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Show sin lee, dvocate 1 second SECTION ' Pb!it 1Ct JUNE ft v y relV To. It. 1937 PAGE NINE Helper Residents To BUDGET MANAGER Make Tour Of Europe latest type of electric appliances a W iI nstain Wefe WILL BE DISPLAYED BY PRICE STORES bicji ututa- at tae FFKi r VlSltjj Local Dealers Will Exhibit Various Kinds Of Time And Energy Savers For Kitchens preparations for the annual ll.li 45 40 East- ern Utah cooking school to be conducted here Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week call to mind the fact that sponsoring firms are elecagents for the latest type of rein have which trical appliances cent years played an important part in lightening the kitchen duties of housewives to such an extent that from cooking has been transformed can be that something into drudgery a pleasant daily experience. These kitchen appliances, real time and energy savers, will be on display of the cooking during the three days school, and the many new features which have made such devices actual necessities in all households will creased running time, will be display- ed by the Price Trading company, which will also exhibit L. & H. Advanced electric ranges and numerous other household equipment and appliances. The Mutual Lumber company will show two makes of refrigerators, the Stewart-Warnand the Gibson, both of which have many new features. The firm stresses the feature of the former make, and lists 14 distinctive characteristics of the Gibson product. Another firm handling two makes of refrigerators is Olivetos Associated store, which will display the new Apex, now being shown for the first time here, and the Crosley Shelvador, equipment. said. hs ep Headquarters Changed Prosperity Group 10c NAMED FOR STATION OIL WELL PROMOTER HERE Kelly Young of Craig, Colorado, promoter of the oil well drilling operations in southwest Price, visited here Sunday, making an inspection of the property and conferring with those in charge of the work relative to the drilling operations. Mr. Young was accompanied by J. L. Douglas and Francis Fcltch of Vernal. Mr. Young reported that work at the well Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ramsey left Tuesday for Los Angeles, California, where he has accepted a position with the Ingersoll-Ran- d company, manufacturer of air compression four-mont- Mr. Ramsey has been teaching in Price for several years. He was director of music at the Harding junior high school and later served on the faculty of the Carbon county high school. He and his wife have been active in civic and club affairs, Mr. Ramsey having served as secretary of the be explained by expert demonstratfaeturing an temperature Price Rotary club for the past year. ors. that preserves food, control designed to speed the freez- Both art well known as musical enEquipment ing process. tertainers and have appeared on numcooks it more efficiently and quickly comEastern Utah Electric company will erous programs. will taste better it makes and of Price firms exhibit the new General Electric prise featured exhibits school. Quality and econ- Automatic range, with the Triple-Ove- n during the feature combining what the of the apthe be will keynote omy manufacturers term the speed oven, By pliance demonstrations, and justly so, Anfor never have local stores been bet- master oven and super broiler. The Price office of the United ter equipped to meet the buying needs other feature is Unitop .porcelain National Prosperity Plan, Incorporatof the shopping public for this line of cooking surface. The Utah Power and Light com- ed, is being moved this week from merchandise. A variety of styles and convenience features will be shown pany,, which is cooperating with the the present location at 58 North First in a demonstration that should prove above stores and other firms in spon- West, to the office quarters next to both educational and interesting to soring the contest, will show a large the Master Tailors, 37 East Main those who prepare meals day after number of electric appliances during street. school. It is thought that the change of the three-da- y day. location will do much to further the featuristore is Variety Chapmans HOUSES DEMOLISHED club activities here, officers said. ng Norge Rollator refrigerators and SUMMIT A meeting was held last Thursday of houses in the formA number the Concentrator large ranges, Norge Sumwith J. Moncur of the national town of once Soldier, night bustling er appliance being distinguished by new flexible interior arrangements mit are being demolished and sold, office as speaker. Another meeting and new Tow temp that keeps foods giving the settlement a forlorn ap- will be held Thursday, June 17, in the fresh and maintains natural mois- pearance in strange contrast to the City hall. It is hoped to hold a pubture. days when it was a division point for lic meeting each week so the plan New Kelvinator refrigerators, with the Denver and Rio Grande Western may be explained and discussed. The public is cordially invited to attend. increased cooling capacity and de railroad. g TF 33t Carbon Youths Have Scholarship Chance Approximately 12 Carbon county who have enrolled for the BY FRED LARCHER youths Citizens Military Training camp at Salt Lake City will have an opporFred Larcher, proprietor of the tunity to win a scholarship at Hill Red Star Service station, located on Military academy in Portland, Orethe corner of Mam and Carbon Ave- gon. is progressing satisfactorily. This award, known as the comnue in Price, announces the appoint-mof Claude M. Thompson as man- manding general scholarship, carries lf of tire regular school against the necessary required ager of the new budget depaitment with it Mr. Thompson fee and 50 dollars to be applied! sonal expenses. now being opened. takes charge immediately. The new budget department as created by Red Star Service is anj The innovation in credit buying. Budget Pay Plan is as new as the New Deal; the very core of this new It makes possible plan is unique. any size purchase by any motorist and the extension of convenient, liberal terms to everyone, Mr. Larcher Teacher Takes Post With California Firm er sav-a-st- Councilman Albert Ricci of Helper and his wife, accompanied by Mrs. Riccis sister, Mrs. Bertha DeVietti, left this wek for New York City, preparatory to sailing on the liner Conte de Savoi for a tour of Europe. This will be Mr. Ricci's first visit to Europe since leaving there 35 years ago. On their return from the continent, he and Mrs. Ricci will attend the World Series. 18-po- 25c SECOND SECTION nt one-ha- Individual Initiative has made America the world's richest nation. Lester Pearson, manager of the service station, states that this unique plan is certain to gain popularity among the shoppers in Price and vicinity because it is in tune with the times. I T)RIVATE enterprise has enabled the Amer-com- ican people to enjoy advantages and forts far beyond those of any comparably great population elsewhere in the worla. Private enterprise includes the individual farmer who helps produce the nations foods, the one man building or manufacturing concern, the small merchant, the more sizable business firms and right on up to the greatest industrial and commercial corporations. It is the primary function of the banks under normal conditions to give direct and constructive financial cooperation to all forms of business endeavor where conditions justify such action. In this Community are numerous instances of successful enterprises under individual initiative. This bank numbers many of them among its customers. Price Girl Selected To Fraternity Post Miss Pauline Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordon of Price, has been elected vice president of Tau Kappa Alpha, national debating fraternity at the University of Utah, for the coming yean Miss Gordon has been active in debating activities at the university and was a member of the school team during the past term. ADVENT OF VACATION MAKES INROADS ON BOARD MEETINGS CARBON With the advent of the vacation season sending Price residents to other parts, directors of the Price Chamber of Commerce are finding it difficult to secure attendance of sufficient members to constitute a quorum for the weekly meetings of the board. The regularly scheduled luncheon of the dufetorate was called off Tuesday noon for the third successive week. PRICE EMERY BANK - - UTAH Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation J iJhm Roys Shoe Store and La Mode A Dress Shop Offer Buyers a Real Cooperative -- IF a ft un i? FRIDAY, SATURDAY,' JUIIE 25c SALES 10c 25( mE IK IK 25c 25c 25f fit Childrens Play Sandals, While or Brown GOLD MARK HOSE STRAPS WHITE LINEN Ain) PATENT 3 IK SHOES WOMENS and (CHILDRENS WHITE SHOES Vice VALUES YOU SALE OF COTTONS 88c FROCKS Growing Girls 88c $1.88 DRESSES Culottes & Ladies Playsuits $1.88 to $3.88 WOMEN'S & CHILDRENS 5c JUNE 11 -- 12 LADIES White and Pastel Suits $7.88 to $12..88 ALSO NEW gg 15c jc A MULTI-COLOR- S 25c SATURDAY, mm SANDALS FOR CHILDREN les IK FRIDAY, 11-1- 2 BROKEN SIZES FROM STOC- K- Childrens Dress & Two-wa- y PLAY SUITS VALUES TO $3.95 All the New Colors and Patterns. Plenty of Whites $1.88 June Preston CANT DUPLICATE TRIM-TRE- D ,oto SHOES Formerly to $6.50 For Only i I $ Frock BOULEVARD STYLES AND STAR BRAND Shoe IJC NETS and CHIFFONS $3.88 $3-8- 8 i5 -- $ Silvagni Building Silvagni Building M 88C aus $1.83 A EDstsss SHOP Price, Utah |