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Show TIIE Page Six 1S-- 13 -- ly trail-cessf- ul Alls Fair - CBS A Carbon College Tops League, Mesa In' Second PRICE IN NAVy Philip Cardner, yeom US.N. Son of lr' Del'll Gaidner, and formerly hasieponed for operating base, Midl The island is located . post-seas- Carbon college's Golden Eagles for kick went wide and Alb'on added to their intermountain pres- ti ailed by one point. Albion then tige here last Friday when they kitfced to Carbon and recovered on turned back a strong Albion Not the Carbon 18 when the Eagles rpal team from Idaho by a score failed to cover the ball. Bell then of 15 to 13 The outcome was, earned the ball over for the satisfying for the home- - ond Albion tally with the try for town fans because it means a sue- - extia good and Carbon was conclusion to Caibon col-- 1 ing 7 to 13 The .second quaiter started with leges ninth annual homecoming The fn.st Caibon score camej Caibon rolling up thiee first eaily in the initial quarter when' downs. On a try for the fourth the Eagles returned an Albion a Caibon passer was caught for a punt after the Idaho boys failed ten yard loss and the ball went to dent the strong Carbon hre ovei However, Albion fumbled Carbon rolled up three first downs the ball with Carbon recovering in succession which placed them The play was then reversed with on the two yard line from where Albion covenng a Carbon fumble Sommerville plunged it through Two first downs and a pass cai the line for the seoi e. Mele kicked ried the Albion boys to the three-th- e conversion and the game statt-- I yard line where the Caibon boy. ed out with Carbon leading by dug in and held firm. An Albion seven points. fumble came at an oppoitune tune Albion quickly retaliated after Lnd Carbon recoveied on their own an exchange of kicks The Car-- ! 15 A penalty then put the Carline bon kick turned out to be a fluke bon lads back on the which was taken by Albion on the 'and then they were forced to kick Carbon 33 An offsides penalty out to the 45 Albion started a gave the Idaho boys an additional passing attack just before the half live yards and on the next play a ended but to no avail The half pass into the end zone counted for ended wuth Caibon trailing 7 to the first Albion tally The try 13 Albion kicked to start the second half and Carbon punted on the fourth down. A bad pass from center went over the Carbon goal line with the Eagles recovering for the two points which spelled the margin of victoiy. The ball was put back into play with Albion kicking fiom the 15. Caibon was nailed on their own 20 and on the next play they kick- ed back Albion quick kicked to put Carbon back in the hole again and Cai bon retaliated with another kick. Another quick by Albion put the Cai bon boys back on their 20 and the next play wras a screen pass to Pace who took to the side- lines and romped 80 yards for the last matker of the gajne. The kick-o- ff came just before the quarter and the last frame Remember the laughable lime saw both teams battling on a more you had listening to the contest- or less even basis with passes and ants on COUNTY FAIR as they kicks breaking into the savage line tried to punch their way out of plunges In the last quarter the a giant paper hag? Remember Albion boys threatened when they the farm hoy who tried to lift a worked the ball to the Carbon calf every day until it was grown? eight but the stalwart line held Theres mad fun and prizes galore and the game ended with the ball out in the midfield area. every Saturday when laughing The Carbon the Vin Elliot 5pens the gav midway downfall of the line proved from Albion boys to COUNTY F IK. as they held and foiced the Idahoans into the air on 24 occasions. Nine of these pioved to be yard - 1160 SATURDAY 11:30 A. M. y chalked up two first dowms and lost the ball on a fumble Provo POST-SEASO- N then hit the airways again to n v avail and were forced to kick, Campbell took the boot on his Although the regular mule deer to relieve congested areas where own 50 and romped the remaining season is a matter for the history deer are considered too numerous dMame for Cai ban's third scoie books, big game enthusiasts who for their winter range, was repeated hunt on the The same process The still want to chase this elusive t.ir-- i The BAC Aggies of Cedar area get can take advantage of Utah's Salt Lake UieHkckagmn'HThis win 750 City turned in a 18-at post-seasvember hunts. Provo punt and on too took the across Snow the over will sex college Badgers go The special hunts, with exception deer of either next play romped the full dis- to salvage third of the Salt Lake, Orangeville and the boards. last t1 ' Friday of find fm the scoie tafice place in the intermountain v Huntington regions, will be held game Caibon kicked and Pt o Decemb"r tier 19 jaycees football league. Mesa tllis and to TURN DINOSAURS was forced punt again elusive g lined the runner-u- p berth, time Btnt raced 65 yards foi a . iirimT a Permits to hunt in these special behind Carbon, by nailing foi back, score which was called 35-- 0 hunks are available in only three1 IN Wm IN on tne haplairuping was That hands of Use illegal less Dixie Flyer eleven at regions. One of these it the ex- t 'c final spuit of toe game and tended either-se- x hunt in the Elk Giand Junction e we. as the sounded buys the gun Ridge district of Southeastern Final standings in the loop going into line plays ag. i.n Utah, near Blanding, which recue as follows. The staiting neups. mains open until November 16 Won Lost Last Thursday afternoon, CaiProv o Ios. Permits for this hunt may be ob- bon their Dinosaurs Caibon edged highs tained at Monticello Olsen le out of the Big Nine cellar Quinn Mesa Permits are also available in way Kimbcr It won over the Hansen 2 a with spot Vernal for the Browns Lar.sen If? Provo Bulldogs thus leaving the Hudson Dixie c hunt, and in Richfield for Feiry Snow to the foe occupy vanquished Thomas the Not th Sevier post-seasrg tom rung as the seasons games fit el shoot Permits .ire on sale at the rt Berry Hailey Car was to an end This came county court house at each of these boils fust Da' is Milov li h re in league plav win cities. McKay Campbell qb or more Score by quarters: Both tram, battled on All other regions have been sold rh Knight less an even scale through the Bent Ros0 to Director out, according Ih Brown Co. bon 1824 first quaiter and the first score IlaRa and Leonaid of the Utah . 0 h Provo fb 012 Bryner of the game came in the second U Dacey game dcpaitment. Caibon took a Provo puin when Mr Leonard reported today m the 20 yaid line and proceeded that about 50 per cent of the Iwith a senes of runs that placed hunteis on the Elk Ridge Moun- them Three in seonng position tains have bagged their deer to were all that were needed plays i, date He warned hunters, for this and on the fourth Camp- to take along plenty of gasobell took the ball and skirted the line as gas pumps are few' and end to score standing up. light far between in this section cf scored soon afterward on a iPiovo Utah fiom Knight to Olsen in the pass Tlit- special hunts were set, as end zone and the half ended with usual, by the board of big game both teams having scoied once control These hunts are designed Neither made the extra point. Carbon took the Provo kick to The starting lineups start the second half and Plaga, Carbon Albion Bent and Lacey worked the ball Pos. Warren down to the 30 yard line. At this Crissman Morelli F. Bed point, Bent again took the ball and staited in a wide end sweep Howa Okleben Cones Ravston when the ball was stolen out ol BY Wood .his arms by Brown of Provo who Abeyta Sissom lumped some 70 yards for the Leonard Clatk second Provo tally. Carbon then Pace D Bed! wmked the ball back down to the Mullins B. Berry line where it was lost to Bledsoe Wallace Provo on downs. Provo then took Dimick Sommerville Eloidi to the air and Hanna stepped m Score by quarters, and snagged a Provo pass on the C. 5 35 7 0 8 0 . . The Dinosaurs kicked out and Carbon 13 0 0 013 the ball was put back into play Albion . ' RECOVERY OF ALBION FUMBLE BEHIND GOAL PROVES MARGIN OF VICTORY FOR CARBONITES Fksl sday1No,.eniKflr IF YOU HAVENT HAD ENOUGH DEER HUNTS HUNTING TRY GOLDEN EAGLES ADD TO PRESTIGE BY TURNING BACK ALBION, PRICE. UTAH E. seen e. wlj 15-2- 4, on 14 America and Asia ? n, North its nd (Svitj Fuller ( a11 Brushe or UOIUKT :i(l Phone 1 H- -' rite tM,.BKlL s- - IX5.J or Night 1 BAC 24-1- Park-Dngg- FOR SALE 2 CHOICE BUILDING J Y LOTS IN PRICE See BELMONT RICHARDS how-eve- j-- THE FOLLOWING CONSIGNED FAMOUS WESTERN COLORADO HEREFORD BREEDERS id Weaver ... man 1 ball went over. The Dinosaurs Barrett, Meeker Marvin Bull, Cedaredge DeBerard & Reagor, Yampa Ed Joseph, Norwood Arthur Lammers, Meeker J. M. Mogensen, Fruita Tucker McClure, Basalt Norell Herefords, Collbran Charles Redd, La Sal, Utah George Sumera, Glenwood Springs make a date to OIL-PLA-T R. C. Woodring & Son, Molina Buffington Hereford Ranch, Gunnison Jerome Craig & Son, Whitewater Hartner & Schultz, Edwards Frank Kistler, Carbondale Gordon & Carton Meek, Maher Mt. Sopris Hereford Ranch, Carbondale Wayne T. McKinnon, Meeker Carl V. Norgaard & Edwards Son, A. L. & D. H. Smith, Meeker Switzer & Field, Gunnison Ray Worley, Ridgway TO SHOW ADD SELL AT GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO NEXT MONDAY, NOV. 10 SHULTS SALE YARD SHOW: 930 A. M. SALE: 1:30 P. M. These bulls are among the tops produced by the 22 prominent herds listed above. That the quality must be uniform and uniformly good was assured when they were selected for this sale by a qualified and impartial judge. Some things its hard to make up your mind about. But not about changing summer oil for fresh, dirty, worn-ou- t winter-grad- e Conoco Conoco N,A Motor Oil (patented) includes an added ingredient which quickly fastens an extra film of lubricant to metal surfaces so closely that cylinder walls are actually Free-flowin- Oil-Plate- g This extra gravity down even resists all drain wont stays up, overnight! Thats how N,A you from metalacids . . . from combustion eating, starts . . . from carbon and sludge caused by wear! Oil exnz-protect- s "dry-frictio- n For extra power, extra smoothness, extra engine performance, make a date to today! Oil-Plat- d! . . . e, (fowo CmcolHdj&w Coprrih 1947, Coauoeetal Oil Co. Htwcmct If you are in the market for the best in range bulls strong in prepotency and raised for the job of siremg best quality feeder cattle, this sale is the answer. If you just want to look at good cattle, come down and be our guest. Well show you some stock that will gladden your eyes. WESTERN SLOPE HEREFORD ASSOCIATION |