Show TO RESUME PAVING Contractor Moran Bays 81 Work Will Wi Promptly Dogin on South Temple Contractor P J has hns returned from tom his hl visit to southern California says YR that he will wi bo lie ready to be IJo begin gin east South Temple next week and ald thus relieve the tho unpleasant ant situation that hns hia obtained In II locality most of ot the Ule winter He le says Sa tho activity In Lou IA Angeles In II phenomenal are go goInn Inn up lp all ni over town t 01 I they the g of ot tho Iho bast het In point of oC construction More Moreover Mor over the tho Interest In Salt Lake the then new n w roid without abatement FO 80 that SaiL Bait lAke Lak appears to ho a n name MiO and an down 1011 there 0 |