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Show THE S W.INA SUN SAUNA UTAH WHY LARGE PROFITS Get LIBRARIANS Amusement Out LIKE of JOS Singular of Book Titles in of Readers. Transformation Memories SCOUTS pre being made by Dealers iu Radio through the demand, and consequent Quick turn o'Ver, of the apparatus which he handles. The scholastic hush of the public library is seldom broken by a titter, hut t lie librarianettes in the central ('imitation department have a steady refuge from hard work in the compilation of the singular transformations of book titles that take place In the memories of seekers for literary is here to stay. Have you considered how a Radio Departsweetness mul lighr. Herewith is the ment would Improve your !aist unofliclal bulletin, according tr yearly balance sheet? a New York Stm writer: Have jou got Jack Londons The Shout in the WooiK? inquired a wist fid young tiling. The 'J he Shout in tiu Woods'? echoed Magazine Let me c the Tiadio Industry the experienced lihrariunette. mi1. Im sure I can imd out which of will answer all your questions Oh, yes isnt Ids novels yu mean. One dollar will bring it to it Tiu ('all of tin: Wild? you for four months Three dollars a year. That's what I said, murmured the The Call of 'wistful young thin;; llatlio PdMin Ccrporaucn the Wild. Incorporated Of cmn-- e it's a pardonable slip to For Kent when usk for Galsworthy's Dept 41,342 Madison Ave.,NewYo:k City The jou really want his To Let. difereme is liardl.v worth mentioning, to deft West Tm&s Military Academy lint it's leally almost profane mand. The Autograph oil the Break-i,r- t itoTO. Sea Antonia, Texas . AffliuW Table. UU the UnlefMty of Tmt.i, extra-ordinar- y (Conducted by National Council of the ft by freouta of America.) YOUR SON, A PIONEER Practically every one, even In the thinly settled districts, Is familiar with the boy scout movement. Your son piobably knows scouts as the follows who wear a snappy uniform, go on camping trips and iiave all sorts of hikes, songs and Jolly games together. On your part, you may recall how tl.ey helped handle tne tiatlic congestion at the last county fair; or how they assisted In figh'hig that disas- Radio Merchandising Semi-Monthl- y f trous finest fe I v.mUoiiI Anrmp li nnd Urn Hons of t ue I nitert Auuy oiltrrs Uni'orw d thiU! bv War Impartuit ihhuert by ttovtrnimut Hcpnnue Junior h htni Ha ImmlDK i'ool AIL'uU !iy 1 iff T 3 j H. m i.ckl. Clmuipuiiisof fcoolball and lian-ba&q Opeas bl-- l T. fi. Write for cpw llhUitratd ciaujue. J,TOM U'lLl IAM3.St.pfr. Uses Cutters u doing hi best to con r,c y ur Serums and Vaccines In V inter conccnti . One line CO ti is a ( hit in soLiahu.g. The Cutter Laboratory that Ktmuthuw I Ibt aforattry (U. 8. License) B erhe ley Calif a; n i a TREATED ONE WEEK FREE Short breathimr lieved in n few houis; 6v tllimr reduced in e lew daysireeui He the liver kidneya. st.inath and heart; imrifiea the blood, atrun.theiui dm Tria. 7Yeu(nif. entires; l(tn. W'i ife for re- riKUY tOL'JJH CO., Oep! SO , Cl ATL.flTA, v uray, iron, hair tuitkfssirij. ieujl look very olU. U frwn'fe msftHHivry a flr liottl of Q Ban Color Restorer brio bark original color quickly stop dandruff At all Rood JruglsU, Tm Omouc?, 75e, or direct rota Hiuf-E!lU- , 'Will Women a Source of Informat Seal Hunting. si el hunters for gen d most of tiieir orations him time in Hie acliial location of seal lards. It was like spending tin hour looking for a berry bn it that could he ph hod lean" in ten minutes. 'Jiiis appealed to the imagination of Ainu S. Kuter, young English flyer out griming lor oppoi (unity instead of wailing for hi r. lie eoulraeUd to locate the seal is nli ul t.n cents a head, by air Now his Aerial Surveying iims. busi-no- s ci l.p.tnj is doing a and Kut lor is on tin road to riches at twenty-throe- . Its a humbug, that opportunity kilo, ks oice at every mans door. docs pause at every mans front gate, but she iwinliy has to be drugged to the door by a constant watcher. You w.i-le- g 1 htnd-ofiie- e Helpful Thought far Today. Do not try to primp too much of life nt on1 t lino. Live today well; life is on. I w ,h had held more com crs.itloas n mosaic ami each tiny piece should with onion. Im- then they would have set witli shill. Host on Eveinfm mod Hi of ninny tilings 1 should be cut and ning Transcript. men. never have heard of from 1 1 - Napoleon. 1 Women r.Ieod will tell, but sometimes ale to listen to It. we h.wjers, fire. That boy of yours, lie Is one of the most valuable assets you possess, Isn't lie? He looks at you with the dear eyes of jouth; bat he will soon have developed into sturdy manhood. His hungry young blind readies out greedily for food. 5s it being fed on or on glorious cheap Ideals? Your boy can fed himself one with t!ie pioneer heroes of his countrys history; with Kit Carson blazing a trail through the forest, with Daniel Boone trapping foxes in the wilderness, with Abraham Lincoln, splitting rails. Your hoy can become a pioneer scout. By JOHN DICKINSON GHERMAN A pioneer scout wears the uniform O SAYS Gen. II 11 and of the Boy Scouts of America. He Dawes Maria after a studies ail the fascinating details of year of budget-makinscouteraft as described in ttie Boy for Uncle Sam. Now lie Scout d Handbook. lie learns the has turned over his desk scout salute, the scout sign, the scout to Brig. Gen. II. M. Lord, He acquires the necessary oath. who leaves the position knowledge, takes tee various tests, of chief of finance of the and wins the promotions, awards and War department to bemerit badges. IIow those tilings apcome director of the peal to a boys romantic heart you can Dawes quit in acGeneral back into by looking only budget. appreciate liouv his with Think own diildhood. you cordance your understanding with would have enjoyed being a scout! President Harding that lie would guide Scouting is one of Hie greatest the budget bureau only through its moi al and educational forces operatfirst year. General Dawes lias a bank ing for boys today. In addition to the to manage in Chicago. scout oatli a simple promise such as General Lord lias been In close touch jour hoy gives his mother, that lie will with the work of the budget bureau do ids Dost to do his duty to God and foi some time, lies sixty-on- e years ids country, and to obey the scout law, old, a congressman, and began life as to help oilier people at all times, to a newspaper man. The Spanish-Ameri-cakeep himself physically strong, menwar made him a major of voluntally awake and morally straight teers. In 1901 lie entered the regular there is the scout law. This emaimy ns captain, lie was awarded bodies 12 simple principles that make D. S. M. for service as assistant to for right living and strong character. the quartermaster general and as The educational element of scouting of finance. The mass of Is no less important. Sam has the wealthiest nation Uncle useful information about indoor and In the world back of him, or lie would outdoor occupations that the boy achave gone broke long ago. For up to quires is surprising. All this he learns a and justly year 'ago the t most lie delightful easiest, by doing had celebrated sailor drunken nothing most way possible, and ytt the Sam when it came to lie follhvvs the scout program af all on Uncle as a fascinating game, unaware of the getting rid of the cash. In fact, Uncle to a fraz.sound principles on which it is based. had the inebriated tar heat had to seaman The zle. illuminated If jour boy is a clean, alert young when his money was gone, but quit the into who kind the fellow, develops uncle kept right on spending. vigorous citizen Hint has But all that is changed. Uncle now made America the power she is today; has a perfectly good budget system If you feel that lie is missing something of the advantage's that boys in and has to live up to it. He has to larger communities take n.s a matter tel! in advance how much lie is going to spend and quit when its gone and of com sc, and if you want him to develop Ido n serve powers to the fullest strike a balance at tbe end of the exteid, thou write to the national year. headquarters of the Boy Scouts of There is much confusion in the America, 200 Fifth avenue, New York public mind as to the amouut of the city. Hiey will be glad to send you savings effected by the budget bureau. full information about pioneer scoutThat is because of politics. But that ing, mid the opportunity that awaits will ail be changed, too. The truth your boy. Is that there isnt any politics about a budget. Its business. The budget bureau is not concerned with any COURT OF HONOR RECORD political party. Its got to be efficient and honest and to tbe dickens with The record of the boy scouts in life ! saving is an iepiessive tribute to the polities t the to lie heroism of and The big tiling about the budget and native boy training width enubb s him to make the budget system, and the budget this spirit count. Up to 3022 only 12 bureau, is the fact that for tbe first gold medals, 129 silver and 100 bronze time in the history of the United have been awarded to scouts by their States of America the Iresident Inis national court of honor. A new medal assumed the responsibility for the has been designed and henceforth will spending of the executive departments. he the only medal awarded by the General Dawes undoubtedly did a scout oigaidzation. Hitherto there good job. General Lord will be just as have been several medals, the bestowefficient. So will succeeding budget resident of al of which involved dldieulties of directors provided the grading w liicli w ere found too intricate. tbe United States whoever be may A new form of application for a life- be keeps his eye on this responsisaving award has also been adopted. bility. Heres the situation in a nutTlie application blanks place responsishell, ns General Dawes put it up to bility for the gathering of data upon congress : the local court of honor and require It cannot be too often reiterated that the service rendered lie not only that this most important reformation courageous and efficient, hut shall inin the governmental business system volve actual risk to the rescuer. is dependent upon tlm President of the When a rescue lias been accomplished United States himself, and upon his without risk letters of commendation continued assumption of his responwill lie awarded. During the last year sibility as its business head. The minlie old system of graded awards' was ute lie relaxes his attitude of attenin effect. Under this system only throe tion to this duty there will be felt ttie gold medals were bestowed. natural pull of the departments and establishments toward tin old system of complete nnd MINE RESCUE FOR SCOUTS Independence Tin's is because of To be prepared to render aid in laws firmly embedded in human nature mine act blent emergencies, scouts of which have existed sin e man began. Butte, Mont., have recently followed Budget laws or other leg'slative enacta course of instruction given by mom-ter- s ments cannot change human nature, of the crew of mine rescue car and while compelling the letter nf civ No. fi on tour of instruction through operation cannot compel its spirit the min'ng district of that state. n an not allowed to become mag's! rales or judges In Her many. well-know- n Jbr Economical Transportation t. The Worlds Lowest Priced QUALITY Light Delivery Car F.O.B. Flint, Mich . Complete with Body,asIllusfrated The Greatest Dollar Value in the Commercial Car Market 1 Every farm rxteds this car to carry milk, garden truck, feed and a'l moderate loads. Every country merchant needs it to enlarge his trading territory and give better service to customers. Costs no more to buy and keep than a team, but does the work of two teams and saves one driver. With two extra seats makes a fine bus or jitney for livery, hotel or school uses. Can be had with special panel body at very reasonable cost. Comparisons Sell Chevrolet STANDARD REAR AXLE CON- STRUCTION. Strong, Quiet Spiral Bevel Gears. tnrcc Standard Transmission speeds forward and one reverse. Standard Braking System foot service brake, hand emergency brake. Standard ElectricalSy stem Starter, storage battery, electric lights. Standard Cooling System pump circulation, laige, tor and fan. honey-com- b radia- on roadster coupe, and light delivery, four on touring and sedan. Standaid Doors two Standard Instrument Board speedometer, ammeter, oil piessure gauge, lighting and starting switch, and choke pull. Standard Type of Carburetor, with exhaust heater. Motor Powerful, the same type as used in successful cars selling at much h;gher prices. Demountable Rims with extra Valvc-In-Hea- d rim. Full Weather Protection Water- proof curtains for entire body. Many Other Advantag ss which will be noticed on inspection, comparison and demonstration. CHICAGO TROOP HONORED Investigate the Difference Before 'You Buy Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan Division of General Motors Corporation World Largest Matttf facturer of Low Priced QUALITY Automobile There are 5.000 Chevrolet Application will he Considered Dealer and Service Station from High Grade Dealer inTer Throughout the World ritorie not Adequately Covered Dealers and Parts Depots Wanted in atl territory not adequately covered. Addrest Chevrolet Motor Company 1833 Waiee Street, Denver, Colorado record of the members 'of Troop Scouts nf America, i onnected with the Buena Memorial Presbyterian church, Chicago, was placed in the corner stone of the church's new building on June 18 with records of the other onaiidzaiions connected wbl the church. At the corner stone lay ing the scouts laid (hnr;e of the fie; crcim ny. laving hist led the congr. gallon from the obi building to t! new for the occasion. A 80S, Boy j which is above ail tilings essential in business organization. The President, and the Iresident alone, can do this, for his attitude toward the heads of the departments and the independent establishments is a matter constantly; in their minds. What lie desires it becomes their interest as well as their duty to do, where consistent with rigid principles and in accordance with the law. In the absence of his expressed desire, vv Hat becomes their selfish Interest In action is inevitably along the lines of decentralization and the of the old condition cf tilings, with everything running haphazard. Representative Martin B. Madden of Illinois, chairman of the appropriations committee of the house, has til's to say, in part, concerning the budget system and the making of appropriations: Under the budget act, the director of the budget is required, on behalf of the President, to call upon the heads of departments and independent establishments of the government for detailed statements of the activities upon which they are about to enter for the coming fiscal year, with a detailed estimate of Hie cost of such activities. These statements are made by the bureau chiefs to the head of the department or independent establishment, and referred by hint to the budget officer of the department, who, on l eluilf of the department head, revises the estimates upward or downward, ns tbe case may be, and later they are reviewed and revised by tbe head of the department before Submission to the director of tbe budget. The director of tbe budget examines nil parties interested In the figures submitted and makes a further detailed investigation of the needs of the activities proposed, and goes carefully Into the question of cost. He lias the power to revise, to eliminate or to add to the figures submitted and after be has completed ids examination. tabulation and revision lie submits tbe report to tbe President who, under the law, is required to refer! to congress the full details of nil government activities and the financial needs for the enduing year, and if the aggregate of bis recommendations exceeds the anticipated revenues the law reo'dres him to indicate how tbe proposed excess of expenditures over ttie revenues is to be met After the submission of the President's recommendations to congress tbe whole subject Is referred to tbe committee on appropriations. The committee divides the President's up into departments, and for each department prepares a bill. Bach hill Is prepared in detail, showing I lie amount requested for each The activity within a department. committee then holds bearings to the necessity for the amount requested in each case. Heads of de tecom-mondat'o- and jumped up and down on the platform, and st'II it didn't move. It's a It took the penny all right, swindle. didn't it?" u Well, that's Certainly. stranger, stepSay, complained Theres nothing the ping inside a drug store, "this weigh- what Its for. ing machine In front of your place Is matter with the machine, sir. out of order. 'Tve got nothing to do Victor Hugo's Historic Funeral. with that machine, said the sDepy U'' Tlie largist funeral ever held In looking yom g man behind the , ter. Weli, sou-.- body ought talia-France, and probably tlie largest In "Whats the nmtler with it. anvwav? ti e history of the world, was that of It wont work. 1 dropped a 'pennv Yu tor Hugo, the great poet, author Into It Jest now, and the Pulicatoi and iramatist, who died in May, 1885, didnt fly round. 1 shook the machine .t! ,t was buried iu '.he Pantheon the Object of the Machine ) partments and bureau chiefs are called in and required to testify in great detail as to what the activity means, why it is necessary, and whether it can be conducted for less than the amount requested. The hearings on each bill are comprehensive. "When the committee completes its hearings the bill is revised to bring It in harmony with the facts and reported to the house. It is referred then by the speaker of the bouse to the committee of the whole house on tlie state of the Union and considered for amendment, and when this process is completed It is referred back to the house for final action. When tlie house completes the hill it Is sent to tlie senate and referred tlie committee on appropriations tiiere. This committee goes over tlie details of the bill as passed by tlie bouse and frequently amends it upward, rarely ever downward. When it comes back with senate amendments each house appoints a committee of conference to reconcile the differences between the two houses. The conference committee generally consists of three members of ench house. A majority from each house in conference is necessary to the adoption of a final adjustment of the items in difference. Tlie conferees of the house report tlie conclusions of the conference to the house and those of the senate report to tlie senate, and when the bills are finally adopted by both houses they are signed by tlie President and thus become law. f The responsibility for the recommendations under the budget act are placed upon the President, but the final responsibility for the amount appropriated rests with the congress. The President, on the one hand, states the case of the government needs as he understands them, lie outlines the activities in which he thinks the government should engage, and the cost thereof. The congress decides which of the activities recommended shall be conducted, and whether the amounts recommended shall be allowed; so that here we have under tlie budget act two forces, ench charged with separate responsibility, the executive with the responsibility of outlining his program, and the congress with tlie responsibility of limiting the cost of the program. Prior to the enactment of the budget act the estimates were submitted to the head of each department by the bureau chiefs. They were never revised before being submitted to the head of the department, and rarely ever after they came to him. Bach department head submitted the recommendations of his department to tlie secretary of the treasury, who, In turn, assembled them without revision and sent them to congress. This sys- tem necessarily engendered extravagance, and In many Instances great waste. first of the following June. At the head of the funeral procession were three enormous wagons filled with floral tributes, among them a huge diadem of IHsh lilies' with the Inscription To the World's, Greatest Poet, sent by Lord Tennysbn, of England. Telegrams were received from virtually all the prominent men alive, and the number of spectators was estimated at 1,000,900, of all classes and kinds, all strlvii g to do homage to the memory of the dead writer poet-laurea- te |