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Show t TITE Church Activity Sets New Record In Grant Stake ' ft v . ?" S I it; A) O O An- As unusual record of achievement hue lwea made by the Grant atake, duo to a campaign during the month. It is reported by! President Joseph J, Paynes. Tha month Included the ninth snnivor-ar- y of the organisation of the stake, thick took place May 24, 1924. Under the direction of the stake presidency, President Paynes, Arab el H. Woodruff, first counselor and Joseph Anderson, Second counselor, and the stake high coum.ll, a campaign to Increase the spiritual of the stake sac fostered activity the during month as ait anniversary The 'report from President project, Paynes is as 'follows: "The Grant stake was organized , May 25, 11124. The presidency and high council of the stake felt os' a fitting compliment and that anniversary gift to the stake there should he, an effort put forth to develop spiritual activity of the stake during that month. As a result of , tbia ambition a definite plan was outlined for this intensive drive. A ol was set for 100 per cent In ward teaching, 4 5 per cent average attendance at Sacrament meeting, SO per cent average attendance at priesthood meetings, Each ward teas given Its quota to put over and many startling capacity crowds were obtained. i Departments Arranged "The first Sunday of the month, Vogt day, made it necessary to arrange fur senior and Juvenile departments, the Juvenile to he properly cared for in spiritual gatherings, and those especially qua fled for that work to teach (the o ones the value end purpose of fast day and testimony bearings. Many of .the wards obtained unusual results from the little ones in this respect. Church Department SATURDAY, TUNE IT, S, Aaronic Adults Adult Aaronic Priesthood Class ' ' Campaign Marking niversary Meets Success, Favor DESERET-NEW- V l J w Made Interested By Special Class E a Succeeds I 'Zf I 1ih ;u xk j- - under, ors, and two elders Leo Robinson and Isaac Langton. Bensing the reed of some means et interesting and stirring to the Priests, parUclpation Teachers and Dcaoona In the ward who were over twentone years of age, the bishopfid made pe erai recommendations after onilcrlng the situation. It was foutid that there were approximately 80 men Aaronio Priesthood in bolding the the ward who were over 1 years of age. It was felt that a separate class should be organised for them as they could not be existed to meet with the bay and that they could not and would not feel at hums meeting with the eiders. The means to remedy the situation was found to.be a separate class for this group, a commutes headed by a chairman who would - maintain the vision of success all difficulties, and r who had a positive testlm the Gospel and could inierfstjB&ftj men. man The aim was to reach of the ward and make that the class was for hUiywhd his adare him in vancement and ail things that be wort h$ to receive ichizodrk 1rlest- hood. ao-ti- ve ! ' i i . 'M CV. Abo. e L seen tho adult Aaronic Priesthood hu of the Twcnt hth wnrd of tho Bale Ike Wake, whoro Qnonial aotivltr and waccoaa ham been featured program for Uioae men holding the Aaronic IMoNthoot) ami irtio are over twenty-on- e , yearn of age. lc da-spi- te 1 j, Speaker Chosen Fori Tabernacle Sunday .Service Time For Radio Sermon Sunday-Night Changed Brigham It. Robert of the First Seven Presidents of wIU he the speaker lit SeentJes, the Sunday k'lrnoon services in the Tabernacle, The services to ill untie? the direction of the Salt Lake and Granite stakes. it being the third Sun day of the month. Munio for the meetings will 'be by the Tabernacle choir tender the direction of pro ftwor A C. Lund, with Frank ,W. Aucr, Tabernacle organist, at the Iconsole, EhD r James E Taljnugo of the; Coup li of , the Twelve- - will present the second f a scries of sidlo addth on the. Priesthood of the j 1 - One of th greftt object of our existence hole, Indeed the great-ca- t, In to receive these bodUa or tabernacles of flesh, tahCrnaclca for our Individual splms.lThem of ur wuno, through obedience physical tabernacles and bur nplr its, unitedly known as the mull, a fullness of Joy; and It Jj destined, that the obedient; faithful, shall go MnUathe presence of Got?, thra tqjpeeoin-sonand daughter, tftfvlng a fnlnoHS of the blorrre of Kingdom ff God.fndrr Fich1iig Hanith, at tha- - Cmiijnof the Taolvcl. jf'XS 1 venthg ocr fetation K5L. , f The broadcast or this Wcnk only will commence at 8 30 ff m. , an continue to p ra. The reguL hour for the Church ttautdraist every Sunday is from 8 4&T9:1 Chutrh. Sunday r pm-- i s. i The program mentcd'by musicpic' cdumige in the time has beetnatlJT enable4 one tho static hour, lewj tOroaffor pm IfromJpintj uule iwUfcrnuv na yciyifr 4 WOrifr jD of , and uTemacle choir each Sunday It clear and defl tA'tjp make religion is not founded on logic, religion ppKjartly Is, iinded on faith. F'aith, like tt ha tremendous povter. Faith l that satisfying something which conies into humble human hearts as & result of prayerful life Klch-ar- d and righteous living n. Lyman, of theElder Council of the Twelve. elec-rirlctt- lu-- at sacrament meetings J6jght j Provident "The second Sunday being lessor priesthood and Mothers day a dual program was arranged In most of the wards, and thera again capacity crowds wore to be found, i "The last Sunday of the month, the final day of the drive, attracted the largest crowds that have evor been In attendance In the various ward chapels. In one ward there was 116 pef cent of the ward j population. "As a result of the drive; the stake showed an average at sacra-- , mental meeting attendance' of 60 per cent, Aaronla priesthood 40 per cent; Mclchtsedok priesthood, 64 7 per cent, snd ward teaching 100 per oont. There were a tot a). during the month. 23.114. There yrore ward teachers in attendance at sueramrnt meetings during the month, 3.084. The Molchlsedek priesthood attendance was 1,231 and the Aaronla priesthood attendance. 8 30. . "In order to arrange for the plea as outlined by the stake the mem- - , bers of the high council were' Into committees, five departments being arranged. Every department would have supervision-ovetwo, throe or four the easo may be. This wards, commit, would function with the wsrjMJTsh-oprtIn helping to arraMfe- - for' the plans of ths varlouSards to assist In every wsy totfeip in eon-tawith the w s rip--p i e m be rs and to see .thaj everybue did his dutsf The wards divided Into jfcd" divisions, eayw division to be wpfsid-e- d over one of the coarlaelors bf thpKifibopri, who wjtta have wo 4Mitiiiits raUwJ-lnrf- . help him Priesthood at all. This work hits been done the direction of the ward bishopric A, JP. A. Glad, Ephraim E " Bishop Jeffs, and Claretice Lees, counsel- , lit-tl- , attendance , l rt? II- ' ' lt Can Be UNDER thethemo to,Twetoty-eJghth ward of the Salt Lake stake has made a aucce.-fueffort since last September to induce into activity adult members some of whom hold the Aaronic Priesthood and others , . in Dif- ficult Task v ' . Ward Twenty-Eight- h jf, ltapidly , asHistod by E. Oscar And reason prospective members of summer. The during Inst claAS held September 18, a asd&mce that time iot4 d without i this Sunday has class being held This first class had five members present. With the help of these five and others as they attended tho class, the attendance has grown to an aeiage of 28 each wet k. To dato there has been, by the efforts of thin class and ita leaders thfee baptisms, fourteen Dt neons ordained; eleven teachers ordained, eight Priests ordained and five wore ordained Elders. This is a total f 88 ordinations within eight months. The lass Is functioning- with its and presiding officer, a secretary comassistant secretary and four mittees enlistment, attendance, welfare and recreation And jss pa-sa- per-sor- ml com-mltte- The clAss has accomplished many outstanding things to the ward It is railduring its organisation. ed the Adult Aaronic Priesthood class. j AIUTtikcc Chapel To Be Dedicated Sunday V X1 -- rs es ct I d cetf etivM'ies 'bpe ward to units wlthsubdlWldrnjs4varloUB a catnbm-jd- assistants over nit, sndfWcy'should then be subdivided .sc with two brethren whose was to visit every homo eCry RaUirday" nlgltt Inviting ths mom here oT the ward to attend thjp.rviee the next morning. T Interest Advance , . was amaslng how lnlereeted everyone in the various wards became, The Hlllcrest ward of the tnke attained the highest honors - ttnsolnr '5 as Its percentages were having IT per cent In 5 tendntree at sacrament meetings. Tf rT ';nt for the Aaron hood, per cent for the Melehlaedek, and 100 percent ward teaching. "Many other wards wers well up above tho quota set for the stake, and as a special consideration for thovarlons wards that succeeded ler attaining the quota established flhe presidency end high council presented to eyh word a beautiful-- , ly engrossed honor certificate which enn-b- e In framed and the ehspcbtn stand as an hung unusual d, r I mark of distinct achievement for that ward." whk-1 will be tferik-l- ed ! 4,11 w"u- ,- lrml rt. V. If Om Semtar. Jane It, lf Imt tvnt Uebar Nnrilx-- i. Oran. 84mm wtowtow, reevuti . ou4le4 y |