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Show Above from left to right, Mrs. Augustus F. Lawn Party Is Given On Dannemiller, who arrived during the past week ' from San Antonio, Texas, to make her home at Fort Douglas; Mrs. Harry V. Brooks; formerly Miss Louise Fagergren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fagergren, whose marriage was an event of Wednesday in the Salt Lake temple; Miss Mary Beth Gros, daughter of Mr.,, and Mrs. S. V. R. Grot-- , who is visiting in Blackburn, Missouri. Center, left, is Mrs. S. W. Leaver, who left with Mr. Leaver for a several weeks trip to Milwaukee and Chicago; right, Miss Ruth Lambert, who will f pend the summer in visiting Mamarpneck, N. Y. Below, at the left, Mrs. Kenneth P. Eardley, who was Miss Viola Kloepfer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. , Kloepfer, who was mar- - y 1 ried Monday in the Salt Lake temple; at the right. Miss Mary Ruth Ballard, daughter of Elder and Mrs. Melvin J. Ballard, who is at- Saturday L tic study group and MrA'J. Wel- West, president' of th WoCentral alub, mens Democrat! were th official hostesses at A garden party given Saturday at th bom of Mr. and Mrs. Burton W. Muaser. Little Miss Bhary Gigy, niece R. N. SIWighter, Mrs. Junius Fisher, Mrs Albert Jensen, Mrs. Law, rence Epperson and Mrs. E. Howe, study group presidents and Mrs. Delbert Draper, Mrs. James H. Wolfe and Mrs., Calvin W. Raw- lings Two hundred reservations war mad for games and th tables were placed In the shady garden of th Musser borne. An interesting musical program was presented with Mrs. P. P. lyric soprano, featured la Greek folk songs Leo Leanlo and Woodrow Preston rendered numbers of Hawaiian and PMtlplno music and Mary Ferro entertained with Italian songs. .Martin H testa an Swiss yodller and Rudolph Hanks-pianipresented musical numbers. In native costume. Greek folk dances were offered by Mary Bhour-tt- a, Sophie Moms, Helen Caetoa, Zollntakts Zeffle Psppas, Adel and Helen Pappas. Refreshments were served at small tables In the garden whers Jllss Mary Sbields vice president of fh Junior Democratic league, was In charge, she was assisted by tbs Misses Phylli Ewing. Lila Welling. Margaret Draper. France Mullmer. Reva Huffaker. Hath- rtne Frlsby. Betty Corf man. Jana FishDraper, France Nuttal. Lois Have-nor, er. Mildred Brown, Barbara Carter, Betsy Dern. Louis Mary Alice Meagher. Jane Shlelas, Evo-ly- n Lowrey, Kktherin Jlr. H. B Kathrtn Blood. Meaghew Jus Holme. Jean Reynolds and Jeaa Howard. More than three hundred guest attended. David Mrs. Lucll Blair. Mrs. Athay. Mrs. M. C. Iverson. Mrs. France J. E. B. Harrison, Mrs Westllng and Mm. Ellis R- - Carter were members of the general com- as, Lo Interest Howell. avenue, Calif., entertained Angel, a beautifully appointed, tea at Sunday. June 11, In honor of Mlae Barbara Sherman and Ensign Thomas O. Hardle, whose engage. "mem was recennyannounced.The host and hostess were assisted In receiving by Hr. and Mrs. William Edward Hunter and Mias Kay Sherman. Forty gueata were present. Among those from out of town, who attended the affair. wra Miss Jana Cannon of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph Bellan. . tyn and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thom' aa ef Dong Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Janas W. Dodge of Ventura, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Needham of Bar Diego, and Mr. and Mrs. John H. McGrath of Ban Franclaoo. Bertha Hansen Is Honored at . Supper IBS BERTHA a a a The marriage of Mas Virginia Grant, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harold Egoert Grant', and Reed Ashby Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood .of Holden took piaca Wednesday In the Salt Lake tembreakfast followple. ed for the Immediate families. , A profusion ofink roses and rings decorated the rooms. The table was centered with A basket of pastel shaded summer blossoms and held Ivory tapers In silver caodlehold-er- e. t The marriage of Miss Audrey Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson of Provo. sndJYal-trW. Hiller, ton of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hiller, also of Provo, took Place Wednesday In the Salt Lake temple. Mr. and Mrs. Hiller will reside In Provo. e 'a C Depart t For South HONORING Vlas Laura . Ernest Clayton and Conand children. Jimmy left stance. Friday, for California where Mr. Clayton Ul attend the University of California at Berkeley. They wIU return In the .fall. a ) 'Mlaa Mary RuthtBallard has aha gone to New Fork, where will study for several months at New ef the Art Student League Tork. Mrs. see ers returned Thursday from a three weeks' trip 'to Oakland. Ban Francisco. Portland. Ora, and Beattie. Weah. During their stay In Rose Portland they visited th festival. Mlaa AUc Tsvlor and Miss Jean Silver left during th week for Los Angelea from where they witi canal sail by way of the Panama for NW . Tork. They will atop over In Panama Citv and will x- visit th Cenjurr of Progress position before returning bom. , , , Edwin Flan-r- o Mr and Mr. have gone lo Chicago vto attend the Century of Progress vial position. They will place of Interest in th C fora returning bom. . marriage will be an'lnter-estln- g event of the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edward Price entertained at, an attractively arranged 'dinner party Friday evening at their home In the Los Gables apartments. The table was eovered witl an Italian cutwork cloth and held aa a centerpiece a bowl filled with cornflower and pink enapdmgons. The bridal motif wq developed ,ln the appointments, Following, th - dinner, tables wex arranged 1 or garni. A number of parties ars -- being planned for Mlaa McGhla. Monday evening, Mrs. Horace p. Beesley, Miss Frances Brazier and Miss Louise Brax,er will give a supper two party for members of the families. Miss Elizabeth Hammel will be hostess at a party Tuesday for the bride, who will be honored at a luncheon to b given Wednesday afternoon by Jllss Hope Hanson. Wednesday evening. Mas Marjorie Gordy and Mra William F. McCrea wUl preside at a party and Sunday afternoon June 25, Miu Virginia Kingsbury will an tertaln lor Mlsa McGhla. a a whose Mrs. Thomas G. Reid left last week for a month's visit in Dos Angelas. Mr And Mrs. 8. W. Leaver left Friday for Milwaukee and the Cen-In Progress exposition tury of Chicago. Mrf Leaver will attend the eod ention of the Intermoun-tal- n Assolcatlon of Credit Men to be held In Milwaukee, - . a e Mr. and 'Mrs. Georgs C- - Bow- McGhlc 'Lacourne. Maurlne Barrow left for New Mexico and Texas, where aha win visit for a month. She was accompanied by Mr. and "Mrs. Harry - K. Fisher of Dos WU1 visit Angelea. Mlaa Barrow In southern California before returning home Miss Mr. and r . Wedding Breakfast Follows Ceremony In Salt Lake Temple . Jackson-Hille- r t. HANSEN. wa tbs guest of honor at an attractive dinner party given Friday evening by member of tb cafe. Y. E. club at Dick Gunn A mound of pink sweet peas form., ed th centerpiece for the table which was lighted with matching cahdles In silver holders. Places were marked for twenty guest. Miss Persia Jllss Bell , Floyd and Mis Wtlhemlna Neilson were In charge ef the arrangements. a Marriage of Sister In Early June Is Made Known Today : - 1: , on Announcement Is' mad by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elklngton. of the marriage of their sister, Mlaa Ruby Alice Elklngton, daughter of tba lata Mr. and Mrs. W. HI Elklngton of Tooele, and Dr. Oliver Allen Tanner, which took place Wednesday, June 7. The bride Is a former student of the University of Utah, the University of California and the University of Oregon. Dr. Tanner is a graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, After June 2(. Dr. and Mrs. Tanner will be at borne In the Trenton apartments. . st California Social Affair Is Of R. and Mr. David P. 142 north ' Hudson of Jim. Musser received the gueata at the doer. Mrs. Bonner and Mrs. West were assisted In receiving by W. Museer, Mrs. Jlliton H. Welling. Mm. David W. Moffat, Mrs. Joseph Chet Mrs. Jullous Anderson, Mrs. Charles Skidmore and' Mrs. Charles Stain, wives of th offlc.aU. Mrs. tending the Art Student league in New York for the summer months. . RB. C. E. BONNER, prealden of th Fifth ward Democra- Arizona Marriage to Be Event of July Betrothal Is. Made MrKnown by Parents Tusoon, fn- announce the Hoskisson-Nebeke- r - - A- - en- Temple Marriage Is Honored By Reception gagement of their daughter,, Olive, to Arnold Burningham of Provo, son of D U Burningham. The marriage Is to be tn event ef late The reception honoring th marJuly and will taka place in Tus- riage of Mis Rose Carol Kirk ham, oon. daughter of Mr. and Mra Oscar A Mlm attended the Klrkh,m- - nd OeorgerTbung Jan ham,Toung7nhVmltrdurtngthe past year, where she was secretary. Ta which was solemnized at high and treasurer of th Lea Cecllien-lnoo- n In the Salt lake Monday was Mra Ralph D. Baker and two nes social unit and president tempi delightful affair of rf children of Lawrence. Kansas have! of th Art guild. She' reived, herhef- week. Elder Georg Albert Ar degree from th University jBmith officiated at the ceremony arrived for a visit with Mra Bak-Iera mother, Mxa Mary B. Egsuuof Arizon. utr. Jarvis son th of Jlf. and Announcement la mad by Mr. and Mrs. A. Hosklaeon of th engagement of their daughter, Evelyn. to Ned B. Nebeker, son of Mra Minerva Nebeker of. Payton, the marriage to take place June 20 In the Salt Lake tempi. 1 Former Salt Lake Maid Marries in i ' Guest . At Party Monday - The .bride, who was unattended, was charming in a gown of Ivory crepe. She carried a bouqnet of bride rosea and lilies of the valley. The couple left later In the' afternoon Tor a wedding trip to th " east. During their stay they will visit the Century of Progress exwill position in Chicago. They make their home in Holden . os , their return. The bride was th motif for a number of parties previous to her marriage. Mr. Georg Malta sad her daughter, Mlsa Katherine Matin. entertained at luncheon laaf Saturday. The room were attract trie with garden flowers in shaded1 of pink and white. Tables were ar-- 1 ranged for game during th after- noon. The guest numbered thirty. , A slmlllar affair was given re- cently by Mra Howard A. Webbei. at her bom on Harrison avenue.'. Twenty-fou- r guest were present. . A family dinner was given recent- an ly by Mrs H.'W. Latimer, aunt of the bride, In henorof th , In pastel Columbine couple. shade formed the centerpiece for the dinner table, where covers wer4 Mra. Grand laid for ten guests entertained at a trousseau tea reW One hunfor her daughter. cently dred guests called during the after. noon. a a ; 1 . - , BHde Entertained , By Gub Memers, H .Randall presided Mrs. at a party Monday evening at her Mr. and Mra. E. E. Stevenson of ' jn oompiiment to Mlsa Mildred home In Provo in honor of Miss Idaho Falls, formerly of Salt Lake. Davis, a bride of the near future, Melts Shurtllff. whose marriage to Mr. Orrln Jarvis of Fresno. announce the marriage of thlrMrs. Farrell C. Plerpont and Mra. E. R. Green, took place 'Thursday Calif. C daughter. Lucy, and Don C. JoneeiMarJorte 8. Halltday were hostesses in the Balt Lake temple. The guests Th brld was lovely in a Chanel of Lo Angeleej which took place at a party Monday evening at the Included member ot tW'Clivell model of white satin made 'with a'June i In the Balt Lake temple Plerpont Ijom In Provo. - Th club, of which the Nride Is a mem- Jacket to which was attached the Th couple left Wednesday to serving table wa covered with aber, A program was pro--' long train of satin with Insertions make their home In' Los Angele.lac cloth end was eentered with entd during the evening by Kay of lace. She wore' long tulle veil Mrs. Harold Hendrickson' was are decorated-weddincake. Mlsajensen. Ward Heal and Ray Heal. with a cap of rose point lace, and hostess at a party recently at the.BHis Holllng-hea- d and Mr. Dance number were by carried a bouquet of American of her parents Mr. and Mrs."edes P. Anderson presided at the Has MeCene Maynard given nd a toast H. R. Bteienson In Cottonwood lmtable. The gues's Included to the held wa given by Mra (Pleas Turn to fa honor of Mi&s Slit enaon, Two.i bers of the Q. B. alumnae. . H, Paulaoa. j mu-le- al g Mer-hom Da-.V- ent '- - a . - 4 k . Bride-Ele- ct Temple on June 5 IV. i V I t |