saw the 'ad.' in our pa- - I ST H 'chest , I Mug- - Temporaturs-- I. a 0 72 Prices as low and lower than any Cash Store in the City. 1,t SMALL OF BACK Foster, Oregon.--- "I Pinkham 's Vegetable . 0 , Compound Made Her Strong 1 i7 VALUES THAT ARE POS- 7i Husband Helped in Housework. weather daft tot St. 1912. 1.! the wonderful buying advantages of one of our partners in New York. we are. able to offer o ACROSS Lida E. Pinkham's 7) Through - 1111111I0 . - - Exceptionally Low Prices N - . 0 it is- -YOU CAN PAY AS YOU ' . NON or-S- uit Ilk ...,mik .a.7; . 3. o :. - . .171-;""a"."6","110.t."1"loa.1,.1.4.4-4,atio- ; . at the VERY LOWEST PRICESand the beauty of I Alb --- ---- - ly f I -- You cari get that BeautIful I -- P 0 7 1 0 q Never 1)(1(rehave.45,uch charming styles been displayed- in any Credit House in the West! " Never before such Fashion Thrills! , :i 0 Styles - . n I b: Lakes. --newest, House; "The LI BERTYSalt, 7L L . 0 most modern Credit Li berty ItarLibpial I 1 ? . . Ittftammr .ri4 . - w, imzitilz---1t- 0 , r - i 7 ' - more being sold than of any other brand. Try it always buy it. Your grocer can supply you. , 0 , . - pow- k r 7 derthe choice of millions John D. Rockefeller. Jr., told his I Bible class last Sunday: "When my father was paying one d011ar:81,WeeiClor,1118 lo,dgthg, hq gaN,1 18 cents a week to foreign miasions and 3 cents'l week to the poor." In all the 'World's history, there has probably been no more remarkable fulfillinent of the. text about your bread on the waters and it back with compound cast: ordinary man will observe .The., English 4 it. - 0 Jrand , 0 These are a few of the reasons why Calumet is proudly colonize. 7 0 7 4 . The Art xection of tlhe Ladies' a meeting tomor- erary club will hold ., ln:3-o'clock, "Amer-,.It In not - necessary to shompoo .rowrnorning- atbe the sübfect at a talk your flair so trequen y trit J. Leo Fairbanka,--by each time cleansed and properly "qtrely 411,IrGPOO dtVoll-' The Women 's Republican club of the , by the use of a' really good shampoo. e ar. The easiest to use and quickest dry. Third precinct will meet tomorrow Battles Were-NeIf Mrs. M. W. llow-- 1 of to can we ::rirdlg 111114recommend -;J rhome 50; log shampoo lbat, ' ...,.,..- -. Nolit,w West street . our readers Is one that brings out all George G. Armstrong will speak. Judge AU Cosmos. the Exploring to are be membere urged present the natural beauty of the hair and mall how. can tolfaiSanirnetpowlonlacrmefutil be enjoyed tat very little expense by tomor- The will Rockefeller, senior. an- meet club Authors' PoundGoes ..15p. of esmthrox.-- row morning at 10:10 o'clock at the I dieselvingeons on, instead of i 6 oz. cans. Bo a of certain ----... I lnounced that. trustees you get a pound when you want it which can be hbtained.from any drug- - Biehops building. Current events with were at lib- him. by 7. to the Japanese quellEarly glees In a cup of hot water. The Tspecialwillreference erty to give4Astar' or his- - they - -be discussed by members 01 money. of makes.a full cup of shampoo liquid. tion $85,000,000 pleased the clut led by Mrs. M. R. Evans. and Nvants to know a a handed over originally with the stiptl- - n"Darnories7Ftevens" enough so,Ills easy to apply it to all tithe bet' husband's' BY Airniltit --BRISBANE-the Interest, onlYwas to I lationIhat the hair Inetead of just to the top of 4 Members. of thsHe-atherottring club . , he will be entertained tomorrow sifter , spent.. into the head., This, when rubbed the LAT near we us boticS-eis . Of0911- - ilk4 .1 nd Ieei cult every strand or hair , Erte etreet. ate and House - will --Investigate Cleveland News writes' that-- be - sold i the children took 'the mother's "Eatne. 1 all dissolves It impurities. for chemically bide calf a the theatre first All disaster. class, grade high Washington Under the influence -- The iftlleofan- - club wilt' meet tomor- law, is very soothing and tooling in its ac. row cents, then went to Cleveland and real estate ownership, ofandretgion. Im- -. 4 - with Miss Florence the city'. theatres - elose.--A- rt mans vanshoes for his ItY of a for tion. as well as beneficial to both scalp Horne. 89.60 pair paid 110 Ninth East 'street.. .Great portant the thing,has gradually changed White louse reception' le little and hair. After rinsing out the lather American Actore' will be th subject of abandoned. The siPresident girl. marked down- from $12. for the better: deeply He supposes be ought to be glad he Iand probably so created, you will find the scalp le a talk by Mrs. Clarence Snow. return for her name, woman of of writes the uncertainty . I of llow many a pairs bargain. fmove The lives involved dower rights and alimony, subnumber a got fresh, clean and free from dandruff. - Maxwell-litcKear- v vromen. a little girls' shoes could you make out stantial exchanges. over a hundred. The publio is en-- 1 while the hair dries quickly and even- - corps. No. 3; will entertain at a nellet Ask the skin? social calf one of entire in war shied to know "who's who' diMeult would The least skirmish IY.develoPlig a bright luster and a soft tomorrow afternoon at 3 &clock at the bloc." "farm thoae number. at best in our a If that Ida greater liquid. divorcing so fluffiness' that makes it seem very I. O. O. F. hall. A short ,businoes meet . could be as near the beting at I:30 &clock will precede the make laws ,,, tot womanMarA . heavy.Adv. klitgentyoung . ',eel , , .. ' tied Dudley Field- Malone,- - formerly collector of the port of New York. She will continue to be known as , I kft:' Because it is more eco nomical you save when you buy it and you save CI 19 East Broadway' 0 , T ralb 7j HOUSE OF LIBERAL CKED IT ' 7Z the greatest leavening power. lima:nee it is not affect' ed by time or weatherit never loses its strength and never fails. V to 0 Because it possesses thr Orrt1 . a know how STAIDARD FOR - , i- being brag as any Canadian. - 0 ' Because it'smade in the most careful and scientific manner from- absolutely pure materials that remain pure in the bakingand insure wholesome, healthful thingso lingen-r- i Englandwilldothe Windy that Egypt will demand the right to stay in the British mph and about "British" as Corle-es,--w- A KEW POWDER 1 I r. KIS RAISED ' L'It "a 4111t... 7The English llound sterling went up burtng,.'T7 and the'doliar of our Canadian friends is almost all the way up to par. This means that the English are selling good s. doing business. their money is In demand to pny for things bought they develop statesmen, Instead of politicians, and diplomats instead of the sentimental "I love everybody" type of goose. England, like the Catholic church. lasts and ggows in power. because she understands changing conditions. She sets Ireland free, or almost, when Ireland proves that she is going to have freedom. And now there is talk of giving Egypt relativity. in the And mark this---ay of freedom. t . 009,!4i4 - as'ainyesterday---"onextuer- De , 44141 Or.41, 4011 oft t' universe Kiss Maurine Barnes, Miss B. karnes, Mies Lillian Barnes. Miss Florince Steffy and Miss Romaine Peter , -- -'Mors than one hundred former 'remathe - ins enjoyed the annual dinner ofHotel gamuts club evening at the The ;tall. Dancing followed. guests Were seated at small tables each centered with jonquils. Artificial sunflow bra. the state flower were favors. A program was given. Glen I. Mud-iogave an address Dr..i president.,and A. C. Judge E. F. Colburn WherryA 1.18o spoke. sunflower dance in costume was presented by Miss Frances Armstrong, Miss Gene Hantsen, Miss 1 - Josephine Hall and Miss Katherine Pharnbart. A poem by ..1A'ajt Nitthan, .,,, Ransas poét, was read bI1tz:K1 .K.,.- Klingender. Greetings from Gov. Allen -- - bt Kantiali an& from Vatted, States fietre-- , "Libr of were Kansas Arthur Capper , , 1)1 read. An original newspaper contribUted to the program. Each guest was privileged to respond to the toaet. ... "Who's Who in Kansas." r:77"Alla- - Latilaill-e- -t loand Thew.commiates- - str.,arrangssiontia ring of arrangements. were-thIn...charge, . ten-j'Ht ution.rsi, C. E. Painter, Mrs. 'Llterarr'club- and the entertainment eludes Sdrs. J. Van Houton. Mrs. M. of tbe club, the date for Harvey, Mrs. M. Moskovits, Mrs B. R. K.- - Elingender and Mrs. James A, committee the annual club breakfast was reeon- - Hansen. Mrs. C. Egbert, Mrs. M. Spears ogle. ,e, sidered and placed for Saturday, Feb. and Mrs. I,. Ravita , , Membership prizet had previously been set will be given. A ll members and friends Members of the Eleven' th ward Re- 1S- The date but due to protest from are invited. 4, lief society entertained this afternoon for March from , February. the birthat a silver tea .at the home of Mrs'. changing month of the club, and the month Sarah Roper on east Third South street. day ; is - the Mrs. John Greemof An interesting program was furniehed in which it has always been given with- guest of her sister. Mn.Ogden John A. Edone excepon, the board. and the enby 51rs. Emmi during the afternoon - dington on Edith avenue. Ramsey Morrie. Mrs. Margaret S. Hew- - tertainment committee met and in ace 1.4?tt.,. lino.ridtawbnc,..t.ithe ,vita,,h.e.s !ils.t.he itn I!: Mn. Virginia D. ttosa, The Association of Ahoy Men will Hensler. Miss Marjorie Penroe,Ahur 'about the time of the month that it entertain at dancing party Feb. 14 Dixie Penrose, Miss Lulu Penrose. mimi has DOuglas, been thus always given, beat Murton. Minti Alberta Reeve. Miss a Precedent Melba Smith. Melvin Peterson. Elmer , ofnany years. followingttFort I Lloyd Alliance of the lotrat Unitarian Berry. LOWell Berry, Mies Niargaret I Mrs- will Meet tomorrow afternoon IL v leavetellurch Anderson Miss Dorothy enatopell-an- d 2 o'clock at the church parlors. tat soon fqr Los Angeles to make her home. w ill be the-- complimented guest , Mrs. A. F. Hudson and daughter. Miss At a motler yemtrdav Rftorn non oft , this evening at a party given, by Mrs. Huth O. are J. on at Lowman her home east Hudson, 41 spending BOM e time at Venice. Cal. Seventh South street. a' - 31. ,1?2,2 ling theatre roof perhaps wars would be postponed thdeflnItIy. ' ' sees in the disaster Weehington another reminder that eel governmerit is' desirable. The resident of Washington is a man without a vote, in - government He withautpower does not run his own local cannot even 'hoot for or tabletaffair., congressmen thst run them for him. If Washington- could vote to' protect Its affairs and punish careless officiala It might. have better building law s. better enforcement of laws ex, isting, , . Shackleton. English exxpl ee is deaALHewaa!tihreveniatione-o- f many that have put England's flea all over the earth. Death found him ex-- ; plowing the South Polar regions. Where is hot exploring now? ,Whithor has he gone. south or north, up or down, or off to one sid in a that has no top or bottom? Doe the soul travel with the speed of light 104,000 miles a second? if so, according to the scientist Poineare. of the Fituth premier. it brother would take Shickleton's spirit 18.500,4 000 year to travel across the Milky Way, our corner of epace. Does the spirit travel with the speed of thought that reaches to the most distant star in One tenth of a second? Or doee it May right here working while nip earth Imes and then move on? : What would you give: for Shackleton's the first 24 hours on his latest exploration. the journey that yhu will have to make in due time- and,,all alone? 47. I , I LIESDAir TUE DESEItETNEWS 1,,,,avq. .1 ;04' re ' : |