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Show , , c . - , , t :. ' t , n t, THE DESERET NEWS, S,NTURDAY, , 7 v--; ' . Pi,. P ' w. iv - zirt.-1,- ir t .. ..,,,- ----, (4 1 lit;,. ,, t t71 AO' , 4, , ' , . . , 4 0 - , 1 , , x . or' A 4,, tV '',,,,P , . , tti: I . 4", ,, , ,' . 7 ; , . ,s,11,. - , -- , . e '.,S! ' r,. ., , ,... ..,.';',i i.; ','; ;,,,, ---,,- f.1..,;, ; , ,:ivk ,er - A'i,-- , ; . I ,,,,,, .,. A... ,.01. - ,I.f. ... ' i . - . .. . . '''',.....,44', , 4A- .: .i:.,..1, . ,e , ..., I . - 4 4ert - ,.'4 , if ,i-- ,..4 , ' '' ,- k - " - ,. ,114, - ,; ',-- - ', ,- p. t 0 4 it''4,;-AvOrlf!st- . , I , 14 Otguee ;?., - .,i,vot 'W, , , . Mrs. H. A, Major, president of the Elks' Ladies' cluh which will entertain at the annual charity ball Thursday evening at the Elks' club. ',id. Au,U l 1.4-- it t, . t, 18,w, .:, ''' ' -- I' r, ,,t , i'" ,, - ' ( ..., : , : ', t " ,,, ' - ti..ii - -- - . 11061 - ..Ja it '.z-- --.,, .:44 --- Left, Miss Louise Fleckenstein Aral right, Miss Cecelia Gibbons, who are assisting with the arrangements for a zamboree to be given by .St. Patrick's church Monday, ' : Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. .....- ----- 'Personals - carnations. Coming Events Continued from Pogo l t. : vat Pet-ric- 1prrLIt D. Oldroyd. R. Skidmore, R. J. Bark lund, Ray Pou !ter. Edward Williams. Jean Major and Mrs. It C. Batson. CaPf'Wunderlich and Herbert Mew. tabs and Mrs. Winfred C. Green. Llewellyn McKay, Alton Melville Captain and Mn. Thomas W. Jones,' and Joseph Jeppson bare charge of Captain and Mrs. W. k. Bledsoe and Captain V. R. Woodruff. Ar- the arrangement& rangements are in charge of Mies The members of tbe Phi Pi Phi Belle MacVichie. Idles Zorah Horne. George Moore and Clifford Durbin. fraternity will be the honored an informal dancing parguests ' The art exhibit of the Association ty to be given by the Mothers' 1 Inter-club of of the fraternity. Friday evefor the Encouragement mountain Artists given under the' ning at the chapter house. 1441 Merrill! Federal Way. The officers of the direction of Mn. Alice Horne. president, will be held Bun-- 1 Mothers' club tre in charge. .12 and boors of the .between day p.m. in the oak room of the Kappa Chi sorority of the Uniten of Newhouse, hotel. The works versity of Utah will hold a formal and PalatMgs of Utah party Friday evening on dancing Bitten Of Chicago will be on the roof garden of the Hotel Utah. display. Five pictures of Gordon Miss Inez Dearing is the chairman recently been of th committee on arrangements. Cope,- which have Faris. will be- featured. art-st- sent-fro- Ca Gan-Wal- s CSC nt The Heather Sewing- - club will meet Wednesday afternoon etMc-2 clock at the home of Mrs. D. Nair. 472 C street. All members are urged La be present. 'rile freshman class of the University of Utah will entertainat the an members of the student body informal dancing party to bo hold of ballroom the in Friday seentng the Newham, hotel. The officers Wittof the clams who are George kinai president; Miss IA Rita Snarr.',1 vice president: Miss Carol Barclay, secretary: Hal Bennett. treasurer. and Larry turd. cheer leader, have charge of the arrangements. An Informal dancing party will be given Friday evening at the, Gamma Phi sorority house'. li2 aouth Wolcott avenue, by the niemhers of the sorority. The affair is is,ine planned under the direct:on of iilse Zola Walwork.. as Friday evening. an Informal dance will be held by the member') of the Sigma Delta Theta fraternity at the chapter house. 1244 each South Temple street. Max Peterson is chairman of the arra- .. 1.--- ngements-committee. Delta Theta Chi sorority will honor the pledged members of the sorority at an informal dancing party to be held Saturday evening. at the home of Miss Jeanette Horn on.Seventh East etreet. The pledged members include Miss Helen Arnovitz. Miss Hannah Ravits, and, Thee Jeanette Mies Ruth Horn. Horn is in charge of the party arrangements. ..Tor-da- - . .,,,,,,., 411 - ' k -- . :-- -: - i. - 1 -, ,,;.. , - .. mteaebIsfolmlo.su-lient- A ., where-anyon- Christ-Hoffma- n. rn- I Christ-1.80- , . , i , ;" - T -- ," t' ,1$1. t,'..c.:',..':-;:- l l''t':. , , New-Th- craft :,, '5"."'"1"S : I , 4r.'. tr. r t . , 4: ' ' :L. , ,,-- .- ,.: 1 - . .;- :"77---.;,-:trt- - ,'. it'l . .4r ' 1 ; 1 1,,e , Len-h- f.. A, , 1 - ...1 ,'; 4 I ,7 i2. - , I. ..,. t . , . -- - - , . 1 -''' , , 0' ,.., do ..: . 't . I 4 .7 , (, " ':' ' ' P lordt; :, -- , , , .. .: .' , ., . ,... ' :. -- , ,..,..- , - '' ' '1:-- '' , - , ' ,- ' , l''''- 1: '1! 'f , ., -.- - , .. - ,..1' 11 1 '.14; , ''' , :- "... 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' ? t 1 east-Fira- , . r. ,,,, - 7 f . i if . , ,vr.- f.''.- 7 . - 4 1 , , '..,",'; 1 inlnds ', - '', - -s- t- ",: : :135' : ''..,--t- 1 I 4,4 -- - ) Temvieaion - , ,,,, ''- r ft wing e - at4-r"- . -- ,, - ,, mbilieses -- s 0 1 . '' -- IONE Pikseelil - f,,,,- semi-annu- al . , , e A The Mothers' chili of the Sigma, Chi fraternity will give a tea Sun-- I day afternoon betsern 4 and o'clock at the fraternity house on HERRIMAN . rst first South erect. Officer') ,, -!.. :, rt ,1- .: , ,.4: et the organization have charge of -'Mies Melva Kidd accompanied by I 1 ,f, , , 141,,,,,. , -t,, ' , , , 1 ,,,,t.,, Irt..7ii.-4 - Ken:.''',..!. 4 the arrangements. Mrs.Wail. .!gr. and Mrs. John r : ,., ,1),, A , , Initiation ban. The netb Kidd and son. Blain. of Magna. and Gail Wail motored to Wallaburg.1 0, " ;met of the Apmln Fine Arts so- ; '7 : .7"! ,kr :', , ,4.cr,..: two friends for in ',tinted .,:;.,,,:,,,,7;0 this will where be held ,,,,, they evening ciety '''N t",e :::: i ,' i ,", , ,e. ',ki '''. days of last week. the supper room of the Hotel Utah i' Mint. Emma liodell and ehildren ' .. foilostng the initiation ceremony were 4 of Mona Xl.'". lenbell and Junior, t' ,. ," .ti't.- , member,for the newly pledged A1,4 INt, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. j. 8. Mitre Nortna Eriendson will act as. e Al?' IL Bode 11 lest week. 4 enter.1 '''1: ,,,,,,. ,l's 1 NI '. n ,,-7'f' n k i3 .I :.' toastmistreatt, The conim at Mrs. Spencer Miller , Mr. and .1, s, , V4 , '7,trel-.tained at Thanksgiving dinner at ,,,, 41 7 charge includes Miss Ruth- - Ander.. , VA1 '10 '11 , , ic. ,,,t e',,,441 Sp, their home Tnuraday of last week.1 r It. 4 pOtt, chairman: Nils" Rhea The In for were laid Covers guests. F),..,'..:i and Miss Karina Wiltsoe. ...,., $.!'1115.. ,''''''.;... ,... out of than guests were Mr. and ,. Y Mr11. E. Bigler of Salt Lake: Mr. The pledged members of the i.4.7'tr' :,,, . .'''''' ' mid Mrs. E. II. White of LarkiMissi . fit Or p ,'- 1P4,2, 4;1 Delis Epcion sorority s11 give a , ,o Mildred Pace of Salt Lake and Miss! ,,, ! , ,,,, ri,:ei itt dinner party Monday Pace of Payson, 4. r Clare slE ' f . , I C. U Crane and fam4F1honor of the active members. The Mrs. Mr. kr,ln , ., r'', and Jr .r' ' f : ' I ' ' !!:.;i,;''',.,:i.(,-.. flair will be hell at the hin A. I ik., ily of Nephi were the guests of .....7.11,,.....;, ,,,c4 '''ff,A.,.,..4C,,-4,..I.', Maui Lois. Oswald on eaet Mire. Farah J. Crane Sunday. hird .,, ! .:- Tf;71..' CAi --Thanks-: 1,tik I ,:.,, The Gleaner girls held a '' A The arrangements! i South streeL .144.0,,. : fkV4g011.00 ' , 441 f,,,,,,i, ' g i.ving party at tho home of Mies, -' 111,,A 1v, , ' ''', .cornmittee !rendes 'Ills!' tisisl.1.1 ..,,: of lest week. Crane Annie ig! 4 A ,. Thursday ', Woode..3Rsii Jane chairman:- 11;se ii in and . music wise The spent ' evening Edna Wilson, 1Les Margaret John- A late gunner was eerreill t games. ' , ,.,, , sob and Miss Ruth smith. to- 20 gueste. :The- tahlie wwwclecar-- t , 4,,,, i' 7 ; ;.,:i yr? .,....1 end red r ated with chrysanthemums i,,,. , c,.., :T, ., ,io.. holders. The hosin silver candles Bete Theta Pi fraternity will en. ':, ,.., ., '; ,...:: ,, 4 1., ,.,.i......4,.,;.,1!,4. J,. ,,,,, tyri.7, ',. 11, i. ,,i' bliss Bo4e tooses were Silva Fern tertain the members at An informal .R 4, , , ., ,,, :, Annie crap,,, Miss Isabel! Butterdancing party. Saturday ovening. ..., ,, ' 1 lIcele Miss elo,oIt , field, Mies Emma MISS 4i 1441-;.- - 4' r J, ' f Dec. lo. at Memorial hoe. 1 71.v...........1...,, 4 , ',..4 i " to.,,i Pella Freernlis. Crane and ..., ,'..''s ' ,t,ft, l' .. t i, Memory Grove. City Crock cab3on. ,, . man... ; , 10..;.1 T.:'',,;..-.,,1 H. Anderson is chairman of. the ',,,, ,,,, ,t;-,,,Mr. and Mrs. A. Ft- Dane le enterk f.i'.,, i,', .f.,,,,.P,-,,....7....7":,:-1' :. , Y.,.:0,- 'committee on arraturements. tained at a dinner Sunday at their , ''',b4Vt4 , i,, lott ,t :,:., .; 401 'i,. 4 r,r,,,A,' , home In honor of Mr. and Mrx. A. 4;',,, z it tv,,, i',1 of . .',1 Midvale, 4,, arid W 111, ' SUOMI Elatrnan r national colnd p,:;:i,e.,,,..,,;e, y,,,,4,,,,,,,k,:.: family Delta t,' AkkAr447. ,i,-- ,' ; Mr. and Mrs. Ileorge F. Smith andi merce fraternity. will entertain titt ' 'l Mixa ; .,. Myrtle' family at ,' .,,......, members 'of the organ.zation ,,,,,Jtly41;.t4,;,,,,,,,!- - 7...i,e, ',,f,r1.47,...t"i.!;11',:;i:',.3i-- ,A, titet,t7-.ila., ,,.,, . it Kure and AVil lard, Joseph and i an Informal dancing party. Friday i ' KUM: et Idaho I:ern. .4'. ' ''- ia.'4A;Alitt ;tag ' '.,tei''-1,.!- ) evening. December lo. at the Man. L L. We. Emma Putterfitil of Illvert , ,: ;71."'''' '..,:.- - z -, ,,:, ; or house on east First South street.' vonLsvvaitaavarbee ,-.1,.... L.,.. iorlvtar, Mrs t1 e ,, of the C. IT; Mather is F. T. Crane and famiir till's week. :',':'. '24,','.,;' , 11 t J. Mrs. Be Str. Itnie Iva and Miss Sorenson of merly party. .L....A....ta.....20.04,L, dinner on family who left reeintly for Tha,kegivInat A tny et their beime. TM 'Priers' clufi of the University Hyrum. were laid for I guistitis. The 'Center, Mrs. Lee Deardcn, formerly: ii)tiss Lillian Laub, of Utah will give an informed Los AngOs to join her hos. Covere out of town fleets were Me era 'M. Seal and daocing party Friday evening. De- band and make her home. recent a Mrs. Morose fandiv. bride, and left. Miss Helen Idurgter, and right,1 cember 9. In the Univere.ty ward I Mr. and Mrx. Jkaahel venom and.fam- I IV Ecker Portrait. ' . I Ily of J.ark; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I Miss Merle Andrew, bridesirtaids. hall, In boner et the nee ir, pledged , - of-7- Plans hristmaS Prot, D. i ' L,J ) , t, ..,,,..,.,.4 ., , .. 'iv ' ,i ' - .., 7 ,!,,. , ,,.. . - ,K , ' , 4h1Pri , ;.. ,,..... r at-T- d r' ".;, , 4e.3 :, ..,,,s : , .;-'tr- ,,,, L:;....., j , ,,,,,,, - I : , '''..,,: '",.... , rnr 1 '1 Em1104410 : ,,,,,'-- tdt,I.,' I - ;:. Be Held ..1 1 it ", tYr.1', a 1 1 , - members of the organization who it:elude Ralph, Stevenson, Douala.) Wood, LeRoy Jez, Lindsey Thomas, Boyd Squires), Vernon 777.77: 1 I 11,0 I. ,-.04 .1 E - t.. It - fit I Mn. T. E. Meeting of the Mrs. Ernest triett. ,TH22 Rowan, Mrs. Alex Pickering. Mrs. Literary club will be O. B. W. Mrs. lilbbleo Roberts, R. bold at the Manor house Tuesday, Mrs. J. H. Green, Mrs. R. T. Bat- -I yr eiv1es.,p3rlian2entary I comHa.lton, Mrs E. T. I 1 section at 2 p in. 1Iw1I1 be original hs. Mrs. if. J of the Ladies Literary .t C. W. A: and Mrs. I position day and members of thelCapener will tua norvoll Vissine.1 - noon club will meet Tuesday at 10 a.m. Luncheon club will, present original music, tI and The .Study of :Bow to Suppress or jinnwill be in will be given bt I nor',. es and poetry. Tiosteses tor' T. Hollis. Mrs. E. Mrs.I.Lnnit Debate" the an erneo,.ozitad:rroterre. R. T. Sallie, J. IL Halton. Mrs. W. J, Loomis Mrs. E. E. Cortman. Dr. Arthur will i Mrati C. E. Mrs. give the last lec- I, seeiey and Mrs. W. E. Eoseee. I Tolhuret, Mrs., H. J. iitearns,)Jni.r The arts Ana trete section of Itu,re, ofss serie.s.sntit.led "The Ad. T. E. Brown, Airs. C. M. Deint. the club will meet at the Civic minietration of the Poor Laws la Mrs. J. E. Emsley. Members may Center leriday. at 11 a m. Instruc- Utah." The club chorus under the direcWadec art will be contrtiuebring guests. tion tion of Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Curtis A meeting of the board of direcdr- Hostesses f,r the day will be witrntert-Tueday-home held at 1 Mrs. tors of the R. Elialort-enmealan. 1414 Sigsbee p.m. Tuesday at tho Manor bowie. Roberts. Box luncheons will be Mrs. F. avenue at 4 p.n.'. Members of the entertainment served., The art section will meet Wedcommittee of the club wi.11 hold a committee The entertainment Christmas bazaar in the auditorium will meet for luncheon Wednesday nesday at 10;30 arn.Mra . Ernest will give a paper on' of the Utah Gas and Coke cornNewhouse p m. at the "Raphael. Roman Detod." Mem-- pany 43 south Main street on Sa- can,teria. bet.' of the tiectiort will discuss cur Itra. W. The chorus of the club will meet turday, Doceber Tht for rehearsal at 10 o'clock Wednes- rent art topics. Taylor is general charman. The general club meeting schevarioue booths will be in chars, day morning at the Consolidated duled to be held Friday. has been of the following. Mn. E. A. Bock, Mucc company ball. postponed until Saturday, Dec. This will be tht only general meetAUXILIARY LEGION A. .11. ing during the month. Browning section will meet TO HOLD SESSION at The ' 1 the clubhouse Saturday. Dec. U,-,Mrs. A. J. Homer aria The regular lauathlY raeefing of le. at the American Legion auxiliary, Mrs. Mary P. Sherwood will be 2 howesses. Mies No. held be Edna Dwyer will 'wilt poet Tuesda, a paper on Amy Lowell and .vening.. At the Hotel Utah at 2 give 0 clock. Mn. Stephen Abbot will will read a number of her poems. give the fourth of a series of les a o'' tures on "Our Government" lira- CIVIC CENTER WORK' will render 'evEdgar Montague iiiii CHRIerMAS program All mem- HAS HOLIDAY. featuro the Deceber meetingl beeralm invitefriends of the Spirit of Liberty chapter,lwho are prospective member. During the week Civte Center dames will be engaged In various Daughters of the American Rove- forma to be held tfterALPHA CHAPTER lution, OF lir. Onof Chrir,masafternoons Thursday holiday active Thursday from noon at 2:30 .o'clock In the Eel- DELPHIANS TO MEET two to tour o'clock there will be vedere lounge. A mister,' Plan a Christmas class under "Where Love In, There Is God Al- Alpha chapter, Delphian eocletY the direction suggestion of Mrs. Eva Thomas. so.. by Tolstoi will be presented, Will meet Monday afternoon at 2 There is no fee asked for this class. Hwoitiell beCt.a.Thh.. It is to be an 'expreesion of the tathkeing.cobPlearrt;; topic of atthethdeay inter- Dorothy Parrish. Stepanuitsh; Mien urea and Forces Which Have Snap- - ested In spirit, the exchange of ideas for Mary Nehr, the woman; Janet if'.. ed Modern Europe." Leader. Mrs. I Christmas' gifts will be welcome. Strom. the child;: Mies Margaret F. L. Ewing; resume, Mrs. Glen V. The members of kfra.A. Becley.e Skeiton,.the apple woman; Everett Culla lhe topice to be given are: art the boy, Mrs. E. E. Ito!!- - "Medieval France." Mrs. C. A.; mas ohm,. ar, b y wit h work and ere making-Inez marL saddirectthe production., wooller.-:The- r f and attractive gift... Anf,',. Christmas musks will be given. vire." Mrs. C. E.Martin; "EnglAnd pensive one desiring to make gifts may do The hoetesses include Mrs. Jack In the Middle Ages,' Mrs. E. L. extra work by registering for both Roemer. chairman, Mrs. sherman Browne 'Teachers and the Monday and Tueeday evening Armstrong. Mr& O. P. Cherdon, Mrs. Fred Eberhart; Preacher's"' dames. a week giving four home Mrs. William Mont Ferry, hire. and Scholars," Mrs. T. B. Thotnp- of two. George R. Hancock, Mrs. de Y. Jar- - son; "Current Evente," kira E. U. inhtead On Mrs. Mrs. 3londay evening the third Darrell T. LAMS. ret , phatpa lecture in the parental eduratiota A.. W. McArthur, Mrs. S. W. Mor- COUT94 will be given Mn. J .E. Oglesby. Mrs. El- - i by Mrs. tine B. Clayton who will diseues Urn C. Preston, Mrs. Allen 0. Rani! Vemocratie Women e" Notritional Standard" dell and Mies Jane F. Perry. Mem- - i Chili- I 0 M eet Thursday dren.? Registrations for for and bets who have materials these lee. are ifor litres open. the Ellis The Women's Democratic present" IChristmas are asked ito bring arm will meet Thursday afternoon club; lire. Frobee Engliosh classes arto to the meeting. completing a succeesful first term. the Newhouse hotel. A programail Thot-to enter the classes 0 will be given under th direction ; of the ducationat section of the for the new term may register at center. Altrusans to Meet ,the club. An address will be given by m. etting of the Council Stilton It Welling on "The Inter-- ! otAt the For Monthly Dinner and Teachers at the , state Commerce Commission." On Venter Thursday afternoon a The regular monthly dinner Of kindergarteners from the' will na club of the Altrusa Mixpah chapter. ,No. li, Order of hienitt school delivered an ad be Tuesday evening at $:30 the Eastern star. van bcod thei on the city's rmoke nuistnce o'clock at the Eike club. The Rev. regular meetlng Monday ,vening l dress in a clever dramatization entitled, Elmer I.. --Goshen will give au ad- at 7:30 o 'clock at th e new ).....eonic ..i4mok.... This was followed by n. temple, 640 east South dress on Christmas." of Diphtherta Immo- street. AU members are Invited to, waatim... ,. by Br. S. G. Paul. med- attend.. ., Camp le. Daughters of the 'Utah In the public schools. director Pioneers,. will meet Thursday aft',Va. was sersed from a tab la The Ladles' gay aus illary to the,r wri. ernoon at 2 o'clock at the home of n a Baptist church. will bold at A. C. lighted Christmas tree; Mrs. Ella ;IS Ninth Bethel Rees. Biblel stuciy class at the- home- of .,exectitil:emsecretary East- treat, An interesting program Mrs.Cooper.--162fahw unit..4 train...ries and the. . east -thosesvin- Is altern-o-o-n.2 Tt'xPV"8. street addrewed assoc.ation, Wednendav to be preeent. terested are Invited the monthly luncheon of the es ()clock. Mrs. A. E. Hudson will. present the lemon. All wernbers' League of Women voters on "Tax- Richards CLAMP. Daughters of the and A 'debate fol. Prnblems" au" . vited Utah Pioneers. will meet llonday to be presentd ;owed. The majority' uf afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home the league Is to sponsoramivity Shepard- of Mrs. Louise P. Glauque. .0S71 The S B. A. Thimble club rill Towner or in Utah. a federal aid Wilson avenue. An interesting hold the.sixth of a series of soc.e;e Oteleci. A committee to confer Mrs.' program will be arranged. Thursday evenieg at 3;30 o'cic,c11 wfth .be Taxpaygre associatica Isabel K Christensen will be tile at the- S, B. A. hall. A general in- - i wear ..ppointod at Mr, Rees Eng those inter- vitation is extended. fre snot'. at the aisisting hostess. toAllattend. inecting., of the a. a a ested are invited Women's Legislative cemrnittes , The Ladles' auxiliary to the San- - heli in the afternoon at the .o e Ladles auxiliary to the. Vet-- i itary and Heating vogini,eis e.tot.i.hotaut.botel Volunteer Firemen associa-- , meet Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 a thin will- - hold the regular month-- i o'clock at the hemp ef Mre. W. iv.. 1 1:1 Plan WednesdaY Duncan.l.2611 lif cClelland st reet. ty business meeting , evening at $ o'clock bt the hall of Enforcement of Laws the organimtion. 233 Canyon road. The Central W.' C. T. tl. win . ThorsdaY A meeting of organizations unite meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock The auxiliary will meet. 11 o'clock at the ed horne et at th home, for tht furpose of law enforce.. of Mrs. L. Stone. morning ill he held Sunday after-loc- k of Mrs. C. T. Peacock. 325 9 street,' 229 Almond street. Dr. W. R. En.lment, will give a talk on "Chr ist- - n4, rt. Dec. 11. at 3 for an all day session. I sign at the mas Carols" church. Phill;ps Congregational of the Utah! 3, Short talks will be givon hY prom.. Daughtere Camp The chi omega Mothers' clrelei inent local people. A Eunice' pro. Pioneers, will meet Monday atter-- 1 hoon at .2 o'cloeit at the home of will hold the regular monthlyt gram W11 be presented by the Mrs. Earl Davis. 348 Fifth East meeting Monday afternoon at 2 i Westminster college glee club. All street. All members are requestedie'elork at the sorority house. 14351 members and friends are Invited to i be i to be present. South street present. Senora! I u heit, , - IEZ:b4-.401- 1r, , ' ,,tAew - Games were -&Ira and daugh- r-. RIVERTON1I played daring the evening knd a late buffet supper was served. ter, Miss Rita Jacknuan. &re now it, In home new at the Armista apartThirty guests were present. Mi.. Eva Mae Sdrensen enterments, 553'east First South, street. tained at a party at her nom SatThe members of the Miamourday aftern000n. in honor of her Mr. and Mrs. Harold It Tanner- Sunday ,avehool cities. Games were nides club held an open meeting Itft during the week for San Die- played and refreshments were Thursday wvening at the Covenant go. Calif., will to where ls they gueeta. .' house on east South Temrde street their home. makTerved Lenard Loveridahl, Itra Ezra will Friends of the members were line- some time withThey Mies Dora Butterfield nfriends and cial guests. During the evening an res in Oakland.- Mrs. Tanner was tertained at a party at tne horn. of Mn. Lovendala Friday. Luncheon intereating program was presented. formerly Miss Irene Carrutla was oerved to Miss Vera Mortensen. Violin selections were given by Wila a a Arra Zach Butterfield, Miss Phyllis liam Fletcher. by accompanied Mrs. Leon J. Findlay left Thurs- Butterfield, lira Thomas Caliicot Miss lAtons. Aaron. Victor R'hite for an extended trip to Little 'and Mr.. William day Danale. presented some whistling numbers. Rock. Benton anti Hot Mr, and Mrs. George Smith enterComic readings. "JiMs Gal." end Ark. During the holidays.Springs. Mrs. tained at dinner Monday in honor "A Colored Lady at the TeleMiss Lucy McComb of Salt Lake. Findlay will visit with relatives in of Mr. and litra. Ross Newman have phOne." were given by Miss Leah Miami. 'Fla- moved here from Bingham to Make a Goldstein. The main feature of home. their Mrs. Mandle the evening was a eon topic debate Erlandson aria One hundred peowhich was arranged by the intel- daughter. Clary. recently arrived ple of the k'irstandandtwenty.five Second wards lectual advancement committee. from their borne in Kramfors. Swe- attended the Wilkes theatre on MonMiss Syrlin, Miss Ann Goldstein. den. for an extended visit with Mr.1 day night, it being the recreation 'kid Leavitt anti Harry Goldberg and Mrs. Charles Foraberg,A1 their excursion of the Weet Jordan stake. Mr. and Mrs. One Berndt luster. took part in the deciate. An Inter- bc.me, 132$ oast Fourth South tamed at dinner Thanksgiving day. esting talk was given by Daniel street e were laid for Mr. and Mrs, ,Coven Alexander on "Moses Monteriors." 'Heber Merritt of Cnion,Mrand Following the program. a dance Ostler and family of Sandy, and Mrs.- Mn. Raymond Barrett and daughEmma Bodell andchildren of Monawas given in the ballroom. ter. Lois, of Soldier Summit and Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kidd en- Mr. Mrs. and Rarold Barrett and dinner at their home The Order of the Acorn. senior tertained at a day. The guests were family. Ca Pt Sorensen Dr. and 9, Era Jamee-Wallwomen's honorary - organization, Thankegiving Mr. and Mrs. eattrtztizied,. Kidd-anannounces the. initiation Mies Mrau4 son,' in honor of the school teachete. ana Blain. of Magna. Lucy Freebairn and Miss Dinner was served to Mies Eine . Mr. Mrs. and J. Ft 'entar'Crump Cameron. The other members of tained Mrs. Pearl Densley, Bodell. James e. at family dinner Then lel the club Include Miss Marian Armur Lewis, Mr. Edgell. Miss giving day at their home. Covers Seal. A'h McComb, Miss Lavern S. Comp, strong. Mine Virginia 'Umbel. Nils were laid for 12 guests. Mr. and Lucy Adams. Miss Larsen nes Eida Phyllis Elton Miss Mary Kimball, Mrs. Clyde Crump and son. bon. of. Miss Derius and Miss Melbiatioyle. Miss Ida Lark, were among the uceste. Miss Merrial Knight, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith left Olive. Miller returned- to her lire. Miss Horne. Zorah and Quayle horn. Saturday after vting ODP Thursday for lierriman, where they a week with Mr, and Mrs Leonard will make their home. Scabbard and Blade. national Leak and Mn. Liszie Draper, Mies , Emily , family of Centerville. Nathaniel Crane of Nophi is vie- - Draper of Salt Lake, and her brOthmilitary fraternity, announce the ofAsa Draper of Spokane. Wash.. er, nor cadet Mrs. his of mother Sarah the following J. Crane Pledging and Mn. Ora Russell of Salt Lake, week. ficers: Floyd Abbott. litiseell An- this last Wednesday as guests of A spent and bazaar fair rountry given Leland derson. George Cassity, tutder the, auspices- ot the Marg,na. Miss Orlears Stott and brother, was beld at thee ward amusement Eddy. Harry Elder; Ettward Howard Hassell. Herbert toward. hall Wednesday of this week. A Edwin of Salt Poke, were Kenneth Luckey. Lloyd Riley and program was given th the afterguests of mr. khd Mrs. .Chris noon, Einner was served to 200 Madsen. Jesse Levy. A- four act And Mrs. Fred May enterMr. was prusicts. preplay sented in the vening by the Glean- tained at a dinner Thanksgiving Sigma 1st fret nity announces er girls This proceeds of the affair day in honor of Mrs; Jenny May end the pledging e. Award Perkin. were used for the new Church. Mrs. Joseph 31. Romney of 'Salt Lake and Earl Berkstead, and Mrs.l eon, Owen Saunders, Winslow Far- house. Mr. and Mn. Samuel Butterfield Beelisieed of So-- h rin and Van Tanner entertained at a family (tuner on' Mr. and Yr& 'Wayips Tischner of wsek-en- d as te,eat day at their home.illtaina The Pharmaceutical 'society will Thanksgiving Covers were laid for 21 of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tisch-- . entertain the member' at an infor- out of town guests were Mr. and nen mal dancing party Friday evening. . Floyd Bonn has charge of the , ,, , ,, arrangements. 4 - - , , r !a , r , ' ;, ; , ;., ,, ' 4 ' ;' . ...''. 't'(.., '.' :',',,,'? -; 'i, ,A,;'4 :,14'.',-'4:1-and , ILiteráry Club Heat' Original Compositionsl Meetings To 1 . Mrs. T. A. Butterfield and fatally Of Riverton. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ' miscellaneous shower Thursday Butterfield anti callidren, Mille Ruth . Jen:Butterfield. Kra. Ayers and children evening at the home of Mrs. I of . Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs.. David kins. 410 Cleveland avenue. in honI Bigler and family of Payson. or of Mrs. Arnold C. Leyland. forISE; CAROLINE EVANS of Mr. and Mrs. Geork,.1. Miller en4 merly Miss Lolita McKinnon, a reVA Denver Is the- guest of Mr. I tertained at a familY'ilinner Thurcent bride. The serving table was i day of last week at their home. centered with a crystal basket of and Mrs. W. E. Traughber at their.' Covers were laid for 24 guests. apartments. pink and white chrysanthemums home in the aFaxmont - is .10 4, 1 ,i..' 14. - rh"Ali2. is I. - .. 't j e L. McKinnon and Mrs. George A. Jenkins entertained at a i t t I!') t (V 4 1 - L-- Mr. p ; ''., ,. i ., ,'0.. '1 itt!A Morris Chrlatensen. 1152 Yale avenue. The assisting hostesses Included Mrs. Joseph D. Daynes god Mn. C. IL Monson. Bronze colored d to decchrysanthemums wet. orate the rooms. The table decorawere In out carried Christmas tions colors. Thirty "'netts attended the luncheon. : 1 I asateh Literary Club to WT I 116' Members of the Salt Lake chap- it ..,;; 4k . (410) ViA , a.plt - ter of the Sigma Theta Chi sorority of the Utah Agricultural college were entertained at a luncheon Um afternoon at the home of him J. if - ... 3 - , ,'A..,0,4,:,.,...,,,,..,,-',-,,,,,,,,,i- ,,,:t 4A, , Sigma Theta Phi Members Guests , ,..b...' ...44.. 7.i , . 40 !,r.,,..,.. ,f ;.1 ' i.. ( I' ' 1s ,,,. f ' ) Iiiiv,:4;,,,,,0.0 it,1 Parties lt ,, .1 1, i;;;!ti.;,...4t 'rho marriage of Miss Wilma Grainger, daughter of Mr. and Mn. H. C. Grainger, and Elmer R. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Green, ook place Thursday morning in the Salt Lake temple. The ceremony was performed by Elder Richard R. Lyman. A wedding supper was give n in honor of the young coupleat,the home of the bride's Parents On Firrt North etreet, for members of the Immediate families. Mr. and Mrs.. Green will make their Lake. Salt in horns ...,Av , ,.,.4 ','. , ;., ., 44 - ,,, ot.. . k , ,t,..,..,.,1!.,,,,,,,-,- .,, , , II 1 - -- Mrs. Wallace Muir of ,Woods Cross announces ,the engagement to of her daughter. Florence, James E. Eldredge. eon of Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Eldredge., the marriage to Vats place Wednenday. December 21., in the Salt Lake temple. 4.....4,4, -- '. , . .... , ;,' 7,--!.::'-'; - .1 - . - - . ..c . . . 416,10 . . ' rifft , - ' " : - - :- , ,,,,,,7-- 3 0.t,,N r It - , ' son of Ephraim An1101311C1) the engagoreent of their daughter. Mary, to frank R. Goodman, son of Mn. A- - W. Goodman of thie city. The marriage will take place In the z:alt IA1 temple December 21. Announcement is made by Mn. and Mrs. Orson Johnson of Spanish Fork of the engagement of !heir deughter. Maudie Madolynn, to Leland Louie Price of Provo. ---7P , - 0,r4, 1,3,' ;.;,," ,I. , ,fr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Steven- 5., 3., ,: ftT n theyealTA It Zamboree Planned , M dr , e A. ' ''''''' 4 7,,t7N-- ' , ', 4 4 ;''' 1, : i, ..7..., ,... . . P:-- lr.... ...et-- . . a , rpi . ' PZIOTICrJR 1PM, i . t Weddings And Engagements . ... - DECEMBER 3, 1927 . ,, ' |