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Show THE PAGE EIGHT Miner Loses Arm tracks to safety fwaued tK.. tragic of Wattis, suffer- - Anlo S U N -- A D V O C A T E . sfeing salad Now is the best time for salads, ables are so fresh, crisp and cheap. Hard heads of lettuce, white tipped radishes, tender shoots of asparagus, Texas red ripe tomatoes, long green cucumbers, will all be found in our fruit department plainly Prc ed. And dont forget a jar of that extra rich and smooth dressing that we have on sale at 23c per quart jar FREE Delivery on $2.00 purchases UTAH Moose Lodge Slates Spring Glen Picnic SCHOOL HOLDS INTEREST OF HOUSEWIVES Fntutn 0Jrs nt COOKING Volp,,45. sh(X,k and loss of ed the loss of his right arm Thursday was consid- cond'tion blood and ( today) when the cable of a twelve-- ; He was brought t0 the car mine trip parted and the trip ranjered serious. over him before he could get off the Price City Qspt i PRICE THURSDAY, crime thing mysterious about detec- tion w'ork. Police work, he said, calls for intelligence, training and education the same as other professions. There is nothing mysterious or occult about it. Full cooperation of local peace officers in enforcement of the liquor control act was asked by Henry C. of the state Jorgensen, a new member We must commission. control liquor and it is work this for rely on you our hope that together we can do the job in a manner which will satisfy the citizens of this state and bring credit to ourselves, he said. Resolutions were adopted thanking Price city for its hospitality and expressing appreiation for the enter- Order Lodge No. 1659 of the Loyal the in a picnic of Moose will hold Id. June Sunday, Glen park Spring their and order All members of the friends are invited to attend. Moionied by the awarding of free prizes. An open house for demonstration Hunt is general chairman of arrangepurposes will feature Fridays ses-- ! ments for the affair. sion, w'hich will conclude, as on the HORSE BREAKS MANS LEG first day, with the presentation of Victor Mortensen of Cleveland was prizes. Price City hospita -, Saturdays program calls for a pro- admitted to the to receive treatmem, contests evening on Tuesday " refrigeration, baking gram cn ,r J and presentation of prizes, including eight baskets of food and attendance gifts. the In the baking competition, tainment afforded visitors. prizes will include an electric roaster It was decided to invite judges and or the best loaf of bread, an electric justices of the peace to become mem- loastir for the best cake and a mixer for the best pie. Butter cake, two-cru- st pie and biead made with white Hour will be the only types of entries judged, winners will be determined by three arbiters, each of whom is experienced in domestic science. Winners in the 1936 contest, as well as wives of membeis of sponsoring , firms, will not be allowed to com-- serjes pete. Products entered for judging will be returned after the completion, of the school. Contest regulations are as follows:) By A1 and Jo Entries must be made not later than P.-A. held its last meeting p. m. Saturday; products entercenty, electing Mrs. Albert Shaw as at baked be must contest ed in the president for next year, Victor Orlandi, Jr., has returned the Wanes of the contestants; con- from Oakland, California, where he of 14 least be at must testants years visited for a month. age. Mrs. Wakai, recently widowed, and The 1936 school was one of the family, are now residing in Califoroutstanding events of its kind in the nia. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Barney have intermountain area, and those in charge of this years course feel that moved to California. Louis Vandetti, manager of the Muit will be even larger and more sucPool hall, is temporarily residtual cessful. Park City. in In addition to the Utah Power and ingMrs. M. Buffmire and children Light company, sponsoring firms in- spent last week in Provo while Mr. clude Chapmans Variety store, Sum Buffmire transacted business in Ida- ner Furniture store, Price Trading ho. Francis Sadler is spending the company, Mutual Lumber company, Associated store, Eastern mer in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Dalrymple spent Utah Electric company, Gamble store ranch reFurniture two weeks on a Colorado and cently. company. . Principal and Mrs. Dimick have C. D. Sessions of Provo, representagone to Idaho where the former plans summer tive of the Utah Power and Light .to attend a year school, company, will serve aga'in t Miss Geraldine Ferguson has reas master of ceremonies during the home from a visit in Castle turned school. Dale. Special wiring required for the Charles Kilgore, Robert Chubuck, courses will be done by Price city, Albert Dellacourt and Mike Mangus the Eastern Utah Electric company spent three days fishing at Green River. and the Mutual Lumber company. Helen Georgeles is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Rose KENILWORTH NEWS Curtis. ' day in the tabernacled trict Judge Tillman W. Keller, former p70sl ney of the Seventh t and Scott Matheson ass. district attorney. Mother feature of tbP sion was a memorial se 4 ed by Assistant Atto Grover A. Giles. At the Friday mornin meeting, delegates were J Councilman W. E. Mclntin the absence of Mayor J Other Friday features J!-n- t H i . v, , marching demons th Ca,rfn high band,abiqJ rade of Price youngsters iK new members, a dance at SI hall and a banquet for viau. men. cm-sio- These Prices Effective Fri., Sat., June 11 RAINS NEWS re-1:- 00 T. CATSUP82"" CANNING SUPPLIES Strawberries are at their best now. Buy your canning supplies now. CERTO JELL WELL 1 Of J BOTTLE PACKAGE PAROWAX Or : CROWN Qe ... PACKAGE PACKAGE LARGE BARS 6 .. FOR PRUNES OLIVES SM. CAN 2 TOMATOES TALL CANS FOR . 212-SIZ- Marshmallows E (L lOc-PK- LONG HORN-MI- LD r 15c POUND 3-f- 25c Beer or Take advantage of this bargain price on this famous Lucky Lager Beer 32 OUNCE BOTTLES QUART BOTTLES 23c 1 GALLON JUGS .... FOR CASE OP PINTS 49c 2 two-wee- 25c $1.95 COFFEE rOLGERS FRESH GROUND-POU- Pound Florene Zwahlen Mrs. Wayne Barr of Compton, California, is visiting here with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan. Mrs. Barr is the former Mis? Ruby Morgan. Pete Corey, Ernest Carnavali and Lynn Morgan have returned from a visit in California and Oregon. Millie Williams, Delta, was a Kenilworth visitor over the week-en- d. Jack and Emil Canto of Mapleton were business visitor here Monday. The Ladies Auxiliary of Kenilworth have organized a softball team under the direction of Mrs. Andy Pappas. The mens team was victorious over the C. C. C. Sunday, 46-- 6. 26c CAN FRESH TEXAS LONG POUND fCTAH LETTUCE LG. HEADS BANANAS 5c EACH NEW UTAH SPUDS 15c BEETS, TURNIPS, CARROTS Fathers Day CENT SAUSAGE POUND Whole Pork Shoulder- ROAST 19c.i 21c 29c POUND LAR- D- FRANKS -2 for 29 TOMATO JUICE 10c BABY FOOD Hek-3--c 25t PICKLES c H B6-z-JaVIENNA SAUSAGES 3Cans CORII FLAKES 29 CLOROX SHREDDED WHEAT 2 PORK & BEAUS STSSk 1? 29 29 1C: T 2-pk- s- . 3 Pkg . 2jl 2-- B 22c LETTUCE BANANAS p,Vm BACON ii POUND MOCK CHICKEN LEGS EACH OF PURITY" ipe--L- 29 bs- Gth-2-H-eads ORANGES Large Juicy Dozen NEW PEAS Sweet, Tender JJC JJ( bs. RADISHES, ONIONS SPINACH Fancy utah-3-L-bs. hes MEATS 29c How to pampefDad Youd probably like to buy Dad the 5c world with a fence around it for Fathers Day, Sunday, June 20th. But if you cant scrape up this much cash, why not drop in here and buy him an Arrow shirt or an Arrow tie? Arrow shirts have the the incomparable collars made by man Mitoga cut . . . anJ are Sanforized, a new shirt if one ever shrinks. ... best-looki- form-f- it STORES SURETY PUFFED WHEAT S OzP- Fruits & Vegetable 29c SLICED FOOD --A 33c 9c 11c 1.95 Prise GI0-Bar- s CAMAY SOAP Spring Fryers , Fresh Fish and Imp. Cheese Market Closes at 6:00 p. m. Shop early and avoid the rush. j & IVORY FLAKES Large 10c CHOICE MEATS MARKET U. S. INSP. 100-PE- R p 2-L- PRESHUTAH PURE SOAP gs PS NEW PEAS UNION an Royal Desserts All Flavors-2-Pk- GREE- N- CUCUMBERS 10c (Continued From Page One) man Falkenrath of the Salt Lake City the police department concerning police school conducted in Washington by the department of justice. Falkenrath, who recently attended the school, explained its objectives and told about methods of instruction. He said that one of the things w'hich particularly impressed him was the way the instructors refuted the popular idea there is some- - Sunday, June 20tb FRUITS VEGETABLES TOMATOES PRICE ENTERTAINS MANY VISITORS TO OFFICERS MEETING ARROW SHIRTS ND Daisy Maid Quart Salad Dressing ks COFFEE FolgerV Bring Your Empties m Cans By A Beer Blue Pine os ell 25c 15c 19c POTATO Chips POUND sum-Olivet- Cans 2 No. 2 Fruit jars, rings, rubbers, jelly glasses and other supplies TNT SOAP n48lb $1.45 $1.40 Bag UtaSa Price BOYACKS MENS SHOP E. U. Electric Bldg. Utah au.-i.M- 1J( 2- PCUCUMBERS Fancy Provo BERRIES Lowest Mkt' Inspected MEATS Union Market SALT BACON Lean Pound STEAKS Steer Beef Pound CHEESE Mild Cream Pound PIGS FEET Pickled BEEF LIVER Fresh Pound 2-L- bs 25 19 MINCED HAIIIh51 PURE LARD Boiogna- -u FRESH FISH SPRING FRYHK 2? |