Show the first Is III tho time moro more attractive con containing taming as mum U t 1 does the account of Holmes return to hIM bin imi old ohl haunts und tumid discovery of nt to lila his old mate Dr Ir Watson After Arter this Time The Six Hunts of at Napoleon takes rank though nil till are aro In the time fascinating which make oven commonplace plots and tie de tails of ot The rime book hook probably for tor this and many other reasons will enjoy time the popularity achieved by the time previous volumes S C S Mr Eden new hew novel The rIme Secret Woman draws Its Ita tre tro tremendous power tram from the utter siam ain simplicity with which It lays bare the depths of ot love lovo and amid passion A man zeal may love two women with different sides eldes of ot an nature i In 11 this story tory he ho pays for tor his with his 1116 life lito but hut Un its Interest does doos nut not lie II In III tho time Incidents of at time tho thom m ir 11 or tho time shadow of at time the gallows It U Is In tho time Intense o moral noral In itt minds that In of fit tin sin are mi tin high of purpose and deserving of at respect Yet In III spite of at time the tragic cur I I rent It Ills Is not 1101 a n gloomy book so groat ly h I Is II Its ton tone rell ed by hy the time minor mhlor characters racy rne slow lol but Iut original of ot Dartmoor And its Ita netting la Is In tim such an all tillers us tie few t w lire able Ile to tu create from tho time first chapter chapler aglow with tho the light and ammil fragrance of CIt young May lay In Inthe time the heart of Qt the time Devon woods to time till dose close of tho the book hook In the Ih majesty of or tha timi Ul Christmas Christians dawn on Dartmoor Its 1111 Incidents are nr Its litter Inter Interest lIt est Is concentrated and ani the time hook book as all a n whole Is la fascinating in tim Its dramatic Intensity Co publishers A hook book of ot a n most inmost unusual character entitled of ot Th fh Fhe Sun Is itt announced for tor early bv by liniment Orion drier Cooke This volume e con contains labia a large number of ot the representative live tive editorials that have hlo appeared In iii tIme he Now York Sun un during the time past puSI twenty years No American newspaper per ier has hn done demie so go much towards Ing and amid lid Influencing public opt n in as liS has hilI time the Sun and Its precept and Inter Interpretations mire are tUlly fully worthy a n perma permanent neat nent place In I ii literature re part ny as they timey thC are aru clothed with time the philosophy of ot time tho sunny lunny nf ot Thes i iii Ii embrace varied subjects tou touch h big hilI upon ullon topics In time the alpha and imn omega of at human Interest whether III In the tile dh dis of ot the tho presidents title KUe In imm life lite good matrimony or In general It Is in especially appropriate that thai those editorials whIch h have hao fur far II moro more than nn sin In Im forest terest bo he 10 perpetuated In tho time book bool Mr tr Cooke Cooko Is III Issuing S S C Thoughts of ot a Fool I ool Is a n volume of at philosophical thoughts upon Ullon the trob problems rob lemon lems ems of oC the tIme world Including politics marriage atmil many minor timings things The Thc text lext Is III Illustrated with stories aptly apt quoted and some sonic of or time the is IA s distinctly original though lly enough to 10 startle or time the th of or renders readers K It P I 1 of ot Chica Chicago go If a are lire time the publishers I time the author of lIr Abou bou n lien ti 11 Adam dam y liy hy bles blea Soon after hi h his hi or ef r rest l how v annoyance wire were var brought to 10 aim NII II end amid by the tha Ih grant gramit to him of oC a it p nilon of at um a CI t year tram front tho civil lilt hut sItu the time r receipt Pt of ot an annuity of ot from roam Shelleys son MOn A heaven fall eli he lie called It ori one of ot the th wish of ot my 11 beloved friend Shelley Shelle At A t the time I Square home hOu Hunt HUlit did mom sued mo t I of oC his host work In Palfrey the he Jar mi of ref Honey HOlier the old Court I Suburb the from th ti Italian Poets much of or his autobiography and anda I n It good 0 of ot ml work worl |