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Show ;dayi November 6, 1947 THE Soft Coal Output Suffers Decline Sunnyside-Sunnydal- COLUMBIA MINE Page Three PRICE, UTAH E, e Price Girl Named On Colorado School Publication Mrs. Blanche Pi ice of Seattle, Washington, Is a visitor at the home on Edgehill Duve in Sunnydale. Mrs. Price had been CITED IN REPORT Shirley Lee Miles of Price was visiting another daughter in Salt Lake. Dr, and Mrs. Callister went lecently appointed assistant editor in to Salt Lake a week ago and on the staff of The Widow, a , her back with them. She University of Colorado student lit,O "0 A good overall safety program brought U' anS l'mOJ mother and she Callisters Mrs. is members of a as well as several recent safety J59 ton to stay another week with erary publication, by commended are plans Wattis Total the board of publication of Assoat of bituminous advances at the Geneva Steel com-co- al them. production and lignite dar.ng the week panys Columbia mine at Colum-ende- d jveral additional precautionMrs. Flora Manchester of Hunt- ciated Students. measures are proposed in a October 18, as estimated by bia are cited in a federal coal mine ington is visiting her daughter Tiie board of publications is 5eral coal mine inspection re lhe bureau o mmes Was 12,610,-fEllis of three student and Mrs. and Mr. and composed family, leinspection report issued today by the bureau 000 net tons, as Mrs. Man- three faculty members, and funcRobert. and released today Morgan tne 12,750,001 against bureau of The Carbon mines. e T tons in the Operate Cthfl y week and county development employed 250 chester plans to stay about two tions as a control for all student em. 12, 8 1, 000 tonspreceding jiglmines, mjnes weeks. m the coi respond- - men and corporabon publications. The committee is re- averaged 1,322 tons of Mrs Bonuquisto !Tned 181 men when reinspected lng week of 1946 Margaret andj sponsible for appointing editors, Accumuiatne coal daily when it was reexamined Lueile, Mis. Marion1 setting up broad policies, and deS T. Reese and A pioductiun since January 1 to in August by Insjiector 11. E. Wet-da- te daughter, Au2ust by Fratto and daughter and Joe j the action of the pubshows an mciease over the zel. ; KoPPFratto left by train a week ago termining imlications. recent safety last 'responding of period year, for California. Sjiwnar.zmg They are gang Safety improvements made Other major student publicaInspcctois Reese ana a8,3b,000 tons, or 13 6 per cent. ing and prior to the current m- - to attend the wedding of Miss v rem on the campus are Silver and tions e a is Anselmo Miss Anselmo. commended Rose Jpnp speetion, Wetzel said, included re- newspaper, the "4 loose top coal, proper re- - atorsXT for electric light wires m moval of a loose piece of over- - former resident of Columbia and Gold, j,.,.-and the and book, Coloradan, Mrs. a of year is niece Bonaquisto . rock setting To improve generally good op- - hanging top coal, increased Mrs. Fratto and a granddaughter Dodo, campus humor magazine. removal of coal dust bars, in several working places, of Mr. Fratto. Mis. Louie Rosi dusting c3. e 1PP e ra lnS conditions, Inspectors fr0 jjjjnulations ordering of several approved type also went to California with them. Reese and Kopp recommended containers for rock dusted working sections, carrying explosives, She will visit with the Anselmos contain- - safety devices for the No. 1 fan, ,,bstantial none onductive sufflaent air in the active se- a few days and go to see her son underman-trisafer p practices, guards turns, effective rock dusting of one who has just joined the aimed ctor carrying explosives larg-- ( for the trolley wire at the No. 2 -- ound, progress in installing section of the main haulageway, sei vices. They plan to stay two station, suitable overload removal of materials obstructing or three weeks. transformer and electrical- - man-tri- p which will protection for trailing cables on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis took grating eqmpment - cable - reel locomotives, several haulageway clearance, proper Mrs. Henry Murphy to Salt Lake internumerous power Funeral services for Albert I. (Ruinate maintenance of the permissible last Tuesday evening. The Ellis Harry, 61, Manti, employed at the and ventilating an stop- - mechanical safeguaids, wearing of of correction options mining equipment, water gauge for t e o. safety toe footwear by all em- - several electrical hazards, and pro-fa- n, returned Thursday. Mrs. Murphy Sevier Valley coal mine, who died jiges, a will stay for a week or more deto not intervals use at cuts of approved type gog- - vlslon of ployees, cross of natural causes on October 29, shields or eye goggles pending on Mr. Murphys condi- were conducted at 2:00 aceed 75 feet suitable for shelter gles for all eye hazardous p. m. Satwork,for ail employees. Mr. Murphy has been in St tion. cut-oswitches in the and a suitable walkway on the in Manti ward South oles, the two weeks for urday Marks hospital As aids in safeguarding perat the be-- lower side of the man-tri- p station of Jesus Christ of Church on was idley wire circuit and He chapel, Monday operated sonnel and property further, the insu- - at the tipple. and came out of the op- Latter-da- y Saints, by Glen Anuug of branch lines, and inspector advised improved main- - morning as well as could be ex- derson, bishop. eration tenance of the mam line track pected. Mr. Harry was born May 24, and driving of additional shelter Eh-- . B. J. Voss motored to Salt 1886, in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, holes, further electrical precau-- i Lake last week to visit Mrs. Murcame to the United States in tions a separate air split for one phy. He started in by plane Mon- and transformer station day morning to see the operation 1888, with his parents, Mr. and permanent Mrs. William Harry. The family land replacement of the nonper-missib- le but weather conditions made it went first to Sterling, Colorado, to back. turn blower fans with improv- necessary Ma- and later to Castle Gate where of Mac Mr. and Mrs. KEEP News ed type equipment. cartney, former residents of Sun- they lived at the mining camp. He married Ruth Fordham Denydale, has just been received by relatives. They have just pur cember 23, 1919. For the past ten BRICK chased a large grocery and meat years he had lived in Manti, an establishment in Redlands, Cali- employee at a coal mine in Salma fornia. It is the Pioneer MarSIDING ket. Their friends in this com- canyon.is He survived by his widow; munity wish them success in their four children: Mrs. Beulah KilFuneral services were conduct- new business venture. Miss DeDe Graham was home gore, Rains, Carbon county; Mrs. ed Monday at 2:00 p. m. in the Lois Rowe and Donna Ruth Harry, Loa L. D. S. tabernacle by Carl from school for the week-en- d. ASBESTOS Manti, and Albert E. Harry, LoMathis, bishop, for Mrs. Lila Brian gan; four sisters: Mrs. Mamie Reid, Turner, 59, who died at her home Last Mrs. Alice Mackey and Mrs. Beain Loa Friday, October 31, of nattrice Wright, Manti, and Mrs. EveSIDING causes. ural For lyn Frost, Ephraim; a brother, Mrs. Turner was born in Loa Philip Harry, Manti, and two November 6, 1887, a daughter of Price grandchildren. Daniel T. and Ellen Barns Brian. She had been very active in PriFuneral services were conductSpread an old sheet over the mary, Relief society and Mutual ed Monday at 1:00 p. m. in Salt floor when small children are cutwork of the L. D. S. church. Lake for Mrs. Amy Hicks Coult, from magazines or pictures ting are her husband, OctoSurviving 77, who died at her home on dolls. It will save paper making Per Square Applied three sons, Kirk B. Turner, Lan- ber 30 of natural causes. Mrs. their clothes, keep cuttings off D. Brian Garn and Coult was found dead in her sing, Michigan; can be rinsed out the and rug Turner, Loa; a daughter, Mrs. Beth home several hours after her No Down Payment 3 Years To Pay soiled. when Dan a brother, Dovvnard, Price; death. FHA Title I Loans W. Brian, Loa; two sisters, Mrs. A daughter of James Marvin Lewis Chaffin, Payson, and Mrs. and Ann Traveler Hicks, she was E G. Babbit, Billings, Montana. born in Salt Lake City on March Burial was in the Loa 29, 1870. She was the widow of ROBISON James C. Coult. She had been active in the Relief society of the M. Discontented women have L. D. S. church. wrecked more decent men and She is survived by two sons, J. good homes and created more gen- Clyde Coult, Salt Lake City, and eral wretchedness than all the Ernest H. Coult, Price; a daughPRICE floods and cyclones in history put ter, Mrs. Eloise Ferguson, American Fork; nine grandchildren and together. Channmg Pollock. Erneight est Coult s manager of the Ken Slusser store here. Interment was in a Salt Lake cemetery. Total production of soft coal in Utah during the week, ended October 11, as given out by the of mines, was 95,000 net t ms as compared with 102,000 net turn, 'lor the pievious week and 157- tu IMPROVEMENTS Cal-list- er bu-ie.- iu . . w , LET US FINANCE YOUR NEW OR USED ts, semi-week- 1 . Saturday Services Conducted For Kin 11 Of Rains Resident ut -- FES EJ!F EJ0 AUTOMOBILE ly Quick action if you see us first. No Trouble No Bother No Fuss made Appraisal and Insurance Required on your Auto. Loans only on 1937 and later models. . . . New Car Purchases Financed PRIVATE LOAN CREDIT COMPANY Succumbed At Loa $15 Utah Silvagnl Building FILING CABINETS DESKS - CHAIRS OFFICE and SCHOOL SUPPLIES Of All Kinds Price Residents Mother EXPERT ROOFING 1-- 2, Underwood TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES WINTER COLD AND WET OUT 0lf Rooms Price W Rites Monday Mother Of Businessman Plan. on 6 Duplicators and , Duplicators Supplies FITZ WATERS a The Business Mans Department Store at 8 East Main in Price 99 ROOFING COMPANY Herman Seppi, Agent Phone 858 UTAH Heres A leal Bargain! IN SCARCE HIGH QUALITY MERCHANDISE QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS dueto stove TANK THREE FOR HEATER EXCESS ACID FreeBookTen$ofKomTreatmentttiat Mast Help or It Will Cost You Nothing Over three million bottles of the Willard Tbsatment have been sold for relief ol ymptomsof distrchs arising from Stomach and Duodenal U.cert due to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, G ass! ness. Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc due to Excess Ac.d. Soldon 15 days trial! which fully Ask for Willards Message aoplams this trent mont free at Walgreen Drug, Price, Utah 'tyean- .- 'IRouad rzst FARM VEHICLE OAKLAND COAL Range. White Enam-1- 8 and 20 in. box. Water Tank extra heavy. Unions The Universal "Jeep can be used as a field tractor, a pick-u- p truck, tow truck and mobile power unit. Its on the job every day, all year, so its cost is spread over many jobs. Compare it with any farm vehicle for wide usefulness and real economy. Oakland Circulating heater in mahogany finish 18 box. and 20-inc- h THE fe5 BtoEhifln FSffstt Wesft Formerly Carbon Freight Lines price 1L UNIVERSAL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WILLYS Intermountain, Inc. UTAH DISTRIBUTORS Dal SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 833 So. 3rd East Johnson Super Corner of Main and First West Price, Utah |