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Show .18 THE A. Utah Mails Cyprus Guide To WPA Elects Officers 'Mrs. a P.-- T. i MAGNA. M.y 15 NEWS, SALT MORGAN'- A.J mt - g,n County li LAKE CITY F. T. A. ELECT8 r May 15. Th Association here has re- w 1th the following President. Lola F. Swapp, vice president, John M. Burgoyne, sec retary, Lu Dean Park; chairman of program. Linda Hamblin: advertising. Leah Jackson; refreshments, Lillian McAllister. Morgan Conservation Meeting Underway Bullork , OGDEN, May 13 DESERET KAVAB, The Soil Conservation Com-leerla in session In the Court Parent-Teache- FRIDAY MAY Morgan Committee Studies Flood Fight MORGAN. .May 13. Unidown-- ers along East Canyon Creek met at the courthouse Monday evening and discussed the flood situation in that area. The meeting result ed In the appointment of a committee consisting of A. R. Rich, J. fogs Rich Waldron, T. W. Butters. R. Maurice Howe 'president cl the Cyprus Parent- - nlittee Association Wednesday Koom at the County Court House today. They expect to assist tW farm- ,wer Mrs. Harris, first vice pnrsi T in, compieting their work Dointsof'' u,1.n? interest for eastern tourists, and denl; Mr- He Davton. second vied heu ftr entenng the new boil Woods. Program. County Buasas are guided through analyzing tha Industries, resources. Erede"': Rn t hw man swk smA. history and geography of nine !; -P- - ,Bwkhank. treasurer. aiKh'int - - Richards, slates thatto all farm- of them on motorcycles and signal committee Isd western states, as content material 'Jrs- Hlise Baker, music Committee not'e to be known as the ers t khairmim in the county of these dates, to drivers colored on the East Canyon Creek Flood Confqr the American Guide HTA and a copy of the work sheet giv- rear of thebycycles. . lights of unemployed imten, trol Committee. en them. "tTndw supervttlan 1 County Agent C. R. Richards. 1 TODllV the material van utg from ies than jj 1M.Osi word for Wyoming and Nevada, to 400.000 words for 111 many farms where mud has been kml. has been gathered by sev- I eral hundred project employes LOCAN, May 15. The Sm.ric.p since November. The material Remount Association Is offerine a sent this week is to be passed nverjtronhv this spring for the best faj the centra! eopvdesk of the pro two or colt! ect and returned to thg various gelding or filly sued a remount by si allion in Cache Valley and either registered or with registration an plied for in the haihbed stud. Hone in this class will be shown in Into a volume In each state and a hand nt T11 " livestik show tobeTbeTat Washington Incorporation In the college May 20. EAST 21 ST UJd Another light hors. clW to be J DuhlUhf11 nhown at the morning show mill be Py117h THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE opmlog rf Mr, claes For purebred foals, greatest icrvitf of twiwMNUfi m administrator for tlie western glpn. on Friday i dupatched. toje,enln- her Washington D. C. about, 2.000 000 T'?1 ,T. secrrUry;ir'?l ' -- a " &. et liCHlOIlllI . 'a tl t deposited, and In places washing! has resulted from swift flow ofl the current over the farms. Ha al so stales that It Is the general belief of the farmers that with some labor in straightening the channel. the .water can be kept within the banka and no damages result even with higher water than we have had this year. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ICE CREAM SPECIAL I LATH'S " May 15. i Student-bod- QUALITY ICE CREAM 40 Balk INGHAM HIGH ELECTS BINGHAM, officers of the Bingham High School have been elected aa fol lows: President. Austin Loveless, vied president, Justine Jones; seceditor,' retary. Leora Timothy; Blair Wilcox; yellmaster. Duchic Thomas. 20 S5f is Majqota y X VAsaine-- tt ERAMH'S three-year-ol- I t I I JlrllP 1938 15 YUM Pint Daltb 29c I1E17LETTS ij 'T V ! ,WJ te rmn-,5- t!d Cy Murrays Judge rmhJsdjM. J lb. cad blf V ,,! Hi b ( i4: lb M ( wor Hioa 7list over. price ora oar tlratJjf shelf prices. Look this cnoaiGn3BT!L nzJCOILsMnr lb. 19 . Ib.' 19 Ib. 9 Ib. 331 as 3 tar 20 Ozilsns bca. 1 a.s fcs. 19 cnnrrj pais H criCsd nrn omnm ZTsSZ or r i'fiw.n i 15 Br -- .!..:..: I S- LUTES c:eh1c LEDOIIS daz. C: Hdl EcnsG 25 15 2Tfc; 10 bottle 10 rsb- u Pears b een 15 1" Lars BsItm. AlbbysJlppln So3Co2ecasl5 ...... Del Monte, Melhe o. 2f:r35: Kw S tans Pf 8ttcr -- 4 f. Crcen la,e Iwl OS, nM Kernel, Vbele Kernel 2fcr25 f VtstkMt32is ftz&zittlzilT;:!i Sd:J Vegtlitlsj PiindaleNe, Large No. 2Vi Con 2fcr25c 2 cant Del Mosvte, Se'agpL ,V2eni sJIs III IVV.I.I FICC3, 1 -- Lb. 14--o -.-- ., a j- I 16 cereal bargains WXOU FB1AT Biscuit All Bran Fkg. .18c Popped WhcatSJSSrwSc CETSTAL Wedding Oats, pkg.. ISc REIT 1C: Wheat Hearts Ig. pk. 22c 27c Roieware Oats JT ".18c Ui!riToi3aio Jnlco2csl5 f 1 0C Sc Grope Nuts . . .,.pkg. 17c Post Bran Flakes pkg. 11c Post Whole Bran pkg. 12c 2f:r2 Cell Ib. 16c CuJshy'f Rex Srani dJcnnoG Vb.l Fancy nr InmM ROASTlTc UEAL LARD ... 9c Steer leefl HENS J fo V5 Pf( Helve, No. 2 Vi con RclldRibOcbt Large Sisa Fkg mi IiULIOJI . . insert batila 15 c-cs!:c- ... C:ra, Tcr.:!:s E'aTLETT FELS Ik. Celle Wtf- - POT ROAST-- lb. SALMON, Alaska Tall Cans 3 for 29e SHRIMPS, fancy dry pack .can 10c TUNA FISH, light meat, Vi 2 for 25c SARDINES ZZ'JXTT. 2 for 15c COFFEE, big ralue, fresh ground . Ib. 15c LEG MARSHMALLOWS R2T . 1 Ib. cello bag 13c LEMON or GINGER SNAPS 2 lbs. 25c PURITY TOASTS ...pkg.19c CATSUP, Jay Tea large bottle 10c HEINZ VINEGAR .qt. botle 18c RIPE OLIVES, golden, toil cans 11c PICKLES, 8 all 15c for varieties 2 jari, SLICED BEEF, Libby's 2 oz. glass 10c -- ORNED BEEF, Armour, 12 or. cans . . 15c 1 Ib. cello COCOANUT bag 15c eV V ........ J... c::h 5: AVACAD03 Cafsltj't Fancy Slkof,' ..... !2IorS: oooooooooosoooe CHOICE MEATS CHICKEN & EGG NOODLES 7 2Sc CODFISH, boneless 1 Ib. pkgs. pkg. 19c 3 doz. 29c Ib. 1 Os sar DEPT, 3 Cfcr25 . - Ib. 7c LUNCH MEATS-12Ib. 23e PIGS FEET, small meaty . . 2 1 Sc 2-- 2 PABSTrETT CHEESE pgs. 29c THURINGER, very fasty Ib. 23e 2 lis. ISs connsr m0 ...p&a, DZtL PICIHE3 DEALS v CHEEU GIIERIIIES lAFFLE- ... PUCOfT iff.-.Ct . ciS btj T. -. . ri r:blls23d 55. .. Ib. BACON COTTAGE CHEESE tansb 2e J... Jr Pr.3 nonst;s isr..: a. fl3f LH3 cr tnr.irs lb. 29 r:mcs rstjt.tv FEAS.2r.:r" 2 Ib. ShisderJ No. 2 Cano nosjjer8 mPcics ZDELICATSSEN- iTALfnrisQUficnI fie: F0TAT0ESSt;,.1C3liL0:: onistonf. prico to IECjFLMTi Cdrclny n4uc4 low STTsI"3 CEAnS CinnOTS I Colo jCccJ o4vortio4 ms c.i 9c i:E7FOTATOES2lb.5c ii) f "SiMCotto 7c IFRUFTS AND VEGETABLES G.1EEIJ Jeeveiff Utah Pack, largo No. Z o 23ot A K) ij 'ij Cc-- TCTO Fun 2 lb. Joe WE GIVE 'S: G R" GREEN STAMPS WetL ;5 p!:g. rc:i ojjz ja If i dtoiyqv yw Ehs'cqa LDu tL) an'Etaww :T7.Ti,1 10: Out oftheHighRent District k f a rTj rnunEsate 51 2'2 Ib.tsa 17e . BBji2l(a!G J3I?Q(!EnGlQZ2 rr n sen-.'joi- iv SOUTHSUGARHOUSE FOl-RT- 3 ' Crysfel White or Golden FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We reserve the right to limit quantities, JJ.Ii'TfiiLLu PLAX5KD Warren Nielson. 4vl Penny Avenue, Salt BINGHAM. May 15. At lak City,- was fined 410 or monthlv meeting of Bingham ,! 44 4vs in. Jail Ivy, udgellalunteerFtre Departments, K. T. Mathews, who found huiijcommittee ws named iLl.gi to . guilty of a speeding charge a of Fourth of July Cf (charge A quarter of th fine will be ration as follows! Bert Hoking pended upon payment of 47Jd and chairman with bltve Siddoway J the Judge granted a stay of pay tT. West. James Culleton, John J rnent to My2.- Ceeedon, ami Ray Tatton toassicL 1 May 2rt....53c ; eous notions in the public mind g remouot stallion, concerning customs in various sec-- i "Both of these classes tions of the countrv. Utah and the ate T vah Church will psrtlculsrty benefit py'irv for ..there have been severai this elarificatam. he bdieves. outstanding stallions stationed here bv the remount service United htatrs Army." said Dean EL J. MaySpeeder Sentenced nard, In commenting on the event. MURRAY. Q'J 5sxTaiutnl 937 SYRUP STALEYS Dol faq MrreJttMed Cans 14. Cr:;:!n'l Fancy Fl.irda, a-T- Pi. J cans f.r CI"JEA 2f:r2C: ltx p;:r K: Iw Bes Td:l P;:rJx 3 fcr ICs $::!:ril3 C!:::::r 4 Crda Fi;:Cm C;:::r Holly Brand sa nusa,t:a r.ID WE SELL um a ol sbs 3 f;r 23s Tail cww.. w. m FLIPS IE: SCL7S All Yerietiea ... , IvS 17c C23 5c 3 c;;j Z:s tibhys Orcnfia Jcfcn mn o Drfilsil Snow 7f CSfftL rLOnIFi nvlf tes. i t J- -- " H .- MSm ILAII rat t. wnauir MAS .. . fil.lH each Ct otnrnnn. wd so. s um sotmt sth siaiz t 3r-nifiGLE -- CHIP Fc!I SURETY OF PURITY C:;r Jir 3 kid nan cruc::us FLAV22S P. Or 3 a PRODUCTS FOG. LAUNDRY SOAR Gloaf Ran, 10 for '(I. w CAMAY SOAR 3 Cake CXYDCL mm eixe, yhg. IVORY FLAKS, Lse. pkg. 'v i ; , r w s- . Tit |