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Show Simtie SECOND SECTION Till JAWAKY K&DAV. i, till Liquor Cases Heard EMPLOYMENT AND Here On Wednesday ACCIDENT RESULTS IN MINERS DEATH Case Filings Show d -- iea!nj f -r 4 ' ItrM-rV- e te d di.-ti- i j I droj-ped- . K, AARON J. HANSON General Insurance Nov-emb- er ial j PNEUMONIA l fnru-mani- pneumonia germs a better opportunity to lay hold. Pneumonia is an Infection resulting from the pneumonia germ, in the lobes of the lungs. Because, almost entirely, this pneumonia germ is combatted by a substance manufactured in the body to resist this poison, maintain bodily resistance during winter months. If below par physically, consult your physician, for underlying organic causes. Healthy, nourished bodies rarely contract pneumonia, so the chief method of prevention is to keep up the blood count and bodily resistance, get plenty of rest, stay away from those who have flu," colds or pneumonia and avoid allowing the body to become chilled. full-bloode- . The Treacher , ij PSEt'MOSlA calls for consiant super vision of a competent pryitun, unJ eipeiienced nursing. KELLEVJC this is No ts or a smES "rruwG the public about the poctoa- - Meeting Called To Make Arrangements Paralysis Program newly-appoint- ed Two Divorce Decrees Issued Here Monday Divorce decrees in two uncontested actions were granted in district court Monday by Judge George Christensen, one to Mrs. Eda Schade of Price and the other to Mrs. Blanche Alice Richardson of Helper. As prayed for in the complaint filed several weeks ago, Mrs. Schade is granted custody of their girl and attorneys fees. The couple was married early in 1931. Mrs. Richardson obtained custody of their adopted child, $50 per month alimony and attorneys fees. Cruelty was named ground for the divorce. They had been married in Price in 1934. RAINS NEWS John Georgelqs and Wesley Petty spent the holidays with their parents. They attend the U of U. and B. Y. U. respectively. Mrs. Rose Curtus of Bingham sDent the holidays here with her Darents, Mr. and Mrs. George Georgelas. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Day and Mr. and Mrs. Dell Dalrymple were recent Moab visitors. Joe Krissman of Superior, Wyoming, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Svetich. The M. I. A. has set up goals in Mu- Miss Amelia Pavignano was hostess at a birthday party. After sleigh riding, waffles were served to the Misses Ruth Anderson, Beulah Harry, Lois Harry, Bessie Mangus. Freida Thome, Rose Dela Cort, Smiles Angus, Dorothy Mangus, Annie Svetich and A.nna rlSTRAIGHT BOURBON fel t j CtNTUHT OISTILLINa CO , CODES: QUART 141 WHISKEY PtOWIA. ILL. PINT 142 Brozovich. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wheeler entertained with New Years dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Scott Johnson and Shirley June, Mr. and Mrs. Rooney Wiggins and Ronnie Lee. Newell Nelson, Mike Svetich, Dora Donahue and Pearl Hinkens were bruised in an auto crash New Years Eve. None were seriously injured. The M. I. A. gave a New Years dance at Mutual ball. A son has been bom to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sorenson. DEATHS BY TWO TO Diatrut court business i stead. ly increasing, year by year, according to a survey of raes filed made this week by iXn.ih) HaiVing, district nuit clerk. The tutal iiumtxT of rase filed in em h of the pad four year were Uvely, uim.iial, civil, and guardianship adi.pthar and Insane matters, in the four years; 1934 24. 121, 37; 1935-- 35. 123 and 43. 1936 17, 145 and 46; 193721, 143 and 52 These figure do not include judgments docketed from other rourt here, nor judgments on delinquent lax warrants from the state tax commission, Mr. Hacking said, re-sq- ev pro-bat- e, Disbursements hr Devemlwr in the public Wrlfare department of Caiboiv rounly totaled 815,340 95, a compared with $14.037 34 m Naven.ler and $13.875 46 in October, according to a reput made this week by Manager John Maulshy. Social security pavnu-ii- t in December urrounird far $9,492 50 of the total. and welfare expenditures $5 811 45. Chief increase came In old age e payment and general Following uie rxjiendstuies in the Oh I ge, various department50 social security and $10 welfare; needy blind, $89 social security; dependent children, $3,719 social revur-it- y and $006 97 welfare; general a- -' autanre, $4,209 60 welfare; administrative. $96 88. Statistics concerning expenditure! for the entire year and the numler of people Included in the variou welfare program are expected to he! available next week, Mr. Maulsby -- ONE IN PAST YEAR (HitnunJiejrd deaths in Blue r.ty duimg 937 t v nearly two to the exact ratio being 239 to 125, Hll th fe, 1 d.e.g to retold- trtf;cale Cl'.tlle Rugger t, - of Ir, Ji,, recorder if Vital t tat if t tea. The nio.--t b.rth were ittordej in the beg. lining ant ending month of the year, the total in eath bring 22. The fewest births, 12, wrre recorded in July. The fewest dr, ill,, and the rn.et, 4, oceutted in Oct. 16, wete recorded tn April. Duimg 1936 births tn lrice totaU-218 as compared with 111 deaths,. Following are bit tbs and recorded during eath month: SAVE January, 22 and 12; Frbruury, 20 and 14; March, 20 and 6; April. 17 and 16; 20 and 11; June. 20 and 8; July. May, GOOD RESOLUTION aaid. 12 and 5; August, 17 and 12; September, 20 and 13; October, 14 and 4. No, George Nixon was a visitor in Salt vember, 16 and 10; and Dwemto-r' "Resolve to save lives In 1938, and Lake week-enover 11. 22 the and V City In years to come, by preventing acciin dents the home, on the farm and on the highways. That is the best resolution any person can make," says A. L. Schafer, Red Cross manager In htf the Pacific area which comprises Utah and six other Western states. Home from conferences with governors and other slate officials, Mr. Schafer aaid he found each state 100 There is per cent In Its a definite movement In the several states to have the highway patrols and highway maintenance trucks and crews serve os Red Cross Mobile First Aid units, supplementing the hundreds of fixed First Aid stations. Consideration is being given the proposal to make road maps of Utah with a small Red Cross to designate locations of emergency First Aid stations, Mr. Schafer said. In Utah a survey to determine how many Rod Cross Mobile First Aid units can be organized in the state road department has been begun, and Red Cross chapters are planning to increase fixed stations from 31 to C3. IMS S m - $5.-C- ie 84 Ix-- r d 1 d. Gus EXAMINATIONS ANNOUNCED Competitive examinations for the following positions were announced this week by the United States Civil Service commission: Junior tabulating machine operator, $1,440; alphabetic accounting machine; operator, $1,440; inspector of railway signaling and train control, $3,800; mathematical statistical analyist and senior, associate and assistant analysts, $2,600 to $4,600. Full information may be obtained from Ray Walters, Price postmaster, or by writing to the Service commissioner at Salt I.ake City BraKI ' 4 A meeting of the committee to make arrangements for the annual Infantile paralysis program in Carbon county has been called for Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock In the court house, it was announced this week by Donald Hacking, chairman. Decision concerning the form which the program to be given January 29 will take will be made at the meeting, Mr. Hacking said, and preliminary arrangements will be considered. In past years a Presidents ball in honor of Franklin Roosevelts birthday has been given, but the program may take any one of a number of forms. It will be held this year a day before the Presidents birthday, as the latter falls on Sunday. Besides Mr. Hacking the committee includes Earl Jones, the Reverend William A. Ruel, J. B. Littizzetti, C. M. Memmott and C. P. Colton, the latter two being from Helper. MM PAt.E Welfare Department BIRTHS OUTNUMBER Disbursements Rise Court business Is Slowly Increasing PRODUCTION SHOW Two men were bound over la dutch t Couj !, one d.ain.aacsj an 1 uhe given DECLINE, REPORT JjMph Rulon Bird, inathme man in a sujja-ndem.ttius wJ.en th Watti fual mine, died TJ.ura.day thirty day Ubie lusIU uf tl.e hu tl.ey morning fallowing amputatum W, J. IUlllIluli4 IVaif last Werk la JMuslrial prodm t.uii ai.) employ-n.t-f- .t left leg which ! ad bw-- mangled in In I hr Twelfth $Yderl nun actidc-n- l Monday, tiascr tharge ,f viulatu.g the state det lint-- farther dating No. 'district cx ntrvd at l. liquor mac Mr UeH.bcr, him?, a In ktund.ng la a I pull nude rutting Caught Jail Wniticiby, Matt tin week by the Brelefal Bird was unatJe tu grt nut and acety-Jen- a Watimr plead guilty la the cl.arge and bal.k Cif San Frstx l.M. tnnJira were Ud liluHv to Was given a ru.vJelidev wl.tcluV and him. Taken to Irir City hosRetail trade lnriraM-aimewhat Sam Aw ana, charged in the same pital, his leg was amputated, hut gan- complaint, w a bound over to JeS than seasonally but on the whole grene and tJie result of the severe In the complaint flird Novem- apKari ta have been relatively well shock proved to he too much, and he rout) ber 10 by F. Id, Mathews, Male l.quuf maintained, si in other recent miaiths died Thursday morning He wj 44 IftiJ Heavirr than normal rainfall tor, phey weie charged W iUl whole the district a year old. throughout violating the state act by selhng Funeral services were conducted in dm. during Jv'uv ember and the first thrre Vs at the L'tah Beer Bar U r. the L. D. S. tabernacle Sunday at of December wa generally The charge against Nhk Kouklalis week 2 00 p. m. with Bishop Orson Gujinnn1 favorable ta agriculture, improving and W. G. Wool as was In charge. Intermrnt was In I icc was livestock range and providing neel-e- d own held his under Wal-1 cemetery under direction of the oil moisture for winter vegetable The complaint Med by W. E. Prter-lace mortuary. Cash farm income in the district wa state liquor inspector, charged Mr. Bird was bom in Salt Lake in them with the same offense as the estimated to1937be ilightly hifier City, July 22, 1893. the son of Marthan In November November others. lin and Cecelia Bird, lie had lived 1936, Total income for the season to In Price fur five year. date is considerably larger than In Surviving re his widow. Mrs Lu ctlle Bird; hu mother. Sail Lake City; live comparable period last year. three rums. Bat, Mont nd Ted; and The report stated that the value of the following brothers and slaters: residential permits continued Ivan Bird and Mrs. Harriet Monks. to decline building more than seasonally In Lo Angeles; Mrs. Led a ft. Mess, Ben and new private ton Harbor. Michigan; Mrs. Mary B. construction undertaken durSavage, Colton. California; Mrs, Car Ufa Insurance A Specialty month also decreased. the ing deha Boswell, Walla Walla, WashingAccompanying widespread reducPrice, Utah ton; Mrs. Cecelia B. Doug a and E. (8 West Main EL In output during recent months. tions Wayne Bird, Salt Lake City. Industrial employment and payrolls have also declined. The effect of cur"rwuir-tailed production schedules has been principally apparent in a reduction In the number of hours worked per week. Total earning assets of reporting member banks in the Twelfth district expanded considerably during the four weeks ending December 22. owmainly to increased investment ing PS PI StOSIA Is a germ disease In United States Government obligaa that develop quhlly. tions. Loans of banks also increased doe not follow ali)t moderately during the period, the reInfluents or a cold, but lowered resistance may give port showed. r. dvocate SECOND SECTION Ol OJA KNO- W- IF AU THE CIGAMTT SMOKED LAST VEAA IN TH UJ.I beach placed a no to ao they woolo OVER. 190 TIMES AROUND THE WOULD Didja knoiv Standard Opticians make your glasses in one of the largest, most modernly equipped optical shops in the entire region. Yet good eyesight costs you less at the Standard Store. Didja know Registered Optometrists with offices in all our stores examine your eyes in the newest, most modem examination rooms. PAY ONLY $1 PER WEEK FOR YOUR GLASSES ASK ABOUT EYE GLASS INSURANCE STANDARD OPTICAL CO. MANUFACTURING AND DISPENSING OPTICIANS 31 East Main Street Price, Utah Provo Price Logan Idaho Palls Salt Lake Ogden Wattrfill S I rnzir Distillery Co., Anctiorafe, Ky. Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 95 Proof f T f OFFICERS: Eugene C. Ilanson, President Frank D. Bryner, Vice Dr. R. F. McLaughlin, Vice Pres. Frank B. Hanson, Attorney. Camilla McLaughlin, Secretary. A. E. Gibson, Director. W. E. Mclntire, Appraiser. Insurance Sor t Tour Savings 4 4 Y f T fT T Pres.-Trea- s. STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1937 Y LIABILITIES: ASSETS: Y Y First Mortgage Loans $171,340.17 Y Secured by notes and first mortgages on modY ern homes and improved business property in Y this district, conservatively valued and apThis makes our loans Y praised atless$374,781.00. than 46 of the appraised value average Y of the homes and business property. Y 16,532.47 Y CASH Due from Banks 100.00 Office Fund Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y U. S. Bonds , Stock Fed. Home Loan Bank Current Accrued Interest Earned Furniture, Fixtures, Etc INVESTED IN OUR SHARES Investment Shares Savings Shares Y plete Loans) 1,000.00 2,000.00 t Y Y v ... 491.15 ... 652.63 55.55 $193,061.42 MEMBER Ml t iederalSavings ASSOCIATION Price. Utah 3,663.27 Reserve 1,187.08 LjjAND LOAN . 1,099.39 Federal Insurance Reserve Reserve for Contingencies Inst. Thrift Share Bonus 901.70 FIRST $134,000.00 53,099.43 Dividend Reserve (To be paid and Credited January 3).. $193,061.42 INSURED ' Due Borrowers (Incom- Y Y Y $187,099.43 Federal Home Loan - Bank System |