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Show SEPTEMBER 25, 1941 - PAGE FIFTEEN SAYS FEDERAL EMPLOYEES MUST PAY TAX ON 1940 INCOMES STA tkkxty ykaks ac;o , for the federal gSvern-and through-- ; Carbon county let-creceived frtate have & commission the state Tax ten fr that state income tax notify 1940 would be due Jr ear for forms them 0n their last o PROGRESS REPORTED ON DEWEY DAM ' SITE SURVEY BY U. S. ENGINEERS the year 1940 and requesting that (Taken from the files of The News- - clubs closed its session of three days Rapid headway is being made by made. The survey is under the di-you complete it and mail it to us on j ocate of September 15, 1921). or before October 6, 1941, with payhere at Price Saturday afternoon, af- - a U. S. reclamation bureau engineer- - rection of Engineer Richardson of the ment of any tax which may be shown iter which the delegates and others in8 crew in surveying the Dewey reclamation service. to be due. The sixth international first-ai- d The elevation of the water level at river, which went to Castle Gate in automobiles, dasit ion the Colorado As the delay in is located about 40 miles above Moab, Dewey is 4,060 feet, and bedrock lies . filing this return and mine rescue meet, conducted Un-- 1 m was seed to ' to information received approximately at 4,000 feet. The according of the United States 'ft lu'?cheon ysltors apparently due to the general der the u. October lack of understanding of the require- Bureau of iLes and highest dam proposed would have a r incomements of the benew height of 4,700 feet, which would imcame are damsites Several taxes he Septemstatute, the comproposed SJTwfflS? Uie entice of past mission will waive pound about 8,000,000 acre feet of at the the work Louis federal and intering Missouri. st including surveyed, penalty time when I3 The club superintendent. general water and produce approximately at est. This to of first-aiof waiver diamond holes locate out, inchamPlonshlPs d drilling penalty and attempting to figure women donned mine helmets, climbed of course, be 700,000,000 kilowatt hours of electricterest holes bedrock. three have were will, income first federal Already granted only t given reSCUf P'Kw much their into flatcars, and went three the if return bedity annually. Two or three years is been which in sandstone m ed' received or on or bedrilled, just tould be for the next year these and feet into the coal vein, being in- PSen would be required to build the dam. October fore was 1941. rock in encountered 6, biU tax ranging next just ,by th,e Instructed all the time in the myster- ce with the 100 200 feet. to It is estimated that the proposed thickness from The and Coke:jes of coaj mining. The Please with us by seetrip through holes are being drilled in the bed of development of the magnesium fields P 0 Utah. y Kenilworth, that this return, with payment of t ing mine was a fitting climax to the the started out with an 40 feet of near Thompsons and Crescent would waa composed of J. R. Roaf, About river canyon. tax anx which three-dabe y form: may fine due, reaches convention, in the following loose sand was penetrated before en- consume most of the electric power captain, C. L. Leavitt, A. J. Butte, E. of the us on or before the date specified. probably not aware B. Lloyd, and H. B. George produced by the Dewey dam. countering bedrock. Jackson, federal Heretofore, were employees Utah state legislature, W. is this week getting W. Lewis team This Meyers. also won defthe is of The dam would also furnish water the The bct from filing a state income tax purpose survey J 1, Lent session, changed the exempt Rock Mountain regional champion- - the fixtures in place in the east room feasmost for the irrigation of tens of thousands to determine the form but the initely last to make during law so as legislative; session a law was passed bringing: ship, and the separate championship!01 the new Taylor building where he ible damsite, and the work will re- of acres of fertile land in the Thompwith incomes employees in first-aiWhen the supreme prize is establishing himself in the jewelry quire at least two months longer. sons desert area. Ixcess their personal deduc- - them into the state income tax scope. was awarded to the team which made Five-focontour maps are being Most jand watch repairing business, (Moab). employees were aware the fSble for the filing of Utah of the federal score in all the contests, o highest fact that would have to the they individual income tax returns Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Petersen spent pay the state income tax in 1941 but team.winner was again the Kenilworth Tony M. Perry of Helper has re 1940. year the lor ceived from the Public Utilities com- if any of them, realized that the the week end in Ferron. few, the to on explain The letter went mission permission to operate a stage Word was received by M. L. Snow out: The tax would be retroactive to their 1941 in getting the returns Enrollment in the Carbon County Tine from Helper to Great Western. salaries. that his daughter, Mrs. Rose S. Rick, of your in notifying you will be released from the Texas L By Wanda Petersen It was reported that several fed- High school is 312 up to the present Perry, the town marshal of Helper, mothers registered D. S. mission on October 4. He plans About under the new law has been eral time. at thirty is not school familiar the with automobile be will Friday have employees announced ther cli- - to drive to San Antonio, Texas, about their children for the ll ot the fact that the state tax willingness as clean-u- p to submit to state income day. After the ation, and the permit was granted on and come home with her. was being commission NoUceswiU3 be that time taxes providing the tax is levied work of cleaning up is completed, the condition that he employ a competent Tuesdy'ornlng7 old commissthe felt was by students and faculty will enjoy a and experienced driver until capable macje of further clinics, jt for the year 1941, but they Gummed paper at The action should be take- starting ion no definite supper on Wood hill, and in the eve- - of handling the stage himself. feel state the has that no to the right as such time ning will gather in the gym for aj o n on this matter until was completed. tax collection for the past year. Unj party. citizens Several Price this week are enclosing a 0 COOKING QUIRKS We are, therefore, as to the receiving questionnaires tax return B. V. D.s went into storage Satur- - fitness of numerous ones blank individual income Which will give an extra good locally for .y night when the mercury dropped the postmastership at Price to sucto your lamb recipes. I i tastiness II4HH H; Vinegar seasoned with mint leave.. j jwn to 33, within one degree of the ceed W. F. Olson. The latters term Women folks put expires January of next year. All gives an excellent sauce for basting freezing point. night caps on their outdoor plants and told, no less than a dozen fellows lamb. A glaze of currant jelly gives that fathers took a look at the coal supply. and fellowses have applications in. All week the temperature failed to W. E. Anderson of the Price Comdifferent flavor to lamb roast. lf mercial and Savings bank has withcut finely chopped apri- rise above 67, but there was no THOUGHTFUL drawn his application after being incots gives the stuffing of a lamb dorsed by numerous politicians and cushion roast a flavor woull like. business men. J. F. MacKnight apof from Sun files The the with (Taken Pineapple rings edges dipped PARENTS LOOK in green sugar and centers filled with of September 23, 1921). pears to be in the lead, and his credentials ought to bring the bacon mint jelly are pretty garnishes for The Utah Federation of Womens home. AHEAD lamb. QUART No. 60 Lamb chops spread with Roquefort PINT No. 61 cheese mixed to a paste with cream R. F. D. Price, Utah, was promoted Boy Mi an PINT No. 62 them unusual flavor youll gives today to his present rank from that like if yourre a Roquefort enthusGets of private according to his commandTTTV iast. officer. ing If you would like a whiff of garPrivate First Class Aramakis prolic with your leg of lamb, and were FORT LEWIS, Wash., September sure you want no more than a whiff, 11, 1941. Private First Class Saiga motion resulted from his ability to insert a small clove of garlic in the Aramaki, Company A, 3d Medical work with and lead other men, his Save and his atleg joint. Be sure to remove it be- Battalion, Fort Lewis, Washington, advanced military training 86 PROOF. THIS WHISKEY IS S YEARS OLD... SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CORF., N.Y.C to and tention Mrs. son of Mr. Aramaki, duty. Asajiro to fore you take the roast the table. While they are still sizzling, spread a Home lamb chops with mint jelly. Sour cream adds zest to lamb stew. Pears, pineapple, peaches and apri-ciTTTf are delightful when browned in the pan with roast lamb. n Basting the leg of lamb with add the tart flavor you may juice FIRST like. While that whiff of garlic is still in SAVINGS AND the air, you might make a marinade of four large garlic cloves quartered LOAN Let with cup olive oil. stand for twenty-fou- r hours, then dip ASSOCIATION lamb chops in oil and broil. , vees of 4 ut ' w-a- s - em-hf- Jmine it. bt S S! j7f,hiPS better Thee oe tflZ fiSTta Krai d. nt Times-Independ-e- ot S HUHIIIUHIItilttUllMUHUUMiUHillUHHtHIIIHinHIilHItlHIUlIHUNUlUIlHIimillMHIHIIIlliUlMItlUlUimittttlttHNIUMUlHIHimmtHMIlimittlMtltllUiniHIliinMtllHItMl S lia-T- ty oper-observ- ed pre-scho- ol e. hard-tim- 1 1 I I 1 1 es One-ha- Price Japanese Army Promotion and Have ON DISPLAY SEPTEMBER 26 u ts lem-io- FEDERAL ' one-ha- lf Statistics compiled by an eastern !city show that about 40 per cent of or PRICE 58 W. j Main St. Tel. 350 UTAH PRICE, hhiiiii 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 n n ii jits arrested drivers are Another indication that the parity was right who said: You dont always stay out of jail by being inno-- I cent, but being smart feeble-mind-;e- d. When To jddvertising Stop A journal requested a number of its largest advertisers to give their opinions concerning the best time to top advertising, and the following replies were received: ' HE SERVICE The best time to quit advertising is: When the population ceases to multiply, md the generations that crowd on after you md never heard of you, stop coming on. whose Heres the STYLING motor car Chevrolet has alone of all low priced cart hat "Leader Line Styling, swank fender capt and Body by Fither. . with fleet, modern, aerodynamic lines and Fisher Body beauty which create DESIGNED TO LEAD IN the new style that will stay new" PERFORMANCE Chevrolet alone combine! with a powerful, thoroughly proved powerful- Valve-In-He- ad Victory" Engine, built of quality materials and "Victory- year. When younger and fresher houses in your line cease starting up and using newspapers in telling the people how much better they can do for them than you can. al ECONOMY features which have made Chevrolet the nation's Chevrolet It the mott nomical of afl largett-teHin-g leading motor car for ten of the last eleven years. itand point of gat, oH, tires and upkeep. BUSID 129 WEST MAIN EnSe, DESIGNED TO LEAD IN can from eco- the V IT PAYS TO BUY THE LEADER AMD GIT THI L1ADIMG DOT When yon would rather have your own way and fail than take advice and win. a d Broket, Unitized Knee-ActiRide, and Vacuum-Pow- er Shift at no extra cost, with all the fine comfort, convenience and safety When every man has become oughly a creature of habit that he will certainly buy this year where he bought last Valve-In-Hea- Hydraulic de- -, signed to lead In combined performance and economy so thor- PRICE, UTAH y ever offered to the motoring public everybody you have When you can forget the words of the shrewdest and most successful men concerning the main cause of their prosperity. mt-Aiunir- atP highest-qualit- Chevrolet business. Slip Of DESIGNED TO LEAD IN When yon have life will tonch yours that better goods and lower prices than they can get anywhere else. When yon can perceive it to be the rule that men who never advertise are outstripping their neighbors in the same line of convinced u S. PRICE, UTAH , |