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Show Tr. , . , ." , 1.77."-r- !tt"0"0"! , Att,-t- , t , - ,. . . ..., - v . . , J L- - - - A . - . , -, . , . - . .- . CROWD WATCHES r : ' AV 1, , - H THEATRE ROBBED 2 I . , 1 . bo.vc" . 4 , ,' , I ,... ,sioTioN t - ,, , LOS ANPrELEK, Dec. 21,e-(A,,,...a man, calmly the hos oflice cashier withcOltOring a phttol. robbed the Peonage theatre In the midstof the downtown business section, 'of . ' . . - ' , 3 ' ..1. . s moor , I..,,,,4--í--' f 1 , k 1 , --.I. , ''') ' ' . - . ,,. ' 1 . -- I I I I EELIN, Dee. 24. lcien Wehrle. an aoresf, and form- , er resident of Cnitt ahu ivied Herr Leicheiler. a coometics 1 tiNSf nianufacturer, Ming tkat he had umbd her picture. for .advertising purpones without her eonsent, was awarded 754) daimiscs today. , , - I I , NI I I 11 I L -- A,M rtitrAff "ir .1 7-- ,'"--- t 4 --, 31 1k. 5, - .. at Pantages I Opens'. Ott - 7 - .1 --------- I pm t "- --Dec-- . 0 2C Another special holiday gram will ha presented at ale Padtages theatre beginning tin's afternoon. In addition to a feature screen offering a double headline !vaudeville program is also booked i for the week. One of the headliners of the xalidc'tille bill Is LPC!,n and Dawn; while the other is The Transfield !Sisters who present a, show ship. The crew are not only young and I good exceedingly looking hot cles.er. In additien 'do Floreme iietee.. there are sev,t4t boy friends who tong. dance and play- every- ,. N ,I Ir. tvt the st:Iied 4;e'ets. A d m ir al Hailigart received funned,- - SUBMARINES mopil'ulstel.;.$1' n.di Rit,..,ererPadr'oIsi cult ieo,111 t to:. A hoof , t!cn.i BY ROBERT MACK, Fpentsi Ctirrespendent nt :the Dei- SALT LAKE. 1RDYL, seret Newn. WASHINGTON. D.an :8 be sent IS from submarines while eubmergPa but not trimi as great a dopth as itarn. 20 p.m. 4 pr,-- 7,. that to hleh the .i:1Ttatr4 S 4 7 7 Er- ThurscPly a.m,1!,,1!1( 2.2111.W,atber . 3 ': ;i ar,17 p s."' N.--- 0 4 POLAND GETS BACK TO WORK SAYS VISITOR r ar.1 t,r, 5:onotain - ,,i,,.a t Y 15f tv,i, aeeeitil Cli ftl. 9"--( Northwestern U. Alumni Organize Dr. r, A. Stevenson was made president of the Northwestern ' Uni- It Lake. lersity Alumni club in was coin. the organization of whicit p3ets4 Tuesciar night 81"a special meeting In lb. '1tedical Arts bulll, mg., Other officers elected includt, ed Dr. M. M. Madsen, vice and Dr. Williani H. Sprunt, secretary. Dean C. Dennis. head ot the of speech at Northwestern university, th an address llseforelhe Meeting olfated that the'Ppirit Of any vollegiftests with its alumni organization arrcr the type 01 athletic,' at the entice., According to Dr. Stevenson ar' alumni ,ot the school are residing In Salt Lake. Dr. Charlet; G. PlumMet' la the oldest alumnus in Utah. , prom-den- - , , , Lumberman's Club Elects Howard Jones Arrests Alleged Thief 'Llaythaaite alleges cruelty. q:fted into the hrlsfiee as a tut-tola preesed. claiming tha;.- her hilFband Antonio Gamboa was arcosted by piPntly sheent,, hiniariit from homr. W. IL StenstkOr. chairman - of tho county commission, and special Three Charged With hen the Five-Dolldoputy sheriff, Tuesday:. latter found Gamboa atteniptioc to Worthless Check Fraud steal a pacitage and robe front Mr. for Stenacker's automobile near the Three are charged with iSSIlin cite and county building. AND STUPENDOUS Mr. Fitenschor that he Vrorthlets chechs in eemplainte would probably rod make a gOod drawn Tuesday by the county at officer. for he thiji:i he wai tempt- ternei. ed to girsi:the fellow $24 and. sond Be lasro's Huge Stage Wesley. E. 1.1"y4 is alleged to him away, hen Gamboa pleaded i have attempted to 11.frani4 on dootitut Triumph The Man was booked at the aeon- Zilichigan Furniture company; however. on a charge of IL Brady I. declared to have de'ty Greer frauded Erethere and 'Ted vagrancy. fts,Nielsen ta to'cletrauct Pick !lams. Villard Mack's Masterpiece In a Umrth comrhinf imvpsd Two Women Ask Ceorge C. Leo is accused of food!. , Divorce in S. L. tug a tikele Yroin Mrs. It. E. Kent. Cast Gorgeous 608 Park street. N ' nivoree suits were filed in tho I Settings. r"-, Antornobiles reeetrod in New Third district rourt Tuesday by 'May Helen Annis against ',Award. I Zealand in a rerent twilit!' uninAlluring Incidental Muic. Annis and by Mabel Ti:. Clayth- - prised 1.76,1 from the rnited Marvelous Costumes. watt. against Miles Claythwalts. states, 145 !rem Canada and 10 is charges her husband from the 1.7n4e4 Kingdom. A Howard Jones-Iteelected oresideht of the Salt Lake ',timberman's' club for 1928. according to an' announcement by 0, D. Romper. Jr., retiring president Other officers elected Ire: Charles Ketchum. vice president: H. LeRoy Frisby, secretary. and Frank Lose.. treasurer. , - - - -- P115 SCmcZEINER AT r .,,.. Orall pir a :11:: ab El: 4 : . : ::: 81 Ai .dell ill o4 IBC ... - me pi "a : nal Irbutik Fast and Funny! Swift aa Lightning! POUGLAS Skis. -- MACLEAN . Latest , Moats Mire!arts. Altos Day Comedy,. - clowit1 911,1irsaa .y. TIP sEgviigslAGTs r ... NITE-NE- ALSO k, "Soft Cushion's" II t 411.1 . TA.R.TS All3lisi?VAL, . i ' .4' , 1 -- i )f e Bilk ird ',,' I'MOCN ED , COMINGTHE ELMER AT AMERICAN I ,' ,,,,,; - - 4 ,- 1 I rOUPP-50M- E t MIDNIGHT FROLIC NEW YEARS EVE-- . I rT i , J TheOreatest,SN:pei ;n5alt Lake ..., .. Orl ' IN' I -- - WE: . ttclt , , : 4 SII.AMS 1.Wr, Jame. g Kali - at.k . cmAQ4.,1 . . , . , : 4 .., BELLAMY 11 . ;; , a 11 - '":' 7 1,, - . , 4 k C.404.81E. :tt 4 CO.M.E.Te er ...,Ailosyt; - - 0.-- -:: . ,. 0 I 1 1 mr. 1 .4 . HOLIDAY A E E- -n t so 1'' ' u 4 0- t. ,ro rt , . 0 ; 11' , , , - - )-4,c- , N ) , 1"141ILSTIEC2:1; ILIINFS' ., 41-- . OUR GANG. COMEDY 4 , !I and ilaramount I I, Victory cAnntE- - OF ND .DDEA4W1( ; 4.: ; I i . I Authentic Nene ricturea " .." ' - t . t.. - IIICKMANNOW . SN'b I 11, , - , s e if, St . i .. 4 - - 7 i , , tdi2:15:44:::0.1;;ED!S US7,:ne ' Fi:OM NTINU Ile .. . . fs 31 J ,. I -- I- . tlerWIld - . er 9r ., ti - t: T Ann tversargIiitit BILL :1auT idNtioalscovyAlni C I ' , ' MR 4 .... - It QUINT. AULI i ! , '. '. It . pp PRINGLE ,.., REX INGRAMS , WE E 41. , Fs:07-- ti . . OS 0 HU 'an . - , ,' t. ...' .. ----k C17 . Thunday rox Titfit,CONTEST Dasettur I mitt It a. as. , Saturday. , I(.. he GARDEN OF ALLAH - , NOON - lf,Ltit, - 20111 - -- - ..,,,,,- ..rsloomm......!....em . ME - 1ft - . -- AND EGG MAN. A,Merry, Lively Jamboree. t:, - NOW A 1 WATERS LIT wait. THE. - . ICLEENDV l' 4 77NATRE PLAYERS z) 1414 tanc11:;:ifasrTco ss Idea GALA I . t' ! f LE ( . - Hickman coouotAgaa , 4p . ' of 1.,V S . Pi , . . e 7 nt WILLIAM 1 . AN. BIC7AE PREVAIL i(ft OF , . Capture I I b taDay , , , 5 ., 1 'a " 1 , 2 ' F. AND REGULAR PRICES m - . ; , . a El A I THE. , , I hr ' r,,,, 1 Ii : Ilt - . , OOPCSS . - at 2:30 :Saturday . 4.-- , PICTURES , I Rm.. FIRST i AIL- CRGAN THURSDAY - ,,, ' - ' , NITE - YEAR'S EITÉ W , - , , "In the Morning" J. . .ir - Fast Action, Itomance; Adventure. ' Eery Night at 8:30 Matine.es Thursday and DANCING UNTIL 2 O'CLOCK , ' ' d t - , qua g. j. Me ..,,f4shrp,,: MI eGreat Play. Truly - ... Ifs rai sin! . to , ,' co mma scoff MUM .4 ---- .., Show a Dollar '"THE DOVE" areusentpting - ' Mir TONIGHT Mrs-Ann- )1111 A EInti, . irs ' m , ti ar 0 n ,d .01 , SAM AN0 AN TeA6Es p L"14"4"11.4'''''pramm",P8 '4,- 1, 00) . tit .17A.se POLAR IDEA' ill DICE 13E43156 elk MillictilLypr! . FanchoniMirools 153entatO Now, : 11 0,1 nt"'' ' , t 5udd Rogers - HAS ELECTION T.,;: ,, ' e.4 :f , -- ,0 ; z , : - ',hi. S. A. R. OF UTAH , Eulermg...ewe. ,B OW 'lag GetlrourrItan Ttt' I ilNet ear at lbo Capitol. CLARA KFRC tIr,, Mneto ,- - ' . WOW, Ix if KPO Frail, v M. wolf" Aloiet mine I KNx - , nualc. I trog-a- t prince 1 . - musle KOA. I troni - ir,j,tru!netral KH Parnno. r 706.2 r,- thodn'ght-Da- Arrant. DENVER ;, 1 6 r rn Is ' ' '4: e ANjilk. holr. I SEATTLE Me Kilecycles. Meters. Pacific rinse. 9 I 1. net. Petit te.ytme. rt.,Icight--,pc,-ccr- r.7 oica: - 43 six sur- ,)i . E A Trix 1000 tart orchestra. p -1. ntE-tat- n &La p(ra, Et ladM ma trt the pm 10 1j. 11 Pauldinst. - a47. Is7ustria1 - - 4 .camtruplei,ation-nittht n 'in r:et y orcbewr& m II s' ... lucat,onal progrant. -- do:ngs. - - Tien. --- Pseit - sr Lour irrato ,.., i . " retiree'. on,r pm-M- KF OA I rerlst ,rn '71 ere9 pro- - k4- I - OAKLAND. p m - ' s arrirl:tu-- P iT (,is w- Kilocycles, IVA Meters. Pacifist Time. Tc . aga bo le 1 Meters. pinals euhinaAries fst the Siates navy are equitipe.,1 w:th ra do which enables theta. to "'talk' fer dances ranging-fro3,1,0. to Mt if S. The sLitonotokhie err transtiiittIng and n(ic depth of its subritarine doo apparatus is one of guarded secreta of the navy. In the case cit the ,S-Its radio 115 in the central ta; arparatue tlon section .which naval aiitherities wa. entorereed ri. li.ttely ati.er the Impact with t - .,,, i,r laX 1 $ ., :. r of t t; - OA K LAND. f rt,;ht, As...-)cia- nicans of oeoithairtainsi lltorii far $rind conimurioathie 4tir1 under water nth whioh All tirdorare also dittnned. Th:ese tor sea tinye rr,ye transport vesseis acenrdingly he eut ,11311!.. r.':7. COTIFOMated 'Preys . 4CPAt--;-fla4l- agabonds. rs. : ; t ki f - -VmiCright-it..lo- I "..141 P4:17146110"11.44 IS -KG rt ILI tg2ic. leaf traeldn.I.Eyan cerx .1 4 PAth.1-0:Orr- man has been 'living tn N'orth Atherica Vince 1.000,0e0 listocens; times, years ago and a suggestion thit n n mad of the littei rope May, have been closely, ated with the SiborlaVorEuropean a !west or 5 Of the aboriginat NOrth ArneOran Indian. s- ere presented today to tile anthropology ser.tion of the American AssoCiaton for the Adevnoement cf Sc!ente. Dr: Oliver P. 'Hay of Carpegie institution at Washington - tnalntained that the, (Its, very of fir, rowheals in Pleistocene' depcs:ta In the southwest inlicateci the xistence of human heings this continent during that geologre age A!fet Dr Hr,iiicka. curator of phyAcal anthropology at IFto tional rifnaouna fit Wfi!rirton. re-ported growIng Indlcationa That more the advancod contrit,..utc,1 In the which the rod skinnol t'Prarg. Olti Theory Vail. so-fro- ,rn:rrra,unneF.trceart:::ira dat lie Kti.era. ' -- ' .TIS:47,411k , 011 dis,o.o.'r;,s road.. n Tr, thii!g. . MexiPci to; D. J. Leon and Dan are two excep. V liete-- s ,,,, of Colorado. eitari the Of ribt.ite stri-oethe of the' natueal far TAO tional misses who have A G ELES , ; and ,..end nintialtea through the raasFociat. Thfrom the beaten paths of. Sister hitory ,antl i , 1"7721471;;'9yeir"ia. 1 ter by More rQd e. acti4 and enter into an unexplored 2,1entists found Peveral trrowheads. The gteateet use a submarine Paellie field of humor. The girls are a itmong- the hones ef ,,, A for radio. aticording to Corn ether finite whole mUeleal comedy show In Neon,: horses. ra tn.!! and a I be.c 11,--il. is S. C. Irlorrier. chief of the themselves and quarrel. sing, dance anima's known to have existed dur- znander II ptr 1 cc,actrt. bureau radio division of the na---ing the Pleistoeent age. , , clown to the delight of all. and 4 la In ittrectien find. engineer-a' he or eVrrerif-f- i if man 11 of William Pence & Co...with Helen 1,0 A .ILES. I was first The ing. America goo 'times Pleistocene ,e) a3cio new during 'stirs. is. McClain a ,, have , comedy rolay- in, during the war by Fred Het-ste- t- 1 ! lobo what we might in a Chinese litioyele .reasenably et, let. The scene. Is laidcross 1.y 'nod lorded and deve1op-0rattlie Time,. he Paid. -- In all prohallittY ' peet," talk 41P' firs and the restawant ' , Lowell and John Willent4h1y '1 , with song numbers make a delight-fi- t man had hie origin in eastern Perry 11 p.n.' teat e pursued special researches buAda. When a wide bridge between who In 20 minutes of entertainment. 13 t!' , on this at the subject nary Asta end iirnecica ras opened up. I EN A, ,,n1,114,11,140 headline is ' Doo a The Dads', tandanitt. leau (It 11 , Reconstrui tion . tl.rpt ?hat mo5n ritimher in whieh Ski FR ANCIACO kiddles lei' It WA Th patent. !. ahee4 on $ !!!!g! Polaior N11.44,viittr ,iletees. IA, court Omit eight y are old play two cor- ,low the anini.,:s they knw hew to troen-ii-- I tern on settled was 049 kiloeyelea, 'asserted hy Nicholas it dea and trombone. Ision h.t litietnon. net, -following , I h Time. l'amite Pietrow ski. presidett The main tiiovrtient of th a "A. In Moscow." with J. Ir. Ncht the nith Washington Rogers, Lakes Insurance company. frrni.r .ge f A.-;-,t :y:to, inrntor. invelres a, low antenint m group of IIVA Columbia and Okeh ho ix at cny atttprot,y of Chitactt pla.re during' p early Pleistoeene. alorr the '5utttice connint: toner to I' reeorditig artists is the presentaa vsitor in Salt uestia:. I be:Pieta that l roan was bow on In the the and then otaft of The banow Pala tion grounded Quintet. ,the Piotrowski called on Justice the sarne'eate PP the unciv- Itsolf. Varying Fires or antenna e offering is an attractile display of about D. N. fttrap nt the state supreme trit-o.BAN FiliVCCISCO arg toda. Th aiew iired an various suboiarinea. Some piano aecordion niimhers blended ilized , court. a former class mats in law atm. --- - 422.3 Meters. mlsts urF.1 wilo, with 'dancing that makes a delight- that the liPidP11,Prg,Prs and the Ne- taIrg school. He tecently returned front There 1.6 ri,!thIng 01.0MON xlaii-rigtcas curI !ir. ful bit of entertainment. Openirg anderthal men' of Europe. were the IA PS5.1 IS ertil.F!nir ,on erf, Paettle Time. Europe. u.) reminded of his Paying the other night. at the ot',,rt iv a very the program is The Texans a study aneeetors ef new existing- - rert ran Eight years ago 'poiand started $ not much 1,.inger he defended." ttf InPeol''gY 0-- a COU1,1. of Westrap shich consisted of a short fitted eoitt ,,y its reconstruction work with hard attractive , with narrOW w hile ermine. The skirt of th. Nark tulle erners ttho have it A Wert I'MZVITII. Skulls Similar. ly a row. a chicken or a horst- - Ileft vet trimmed ; n':aret: 1131 dress-a.ddeMetro110a to the charm of hut for the the tiered Three." hew the silhouette. "Tea movelty Hid Dr. in the who a !Inn Unrfd licisa. Today Poland has ' my mem ory pages (no, not as far hack as 1Iwyn-Mayer film farce a. F,.7.reet . that he bad rerently revis4 i Inure than 3,04.0,stia horses. a larg- I had onlyto to turn back a ArmAN In. flt,t'oz L.,' of rPdlo of ibm4rIno recognize in this coat the early Ercnch yle..of the 34th ierston of the onee popular stage 3703 'Holpr of a thriving Solomon) all the alieletal from the au- eultoadrr tio.pfr -- rocals thdt I theKnOCYCLPIN, same of name. Giece is the 1 Century. Sip mKH(2 Pacific poultry industmc and an industrial period. darin4 this war rot na Amtn-waIrrettarlan or Time. FC1P,'n offering. develonment that has minimized . And so yon can soo it for li.our- - ir;ornior.'opoops down noon .. of itranru5rt wRs 'oink hi' li,nman t.,11... It this obi inhab!,ant 1. Lew Cody end Alleell rtIrt.--vosoi4es only tho cap.in it, fierce t i, self, and perhaps take a. little lesthanks TO unemployment. hs said. I and the r it r, n intro-'diwho were It. IPTO'Fif. In 1..irnlie son toiciarils Poland is not Ittilitaristio and if the htstory.c4 tostilitni, colawsand flies of with -i recently o;:nntnan'. ta-1 fin lo!! uh.th oteitt.1 ancestors it had up aeveral n,,g,' it the nation had guarantPea Pr non- the illustration in the panel. Thus nest at the nnointain-ton- . .,1 to the picture-goin- g public ,tures 4 cal 10T1 l' on, C ortrn a vit. to a r;',f common uwv, interference front Ittissia. and t;orhis limo to iriln borne bo- - las a new , the child comedy team. The Old Nobility's Headgear. vault r:f the altdci;15 often , A,Inlirnt John Itathenn ; ht.f of !h.!, ' 1.0,44...A4stoct;sc,;:el. 'The Dorhe It discovers.that r,o, the bird caet includes ,1Cfrri Moore. n a': the of pa. or:,'.cor,or. hurPau many would demobilize the standnavy la similar i very and v he '''..' lion .IS also aas the sge shape I K ii el rrance. i", , Vos. lily i,,th:,. si,,,oftiao, Philips Smalley and addo.l.. -- 1.hw orhits per cap is tint 'edible. ing army...Nic. Piotrowski asserted. i1, women of and otner fa- th;pf cI utaff at 11',.; Fs :, the nobility: wore the author Pnym ell happeng arI !Utisarl Thomas. The picture sae cial characteristics of at s'.;',1,s tn. charge rout:ng of the aurtac- I !direeted ty Pohert Z. Leonard. echo long stointed cepa like the one .il- IM doho and that thP peaked olp are also 11,,ic and then Met time. it The nermany. not lho,,,Ing ef Werti right th's nitnute todity: 1 7., directed Cody and Miss Pringle lans !also litstrated, and also large gohl wit-in Indtana. the a a a 7 .3 N.'', tho exi,tonet, or t ha rnAlfl direMion in t'Ad.ini and Eil." 14tectr. mnom cies and crowns set with prett:ous aro certain 'Aurignacian Thcre , stones. JS no. like .similailtfre In the atom:eine! TILE pinkish bolge liosiory We 'can:Imagine this 20th Cen' and hone "itature I American stone Fponsoreil by the smart 1"Soft Cmhions" VP114:1011 worn croun as of the tury Th. Imper altriaracians habta-- of I aiii orr y if onns an evening headdress, and- also we rranklin Pifer via Phomen hurylna rP,1 ochre with thejr d.al has just gion roAt R. bflle (4 At the Rialto . socteed Jui Ehaa A. Sniith sa can tracts the evolution of the flt- one alio ,,,,nrnort .arnnng tsh : 1 nap mus,' for etir:strons. but Ilfm 1.jus But I coat. alto. ted furtriturned presiilent of the Fiat' Sop Tete of met h;ng new uu,ler Ole nun" Anrericsn Indiana, wAnciPr. conld evolve anything out toll you so! the None of the Arneracon nr,11e t.7,1' these itcnis Is ... CNart 1). what Doug;As of such a hat: de,lso.el, Con. Tueaday in the Dooly they are neyerthelesa sugNEWS.;PRiNt; ( 01,0111.1 A nrifrirC it.40; week at the Rialto , log. p no 'cestiv and is there . inheient ,rs ANT you p 1,, re a ,,,f t j, 0 ! Iihosire in hts refreshingly novel- toiprossibilitY in the later auriena-aaere named. et I C)ther offt--er- a , in Cleopatra's Time,. Ton... Cushk...it comedy fcliowa: Mali's, lot A. Isreypor, tOfe i Be that a. it may, the w,o-ii-i - tons. that is rot y.st 6 6,,,i7it'ariimount -Influenre. both morpholoem'dart ions," carrio--en Ca isT.,. nd ofthe t4th Gordon Century prpaident; ptain For a pastel, 'es you know, cultural., reaching ths, old thia formula (too et- ist.',..W..k Ahandoning the:r 11 which eventually gale us the Kitchinp. Pecretary: LOrenzo elaboratereceptacles transparent color that hits beel ;sePi by eeteral screert generations .1 arl". treamtirer: Chni,incey P. 0erfan4 ; of cdirtedians NIirises, successfally Indian." . money:keya and cosmet'ca: For l 11P htned and made so in i did Cle; that matter, they iel4, regiorar; Robert Maurice ' .., chatky 'oohing nith thick white. 1'1PionPeis in a brand new field with ' I o 'tetra's time! ft qt. 3,011 Vk ill jliSt hivie to Stewart. Archdeacon. hietortan; S FtOrv front the pen of the :ate ' B'it our evening vanite. 1. time a "soft Jewel toys- - l',,atocittl ,1q4, William F. Eulkley of Provo: chap- I tn. I It beet describes the new colors for Cieorge Bandolphi Chester. while sacrificing nothing 1 ' lain: Daniel S. Spencer, national Against the pictorially eseautll t , usefulness, .: has gained in truon svring. ,, of the Orient. 77,1Inachground i charm; :', The board of managers coo.4iPted in thP eLean. Of a romar,tie role in' very . Nrrt, Li, the ilewoprints of Captain Stvithen Ahhot,. Arthur young "Get Rich WallingES, corn. to think of it, there IA small compact A DIM( tl. IParPons. ion. George Albrrt uluch ferd- plays a latigh-a-secen- Quick d coin-cit- y 1 I S'nit Stuart t'. Dobbs of Orden, exists today and is rut .t,, a fig Very rtelsine, ano .... 11,,,v enof rq,1111 quantities et composed trexton D. richtirdi,, Frod A. Floyd , be,11 romance. thrills, guffaws, chuckles very liPettit purpose indoed. a able inuur wht, Calonfl Rev. William If. Eneign and Joldi.fe very, t. then"! and good t pritit!, Pi afrmiti 7 which Is high cap, poakel langlis. i,Atai A. Smith. e; I Pne Carol beads a notable cast times a yard or a yard and a half Vhy7 Wat, h ton,u-r-mThe board of honorary vice info,. tail! In the Ande,, where condors which includes Richard Catle, wedfl Au ffr"!rl l idents included; !;entre H. with a huge wingspread swoop known trusb-sstar; Albert Gran. .12tt.:;" M. 1,. Ritchie and Dr. down and Wade Boteler, Russell Fewell. carry oft lambs. pigs, roso,. .tudca calsea and- soinetimes even chilFrank Leigh; Nigel de, Bruller. Wright. n011 a It wee decidri In SP bort. Frisco. Boris Karleff. Fred . dren, the Seuth American young.,, -4. Plod delecation to th R11111141 costers wear at all times peaked caps keleek nd ethers. e it . .7 ncres cf the soc!etv at Wahtncton, made of rad cardboard.When the -1,,,,,.. D, C. nPxt May. - Talcum rakt-thnliponder le eontatri ,in bevereger adlicrod.i.710 I '?4':01";1County Commissioner lb. !mull." of a nlx- - brush. bPing t4 married eine. '' , ii, .,'- KGW I ,,, I ry,,,, , Jor I --' .. , ' , . . RmTodukeiamonin h:rar pea -- 1 asv iogrebob ele.r4; :14.tt' :7 a ,0-- p in. 11pp. :t1 ' p.mAeotch entertainer.' 7:41 ii, . , ;7 a , - I - ' , New Holiday .Bill , 41. 9, k . 0114.. 16 : , ii.... - I I I - kirlein. I ....,,,, Suit for $750,' Is Won by Actress!: - .. ',k aroma ' IC News - tob, , s,,.., . NEWS ' - comedy. IRIALTODouala. "oft rughtontC. , - . plies 'k ' a ---.. (AP)A belletthat icio8:1,:d- I , 7 - - ,,,,, - U Rick NAPHVILLE. Tenn:. P Z 71 -- , , ,,.. .,, s le:CIIT:f wl,:tMliatiJdealrsrmalfiLldri.o.yantio: - . EARLyi A IN -- V I td - 0 , J1 - -.. - - ) --- 11,PI I ricTrzEs. Pow tn Gat Your and Faischoa and Marco's !Pniar Idea." AMEntrAN Richard Botthe!maas and Patsy Ruth Miller in 'White Plank Shosp"k comedy and - news NM I .'z .. ; 1 , . , li:)( i several hundred dollars in cuh last a half hundred by. idanders. unaware of what was transpiring . were loolilng on when the men walked up to the cashier's window And slipped a. note, swritten on brown wrapping paper, through to the girl cashier. ' The note read: "Don't scream: ,desth to you. (live Me the moneV-The girl cm.plied with the order as the. man covered her vJh his gun. He Aicooped the Mötiey into a canvas '1,,gg he was carrying, stepped to the curb and escaped I an automobile driven by an ac,::orn- - mEN Man" , ,11 It ,, ' ,' .: night More than . - ,,, 1927 1 CAPITOtrlara ,., , - -- 2S . - vaudeville. ,- . pre- To 0 CRIES - PINTAtiES--"Pe- i , : DECEMBER PitiliOWHEADSs GIVE'. TAUDIMILLE. a For Three.' with Law Cody and Aileen Prints and 4 . 1, J weiir Maok spactacular drama anted by the Wilkes Playar:a , Bandit Force Girl to Yield Box Office Receipts. WEDNESDAY .1 , ' 4 - i MODE 11-,- e: - ,,, ' i t ,I, ;.t't t . Witt GOING' di t, 1 . . " NT' 'EtP1:2tt3' ' - , . , . ; I ...... '',.46d'.:' 1 , , TIIE DESERET' NEWS . :"!! , ' : itzuvvirom,z-t.-7,--- , I , , - - '..."- - a ake f r , - ..,!nattn Fig Place. ' ' . . . '""litantatateatett. ..awl .e.,,, '4' ' |