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Show r(. T iHiiir io c;m: in tai. iios d c'n Rot if y To IllMUM ht hinds il Putin.- tt l.f U w,,i It- - tie ti I i ! r n. !.' i ijt . f V e i; t h t i - i.t the itguh.l l.s u. e Iti lt mo.') fir,' llelttal lull t biit i f j ' h!i hi 1 m y t mjiiI) ih.t-unj- j J.utj Jt t g.i t tl to (.I) e M bull', 1! W.13 lllllilU.lil I tl tills w ei k i,.ng tllu.isiiuyj ut 6 Jti utlu.tt in A: M Jjih Ut si, tl. strut inns tute ltuietti M,ss t'aj.ilulti ly 1 he rkuii.iiuit.on vt. til Melvin C. Wil-ouiuijal t'f itmii high ttl.iMil, w.U 1 in tl.uifcf, itg.n ulfuit tl. e middle if Juiiuuiy Co-ojty ation tif the Cai and the main ad.lirss mill be turn t y tWl.tul hot Irty hut been UsbUled, and Sujrl IMrudent It. J Reevr Jij.rt lul h.e h a Mill be 'lrsr.te'd mobile ttmtul that by tl is lllUslC ttl htM.I tt udrnis. LUM.ratuiy till wheels Will lie used amis i -- - . it- ..s-M- r i t- n l'N. ADVOCATE. f I R 1 C fTA . Tilt KM)Y. JA.MAHy II !TNi:itAi.si:uiri:s WEATHER LOCALLY Last Rites Held For i:t JllU)SlMAY STAYS FAVORABLE Mrs. Dudrick Friday J(Itrim lie f..n. td P'uh Wt..!ltf Jj.td Iui.tlc OU arl 1. 1 rS W r, e t . e. Tiaining School t ours,, 'through llramh Ar, NY A i Mvurti Alley, am of H I- - and ndut ted lit c.,ait RaVrll.e IVtlel' Alley of 1ll.e, ji fc The liluUih Agl it ul C'-- 1 Uni-Finn- -i ri S5 m MWI Mi wypipceJiufmi lUTguii" , Uas burn Jaiiuaiy ", She 1912, in y!rs - a letter. Iiue; . n ..u u.v IUS1UIC lu NYA assistance, mturding t.j , nd gland- - nuunrrment lllhde this Vtrei, 'MauLby, manager ,f tl.r county welfare offue , Guyntoit tn' Mfttntt mifam Ad effective Fri., Sot., and Mon. -- hll t cP Dishop O. 11. thUdreit. Udian, Juan and Joe To be a i.uccesful s.ngt r, uU !.rdiuk Ihiital was m 11 ice t dy thaige. Uutial was in the city trme-- 1 That ti. t en.eb-runder d.iettmii uf the I lyi.n tery. really know osic. U ice uf Iduitdhy I unetal hun.e. Ptesbn, fne tl.iy i Ak Separate Maintenance sungstiess w ho w ill be l.ea! d uni Halil! day 39 n Mis. Glmia de Luca, 1nce, mimes niglit's Musit al Mumt-niCWKIION YOITII Kev ..e( . roitMKlt J5 2! Sunday 5 MKNDS 1101.1 1)A Y S IIKHK; cruelly as gt uunds for seeking separ- - Jan I Verve, Victor Arden and hnj 25 Monday ale mainlfi am e from Louis de Luca, piete ouhejiu, the Songsi!..i'.s g Tut - day 42 IS Mis hccmd.i.g tl a complaint Lied in the Graham MiNamee. Tune uj Kt Mr. and 32 5 Jack Owen, soil ,.f Wednesday cou.t distcut t.ffne here this at 7.30 p. in. Thursday, January t. the td Larr Knrdworlh, sjaiH Harty Adv. Niinri rurlly Grounds Mr.,wek I, ol.day ht asol! Willi hlS patents $73 month for er supbon !' Cal tl.e a Is Owen Naming ciueliy as gt minds, J.lis giaduate tf t'f herself and Ihrt-- minor child-- 1 p0R RENT OH SALE-NE- W Ll..mhe Jhthartbi Lhd u,t in dis- - loth sthool and the lb Y. U. At the Hull ren Tlie couple w as married in Colomem-fn.r was an la'.L-t he hclne in Uarkdale, 7 rooms, ali l.urg t allege til. coiiit last Wednt Mlav f,.r dno ne room, storage room, large in LUooi Huhai.lv n. lhljer ber i.f tl Alplia Kappa JVi frateni- - rado in 1920 tif their lion room with fire place, g ,n C'usi.Kly it y, the Linker Sotial L'mt and the Tliis is one of the finest l.uti.ej, adopted child and $50 r n .nih ah- - Llue Key. He now attends the Noith-mon- y department store of Chicago when are also askt-- by the ph.midf western University of Chicago, hav not attend, ng rbi-w- , Price. Will lease to and upon sihoia kit.ool a with will was bt'eome that man entered in ish.ng Khool, (ouple party; $40 00 per month, Injjj. IliceSep- ing 15, 1934. Mutual Lumber Co , Price. 6a arship. Mr Owen woiks in a large nent employee of the company. j three year we,r daudy' hnd ti.e gt ,t rally ih ,r I'ullow.ng aie j.'gh hn.l !.. t. n jKiatuie ead.ngs u,e fr 1 y j , J s I ch-ik'- s C m Iwu-yrai-ul- as ln 11 e d d ii-- tl j 1 il MEATS sivceiTAusMfArs GROCERIES Schillings COFFEE LB. Perc. or Drip igT ; MARKET. .iiMir'T'w riTB itt ir With Vitamin A 125-rt- . 25c Roll, FLOUR mM IJ 2c LARGE SIZE lc ARIZONA SEEDLESS Turkey $l29l Red 48 BAO DEVILED MEAT EATING APPPLES 25c CELERY 15c 5c LETTUCE . BUNDLE 3 FANCY WATERMAID J POUND BAG CRACKERS SALTINBS 2 LB. MOTHERS CHINA OATS RED BLISS SPUDS PURE HONEY WHilE BOX LARGE PKG. .... 29c 6c 25c CAN QUART 1000 SHEETS ROLL., LARGE CANS BUTTER BEANS 2 10c 29c 23c 29c 29c 25c CANS 19c POUND PACKAGE GROUND TOILET TISSUE T FI T SOAP 10 barb RAISINS 4 nRIAr I lift. CRISP WHITE HEARTS Grapefruit HEAD COOKING SPECIAL COFFEE FANCY FRUITS & VEGETS. ORANGES 29c Crystal 10BARS White J NUCOA LB. Wax Paper BERTOLA MAX FRIDAY , SATURDAY , JAN. 7TH - 8TH ZT LrNViwTrrrrTraiiz OWNED 4 OPE RATED Bf CATSUP QUART CAN .... ROLLED OATS 9 POUND BAG KRAUT MEATS .ied PORK ROAST VEAL CHOPS Market m -P- LHOULDER CUTS 1C OUND POT ROAST PRIME STEER BEEr TOUND Bacon Squares Eastern cured Sugar POUND PATC- H- GARDEN PINT BOTTLE AMMONIA BOTTLE GOLD BOND Small can Guaranteed... BUTTER P and TNT SOAP 6 G 10-BA- R0CKW00D Laundry Soap COCOA 25c NO. CAN 20c ARO NO. 2 2 ONIONS ISiT CY FEDn BANANAS GRAPE FRUIT ARIZONA $1.47 FLOUR 29c bo b10c 29c 3 dozen 2 por 2 podnds DOZEN .. 15c 9c 19c COCOA PRUNES QUALITY MEATS I Picnic HAMS LB. U. PACKAGE Pl"RnT" KRAFT SWISS CHEESE SHORTENING ob OF s. INSP. C 4 -- CAN Utah 3 pound pounds FRESH SIDE PORK COTTAGE CHEESE 2 cups TAMALES 6 por FRESH FISH CHICKENS 29c 34c 23c 15c 19c Tulip BAG E0CKW00I3 PAN0Y - 2 H.IO 67c 15c 19c CAN 2 4 12 BEANS LARGE CANS .. 98c QUALITY MEATS u- - s- - 19C 134 Dk PKG. CORN TOMATOES 31 UNION MARKET IDEAL FOR BAKING 48-I- b. IjV 7 21c 214-L- Red Star 1 27C TALL CANS ALBERS PKG. .. FANCY PEAS SMALL SHANKLESS BARS 4 SYRUP MAPLE 2, GALLON MAC. 0E SPAGHETTI I Super Suds' 29c A SUEETY GAL. Alin LhIIU stores i & TAINER KRAUT VIT- A- CLP. OWN CON- U. S. INSPECTED SNOWDRIFT WASHING POWDER PACKAGE TOMATO JUICE PANCAKE FLOUR BRING YOUR PKG OXYDOL 214-CA- 29c 19c BARS WOOD SOAP 10-ba- rs Itarn TOILET SOAP hard water 4 E RADISHES LETTUCE Laundry Soap 19c ORANGES Lg. Size DOZ. Stands. LEMONS sbdxtlarge LARGE PACKAGE ON COASTER WAGON COMPLEXION SOAP SPINACH 29c NO. MAXINE VAL C KERNE- L- CORN QUICK ARROW SOAP m Olive Oil 5c Ripe, Lb. aa. vC Baking- Powder 29c 5c 13c BLUING in U. S. - CORN CHANCE Large, Fresh Dozen IJrC FOUND iSonkist Golden Fresh Grnd. lean Beef PORK STEAK LEAN and MEATY LOIN and RIB POUND GROUND BEEF fltX ORANGES BANANAS inspected A o lb. carton.. PORK ROAST LEAN, MEATY LB LAMB LEGS ANY SIZE LB PORK CHOPS SMALL LOIN LB STEAK TENDER AND JUICY LB CHILI 1 POUND BRICKS UNION MARKET 89c 18c 23c 19C 17c r 19C WE HANDLE ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF MEATS AND THEY COST NO MORE FRESH DRESSED RABBITS V |