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Show THE Thursday, March 3, 1960 .. . Your Social Security While the Social Security Administration has been given the responsibility for maintaining approximately 126 million earnings K e s 1 e r T. Powell, records, manager of the Provo district office, pointed out today that it Is the responsibility of each individual social security card holder to check his record periodically to make sure it is correct. Mr. Powell further stated that a working person should check his social security record at least once every three years. In most instances, the records of the Social Security Administration final and not open to adjustment after the statute of limitations has expired. This statute makes most records final after three years, three months and fifteen days from the end of the calendar year for which the earnings were reported There is this point to be considered too: the sooner an error is found, the easier it will be to correct it. This applies to everyone whether he is work'ng in h's own business or for someone else as an employee. It should be pointed out, Mr. p,T.ivnii snd that the manner of checking a particular record is a relatively simple thing to do for an ind!vida. Just ask vour social B'nritv office for postcard form 7004, fill in the blanks, and drop it in a mail box The form is a postcard. In a few weeks you will receive, a statement showing the total recorded earnings credited to your social secuntv account. It w;ll also show a yearly breakdown of your credited earrrnes for each of the past three ful calendar years. Since people report only once a year, this statement will not show their Income for 1059 at the present time, It will, however, show their yearly earnings for 1057 and 1958. If, after receiving this statement, an error is noticed, get in touch with your social security office immediately. They will be glad to help correct your account. Mr. Powell wished to stress the fact that your social security benefits depend on this record of your earnings. Social security is a valuable Insurance for you and your family, so dont delay. Get form 7001 from your local social security office today, and check on the accuracy of your account. A representative of the Social Security Administration will be in bp-co- Price at the courthouse March from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 8 Utah Labor Scene Hie week ended February , Qayaift,7bo clear to wipe. UP Kl I960 federal gasoline taxes far exceeds the revenues of even those two tax sources. The amazing fact which these Utah's state gasoline tax will luxury taxes on jewelry, furs and ally conceded to bear higher taxes than gasoline, but now in terms high taxes tend to conceal is that, mark its 37th birthday on Tues- the like. Liquor and tobacco were, un- of revenue, the $5.3 billion a year although todays gasoline Is a vastday, March 8, In case anyone wants til recently, the only items gener collected nationally In state and ly superior product from the to celebrate. Lem Shiner, community chairman, Price Committee of Utah Petroleum Council, today recalled that it was on March 8, 1923, that Utah motorists first began paying the tax, which at its original Utah Gasoline Tax to Pass 2.5-ce- rate yielded vi You With Trad Wide Tube concentrated Units contact cooking heat Surface pans perfectly for deep, uniform simplest of all to use Infinite Heat Controls on Divided Panel for big families yet this cooks Oven Even Heat Giant 23 inch wide of space range fits in only 30 inches kitchen New Sculptured Sheer look puts new beauty into your 29.7-ce- nt nt In rev- $705,000 For years motorists have been reminded that these combined taxes on gasoline are several times as high as the 10 percent (faille Gale Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Bera of Salt Lake City visited over the weekend at the home of his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bera. Leon Huff spent the weekend home with his family. He is attending school in Salt Lake City where he is receiving electronic training. Plans have been made to hold a turkey pie ward budget dinner here at the chapel on March 11. Each family group will pay five dollars for the dinner; the five dollars will be applied toward payment of the family budget fund. This is the first of a series of four dinners that will be held. Everyone is invited to attend. Primary Home Builder Daddy Date was held at the church Saturday evening. The event was very ,well attended and the group enjoyed an evening of game paying and apple pie ala mode refresh-- i ments. Girls and their daddies who attended were: Jack and Janet Thorpe, Joe and Kathy Nielson, Lynn and Claudia Wilstead, Leon, Gloria and Lawanna Huff. June and Eveyri Pendleton, Raymond and Marilyn Jones of Scofield, Gloria Martinez; President Mae Snow, Teachers Olive Magann, Rheta Miller, Helen Houghton, and Mrs. Anderson, Scof.eld: Bishop LaVell Miller, Johnny Houghton, Mr. Dav;s, Helper, and stake represntatives, Mrs. Primary Goodrich, Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Greenland. Dick and Kay Snow took advantage of the long weekend and visited at the Clint Snow home. Thev returned to Salt Lake City Monday. Staff Sergeant Duane Bendall and fam'ly arrived at the Thomas Bendall home from San Francisco th;s week Duane returned to his base Monday whi'e Jan and the children, Kirk, Jana, and Larry Dean, will make their home here with Tom and Lydia. Duane will be released from his service duty in eight weeks and will then rejoin his family here. Gayle Bendall spent the, weekend with her parents, the Tom Bendalls. She was accompanied bv Joyce Fvans, daughter of Mr and Mrs. B'll Evans of American Fork. The girls returned Monday to their work in Salt Lake City Prove it to yourself! Dramatic test proves Plymouth gives you more miles per gallon! Others talk gas savi igs... but Plymouth lets you see it. At yotr dealers now the Plymouth Prove-I- t - ourself Economy Drive lets you take the wheel and see exactly the mileage you get! Thousands have taken this convincing drive. Don't miss itI Conrrett Candidate Vis'ts Carbon ... no special test condiNo special test track no special test driver! Just you at the tions e wheel of a regular Plymouth. Heres ... Friday and Saturday Then you drive in your usual fashion, through normal traffic. When the gas in the jar has been u.sed, cheek the mileage reading on the speedometer. See for yourself the mileage you got on just a small amount of fuel. Simple, fair and dramatic proof, we think, of the solid gxs economy engineered into the Solid Plymouth for 1950. See your Plymouth dealer. fiOT' full-siz- State Senator Glen M. Hatch candidate for the U S. House of Representatives from First CongressUtah's ional D'strict, soent Friday and Saturday in Carbon county discus-s:n- g prubems of th:s area. Mr. Hatch said he fees that one of the most serious hand.eaps the coal industry suffers is the great tax advantage enjoyed by the petroleum industry. how it works: I Ijf Mounted on one side of a Plymouth is a jar which feeds a measured amount of gas directly to the car. You turn a control and the car is powered by the gas from this Economy Meter. ty A de"Oil and gas enjoy a 22 coal has whereas allowance pletion alowance on gross only a 10 value of production and this is of net income. limited to 50 Thus oil and gas have a great pr'ce advantage over ttw!r pr nci-pcompetitor, Mr. Hatch stated. I spe no reasan. ha continued, why some of Utah's share of defense industry should not be located rwar the excellent rail facilities and power sources you have here. Chrysler-engineer- product, built a new solid way to give you solid satisfaction. ed Set i al 3 h ' ha r, - 7 ?, ' ' The Steve Allen Plymouth SKI Show, Monday nights, NBC-T- Sohdl ' 4 Navyman Graduates From Aviation Electronic School Raymond A. Johnson, airman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs T. Johnson of 325 East Eighth North, Price, graduated January 22 from the Aviation Electronics Techni-- r an S"hool at t1 Naval Air Tra n ng Center, Memph.s, TermP-oss EASTEKX OTA DU ELECTRIC CO. ed ve. Tli" Your Electrical Dealer Since 1920 Price, Ufah jp-i- i raLr r course 22-we- k rs in communiratif-cs and frt-o- n no eq1; pmert indued cectronics s anti-subma- n f mda- -- t; ThrM standpoint of quality and performance, its real price (excluding taxes) is considerably lower than the average price of 40 years ago. Other retail prices, by comparison, have risen about 45 percent above the 1920 leveL" nt can't beat this combo: the best name in Ranges (Fngidaire) at our best range price! And just look at these features. Birthday March 8 h state tax under the present federal tax, Shinand the er said. With these taxes now adding 46 percent to the average price of regular gasoline in this state, motor fuel has now become the hch-es- t taxed commodity in the family h Super Electric Range 00 Thirty-Sevent- enue In Its first full year. Now Utah highway users are an paying 47 times as much estimated $32 8 million a year 30-inc- 1 Pag budget. 20 saw a sharp upturn in labor needs throughout Utah. The 851 jobs offered were an average of 170 vacancies per day compared to 136 work week per day for the ended February 13. For the week ended February 21, a year ago, labor demand totaled 618. Layoffs, partly due to stormy weather continued high, with 1,144 notifications received during the week. However, the current weeks total is still 200 fewer than during the same week a year ago. A few early construction starts, plus a few stirrings in other seasonal industries trimmed the jobless ra-tj- p from 5 6 per cent of the insured work force for last week, to 5 2 for the week of February 20. The seasonally adjusted without-wor- k ratio tumbled even more sharply, dropp'ng from 3 5 per cent for the week ended February 13. to 2 9 per cent for the current week. Easier Cleaning top to floori Units lilt up, drip bowls out. Knobs slip off, control panel's PRICE, UTAH E, I 4 4 |