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Show . uA Kffifeaggjgaffi THE SAUNA SUN , wv(OtwHHiiOtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKK0 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 A 4 4 EASY 10 I4 4 4 ECONOMIZE 4 4 4 4 4 4 fv 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 The high cost of living your city boosts you and makes it possible for make a living. Why not do as well for your to you IT BOOST city? T1 IAT use of DYES THAT if every citizen would constitute himself a city booster, the result collectively would be many times as great and opportunities for city opportunities would be more numerous. These dyes are easy to use and effective in coloring Silks, Woolens, Linens and Cotton Goods. 5 cents, package Lewis Drug Go The O Store 5 co 000-0- 0 ckkkkk:- 1 THAT ADVERTISING industrial prosperity. week. LOCAL ITEMS OF iting with her sister. iwrenroT Mrs. C. S. Sterling returned to home at Spanish Folk Tuesday alter a brief visit with her husband. C. S. Mrs. Hoy Jensen of Payson visited Sterling, of the Nielson & Piows Pitra Atkin Monday. market. le-- refreshments were served. Mrs. C. A. Prows has returned from Marysvale. She was there vis- - Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Overson and Mr. and Mrs. Poulson motored to Loss Creek Tuesday overling. The members of the Second Ward Relief society entertained Mrs. Ole Christensen at a social at the Her bert home Thursday night. Purlo games were the diversion of theeven ing. Luncheon was served to thiity Mr. and Mrs. Christensen and family leave today for Salt Lake City to Mrs. Martin Christensen and sons, lift for McGill, Nevada, last Friday. They will make their future home at the Nevada miaing town. Lee Stagings of Richfield, was a ter business important looking and SATURDAY, October 27th - 28th A story of love that flowered fn a desert oasis. Out oi hate, in a pampered society belle who met her master. Out of revenge, in a wild young Chieftan who knew no law but his will screen! Noihing approaching it ever seen on the GCOfcGC MSLFCIiD PRODUCTION if" SliKBAY, Dorthy Dalton in TUESDAY, The Chief Cock October 31 si Tartan I4 4 4 WEBHESBAY and THURSDAY, November 1st - 2nd Lon Chauncey in Local News ' Miss Nell Holsinger, field representative for the Pacific coast for the American Rod Cross, with headquarters at San Francisco, was here this week conferring with local Red Cross wotkers. Miss Ilolsinger is on a FOR SALE Baby carriage in good condition. $20 if taken at once. MRS. H. B. CRANDALL Inquire membership. O20tf 15 IDOL OF THE NORTH Last Episode of Two-par- Sept. Cctober 29th WHAT LOVE WILL DO 0, their - Comedy 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444 home. 'vV Evenings 7:15 and 9:15 Prices 20c and 35c. Matinee, Saturday at 4 oclock. Prices JOc and 20c 4 4 4 4 make that place w- - V' 4 is THAT the time has come when even rich men weigh the value of a dollar. . Even the busy man takes time nowadays to read carefully the advertising columns of your newspapers, for therein he finds goods of quality and price such as he wants. 4 MG' m THAT there is something fascinating in the ever NEWNESS of your newspapers. Mrs. Rue Niejson entertained Mon-de- y evening at cards for Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sterling, Mr. and Mis. John B. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Morril Robins. Following cards dainty evening. , I I4 I4 THAT your newspapers are working constantly for your city. They strive always for the protection of public rights and look only to the common good as their goal. r H. B. Crandall, cashier of the First Morrill Robins, it is alleged, made State Bank, was a business visitor an extended visit to Sigurd Tuesday. to Salt Lake this week. His friends declare this is the first long ride he has had by rail for Miss Tatra Atkin, who t caches the many years. Miss Ila Cast entt; rtained her friends at a Goblin paxty Saturday 4 4 4 4 an unfailing barometer of 4 4 4 4 THAT the road to success should be paved with good deeds for your city. matters in Salina Wednesday of this roventh grade at Payson, visited her parents this week. FRIDAY 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 THAT when a man boosts his own home city, he is 44 4 performing an act that improves his own condition, for 4 4 every good word and good deed helps his city grow, 4 and makes it a BETTER CITY in which to live and 4 4 4 jnake a living. 4 4 4 T1 IAT honest on the part of all mer4 chants tending toward a prosperous community and 44 4 a great city, brings great results. 4 4 Tl IAT every citizen should do his best to let the 4 4 4 world know the many good things about his city. 4 4 Use them freely this fall. ';f 4 4 4 Old garments may be made to serve another season of usefulness through the 'DIAMOND Secretary Shawnee, Okla., Board of Commerce s materially until people force prices down through added industry and economy. Price rl By E. R. WAITE, will not change 4 THE TRAP Century Comedy TABLE STAKES t Ik tf. visit to the various chapters throughLook over our stunning line of Ladies 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 out the state and is urging the co- Coats. New Yorks latest fashions. Prices 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 44 operation in the coming drive for very low. THE FAIR 44 Our Vegetables are FRESH a-l-wa- ys a-n- d SOU MO) Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Mumphrey entertained Wednesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Humphrey of Orangeville. The evenings entertainement consisted of an informal program hf Dinner was served at six music. oMock to the following guests': Messrs, and Mesdames R. B. Humph ley, McAlliseter, M. I. Over-soMr. J. A. Scorup and Miss Stena R. W. n, Scorup. .y. FISH LAKE-FILLMOR- E 44 44 44 44 44 A good office room tor rent. Terms 44 44 J22tf. 44 reasonable, apply MAX COHEN 44 44 For Sale 20 acres improved farm 44 44 land, all under fence with small home, 44 44 good water right. Price reasonable. 44 44 Apply Thos. Jensen, Redmond. J29tf 44 44 44 44 Now is the time to buy your winter 44 apples already picked. First class, 50c bu. 44 Second class, 35c a bushel. P. C. Scorup 44 44 , : FOREST NEWS New stock of blankets just arrived. Good quality and selling cheap. On Oclobed G, Mr. Norcross of the OJOtf LOUIS JACOBS Martin P. office J. and Washington f the district office made an inspection of parts of the Fremont-EmerBoys and young men's suits, over-cao- ts Salina-Emer- y and mackinaws at a bargain. New Salina-Fish Lake and THE FAIR loads. The dry weather during this stock. month and the greater part oLSep-timbO.Otf has caused a considerable For Sale or Lease- - The Electrio Shop. poiiton of these roads to be in bad See Hal Fel condition. Repairs to these roads omf. i annot be made until the dust and loiwe dirt has been settled by storm. Owing to the fact that there has MONTHLY PRIESTHOOD MEETING lx in practically no prccipitatian dining the last six weeks, the reThe regular monthly Priesthoob meet maining vegetation on the forest is very dry. There is .therefore, con- ing for the North Sevier Stake, will be held at Sigurd, Sunday the 29th at two siderable danger of forest fires. Ranger and Mrs. Albertson are re- oclock. joicing over the arrival of a new i anger for district No. 8. REPUBLICAN RALLY We note that on Sunday, August y, SV; er Bay the fresh vegetables yoa need at oar store They will add flavor to yoar dinner. How about packaged goods? They are just the things to' have in the hoase. If company comes yoa always have something dainty to serve. While in oar store look aroand and get acquainted with the splendid line of groceries we sell. It will save yoa time to order canned goods by the case. Lowest Prices ' . . Fresh Groceries 0NE package of old onrniJH LuIhL TRAPPER Coffee with each Or $5. purchase CRANBERRIES 2 qaarts for 35 cents Galina Meat Co. Supply If we please tell others if not tell us fi; 0, Ranger Olsen ate 12 mountain trout for dinner and is still surviving. We are wondering if they are below the six inch limit. All the men on the job have been very interested in hunting deer this "eason but we are sorry to have to tell that Ranger Olsen is the only successful hunter among the bunch. The others all came back with bad luck stories of no deer to be found, 44 44 44 ... You Cant Say Too Much About Hart Schaffner & Marx Quality Some folks say we certainly talk a lot aboat Quality. We'll admit it; we've got a lot of QUALITY to talk about. The best fabrics made in England and America, expert needlework, fine style. These are the things that make clothes last and give satisfaction. 44 44 54 4 4-- 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 V. Tv 44 44 44 AA TV TV II 44 44 jLa VV SrV -- It 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 5 44 44 44 44 44 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Everyone is invited to be present at the Republican Rally, Monday evening, The honorable Nephi L. .Morriss and others will be present, and an exceptionally good program has been prepared. FOR SALE Genuine leather Davenette, $50.00 if taken at once. MRS. I. N. PARKER, climatic conditions unfavorable, Redmond, Utah. crooked guns, etc., but we sincerely believe that they really arent very There are more eyes ruined good hunters. Forest Assistant Thornton G. Tay- through neglect than from all other lor, who was with us last summer causes combined. Childrens eyes and transferred to the Wyoming has should be taken care of upon the again returned to the Fillmore and slightest indication of eye strain. Dr. will make map and estimate and 0. L. Dutcher will be at the White timber sale reports and appraisals House Mon. Oct. 30. Opthalmic lenses ' on ranger district No. 1. only used. THE SALINA SUN S2.00 THE YEAR |