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Show j- s nriunc3 -4 U il 41JU- A it mir a The sauna sun, 444 5,5 44 41 4 41 41 44 41 44 4 S sALiMA. 4444 4 4 444 444444 4 utaH 4 41 44 4 4 5 44 5 5 4 44 Did You Ever Stop To Think? L. P. Jorgensen, a long resident of the United States, is now a American citizen. Mr. Jorgensen went to Richfield Monday, being accompanied by John Arneson and W. II. Brown and while at the county scat Jorgensen was given his final papers that made him an American citizen. Subscription Rates is the best investment that any business concern can put money into. Nothing can be compared with it to bring steady business, safety and security. THAT persistent newspaper advertising $200 One Year 1.00 Six Month 75 Three Month ADVANCE IN PAYABLE ;444 4 ; THAT the safety and success of any business depends upon is is reputation. Third Think! Quite apart from the requirements of your regular work, practice your mental "daily dozen." Fourth Go for a ride on the horse of your imagination from time to time. But remember its a high strung animal and needs keeping under careful control. Fifth Keep a sharp lookout for opportunities, recognize them and seize them bodly when they come within your reach. But dc not think every chance means an opportunity. Sixth Be neighborly, be a good sport. Dont think you can lift yourself up by downing others. Seventh Work hard. Presumably you have ideals; keep their. Dont become cynical. Dont scoff. Dont lose faith. Eighth Take an interest and a due share in public affairs. Business cannot prosper unless the ship of state is run on a steady keel and steered with competence. Ninth Meet your fellow men with confidence, unless you have reason to suspect. Tenth If the capitalistic system is to be continued, I as believe it will and should, it is particularly incumbent upon those whom it places in positions of business leadership to exercise an dconsideration for others. Be patient, courteous, helpAvoid ostentation. and Abhor purse-prid- e ful, concilatory. well-treate- Many dogs are maimed or lost on the highways and in cities by falling off or being thrown off the running boards of motorcars. The Oregon Humane Society has prepared a bill for enactment by the legislature to provide the protection of a guard rail or fender to prevent such accidents. The bill is defined as an act regulating and prohibiting the carrying of dogs on the external parts of automobiles, declaring the violation of this act a misdemeanor, prescribing penalties therefor, and fixing jurisdiction of offenses for violation of this act. b t V s, - V Hi. 44 r'e invited and stays where it is E 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 55 44 44 4.4. 4-- 4-- 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 55 55 44 44 55 5 5 44 5 55 4--4 44 44 4l4 1 5 4 $ j 55 v v vs v v y 44 44 44 44 dEMEBER THE BIRDS. 44 Remember the birds! Also remember that the same howling 44 44 winds that cause you to turn up your collar makes it practically im- 44 possible at this time of the year for these feathered friends to obtain nuch food. Ground that is frozen and barren, shrubbery that is 4 44 4. .. 4. .. 4. . 4.4. 4.4. 4, 4.4. 4. 4... 4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4. 4.4 4. 4.4. 4. 4.4. 444 .j 4. 4. 4. are of berries, and bird baths and pools that are now firm ice offer ittle in the way of food or drink for these associates who help save :iii.rii''i( lli',i")il'ii"!i jur crops and our grain and spread their song so cheerfully. Why lot scatter a few crumbs in some sheltered spot in the yard? Why iot set out a pan of water now and then? An apple or piece of uet tied to a shrub would be welcome. You will feel amply repaid vhen you see the little fellows feast on your refreshment. Remember .he birds! 5 5 5 55 55 55 55 44 44 44 55 44 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING HELPS TO. MEET OUT-'SiDCOMPETITION MORE EFFECTIVELY THAN ANY OTHER KNOWN METHOD OF SECURING BUSINESS. IF USED PERSISTENTLY BY ALL BUSINESS CONCERNS IT BRINGS MORE TRADE THAN RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO THE HOME CITY. 5 i 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 5 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 H 55 $ h -- 5 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 d. 5 4. 4.f 44 44 44 44 44 5 5 i!! 4. 4. 4. 4-- 4. .;. 4-4. 4. 4. 4. 4. !' 4. 4. ii 'h it I" 4. 4 44 444 4 4. 4. 4 4 4. ; 4. 4 4 ; ; "IN 'I,. t. Something' Good To Eat 1925 CREED. 1 will vote When it s anything an m the "'Eats line you want, call on us. Our Meats and Groceries are always Fresh and Clean 1 it'd couples who had net income of LAW TO PROTECT DOGS. ;4 55 55 Watch for the Buffalo, it is apt to be here most any day tax-dodgi- When a serious fire occurs, particluarly if it involves a busines. structure, its ramifications are almost endless. Suppose, for example that an enterprise constituting the major support of a whole town i: wiped out by flames and because of various reasons the plant it not rebuilt. Employes wages are at once cut off and it becomes impossible for them to find other work in that town. They must fall back on their savings accounts and money begins to flow out of the banks and from the treasuries of the building and loan societies. Cheaper living quarters must then be sought and the storekeepers begin to notice that their sales are falling off. The amusement business drops to almost nothing and church contributions decline. Soon there begins a general exodus to other cities where jobs are to tie had. Families are uprooted, children taken out of school and" in a few months the place is only a shadow of its former prosperous self. ' Every factory fire has a similar effect in a lesser degree. ; 4 44 i FIRE DESTRUCTION AFFECTS EVERYONE. t - : self-restrai- 1 ; ! v4 55 55 55 so-call- ed 1 4 55 55 at every public election, trying first to inform myself the canditdates and the questions to be voted upon. I will try to buy stock in some local industry or utility , serving and build own it to and and values locality, help ny up payrolls home in town. :obriety my will obey the laws as they are written; it may be as offensive to ny neighbor for me to dodge taxes or make booze or exceed the ipeed laws, as it is to me for him to rob or burn or violate my home. arroganc. It jLm. I will work at Al . Mil my job as though I believed in it. I will try to make my street the best street in town. TAX EXEMPT BOND COMMUNITIES DEAD. I will practice the belief that prosperity and good government A dollar spent in building up a local industry a factory, a end neighborly love is here now, and to stay, if I will but accept and specialized crop, a big utility pays more than a dollar invested ir. iVe it. a public security. The industriay investment pays its interest, it builds up local payrolls and general prosperity, and it ncome Tax in a Nutshell. New Refrigerator Plant. Rex Barnard, manager for the Samakes your dollar express your community confidence and pride. V110? Single persons who had net lina Meat & Too many communities register only as "It" because the people do Supply company, one of income of $1,000 or more or gross meat and grocery Salinas leading not build personality and faith into their own oustanding industries. income of $5,000 or more, and mar-- 1 has returned from a hurried EXCESSIVE NEWSPAPER POSTAGE. Does the average publisher realize that during the last six years there has been an increase in newspaper postage rates of OC per cent? In this same period, Congress authorized a decrease in first class rates, in third class rates and what was equivalent to i decrease in fourth class rates. The facts submitted to Congress by the American Newspapei Publisher show that the receipts from newspaper mail have largel) increased during the past six years. What would be more unfaii than to now again increase, by 00 per cent or any other figure, the rates on the only class of mail that has already accepted without i murmur an increase of 100 per cent since the end of the war? ; 55 is is ; ; 44 44 44 44 44 44 is THAT business comes where it : ;4 - ; w 44 necessary to advertise truthfully and to continue to do so as long as a business exists. Otto H. Kahn, banker, in a "message to young business men," delivered before the Harvard Business School club, outlined 1 0 precepts of success. Kir. Kahn, who has been closely connected with the affairs of Wall street for 30 years, stressed the importance of doing seemingly trivial tasks as carefully as more important ones and advised against skepticism, mistrust and suspicion. Mr. Kahns 10 tenets, in part, are as follows: First Eliminate from your vocabulary the word "perfuncEvery task is a test. However trivial it be, your manner of tory. performing it will testify in some way for or against you. Second Remember that the most serviceable of all assets is ; 4' 4 necessary for the business to carry quality in goods and service, to sell at reasonable prices. BANKER CITES TEN TENETS OF SUCCESS. 4 2 44 It is an established place where something kept that people need and will want to buy. THAT next, it and Saturday. 4-- 4 Tl 1AT persistent advertising means honest selling of honest goods or service. H. W. CHERRY, Editor and Publisher. 4 At Gunnison:- - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 1 At Salina:- - Thursday, Friday, 4---: the best selling force in existence, before the public. advertised business the brings THAT it ; Dentist 4 TI 1AT progressive business men know that it pays to maintain quality and then advertise and tell the public about it. THAT a business v Bullock V successful by the aid of persistent, truthful advertising. THAT advertising a;44 ; ;4 ; ; ; 4 4- - v 4. 0. 4-- THAT business concerns who are successful have become ADVERTISING RATES. 23c Display Matter Per inch per month, $1.00; single issue, Special position 25 per cent additional. six words to line Legals Ten cents per line each insertion. Count Readers Ten cents per line each inseition. Count six words to line Blackface type Fifteen Cents per line for each insertion Read Obituaries, Cards of Thanks, Resolutions, Etc., at Half Local ing Rates, Count Six Words to the line. For Sale. For Rent. Found. Lost. Etc.. Ten Cents per line for Eacl Insertion. NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS. ; 4-- 4. the character of those directing it. Class Mai Entered at the Postoffice at Salina, Utah, as Second Matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Dr. F. full-fledg- ed By E. R. WAITE, Secretary. Shawnee, Okla., Board of Commerce Issued Every Friday at Salina, Sevier County, Utah. Full Fledged Citizen. $2,500 or more or gross income of $5,000 or more must file returns. Y11EN? The filing period is from January 1 to March 15, 1925. VHERE? Collector of internal revenue for the district in which the person lives or has his principal place of business. IOW? Instructions on Form 1040A and Form 1010; aleso the law and legulations.' stores, business visit to Salt Lake. While at the capitol city Mr. Barnard placed an order for a modern and refrigerator plant, which is to be : J Watch Our Windows te stalled in- at the market, Several changes are to be made at the store and the storage capacity will be materially increased and otherwise modernized. Just as soon as the plant arrives no time will be lost in having it installed. Salina Meat & Supply Co. I. ill Two per cent normal tax on IIE TOLD HER the first $4,000 of net income in excess of the personal exemptions and Lady (in grocery) credits. Four per cent normal tax Is that the head cheese over on the next $4,000. Six per cent there? normal tax on the balance of net Salesman No, maam; thats one income. Surtax on net income in of his assistants. New York Sun. excess of $10,000. tlilll T"" !( l.iiilii i'll ii'r hi l,j hi .'iwhiiiiilblil ;i ? iih .: " t:"" it, it. .IlibliL.iihili' ni,j i'l. i,. .i.l. ini VI1AT? ISKESa Short-sighte- d Uses Black Sheets One London society woman recently leret't of .her husband carries her of mourning to the exrent of Harping In black silk sheets. The genius of conversation consists nuch less in showing a great deal of discovered it than in causing It to in others. Square Deal Japancsi Interpret Kims. all motion picture theaters Ir. Japan there is always a speaker who dramatically explains each picture, because t lie English words shown on the screen are unintelligible to the ats In Conversation r Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Carlisle attended a dinner party at Richfield last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Storrs were the host and hostess. i'enee. Battery SERVI CE l.! H 8 H H $irt F SALINA SALINA UTAH O - Member Federal Reserve System 8 8 8 1 51 Defining placements liecharging Y THE ELECTRIC SHOP 8 Blairs M t! K-- (I 8 JAMES FARRELL, Pres.1 H. S. GATES, V. Pres. H.B. CRANDALL, Cashier C. E. PETERSON - E. V. JOHNSON, at. Cashier 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 M 8 8 |