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Show Vi THE SAUNA SUN, S A LINA UTAH WASHINGTON I Imports of wines nnd liquors wer banned Tuesday night by Biar of the insernal revenue until supplies areudy In the country for uses are liisufficli nt to meet the national requirements. THE PAST WEEK HliDllWIU Complete History of DISTRiBUTE COIL e pro-nlle- for production In Wyoming, California and Montana. The bulk of this amount, $550,708, was Car oil. There are now 311 producing wells on leased 11 waa said and seventj' ?ub11 Iands in process of drilling. one billion dollars ot per cent victory notes, maturin, jjUy 20, 1923, will be called for re on December 15 1922, as a demption Winded by sunglare, noward n. b Sec' of lota resn,t Johns, World war veteran of Chicago, was found exhausted on the oesPrr) retary Mellon which decided the senes thos9 0 miles west of Salt Lake and taken to be rft!.red ia advnce 15 D c A and F ,ettere1 to the county hospital at Tooele City, according to word received at Salt Republicnn an(1 Democratic sena-e- . Jo ins wns attempting to hike joined In demands for to Prescott, Arlz., for entrance to a f0rg M0I1(ay prompt payment of American damage government hospital there. lie Is claims against Germany and Austria aid tt be 85 per cent disabled, nut j tmt differed as to procedure during has signified an Intennon to make ti,ro6 hours debate on the bill of another effort to cross the desert Senator Underwood of Alabama, the on foot, since officials of the veterans Democratic leader, width proposed an bureau have denied his application for American claims commission, transfer and cannot Issue transportaIndictments against five persons In tion to Johns. connection with the Knickerbocker B. IT. Trater, esgineer of malntcn theater disaster of last January, In nc of way, Oregon Short Line, has which ninety-sevelives were lost, been conferring with Rupert, Idaho were dismissed Monday by Justice business men in reference to the rail- - Siddons of the District of Columbia road strike. He statad that no work supreme court, who sustained d'emur-habeen done on car repairing since 1, and that unless men could be FOREIGN secured to take the place of the strik- Antoine Oule;t0i one of the Indilina erg in the Tocatello shops, n car wil0 servfHl untor sitting Bull at the shortage Would seriously affect the ime of the Custer MaS8acre, over 50 raoveraen 0 t e crops in this sec- years ago is dead at Weylurs, Canada, at the age lof over 100 years. Financial ruin faces fruit growers I The British government nns receive M die western slope district of Col- 6,1 8 fr0,n the BOfte, orado unless railmad cars can be se11 Wiis "noticed Moday ask cured Immediately to move the perishof in K the able crops, it Is stated in a resolution into tlla States ,u,10r Un,ted ru,line to Colorado senators and conent gressmen nt Washington following a ,hrousU Bermuda and the Bahamas. meeting at Delta, Colorado, of ship-Tetrameter, by 1 erarch, out of Manpers, growers nnd business men of won ,he &teward 8 cup- a bandl d"ta Montrose and Delta jounties. cap of 1000 sovereigns, for That the strike of shop employesl and upwards, six furlongs, run jpt is hampering transportation was evi-- Goodwood, England, denced at Livingston, Montana. DivisGnvan DuffJ' has resigned as ion Superintendent O. II. Jacobus of Northern Pacific railway announe- - ei$n minister of the provisional gov ed tliat passenger service on the eminent of Ireland. He announced Shields river valley branch would be that, while he agrees with govern discontinued and that the Yellow- mentss military policy, he opposes stone Bark vpecial, a train of Bull-- its policy on certain other grave and mans operating between St Buul and urgent Issues si strongly that he can not longer honorably remain with the Livingston, would also be taken off. administration. L W. II. Roblnon avaitor and two men passengers were burned to death nt anv Senor Lebroton, the lw An'eles. When the airplane in iafsatVor to the United Arget'ne States, has which they were riding caught fire given up his post and is definitely and ft 11. ieavng France soon direct for Argen- GENERAL tina, where he will serve ns senator. Martial law lias been declared at I Iresident Alvear of Arglutina, who is Deiison, Texas. Five Infantry com- - now the ambassador to France, will ponies of the 142nd regiment tmve leave for Argentina on August IS), gone there. Rangers called to Deni A strike against wage cuts recently son will be shifted to Childress and Bheriuan under the "open port law. Inaugurated among Canadian railway I shopmen was favored by 97 per cent Boston has been chosen by the con- of voters in a ballot Just completed volition of the Independent Order of by Montreal unions, it was announced Good Templars for the 1924 biennial Wednesday, session of the grand lodge. Tills seaderewskl lias decided Iftace Jlection closed the formal buisness of the convention Wednesday, though) definitely that his country is unwilling a(Tei,t i;s lmlitical services, it was tlie executive board remained at Butte, 'earm(' Wednesday, lie will return conferMont., Wednesday for further to the United States In November to ence. fill several concert engagements. Sendr de La Huerta, Mexican secFormer Premier Orlando, of Italy, retary of the treasury arrived nt Mex an nsultatk.n with lco, City Monday. Immediately after ?ftor V Kin Kmmam,,1 reported to :tor Ids arrival the visited Chaputepec tosuc-- , a cabmet retasedtolonn castle to confer with President Ohre- - hav? of Pivnnor Pefocta winch that ceed is confined to his room. The gon secretary declined to discuss any phase of his New York visit ststTig he wished to consult the president making any delnration. Approximately 4 I (1 " I n d I rera-Jul- - - PPan - 1 for-th- e I - 1 I I I . - - 1 Ws tie-fo- re The rail nnd coni strikes brought a touch of wartime privations to Chi- cago M inday, when one of the city's I largest chain grocery stores announced sua strict limitation of purchases or gar. A temporary limitation of 10 to each customer was Mamed on the slowness of the railroads in getting cars through. Lieutenant Milton B. Mackall, who iot the last thrv year; had lain in a hatlRub s.i tne Fort Mellenry hospital nt Baltimore as a result of a wound received In the world war, died s Monday. The retail price of coal in car-lot- s in Chicago has jumped from $5.15 a ton to $11.05 and $13 since the miners went on strike while in small quantities the cost has increased from $5.25 to $6 a ton to $15.25 nnd $18, according to figures given out Monconcern. day by a large Industrial School fof Girls. BUSINESS COLLEGIA trrriiUSINESS What Has Jesus Gomes, a laborer, arrested at Sparks, Nevada made a statment before the chief of polee here Tuesday that he wns hired to kill Frank Brennan, a deputy aherif on railroad strike duty at Tracy, Cal. Gomes said he was hired by a tall man wno worked In the round house, and was paid $10 for the deed. fcpieopI Sal Lake City After a three day fight, the senate, by a 2 to 1 vote, fixed the basic duty on raw wool at 33 cents per pound Been Happening Throughout of clean content. By practically the the World same vote, the senate i elected an amendment seeking to reduce the duty to the Fordney rate of 23 cents, anfl ' WESTERN ' I an amendment by Sena- The Rtv. J. E. Lewis negro pastor or rejected York "adaWirtb ewt the Church of the Living God, of er rr,I)OS of 28 clean rate Png has another announced fos Angeles oun tttempt to sail from Los Angeles to' Monrovia Liberia. Hla first attempt i Royalties received from the d when the ark, a craft upon duction of oil and gas on government whlcto ha had labored many months, I leased lands are now running around sank at Its launching. Now he and! half a million dollars a month and for his flock have obtained the motorshlp j jie jast fiscal year aggregated and rechristened her "Queen I 700,507, it was announced Wednesday f Liberia, and they plan to start foy the bureau of mines. Receipts for the voyage Africa August 13. the month xf June amounted to $565,-19-9 A ROWLAND HALL COLLEGE. School of Efficiency. All commercial braachea. Catalog irtt. 0 N. Main 8t. Salt Laka City. Rene Viviani Wins a Personal Triumph GOVERNMENT TO TAKE UP OF FUEL FROM MINES TO NEEDY OLDS MOBILE Va- DEALERS WANTED In Utah, Idaho, will commission vada. Wyoming. Liheial tend reprfntnt!v on requeit. A. E. Rene Viviani, former premier of During tlie France, is a socialist. last hours of peace before the World war, lie ordered the withdrawal . of the French army by ten miles from the frontier. For that he has been criticized severely and bis action has been more or less of a cloud on bis recent political life. This withdrawal order brought about a sensational scene In tlie A French chamber the other day. debate was on, provoked by the persistent Communist campaign of calumny against Premier Poincare for alleged responsibility for bringing on the war. Viviani suddenly appeared on the left side of the chamber, where he has rarely been seen for several months. "If any Frenchman was responsible for what happened in 1914, It At tlie moment of was I, he cried. the outbreak of the war I was the responsible head of the government. Explanations should be demanded from me, not from M. Poincare. I gave the order to mobilize. I ordered the withdrawal, so as to avoid any chance of conflict as long as possible. Poincare rushed up to An outburst of patriotic enthusiasm followed. Viviani and kissed him on both cheeks. Deputies embraced them both. address had convinced the chamber that it was not France that willed war. the Still Remain Very Low Production Despite Hardings Invitation To Reopen Prop- TOURSSEWDUtributor. Accordian. Side. Bo Pleating. Hemstitching, Parlor. Corset Kid Buttonholes. I. Broadway, Salt Laka City. Button. erties 40 The government wttn Washington. kind to your lo Taka yeur Book Binding-a- ny the cooperation of the states assumed cal printer. Leith's Trade Bindery. Sait Lk Monday tlie duties of a gigantic midMetals. dleman, passing on the coal from the UTAH METAL WORKS. MTg s Type Salt Lake City. and industries mines the to producing Ruakln localities which, in the eyes of the the future government, need it mo3t. though Nevertheless, The organization of the governIn selecIluskin read to prefer the ments emergency coal distributing may that conceivable not Is tions, It so agency wa3 pronoueed to he nearly present affectation to despise a the B. so and nnd fine spirit Spencer, complete, Ilcr.ry great a writer federal fuel distributor, his committee will persist. This generation may be as des- tired of Ruskin, but the next will reand advisory subcommittee President order of Harding turn to his noblest things with a ignated by new pleasure. He had an ear, paswill begin active functioning. Just liow much coal the government sion, exquisite sensSIdUties, a woncan count on remains a matter or derful eye for tlie minutest and the grandest colored forms of nature; speculation. most magnif"There is no indication of increased and lie made some of tlie in English prose, pastilings production In response to President icent like over St. Marks lament the Hardings invitat'on to the mine own- sages of pictures, descriptions unsurpassed ers to reopen mines in any of the trees, flowers Solomon landscapes, strongly organized districts, the geo- Eagle. logical survey commented. The total production for the past Bad Rick in Windows. week of 3,900,000 t ms of bituminous Nearly every business contributes and 27,000- tons of nnthratic is comwinwiiiniiiiin of specialized knowledge to bits pared by the survey with a normal fund. It will strike many Here Is a new photograph of Ben production at this season, including as a curious piece of informapersons W. Hooper, 'chairman of the United anthracite, of from 9,500,00 to 12,000,-00- tion that plate-glas- s insurance comtons. Normal consumption at States Railroad Labor board, who has with black letwindows class been prominent in the railroad labor tliis time of year would be 8,000,000 panies on them as extra hazardous tering In addition to the public troubles. tons of coal a week. risks. The explanation given is tliat of three members there are the group Executive offices fir the coal con- a black surface absorbs tlie sun's rays. labor and management groups of trol organization are to he located in By tills means, it is stated, an unequal three members each. one of the government's temporary expansion is produced throughout the A section of the railroad act wartime buildings and an adequate plate; and under the influence of a Sixty-sixtcongress passed by the staff Is being mobilized to handle the sudden gust of cold or any other quick provides for this board, the members rush of reports and orders which are change of temperature a strain is dewhich are appointed by the presof to flow through Washington. expected veloped which may break the glass. ident, with the advice and consent of Covered by priority orders from the the senate. Tlie three groups named interstate commerce commission, all Put One Over. above represent respectively the pubto be coal now is being produced tlie Wife I threw over Tom iSmartley lic, employees and subordinate officials of the carriers, and the carbought under the fair price levels to for you. lie was a clever, sensible fel- he maintained by the federal fuel dis riers. The law provides, in brief, that tributor, freight cars being withheld Saved. the labor board, under certain condifrom dealers who sell at advanced labor-savin- g When machinery was tions, shull hear any dispute involving prices. most people opposed first introduced, grievances, rules or working condiRailroads nnd interstate public utilion the ground that it wrould throw It, tions. All decisions of the labor fedties are to be the concern of the e many out of jobs. Many an board shall establish rates of wages eral government as far as direct concarstill salesman machine sewing and salaries and standards of working conditions which in the opinion of tlie tact with the consumers goes, while ries buckshot in his legs, fired thereboard are just and reasonable. The labor board determines whether any body supervision of the distribution lie by practical gents wlio objected under Its jurisdiction has violated Its decision and makes public its finding. tween states is designed to put all devilish device tliat took work Every wage decision must be concurred in by at least five members,, of localities on an equal footing as re from seamstresses. Today we realize-tha- t whom one must be of the public. The board has the authority to summon labor-savindevices merely shift gards bulk supply, after which contro and investigate. But tlie law grants the board no power to enforce its decrees. of profiteering and allotments of fuel workers into new industries and to a amounts a decision board decision the the govNevertheless, by by is to be a state matter. raise the standard of living. You see ernment. It Is the official view that the board constitutes the one agency for Bunker coal is to he kept at a min this illustrated In the American telethe expression of the government In matters of railroad wages and Industrial imum and foreign ships required to fill phone system that does tlie work of relations. their bunkers abroad for the round 0,000,000 messenger hoys. trip, while exports will only be per British-Havmitted in case of shipments destined Butterfly Farms for consumers who cannot otherwise In England there are several farms devoted entirely to the cultivation of supply themeslves. butterflies and moths. Do you remember the famous HEAVY DAMAGE CAUSES FLOOD Standard Oil rebating eases, In which Didnt Enjoy It. Judge ICenesaw Mountain Landis an- Over $1,000,009 Miilion Dollars Wort! nounced a fine of $29,000,000? Young Hartley was home for a few Well, of Damage Done By Water the Assistant United States district days from a cruise with the merchant Omaha With the flood waters o marine. attorney who prosecuted those cases Well, said the man from was Janies II. Wilkerson, who has 'Saturday receding, reports Monda; the home town genially, "liow liav now been appointed federal judge of presented the picture of devastatio: you been enjoying maritime life, the Northern District of Illinois to to the thounsanils of acres of Nebraska I haven't been enjoying it at all, sir, succeed Judge Landis. farm lands swept clear of all crops answered the youngster blushing, The appointment, it is reported, thousands of head of livestock lym. she broke tlie engagement. Pioneer wns urged by both Illinois senators, dead and proerty loss conservative!,1 Enterprise. McCormick nnd McKinley, and by the estimated a $1,099,009. Illinois Bar association. The appointSmall sreams, flooded by the cloud Daily Thought. ment was distinctly satisfactory to ove of Some hurst night, are so fond of Friday spread people e faction the and Stanton counue Pierce, run- - half way to meet it. Wayne that they orthe regular Republican towns with from Severn'; Douglas Jerrold. Objection to inundating ganization of Chicago. to feet of water and several inches was made the appointment, it is said, . forcing citizens to flee to to the Iresident the "Old-fashion- Ivi-nn- is Hooper of the Railroad Labor Board - n 0 h old-tim- to-th- e g Wilkerson Successor to Judge Landis e Brandage-Dineen-Crow- by Smail-Chicag- city ball faction. Judge Wilkerson was born December 11, 1809, In Savannah, Mo. lie is a graduate of De Pauvv university nml began the practice of law in Chicago. He has long been before tlie public as county attorney of Cook county, member of the Illinois legislature, assistant United States district attorney and district attorney and assistant to Attorney General Brundage of Illinois. MilWmilHUMIMMtHWH Six Women Candidates lilgiie-ground- o Are for Peace itm'MHtiiiiHiirnMKtmiiiNHMittttfnnRnMti World pence is tlie first plank !n of six women candidates for congress, all of whom are prepared with definite legislative proposals for achieving that end, according to a statement issued by tlie National Council for Reduction of Armamenls. There is, for example, Mrs. Izetta Jewell Brown (portrait herewith) wlm is a Democratic candidate for s'ii T'?' large-scal- e opera irons the seat of Senator Howard Sutherimpend'ng iagainst the Republican insurgents in land. Republiean, of West Virginia. I She is for permanent ponce if consouthwest relaml seems to have ed the Free State government to put gressional legislation can accomplish It. Mrs, Winifred Mason Ilurk of the brakt s on popular anticipation of an early inarch to triumph nnd peace. Illinois, daughter of the late Representative William E. Mason, who Is a National troops have gained a Republican candidate for the house, fresh virt. ry in west Ireland by cap- advocates an amendment to tlie Conturing I'.allybaunis, County Mayo, stitution making the declaration of it was announced Monday. war Impossible except by direct vote of the people. of Sun Yat Sen. demised president "The one great thing in the world tlie South China republic, announced to me Is permanent pence, and I shall Monday that his forces had captured work for It wherever I atu, she said. Olming-Min- g in the vicinity of Ying-tnk- , decided sentiments are expressed liy Miss Belle Kearney Equally about sixty miles north of Canwho is a candidate to succeed Senator John Sharp Williams. Mississippi, At Chen's headquarters, howton. Mrs Leila Scott Edmondson of Alabama, Democratic candidate for the ever, it was asserted that tlie engagehouse of representatives, has a platform along these lines. ment at Yingtak was unimportant and Mrs. Iirowu (horn Kennedy) Is the widow of tlie late William G. Brown, that "only a few of Chens soldieri Jr., who represented the Second district of West Virginia In the d were engaged. Sixty-thirand Sixty-fourt- h congresses. tlie platform f mov-pound- s Sixty-secon- More than half the Inhabitants o' Iilger, Neb., were forced to flee frop their homes, reports saying that not r house in the twn escaped bein and Randolph, Wall hill similar had experiences Pierce, Flood waters of the North Fork riv er reached Norfolk, Neb., early Sur. day, but were held hack by sandbn; levt es piled up by laborers who work wl n'.l of Saturday and Sunday. Highway traffic in the vicinity o' Norfolk nnd north of there has Bridges are gr ne and r.aadr are hardly more than mires. A nuni her of towns in the inundated cour ties are without train service, thou sands of feet of track having beer washed out. Dry Land flooded. Neb., Traps Usid to Capture Hcppers Burley, Idaho. Many farmers lion have found th. ir clover crop so serious ly menaced by tlie grasshoppers that they are go'n-- over their fields end; day wi-large canvas traps which catch the hoppers as they fly up. Tariff Bill May Award E'ection Whether tlie admin istration tariff hill will he enacted he fore the November elections lias again bcome the subject of privet1 discus sipn nt the cnpiLd. There is a belie' now in tlie senate that tlie measur cannot lie brought tv a final vote he fore September 15, and there nr; those who hel'eve the Ironing out of differences lx twee's tlie senate and the house in conference will he swi tedious process tliat it cannot lie com plcted before congriss goes home. Washington. There is in Utah 400.000 acres of dryland farms. Half of this acreage is now under The balance is avalable on cultivation. This sagebrush land is in a easy terms. climate of an enjoyable nature. Familiee thrive there wt sen delight in their surfine schools, se ghbors, churchroundings es and all the other things that make home life happy in a new country. I will to you send this interesting booklet io is sign yout FREE, all you need name and address plainly below, enclose 2c stamp and the booklet will be in your a hands at once. HELEN BROOKS DEPARTMENT Box 1545, Sat Like City, Utah rn two cents in stamps for I tndo-.on a fr postage n heat Land o: V r 400,000 Acrin Northern L lah Sta'e Vill Never Grow Old young woman can't help thinking that she will never grow old, heeausb long before tlie time comes for that there will be a change in the laws of nature. A Acorns for Luck. From ancient times the acorn has been held a protection against lightning, as tlie tops of many of our the ends of our cornice poles, our umbrella tass. Is and our hind-cord- s flag-staff- still attesL s, -- |