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Show - Logan Names Recreation Board July 4 th Aide Relief Storehouse Program Decided MSy 15. Pres West Jordan Holds Sandy Appoints , Graduation Tonight Prices Effective , WtST JORDAN. Mae IS. ClosST. GEORGE, May IS. A recreation ing exercises of the West Jordan Ausachoot Jordan for the to- idenls Harold B. Lee and Marti will beheld School Junior High LOGAN, May' Uu Plans are be- - Oistnct has been organized as fol- - night at 8 o'clock. of the- - central committee of the tin, Members of the class follow; Hel- Church Relief program, attended SStot Jay en Albanese. Lillian Albanese, Jes- the lnes n I eeiebratna la Logan. regional meeting here jMiekelaen. Draper, president Of the se Allmendinger. Francis Barbell, daT. Preaidenta of St- - Gorg A School to committee work out; Jordan District Board, Nolan general , Rebecca Cut is, and Burton, Park Kanah, Zion i tha deails of the event has beenJanM C. Hansen. South Jortian, Dlmond, Hal Dun von, Ruth Parowan, attended. stakes John Dahlstrom. Moapt Bingham: named as follow Mayor Budget, J. MJ Evans; Wallace Gardner, Jackie Projects of the various stakes Norfleet, Harold Fomoff. C 0. Pet- Mavor J. Hollis Aylett, Midvale; Hotohan. Glen Lehmitx. Harold were reported and a decisions to erson; parade, Frank Baugh. Jr., Mayor A. R. Gardner, Sandy; M. H. Uovd. Marie Malstrom, Luella storehouse In each stake Eugene Yeates, Marion JEvertos. J. Andrus. Draper, Gwynne Page. McAllister. Clifton McKee, David estaMish was for the present South Soren Nielson, J. D. Braunagei and S al Palmer meet Riverton; where Leon New bold. Reed OlMoapa stake, however, store- tng. Osmond Jorgensen. David Tar- -' Jordan: E. M. Olsen. West Jordan, Naylor, Lowell Rob- theIn wards Loma son. Peterson, scattered, are bet. Mayor A. G. Lundstnjm. Rev. and J. H. Greer of Union. ertson, Clifford Ronneburg, Gwaln houses may he maintained in the , William Koenig; bands. Lyman Stocking, Vance various wards. Shepplek. Lovell REGISTRATION SET bleljson, Harold tvraolf, Benny Clai- r- Workman. Doyle The storehouse of the Kt. oeorg-stak-ofe MURRAY, May 15 Registration Wood. Dehn; concessions, Percy Smith, J. schedule were distributed to Yates, and Grant Young. will be at St. George, J. Edvards. C. W. Rapp. 1 Zion Park Stake, of Murray High School Basstuii and rodeo event, K. D Cedar City, ax. Seven nundied twen-For amateur gardeners a folding- Parowan stake at Kanah. The Salibury, H. F. Laub. Prof. A. N. Thursday. in- of Kanab Stake at an resembles would that iheelbarrow indicated Students five they p. Sorenson, S. W. Kimball. Coach set for June 17 at bt.e was Invented. In been Is has fall, This next school enter fant's meeting carnage ' J. R. Jensen. Preston Pond: fire-at which meeting coun students Airplane amice has been estab- George works end salutes, U alter Rawleigh, addition to the Freshmen wlU meet with auka In September lished in Australia linking Sydney. who will register Ausun Frank. William Jensen. J. Six class period a day Instead of Broken Hill and Adelaide. . W. Ault decorations, H. C Haws; Cliff Haw advertising, C. U cock. H. Parley KUourn; children will Coach J. K. Vanderhof f . sport a change tn Mrs. Urn Roes; patrol and safety be permanent unless cream a Chief of the yumculum shouldsaid. first. Harvey Police M. Cart Poulier; rest room conflict, the principal the central committee ha an-- ! William Walton. midway wifi be lore tad at nounced. with the main entrance 860 SOUTH MAIN STREET tha Junior High School Ground. on Federal Avenue. SANDY. committee- - Saturday! May 16th - Pricat Effacthre mriMuiss s rnnirNi Mi r: m ! la Oar Murray, Mivala, Magna an Salt Laka SForea 'I Ar-la- m t G' - atu-den- u CnCCIl y n-- " M EEEJ- FOOD MARKE- T- 4Z-4$- EAST HD SOUTH One tvielm mi leaser 4 fciipiMrwfltew rlsUUIC 5PRrs SNOW DRirrtD ST.42 OLBS- -, JELLO. aH flavors 2 for 9c "pineapple TiDirrs Scabs 2 IS 43s, Ik 23s :::v;cr.:?T . . .. . messes CZTrtZ 12s. bottle 4 for LIME RICKEY, TOMATOES, REAS, SEANS, all large tits Scons CINGK AE 1 TUNA FISH Lera 12 Lea ISs 2 fny M KANANASaH LETTUCE, fresh, soli 234 15 ,1b. HT 5 tnch 3 RADISHES, GREEN ONIONS; I hunch. . Lunch 1 POT ROAST Prim Sfsar Baal th. 17 Ih. IB lh. 10 lb. 19 PRIME RIB BONED AND ROLLED IMO GROUND 9EEF, all fresh meet Ih. 19 I HAMS, style an BicoSgunrea - - piank We Imres We - M te U- ..... OogoSty. nnrrcc UUrrtt CORN PEAJ-E- nrly Eastarn Evtrgreen No. 2 Can API large package,. ..... If F) wUUr Vea Cempi Large Hell Roll WALDORF 15c- 4 Baking Ponder. F U. Hutler'i Kitchen Mai .. 4S lb. haf Lorga No. 2 Cef, Staner , . Jna, Nw 2 Can 3CRS25 COCOA Tc?.... ..I do.16V2C . ! 18c u -- ' VlMt hww DM in . CHOICE LEGS IHOVIOU ROAST, ne sheahe TOASTS s -- n29c Crackers Be DOR. Deliriou Luarhewi Crarker, Pk. Pm. POT sajaxiT aotwawe We iMm ... H. 7T,... Tim tmt m hfowim OAST- -T Sm Itfht t llwM ' ...a i t Enrere aeflorA AR rt AR Verietl- e- Cbm 2 mK ..... L Wlf pb.. J. is 19c Pantry PAHCAKE FLOUR . yaeaSSM. tH-U- SYRUP Pride 4j Pb(. Sleepy Hotlew, Fere Cane DAOO, Art (A tUUd 17c APPLE D0TTEn, Quart ler I 15s Tbeae A MOL While, UlN - Amber, Lb. I. 1 Extra U. 8. Estrm. I- MhhJ 2S 23 ey-- Ka 25c TOMATOES 33c 30c - De MM,1re. e war ara eeery e(,t ere Wl a ear were amre lAaa 24 bear tt IS5 5sm 25 c 3 cans WALIIUTUEATS CHOPS SICE TEKOEa STEW 25s .-. FnA Crify, POTATO CHIPS 2L0Fb.. 15 ia utf otafm or Ceebed tolaoit Ik.?? Ik hnt Ik tt. FTf Clltiil fceafkarw W STRAWBERRIES plum, box 10c Oregon 1 C9Cfmaift-Ct- o. Me. Ma ler etteUf I LH k ftwek . UMoxt rn e Mn POZ It OXAMUO fiilcT ea4 mu nctiu TttifTTTTf'iFB Arirrec VllbbWk iC. 22 H55ESEIS 2 bottles 150 MIXERS BACON, sliced, extra fancy ...lb. 27c EGGS'LS sw4e' PETFOOD-.::...:- 10c Csa ST STRING BEANS SNOWDRIFT Tha perfect shortening . .1 Ibrpnil 49 nch SALAD DRESSING lorga qf. far pkfs. 25 KELLOGG'S WHOLE WHEAT FLAKES EaST. .... Csa Cbr.::r. 2- -8 CI1EAM OF WHEAT 15c . lor 38c K SUIIDRITE fluffy, Ih. 25 Liptewa Yellew Label, Cm TEA r41Crt Tmte . a Ido. r. I3S IncTI Cantor ifill for wm, -- Tanar O SetMymite Year Tana. LK MARSHMALLOWS L, FLOUR I a 3 pkgt. 10c all flavor .. . 2 lb. 4C B. 25c lb. can COFFEE, M, J. - 730 3 lb. can.. JELL-WEL- uj aud vatu pnovc rri K toot 4 far 25c TOMATO PUREES & : SSJS.!rfr.-:Ib.l 60 OLEOMARGARINE 39c MALT SYRUP ZJttCZ. 0XYD0L, 171GGLY TJCIV 1017 Y cor.ic F.CfenrEtcO SEiapSiros - SAFE17AY-DIGGL- pmcES cel-lor- J '""isr mMESE in JT S.v. B COULD DO 17AS LISTGW I H A TH Caa v PEACHES My BiigbJbor cxked xa the oiier day what kind of coffe I usod. DRISCOL'-"- edd her feusbesnd wca o fed up wUh the coffeei tha had bora .' :... OXYDOL n." it'iab SUGAR 3 fr.. 25c PEACHES', GO, bca 0J113 ... 10s SHRIMPS '2,i -- lOXh. 18 55s Ut 11c DDfTER 28s 25s r.:iLKr,fc 4Cn 55c MIXERS 28 A hwif Cho h f4 buying ihed bo often refused to bis cup When I fold her Kills Bros. Coffee; she we used , shook her head end said, "I know It's wonderful but we can't afford t, to buy 1LM My answer was, 4 'You'd be surprised. Meats of Quality. 1 2 Its. 20 FaeyM.M lb. 80 lb. 20: Lean GH0U11D BEEF fra lb. 15s FhoelJer VEAL ROAST Cote ..... i VEAL LEGS for Roan lb. 22c For VEAL STEAKS Rreeiliaf lb. 24s UAHS Fenry (aby lb. IE: SIHLOHI Steak Milk Veal BEEF ROAST Reel Stem IIEVJ ELGLACD Jflaee R04ST Wbnb or Pert . .lb. 24c fmT Baby Faary SPICED HAD Moat lb. 24s KB Mil Flavor. Ofimk rot off. Imartwoa . lb. 20: Well, she called me up and was fa excited and happy that this morning lFresh Fruits andVegetablest a I couldn't get a word in edgewise. She had found out that the price of HlHa s V . Bros, was practically the 4 same as mosrof the brands she hod been try tog. And she agreed IBBs t:h.1c QcJish:s,Grc:nOni:ns r Uiflli ... cud 1C: LETTIJOE . . J. . . . . bd 5s BEETS , STftAV.uEnniES . GEO Fane, Esua kwoe and (uicy. freeh Utah . GAIinOTS ...x..2lcr S: Ysuny Tea rear Lae TOIIATGES. . PEAS;...; 3 Ib.lCs Bundle ... 2 Its. 1C: r Fancy Firm Bipe IB'JSP0E3..74l!:s.1C How Crop Bo FruiL ....... 3 bh$. 1C: Sweet and Tender ErciCcL'ca " Gamete GUSUi.i3ERS.7....phO Taaqr Team Field Culoe , SQUASH EGG PLANT AND SPINACH-SUMMUTAH ASPARAGUS FRUITS OF SALAD ARISTOCRAT THE GALAYOS" was miles CR ahead, in . Plume Freoh, Critp T flavor. 0)9oa 6z;20 Sjkir Flesh UMi . y .. y I w- i iSat'Wfe.ah 6l4B W V 41. - s v- - |