OCR Text |
Show .. . ,.0 t", . , '..:4 : ., . f ," '' ' ''''. fr V -. !' 4 . ...0 .."4 ''. :4 '',', : . 2.;4 f. .. 4 - , ,"4.144,4r.,4"94.444,".4 ., ...,4111 . , : Arb"- it 4' ' .. ; ...., t ' ' ' ' , . - ., ,,- -- ., 444,, ' 0, ,t r'rfv '''0, . , - , t 2 1 - - - 4 .4 , , -- ., - , , - - ' ' ' e . ..- - o ,- ; . - , , . . - ,- WEDNESDAY NEWS TUE DESERET --- - , , . - DECEMBER 28 , , 'J927 , . , ,, . -- BATTLE OF ,ENDuitAiNcE PROSPECT WHEN DERN MEETS filLoNis 1' Two Pairs of Brothers Battle For Places on Ute Hoop Aggregation Major ..,clubs Grab Leading Bálters-i- 1 , , - ? o TEufisDAy n Loop , COLLOWING to a certain extent after the manner of the Brigham l'oting University basketball team of last season, which had font. gets of brothers on the spisd, the ''1.72 Redskins this season have two pairs of brothers out for places on the bas'Saints college and Frank and Marvin ,..lonac ket quint. They are Neal and ThPron Davis, farmer stars of the Latter-da- y pair of neat basketeers from Fast htah. :seat Dais and .Frank Jonas are letterrnen from former Utah teams. while ,their ,. "kid:, brothers are making their oftieial debut- into collegiate ranks. Both the latter are guards and exceptionally good pects. .. , N. 41 I I ' '' ', ' , t '' .01 ,t,'', 'i c,i-,--.;','. ,. , . 1 , ., .1 ,,, - .' ; 1 1101 1,At.- s., 't . ..' - t'll. ,,,. l.,' tw ,7 ,',. ;,.., 0 i., ', ,f , if,,; , ''' A- ',.. ' :, .17.4, . I ': t', ......... ..::, .,.- , .':- - , 0 i ,' 1.; .' --, -, , t.,:3:ik,-- : ''.,, - '.,.. :' ' ' R k, itS' , , 141 , - t ' Football M8ntor :,'",:t. - .) , Witham Stands in Light Same as Jones at ,,,.,,,, 51 .... , 4 V! Yale , . , LES Atlantic .katie. 2'w 'Swat Champ Coes 05117-E- Giálits' Club WRESTLING LONG FTPAciTI TO EVIL. .nEsTuso Is the oldest sport in the world. I xyl W The grappling businesa got tts start soon ofter the ,Garden of Eden was caosed for lark of tenants. Some histor:ans are bold enough to assert that the Garden itself staged a tussling show. They vet fortn that when those horrible reptiles. now long sinee dead. tempted Niother Ere, also long since departed. that "she Wrestled with her conscience and her temptation."' before she finally lost - ANCIENT , ,t.:. ,, 'tc; .''511(61 - ,1 ..Z.. i'., ' - Also On Trail Of ift!!?.....- '..r, fit, 4, ).,:f 7.,' : . ' '',,'-7-',,,.;,'..,1- : ,"....,,, ' Colorado Alumni - t.".... .. 441 I est,., )(4: ' . 1 '''' , - - 7:1 :, , x - .1J- ., '.' .,,,,,P7.,1' ,.. .'''- ii..',-'- ( '''''..,1:A,241'' 7 ' all fir 411--' 'zi:::: i . 105'141:.":51:4 ,k ' . , , fr.:t F. fr I ,'0 ,,,.. - - ' ; -- ...!' ',.,,' r t,,',--,:, ,...,,. , ' ', t. .... ,,,, ;. , ,,,,,, .,.1.1 , 1 ....., , '4:, ',".4' ,,- - .97, a : , Yale ''Students Stand Firm Behind Jones t GREEKS WERE WRESTLING a Barrett, Horne Run Star, bi Also Bought York.. New fall. - LULU'S.- - BY JOBN B. FOSTER. ' IIOSZ, old,timers who. take delight In 'poking around in ruins ,. ' F, tkert, cemeteries . tombs. citatomba and places like that uncover (Fpecial leased wire service ) e ,. orr., News.) every once in awhile pome new evidence that wrestling was quit. a . ' News. 1 ,k.,...., , Dec. fashionable pport back in the dim area 9, romK, x 1114NEW Dee'. PIS' TOTI.K. , Ni be in the the time that ,,,:.,-.., Th.r ahave found conclusive, proofs. , IN leagues major The k era in Tad ,.. the did Pharao1s.-7who Jones, of some having receperateruling guys group : ,.., , ,4,,i- .,;t from the wear and tear of the that It:reeling was more or less the natiOnal sport. like baseball hi quickly snapped Up the leadllag el :... ,.4. , , -' Irt.Arfd batters of the minor leagues wherevall through the ages since then. wrestling has been football season. le working ,liar now ti-1,,..,J ,,, , I & could doeo. t claeses and a good. time er-they . business In New Haven. idulged in by kings. peasants and the middle , .:.,. ,,,,:. .4 A ? . The South At- - i 4 has been had by all. 91 Inclined a ppar- i t : 0-Milne i ri : lleague 1k 00,111e; eenrtnlywtooril.cyt 'kit STRANGLE HOLD ON CANDY- BUSINESS NOW. , 1 ". '"; V. ictleadnited battitinbeg 1. ...,;;",' i $,.....,,,. ' the ct.1, tr., question , i it from the history books.- the Greeks of IlythologY and the t,.,1-,1 whether or not championship tot ''"Nt,,,,, ;', ...,,. I. Greeks of reality. were ,wrestling lulu's. The texts say so. These : ; he will .witti- e.' , 4 :,.1 .1,,,..s,,..s.. ' c...,,,....,...,!,...,..,.t,ft,,,,..,.: boort Ma4t;,., ' !,...1. !it As:a:limey, hellanic sports perfected the headllock and the strangle hold. In the draw' he resig- '' ,i ' ' hold on nation as head 0.1. years sitice then their Progeny has ceased to use the strangle'hoe-shi. t ' 4..CP '''' . ! restaurant it to ;t coach the of and the the have and mat A. :: I4. candy, applied really belongs to k , till: 1', 4$ ! '1 ing i ...; . it ' i .. , Ya e eleven. '. business. Ws more profitable. i 1, .., .. ..,,. 4,', A1,--t,,,,;t.,,,:. , An interestot",,,t P 'i ' I:et:14 boyatwt ,it,, , SUPREMACY OF NATIONS DECIDED ON 3!AT. '37'4,''' iN'. ...,',,,,..t., I . in g ... situation ti iv ''1:i'r , ' ...s,.. N ., t , , a,. a,... may arise over 1 .: f.), URI NG the epoèh when the Roman empire was very nearly the "'. ...,' ,, the Tad Jenes New ;,.. York ,-. LI whole works,. the gladiators residing therein. went in rather en' , Giants, and who case. It is no 1.., ;7, ,.,, ,k-, ,, ..,..:S.6064,,,:. 66 ' t fhe PPeret All Ai 4, ' J., that bouts. on some 7 and . In $4 360 great batted put for they Is...... !...A P':':' ' thusiastically wrestling -1 'tk,'' ''''';Ydt".. - st udent t : '' .... AO, body ', ., ?, J44-7-that the relatives of 1 . ,., f. the contests were to a tnish. 'To a .1..t.,4-1,,- , ..,. , t, ..0, 1, ,, Ile rack ., at ..........- .,.3 V.(cotx Yale ;, leok.? dear "how remark to occasion , the lorer had boy ;1 natural' the wss a ....I, i 44-1' f,,,,,,, :of:, of him solidly. 't t $ It 6 - I) 21. ed and to chip in for a. wretth of flowers. r. ;, C . E3,.1 1. (,,,,,a. rt.', ;;,,r,s,z, t' '''4 '7 .r. .. ,,.. There is aso si very decided feeling. 4 Centuries ago. even farther back than that. the athletic stiprervi4044.i.:, e.-T.He napped 1 . 1 7, re -, 7,, ,, t,4-:,-New at 4.;,,-.. i the was The rulers among Commonwealth undergraduateS determined i.r,-by tuasling. acy of the ,. that 11,,t, 39 of thorn and allowed a 4- to Eleven that football. after all b4,- - used to ' fk. ' 1. 'under their- standards the beet cranplers of the erneire nsa,10 him 'dangerous all 'sat il:..'-- , :',., ,..:, 1,,".,'.. :. over the a "'I 1' ''.'' ':o; ..c.o,,.,t.' i ... longs to them and not to the alutn- an d sic gather ,, . eof the opposition in annual joust. ',,, on mat 'em the ,o. star artiets 1..,,I, li carchsti ant i a lie ,d, is - ' , 1 great 46 ',ague. 164 ni and that in the last analysis. ts -, '''' 6 7 - 44 V 4,s ',,,, now but that will not deter imyi '' . .... .! KING RRANKIE FLOPS KING IIANK ' ' , '' for the students to saY what shall 74. 7 from if he can and one, making 13111111, be what not he and done ,:i NCE upon a time, on one of. these tong gone days., King Ftvincis.1 show an)thmg to the New York done. NA'1013CS tarn 'sill welcome they the students I of France became rather disgusted with the way his squad of Since. therefore, ," :0: ' . 1, :77 ' "L' I '-- , 4 .4,, J.,,, r- ,open arirs because the team C., want Tad Jones. to rema!n as trained grapplers was getting by against the worthies- of the English with been It' - ?,;:i7 ., catcter-sh.. -, -, ,,since Eny de: Alarimv',ona..,!,,,,I coach the chances are they would empire. The way the Brittona flopped the Frenchies gave King Henri' hal .,, , al nw.A 1,, ,..; go on record to this effect in an VIII of England. a chance to do a bit of gloating over Frankt of .110e(1..P ,.. ' ' , 1 chamwaa to another Langford were ahltrini .. 7 ! manner vn. .1 emphatic Frailest. el , nam some other menthis. of - All ef which got King Frankle so steamed up thatthelost his pionship barter. Ile splayed with . Lies Moines JOTIO3 were IVesterr. and led the 3 '71k 11 course. asaurming that 4peiczzt-,--;- : .Xt, oit, royal- 'temper. grabbed King Hank ty the dem, and the,twe rulers I ' I had a rna" willing to reconsider his determinIt didn't last long and the i leaguo. Cleveland promptly got busy in a mauling match. alm and took him. ir . ' L 4I ation to quit football in deference clietornersgot cab home when Frankie ttecured a ameariy underYale PiaYea the In 14 games with a ha: to the wishes of and credchhold and buinped the English monarch upon hie royal back t4 74crort-DOVItirg perctniaect of 401an4 that i graduate body: the terra firma. shouldse his and le majesty's pinned I one of the hist marks of the year : After Witham. REFORMERS PUT 'EM OUT OF BUSINESS. in minor league comPaili ; SOnlf, tO Learn- seems It C PEAKING of coaching. news of the Mg palace show spread throulagout the tfrCleveland had Langford On the WillEX n Coloraalumni in I.? , OW team toward the close of the yta. main some of the Medieval Humane Plotietifs got buey.and barrd . do 'are --after the scalp of Myron the population by killing. each othe r. and and there are some things that its Witham. the former Dartmouth grapplers from decreasing stilt hava, to Vain, brit Ceveland of to to . the rules rib noble the athletes strictly star whn for rveral' years has thereafter tequiredthe to let antone leirn it the genie But natural des:re it-or every wrestler lie to put away wtiling Colorado of been HEX tho titult Pemson closes In the at University is a Dee. SIITON, little to fulfill their Pereonal aspiraIdaho, only went about of Os A premise hack 41 ? beim. Withams elevens have been a foeman and soon they Utah thle ,Iear it will draw to (Fpeclal)--Twcnteams a;ong lions. by fair means or foul. Slugge ry developed thereuponand in i effort, playing good football right The It duck a einse VI 171,131 Cleveiand team uccastur al was born. to the hari this are enter the game , dog way recent fight expectod but In certain games in t enjoyed in Utah shooting aeaae-The mat performers; however, crield not reniat the temptation to for Outfielder!, It has hen ha: derby here on Feb. 22 wnn th years 'opponents have played befor sevtral Yeare, ettoOira extra over on their opponents. So. whenever up ev.er since She, 'tcondition tor Which coacteu5 put a littleteemething eleventn annual American Dog David H. Madoen. state fish anl ttera back turned they would sock the other gent On tv m 'Ana 0 n by transferring Ti are not always to be blamed. ATI- the referee hal-hicommussinner. Derby will be held over the The tiPaignn game or hump a punch into his solar ;ileitis. They got away with Speaker. When . , Jamteeelt wax r same course as has been used --5 Vway, the univers:ty athletic board. the chin ;till cMse Dev.31 In all counties ex-1.rt , his. hest. Speaker at his norm ; in past years. With the assurunderstand the problems that the it for awhile but eventually the athletic COMM!SSiOn3 found them out kneed cept Waahtngton. Kane, Grand. ance that ll0 American teams Frnith eta disbarment and Emery. Uinta, Iron. BeaYer, proceertmga ItIli inetituted againstthem. Playmg 14! gentleman high minded will enter, officials of the dog l:eld. Cleveland realy had atie. BIM, Sew.;.,,A1 IFran, eoeches Boulder elens has faced. race are dickering for a few FORTH. its best defenEve MARQUIS OF RASSPBERRY-STEP- S The season In vier and Millar& recMade sea understod le etreisaah has and it Canadian to take drivers part these It cOUntieSiWill end Jan. 15. ommendation in his behalf to the' THAT left the, boys 'without any sport at all Of course they bed quite a chunk of batting Ftrg,,1 effort to give the classic Tile abson,e of duck elekress and Jamieson Ilf V? got mucn her: tave who alone an ttiternational of regents aspcet. boar0 Ake lack of severs weather. were to have one So they invented it They ealied- it pugilism. At lapeaker was Jos- t- aed before rioa ------ -Cutens of Idsho have posted the authority to retain or d!stniss 1 !tit, potent ts,clora In the eb,,,cess and grappling. The particts set of !item departed the $1,1,0 purse for the winner of The writer first it iris a mixture Of fist slinging inertnctora. athletic reason. to the duck of according rare or putfelf-eav- h feel other as they saw fit. !tearn'idiapped confident the to and were pUsh they permitted figint pants for admiration Nlyron.Witharyi has Mr. Madsen. Better BY LES GOATES. e'flt .1 teettmg 'that thesyThey hail ten-that at least two of Canada's called it in Clevelandbetter For goodly number of years the y tisithet very thing-anas a roan. as and a were also !n bcdn ditions coach come !something hnt they nilses- -.: will drivers , leading dog rules. London' under ring ikeeping g large nianther of ducks prize !it. fighting prize ErnlP.st. hart for the race. HERE will....,be much ado in the old Hippodrome theatre in Utan. Then there came forth a reined young man- knowns as the Mar Masker Overlooked. araehingran has ii ebamplorsino Goddard. winner of the Pas der- -. Foehe I lee00 ffitrUe flocked to quis of Raspberry who let it be known that pugilism under those 11.111 slitter in K lota. w na comfit up fro", by, has been invited and is likearticle Dem and Kilonis when will A Ira recent John a of Thursday night Was too much of a risk. whereupon he composed a code which barred , )faiions He led hie th Pear Itrtr bay d!strict during In Jack Seppala, as to ly accept with a , ' tale percentage and league )f the writer's on all America ail wrestling tactics from the pastime. renew their ancient grappling feud and from all in- - the Pearon and nianti' el them ru,1 Vermont race winner. boas wb' seer b:rn thick he can the remain there all wtrter unless the of fistic ineep alas li it officials. it Ptiould be said that half result today:the is'the And sport he does ft nail be more dications Ihe old battlemat will he one scorching mass of weather herotnee f a hundred letters. more or less, shew itself In 11:, I11,1 in Mtofy !he food be,,,mrs loan,. the Viding milF.', been from..the receied have efI'a:,ern QUARTER'. t!!!sli PRINCETON tno in on, ,nrr, activity co'mpleteiy surrounded by rash customer. ef will thf 4!!.;t oxte, in miners 11,0 dlewest urging the clai.irs of Jim 'h,ls,, UP 1')A !Agtlf-IThe reaenn tiir fort to encourage them tn rrmain i,3 .5,rt cif 01111r was, Th, ts,!tt 3, Mhsker of NfilwaukeesIt is hereFOOTBALL at the bay all winter, Mr :k,a,t1!..n QUITS Lloyd Wanr this lies In the this s year. Ha reared with Pittswith freely stated that thess announced. If .the ttueks er!ntar 41t l',Yet t he that was ere of hazeball 7,7 PRINCETON. burgh J. Pee. 2P. were pat to 1.17111ee SS a ri , a great Bear River the huotrs will hare Dorn - Kilo ti i a ac h tevm.n t 2. .. ce,..--017or to shoot at next senson, coach trouble sinCe ft was only through Lowry head football Ernest Etrnbing Bearg. INS)Phil plenty h it, 6 Cinetnnati dM eq uation . not . ,..4 oftret not did a of the ,Cniversity chair. Nebraska, oversight that the writer will play quarterback on plon hatter from the minors but It pranced). j.r. tier I a war- probably stopped off in Salt T,akO for an hour mention Masher as holding doci get whet iteems team next the football a- - chart, Poe. Princeton LEWISTON. te be waived to) been his on to' BerkeleY. ft at the Lisw- !Piaci outtiiiider In Callaghan t'r Seat wag Tuesday claim to being-- the best Two Skating Rinks tt u Iut resumed where he, acrompan1,1 by h!a stile, rantable Baruch. who starred at Bottng the aattstaetion r referee In the western obnference. Pear, Earl ifbeCalleghan can maintain the ,,,,,,,, arena On Jan. t when Promo-- 1 will nee tho Pennsylvania-CAliforni- a for the pest two seasons. iston For of ail concerned. Provo k Children the worked Maskre quarter pac season Last set in the Paalfle coast ter Dutch Talbot stages a card 7,,,,t,:;,,,s, .. e a eta though game on New Tar's dalc. Wisconsin-Michiga. he will de a lot to ofi 'word that from of e games: the was Philadelphia liesgue under to big following fights auspices Bearg help ibe complimentary Vero Orating PROVO per. P' s , ,, theta la o b e Mich.. of the Cincinnati lfichigan-Illinolstaff 'will American The bouts N Legion. he will not return to C011ere next In the- near the work of Coach Ike Armstrong, FRANCISCO, Dee St. rinks art!! ree4ydren t tha house has In A ' gladiators haw he Chicago-Illinoiand at received the Utah for buoineas hoe .. ofoper& entered with He waged year. plate Provo future for the rhl lt The PhIllfee did rot a etaittfor the past- two or three and others. Masker hie father and le soon to be married.' Will begin at II:30 t I 4 M t t ae eral to use. accord na to the present football He 'tL.-,,plon hatter for ISIS but aft was Pound" 'Harold aaaa of Ittopoa were tu Sao "One Howkewood. Of to hoar hooked years. pleasedthey ,t. in F,.., offiCial itrn,,s the and the an cl the Kanla (lull served as IrIth a tioni run hitter, who enc. rani n the, new C:ah stadium and looks for today. as topreoents. promising welterweight In thts 41 eterilalla recreation derailment.. the Interratienal league; borne Valley conference for more 1; ,r,s '''''' thD" 4""uta h'1" to he up with the leaders in will fight X I the hosketholl aspire- yet to llip charreann rink beg bean dona'ed by Et Uteh tne 23 )ears and for the past 15 Ashton Has Little 'ot-- -: than when he b." Reseda 192S. named sehool. the ele"d!nri, sham of the their main nf in b. first eve,' of toe Provo H. li- .Belmont. manager 'Or.' ...' 4 rough an4 have b for Petal.. Kelly played 1911.) in the Big Ten.tConyright a eix rounder. Wib Talis name issisorsity. The firot JaPauese - IFriek ant Trouble With Teton program. wae in the American hie cnr,pan3,. at Terelf,h be stx a in foreito bot will also to ended intude in Mind rouce, astociaquail .2,. hoop fight and Fr gt Wtlit atrfntn The I Ins ilnr, ..111 .1.1. hone but an far a imitable "Iles "II .North rink house. Z eras donated by "in' lb"' ASHTON, Dec - :S.Athten downItton tartirs: Ogden Stages Eig 1PHILLIPS QUINT aao had no : ea e to has not been found for opponent' with the tilscsiir of . ,itber at Tenth East S scor 1an4 sin4 I :S ed Teton a to IT: a..1., Nr....;,,,: ; 'ythiiirs '711bal, neen. l avows the quint by first for the team recently nrt, t a t - flissferd. camel-0- a flash. Annual i Races Tbe first Nrvrte Dog COAST and areett Lel FIVE, not ot BEATS crowd before a Pn!huslastio frr.11 . large. as Kent.; He will recta I'. the I oise.rsit.i, 'Of Washing-toHowkswood tit ono of the moYt.1 sww.0100,-.' rink wH be rea iv frr wie rooters. last Wednesday !Ilea on I In her sceot proddina but be daea knew Plwitle L....11 "I- fighter", promising two deNit d the other to alout and houndsDec. FAN FriaNCIFC0. Pee. Pe local floor.. deIS times !!What fast .. He of has and ratans to a hair every fought I type ,esrp. only 7Uof or f.ve 1,x der The Ashton boys showed limns tun has Won IZ.,of his houts via Chaatened by Pi:Mies ithnni4 be beat, r e, t,pt:on were ttl!ered in the annual that!teamsIn The Mt,rt hai'- l an d diplay tine team work ant a strong de- knockout rater pef4 le,,ne;-nrerior team work In PAM wprix IA Mt races enoneored by. the boys, on most of them in the mat,. iut',,n brou;.-h- t .. (loft' the their of fense that the vtors were unable the part opponent,' barkinft ,r3p Thompson, Ritni He carriea a healthyl commlItes,cf the Rotary elub. Tn atrong ) dnarn In an berth-- ctptc!usion on;e!:;,;anh Wins From Milford haeketball quintet of the to penetrate. Ashton pved many first round.. I toOk place- yesterday east df Talbot hat. a good reTord 3 nd teriboqw. if Irtherg Tomas third. men et inatitute here, apiartIn final quarter to give but substitutes after ore or the other of the Cad- - i.,;..,..rtit,-- , c';,a; Pie:241.0i' hie ieeersse, For some reaeon gaud anti- gains loung 1.ester P41 impressive - Cohente M. E. as Hooksrot 99 park, to od today tinder the piing of a Quint Ambrose Shaw mid in 1327 and the kysIone reserves a chance ,to Atet some tt on& latnrs has Keen hatt!y injured., I. ol,a way atm not be ship eon of Merlin 19 defeat adrifitiNdered thm hy the ,the IIIa.'. of the l'IvIIien wan net .expertence. Under t1,0 Meroo.e c.r pazzte,?.. ,,, irk tne asa fast as . n- round Three hcild trah enough to fete 147.1 'AIRpeellminari.a :9 avenue. Shaw. Enid., of WaellIngion . n1,11.Ilt , phiptpa nniersityforward ba arranged to Templet the It Peashuraft on the the Geslre.i resultoned mat7ertt driving a ,orobination of en alredale homo. Tho .V;Iford A. C. ry rule.. "endr a h profeesiontan Ralph. . glIGHEll IN FIGHT. gets &nether plaaer program. thus givIng the fans 24 with the l'allente M. F. ft,. at Mi- and a. potwe dog. .,11 the grand- Oklahoma team. wee the oar f the s! street'intr is tAtt t3 1,e . lily, not be a may roost as to rethe ... the ti...xlng . 1ft,r4 opening mainder of th. team Aowratite the littra by a ,haniolonshtp ra,e. for whlrh he re- ti.it with 13 potato to hie orelit. FAN FR NCICct. Poe! ::1,(INS) round, oft thee ti, a. the attl'1k irr,v14 D 4. this 1!,PASen bli, card of tht, tits year., teileer-a I! to ?A score of Ohio. runnerIn ho Inv; to rest writ 'tat rkeek wi,,ie 1 re..iri Inaries ; pra.stecIII for ltiiit it. Is 520 Cross street; won Th.,. game lass ttittorly rontesthl ,;rant. way, MATCHIttl.reeent tho California fl flyGI.Uk i te Wanser. nnoh.r , dYglirg out toe' ttlii- Look The writer besi prpetaity and both trams etibireft the 11,a et,try was a weight lunInatton tournament., allt I. Last Night's. Fights. Promising , throlgthout ,rived 'a isitir IN ENV YORK,- - Do,. from 4takla home knann torture. (trot of it:denim moot Trip Lamhavo of th sortie miihty fast basktha:t Cr- - poliCe Frank hi,h eays -- Yew to think the I I. of - west (flick, Brooklyn junior lightweight. churehill Ptat,! sY,o'Vvvereenehla once Paid that if 3 ou can t ' Prem....ter T. Verne 3t,1'4llottkh rryr11 at rent,r tor the init.. was of Chleagro. in a iher.s, WIV1111! Cr- - tromi itl,m players,. This Iwo ' . a tiorlY tn,.re5.tt,C h ton has been mathed for a AT INDIANAPOLIS.r,, Watround bout here tonight. pc,int nom with Ito points Be- Tw'fh toret. won the prize Menace to 'ley nun the one signed by Pitteburiab I. as gaol et preliminary' bouts tn amp- - ttrdre for NII11,1,1 arti Alrltrs for on nr betier Johnny Farr In Cleveland Hughes is given a tight edge ovor tage. Indianapolis l!ghtwe.ght. outfit, with his- dog bout with agaIMA thtt VAtrall f7,431 C;ro,,.!r,,y than the other asroef 4. also an Jan. from Toe big opponont, play,e1 very good j,". Pack. Toledo (I.)). .this t,,,tiiri, attraction. tCPPYright IPIIJ . and Chkagn, 3,',1:C111 ieat 'hint in a will be contest h startn,iip it an hour ant a'f. A:i rtt totit,h.' ,,,,,e,!imit rat .oraw.ftl.plon..ii, bout hetwet a might he annther way et Pay ai'a ,;?,,,,,k,r. th,o r,,,thtaiiit cripealaii BARNEY GOOGLE AND SPARK :- -: : : : Mixed Geography, that Klionia norka tin the ttoery frP,t1 Warren: 0h,-- an itfrharct By Billy de Beck : lion n ye.jr Ent:ft. that you rtni ttITtter etIont Ken t the tucy . heavier earl:., anti is evi-tart than cluirs a hit 10 rziat,ker oppositinn ' him as he falls. th ri:cr sit aretinti than the hen- - ft To C;E.r E141 SO 'TArs wo--r vat, twit BIG Bum" IF an ar 4 alien somewhat s!e.stf klio,NT Thia hi,,, r,eI,..i nnly 1,, , ;,ii pystem '''-' 174E PumouS AkaCur ; WEL'. tAr0E-.-. It') ARt , ITIS"1 AIL "41 1. bett'r .;"' extent certain , HA() roe pRI cE or , arainet 'tern.' 11,, ,,"1-,,- it r"k" ,s he te at first ' 1'.' A 'f". Meat mat stet et in treavois houtt 'a;,..,4,,,t. nintht ' 'AND t,,Ctt Vou'AE Qt1. SC' ta'r I . A 104 Crtikfr Rott,, J.. cr.,,,,ta1..ta ts,, NOW ',, ' ',' haat met and heaten K.iilYits at his 3,4 .110. 'at ' ce;thtiAt (It rentimr, style , Nru peArr 6E'r caAev 01,1' ' SIAMPL10 tIJRITL own game. 1 .1 liern know e itiat Rai 4..tmt 4 ant eopee te Couto out ti.e, Trtsis- DAS Am CLOSE Cki - mart AMPk ,e p. i !' ' 11 rough stuff ti; EliOn't1 st.fi errsc a in. et atteck early in eat CF t , . . ST PE TERtEURG, TO de-- 1 I. oat Into tine a can knottirdre tIA norit himsel! lee. ;1 wit'a h apply i ,,t., 1,' rQ11. 1".CWA1 iS dilk 114 AND ! Ar R,R, , fi it -' b tilt rtek bo,eaufi-- he Is far more clever c''''''' 7, ,.4 Pi-'sug t -- arithilt than the venerati!a.tt-,n- . , local 'veteran. s41S Jqhs . $41m 1 the 1 q BRAVtivIEN :I f 2 . 7, 44 ' 14 try trt another heat:time as- '- 2-- ' , :"' ARZ A BNII Oir '1 . I ",f le takes a rather obverting referee t, laVrart ..f1 1 ' ' ta hen Crab- Sam i ha 1 meta ', 1 of catch Dern In the r't. 7,4 . ''; ,,7 C7OR I LL A S" N, trif tree. wake. k a ,nwet 4 , tkitill,.; .:4. q! I :- N Ong a tout. ti. '' (1.Ict.g.,.. cratairee bonie t 'clones NI go tit --' 1' I it NktVSoter ware rreir.oent rniallooe'g'nts$ .71; ,7:? . . the r,untry and to,oes1 ' througt,,irt ....BotN- Prepare litlitit 1 ...1, i ;::4 ' . 1. ism a- Okra for Minitel In ;, . II: at . lk 1.0 lie , ' as to on In met"n 1 the in ir,t Their ,Defenses 1 1 111 4, '' 4k,-:..-- , ruf'fhn 1.4,11,nglt opens his new i ' , 404 sth: Talsre neat month -rt .111i twit a match hew., the 5 1 1 1 ! ,, . hs iropresearn hornee;f, in per-. .,. , ,':..-famous alrplar rpm 4 tne vl,totts ... s,,.., - ,,son; referee r i twil.ats The all 14a4 nil bold. ; fillnonte crab te 1,1;:i . ,,ir!1 .......e; S t d start at Derna dead!y anal w hug Ian? doings i. '.Cill6 : ' s i springt and Ilkovrixe be iq ; e .7, CIS RELEAM PLAY. 3 1( mastered a defense sacrist the - -, 111, ' witkest crab grip J apf;,od ru7 - 44.-3 . e ciftrAoo Ppe. , Kriorls ettdcsor . ,.. 4,1:... , IFtnk Krn bri Piither , ;,, , ',' ,4 - hassa stft Dery a..ou'tiers wh.,1, the f,.idr ter nf Rouptfrh t1. CO.., if Cfra, . .,-, champion ta on,tha mat and la tPts IINvo bon rolas.4 ureefr, option tyb ts thwart lea's efsrta Rfid,,,g club t'st It. -: . .1w figUres, ' Intrnstional r.q-, to give littm the sid ve I, K.- C.?... ..!,,,J; , 1,,agu.- - it 'sag anneed by tbo I . 8,. ril,...,,,,m1 43; GAN e log ' , ' .lefesse agaztFtt tite crab sill con. Cub managernert toolay. 2 AS 4 , srPeTtimEruplr; OtA , a. , ... ,, .eo ' ' ' 'k :. BY, LAWRENCE PERRI Special Leased Wire Service to The k. N . : . t.4 - his-coa- !..... t i 4 -," .i'., d .,; .! . , ,,,,,:at i i 0! ' - lrt ' -' ,..- ,, ,, z .J1': ,..r- .,,- It' finish-mettn- .,..-- , ', 1 . :,. 1 -- .. - -.- , . . 1. ". - - 1 t j y " l'IventuDc Most Successful Teams Will Madsen Declares Enter Race , 'Greek Grappler Due to Make It Plenty Tough For Utah' s Mat Wizard V half-nelso- n I that-tellO- iy 11,. eb , !. BetJuan, Match May be Test And Crab HoldGood Prelims. . in-a- Cies-eta.- ' I . T , , bus-to- O ,Senen is Duck .ZiEV S , - 1 - - -- , " 5Barrett . ' .7. 'Mk - rl . tehabaseer xBgrrit,anrobr;t: it-- . ' : . ;-1-, '.' , .: ..f- -- . 4 ',4 , ,,,,, : '.., ;:, F. 4 i 4,-, 4 n. 4, - -- s:,,- A ! 1. ' : ;.,,,,,i, .: I ,... r7,4',,-,r...1- ; )t ' , : . ' .. - le, t;.-,..- I ',.'.1. - ,,4,t - ''' efir -- - ' , .i: ' 1 .; ,i -- o- to-T- way-bac- - , , T , . 0,,m.mdb , Waseda Basket ,Boxing Program N for Scheduled letter-writer- 14z. Fans Lewiston Shooters Arrive For U. S. Tour , V-t'- 1 Nebraska Football Coach Visitor Here -t n. 1! 1 ' well-bui- Chicago-Ind- s, Igen-Oh- 1 iana, t ' Mitt-so- . gee-Ho- '1 . - d 'I ft,:-",- - P. Cu:A-T- "I!i71,-!- ;meta-6"u- ". 1 ! avuir'.--it- - - 5,..,.02,-,ti,1:1.7,.:rt rs-r- I have-betn- hi-- 1 trit.t.-,41-t- . Y m , Tv!- , 1 n- for-th- . . ';''t - e Cal-entI 4 444,444.ft440644m444444414 , PLUGBarney -e aF. 11 apar , -- ,- I, jtiv . err ' It! -, a;-,- t i ' , . 1 limit-rt.-o- n 4 r - , r4 at 4 con-mi- t- 1 a4 11, - - -- t S i Zrsttgt. - .,' t: , -- ' , -- , '.. o ' ' . - r;" ..,,,,,:- . ' . -, ... , ' z , '1,10,"9,041t-t-,r- r -- 4 "- - - ,.dd - , ,;itz a7. I ", jst-,..- fl. -- , L t, , .,,,,,, 'f 40, . A: L1- ix, 411,, -, '0 ..'' AN 1 1 RussIA!) - 1,.. , 1- l'ttl ttl S. 'irt ; , J....n."0 . . |