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Show JT 5IIE DESEBET NEWS, 8ATUEDAY, rotrn EEonoN OCTOEEB 31, 1S23 prate ward gave a character Mr. Hal rwr.viell4 Nathan Goto ad hall Thursday evening ta Mr. inwii Triowotoa the amusement ball. - for- Mr. and Mm H. S. Moycp Mr. and Mm Read Back, Mr, mer .rated ante pf Mages, now of Milton Patamn. Mr. and Balt lake aanonne tba arrival f and Mm D. Ballard. Mtea Laura ! a Mm O. at their home on Get. 24. and Mil Mny Hibbard Mm Albert F.txgerald entertained Shepard were guests at a hmebsan at - th Wednesday afternoon at her Balt Lake Friday.' born on Begun East street, it be- Elks club ta Mm B. M. Crosgrov Rad a her ing her birthday snntoersary. The weak her daughter. 1 last guests guests Included members of the and-Mi- as Mtes Httda- - Croagrove at A. L sad Mareetta etob nd Bales Crosgrov of Salt Lake. guests Mm Thomas Patterson, . Mm LucUa Pries and baby of Mm Charles Duckwertht and 7 Alive Duckworth. Chrysanthemums Salt Lake ter guests at th StanWar arranged through the reams ley bom. had Place cards and favors were, in ..Mrs, Anton Rasmus Halloween designs Luncheon wi har guests Sunday Mr. and Mm R. Rasmussen and Mr. and Mm Lori followed by gamep Mr. sad Mm W. V. Robbins en- Rasmussen ef Magna, D. O. Rideout of Promontory Mr. tertained at dinner Sunday for and Mm C. N. Bargeant and Mrs spent Sunday with friend te Dmp-- ( E Goodrich, of Balt Lake. Mr. and Mrs Robert Ridge enSunday Mm 8. C. Ballsy entertertained th club members tained nt dinner for Mr. and Mm Tuned ey evening at their home on Clarence Bowtbrope and eon. Reid. East street. . Games were at Marion.. Mr. and. Mrs. John Par--a Wasatch Literary club will Second more. Mm Mary Paramoro and by a late supper. THE (ha flret open aeesion of followed Friends of Jack Mar lor surprised daubhtera- -. Rt)h and Luella, of rooms of him oa Tuesday evening at his Salt Lake. the season in the club Mr. and Mm Jami Farmer Second East atrest. borne oa Spencer avenus Th ocUnity Hall. ta Tuesday afternoon at :lt oclock-Tb- e casion urea hte birthday annivers- have returned to their homovisit Rites. Idaho, after a week's program tor ths afternoon ary, Gann were featured. m repert from the wars . served to II at the bora of Mr. and Mm M. B- will incite - ' Andrus. t convention of th Western Fed- gpesto. eration of Women's clubs recently Magna Review Np I, W. B .A., O. R. Mm meet held In Reap Key, by wilt next Thursday evening GARFIELD Dibblep an address by Dr. Elbert la th library rooms - .' t D. Thomas and several vocal selections by Mm Joseph Matoop Mr. and Mr. Dav BwelnSton A social hour will follow for RIVERTON had as thalr guaam during th which the boat eases are: Chair week Mm Bruce Dexter and map Mm L. E.- Clark. Mm E. A Mtea Alleew Steadman euterta til- El1g.of Hiawatha, and Mm M. JMm E. Mm Emaley, Roland, ed at a Halloween party' at her A. Swainaton and Mr. and Mm J. O. Angell, Mm Mark RadalL homo Refresh- Frank 8 w l n t n nt Sett Loke evening. Mm Walter C. Hard and Mia. B. ments Friday were served to Mtee Belva Mm Freeman Stewart and chilik Teamans Freeman, Mtaae Mitred and Ora dren have returned after spending a nt Flllmora- Mtea Joyce Page. Mtes H- th week-en- d , The November meeting of th Aylett, ail Red tab, Mleg Violet Page and t Mtes Bath Flsfaar of Hsbar City Catholic Woman's league will be Mtea bom ha after Vera returned Jordan. spending at South Lloyd held Tuesday afternoon at 3:24 Mrs. Roscoe Soraneen a weak hers, the guest of Mr, o'clock, at ths Ladies literary hadMr.aa and thalr guaat Frida) and Sat- and Mm Justin Peay- clubbbusp reMm Ernest Lundall ha Mm Murdock of Hebar. A, The program In charg of Mm urday, ' Mr. and Mm Jami Stodraaa en- turned after spending n few week John C Daly, is as follows: of her parat Paysoa, the guut at dinner Sunday. "Evolution From a Catholic tertained Mm Joiph Bill and children ents Mr. nnd Mm Jones. Point of View," Mias Eleanor A. Warnlek Mr W. Mr. and three tba at spent Magna days NaWright; vocal numbers by Mten at Provo, th her brother, Rupert Sl- spent th week-en- d omi Hoffman: "A fore a lnl," from guaat of Mm SHoox. and friend. of and rslntivi guests Verdi: "Feast of icesMr. and Mm 'fravtata,''-bTh B. and B. club met at th Wilbur Clayson enLantornp" (Chinese Folk rang) by home Mm of tertained honor te Ralph Hatton WedSunday evening be will Hoffman Restock. 3(ii of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ashby of nesday evening. Gams and muaccompanied 'on the plana by Mm sic war an Joyed.- - Rafreshmenl Bingham. K. N. Hottar. , So renin of Shoshone. were served to It guests. bill Iris Tea wtll be served by the enter- Idaho, te Mr. and Mm H. J. Phillips snd com time visiting fop tainment commtttoe, Mrs. D. bar sister. Hri l. E. Freeman. daughter, Joy, of Provo, aro tba chairman. Mm D. R- - Red with l. Th Relief society will entertain gueata of Mr. and- Mm J. W. dep vice chairman. . - . at a Halloween party - Saturday a a Baa-eroMtea Haskell Jannla house. the ward at tf Tha flret of the T. W, C. A mn evening Mrs. W. 8. Petto returned horn Idaho, te th guaat of Mr. linery claaeee under the direction Saturday after spending s. O. J. McDonald. th past of Mm C. P-- Nielsen yrill mif month in California. Mrs. Ivan R. Howell and daughWednesday at IS pm. Thoaa ta enhave goaa to Naphl to Sandstrom Mm Annie ter, Ruth, May te rested In flower making, frame tertained at a thalr home. party Thurs- make making, and hat 'trimming may day ta honor surprtee Mtea Leila Mender entertained of Mm Thpraas L telephone th clubhouiorreport eve-at Pago, tho occasion being Mrs. at har home Friday evening. that time. Those dealring an Pago's birthday anniversary. Th Garni and dancing war enjoyed. ning rial are asked te telephone evening wu spent In games. war served to li Refreshment the clubhoui and register. war aarvad to 24 guests. In th health education departguests. fall of th ment the second half term wtll begin Nov. 1 and will ta' elude th following DRAPER Matrons clam, gymnasium and swimming, Tuesday and Friday, 14 , to pm.; business girls' gymMr. and Mm Lawrence Jenin nasium lend swimming, Monday announce the birth of a baby girl and Thursday, 7:12 to 4 p.m.; Oct .24. t 41- - curt 14. We. 9044. Mm Harry Heward was tha apodal girls clog and character dancing with swimming Wednes- guest of Mm Lucile Bambrough of Aaaiaaea the return ef 4 children's to 7:14 pm.; Salt Lake weak day. . brio Martin Metwaor vtebeauttft-eatte1 a. a farewell tea danelng and awlmmlug.'-mge- " Sunday bvanhig new Mel in maay 13 to II tlmonlal was held In the Draper 4 II, Saturday pip, 44 to I years It am., years; ward beui In honor of Miss Eu deed Matertal Hair Drain 14:21 a.m., 4 to 4 yearq; boy under genia Vaudrey. who left Tuesday Defies 1 to 4 p.m. 14 years, ie4 aklllfally on a mission to tb Central Statu Saturday hew A new Pgaarbi, Iha class busine of aftarnoon of last Wedk, swimming. Wednesday more beautiful waving and professional women will meet Mm Jack Henderaon and Mm L Paper Eastern marcel than th 4 to 4:24 for gymnasium and swimH. Smith entertained nt a shower women welcome tha paper In honor of Mtee Vaudrey. Fifteen boon for Ita staying a ming. purl - Organisations using tbs T. W. C. qualities All the latest hair Kara present A Clubhoui for week of Nov. 3 guests Mm Nor Stringfaflow returned cuts. Permanent Waving 1 12. are as follows: Tuesday, I p.m.. homo Thursday from n several KKT4 A WnoCK gtEflirrtOU Pocket Testament club; Monday weeks visit In Mega. She was ED HHOOI. OP BBAtrTT and Wednesday, 4 p.m., girls acoom panted by Mrs Legrande ClLTVhK Scouts; Wednesday. 3 to i p.mu Terry and Mm Eart 8tringteUow, and Scientific Practical womens auxiliary to medical soci- who wars her gussts tor several methods. ety; Wednesday ,7:24 p.ip, Edith day. . We invite you' to visit our 3 CaveH post; Friday. to I p.ip. school which wo have recently lira, John Hardcastl entertainClef club; Friday. 7 '24 p.m., West- ed th member of her Primary enlarged and our methods minster Milage Y. W. C. A and equipment. Got our catclam at a party at har horns alogue of course. afternoon. Refresh manta Monday At a recant meeting of tho Bun war aarvad, 4aaay, well veatUateS dees. shins club tho following officers Mrk Mill) Kelly of Burley. . wara sleeted: President. Mm Idaho, was tb guest of Mrs. J. E. Our graduates ar to be found Taylor; vie pmldenta. Mm Allan last wik. all over the west, many of W. J. Hall and Mm D. M. Bath: Mtea Jan a Farmer left Friday them established la their own secretory and treasurer. Mm B. A on a mission to tha North Central shops Huber. Stats. a Environment and aurreund-Ing- a Mr. and Mm Dnvid Brown have lend themselves to Banner Review, No. 11, W. B. A. moved to Balt Lqk to make thalr coarse. Our courses successful will entertain nt a social at the hom. include lectures on salesman-- 1 home of Mm Mary Erickson. 147 Mm Florence Dunyon of Price ship and shop management. Seventh East street. Thursday eve- wu tb guaat of Mm Martha Dun-yo- n Elian bath Msagh. Pupmleei. ning. The committee In charge of Sunday. th arrangements Includes: Mil Bad! Anderson, chairman; Mm' Effle Holt, Mm Frieda Morris gnd ia , Irma Eileen Grtf- 11ns, Vernon R. Evans, (Stokes Portrait), formerly Mias make her De to borne; right, Mnwho has troit,"JIich.,'to gone fin. iq October bride, whose Dolores Reading, Kehrin W. Aytett, (Peter Studio, Murray) formerly Miss JvV Pl al OpejDMeeting LirefSry:Club'vinl Sections To Planned By Meet lit section of tha Ladies' THE etvicaclub will at ths clubhouse Tuesday at 10.10 a u. Th anbjeet: "Depart men la of City Oovernmaat and Their Function." will be given by W. H. Eel land. Tb art section will meet did-needat !: pm. Mtes Linda wlU prsaant the topic, "The Influeno of the Greek Games Upon the Development of Benin-tEarly Oreag Bcnlptnre and tb later Archaic AoL" Illustrated with lantern views Current events wlU conclude tb pregram. Club members are Invited. The arts and crafts section will meet Thursday for a working session,. at 11 pm. A box luncheon will be Served at 12.24 o'clock with Mm 8. E. Pier as hast sea Th program follow: "Beautiful Interior," Mm A Albert Bkarn-key- : display. ... Tho board of directors of the dab will moot at tha clubhouse, Thursday, at It pm. The readers section Will meet Thursday at pm. The reading of "Henry V," wtll ha continued. Th current eveata and currant literature section will meet Friday at pas, Mm Katberth Pains will talk on "Modern Books, Good or Bad." Preceding ths regular mooting of tha section Dr. Georg B. Pel tees of th University of Utah will deliver th second In a Mill of lecture oa "I sternatidha Relations." , Tickets for single lectures may be obtained at tb door. Th elab chorus wm meat at the home of Mm J. W. Edmunds 4 Eighth East attest. Tuesday at o p.m. under tb direction of Mr. J. W. Cnrtte. . The regular monthly mealing of th Home and School league will be held Tuesday at S:I6. o'clock at tho Civic Center. Judge F. R. Morgan of th Juvenile court and Alma Clayton, who Is in charge of tb attendance of the city schools win be th speaker. Mm W. K. Mordock will conduct a laseoa la nut v: till - Parties Mrs. George H. Wdthon, who ha returned from k weeks' visit in Los Angeles. , I , t (Continued from page one) at Mr. Howard R-- DrllR who soon for her homo la wlU Mew Fork. A tow cloee Triend of tb honor guest were bidden. . nv . Holt ontertelnod at a Hallown party Thursday ore-nlat her home. 1SS North at Temple street- - Yellow and black were weed In carrying oat lh decoration. The evening w spent la gamao and dancing. Lata reMrs. R- - M. j ng freshment anmbered were served. The gnesta twenty-fle- a. wof the Old Friends entertained Thursday afternoon at Innchooa at the homo of Mm George A. Sainabnry. 110 Fifth Cast street. The gueata wore parliamentary Jaw, Av wiffolda. Tfe Mated by her slater. Mm Georg Mick a, end Mm Llssi Fullmer. Cover were laid lor IS guest. Th Auxiliary to th Balt Lake County Medical society will hold th regular meeting Wednesday afternoon at 1:1 o'clock at th Y. W. C. A clubhouse. Mm Newton Millar wlU speak on,' "Heredity and Education." which Will heth second In a series of lectures on heredity. The wives ef el doctors are Invited to attend. Tea will be served. The Cteofaa will he entertained Thursday afternoon at tha home of Mrs, Wallace Bennett. 441 B street. Mm H. K. Burton will speak on "Jsme M. Berry, th Novelist, lonw tM centered At Had, wtih a crystal basket of French t: - . - 1 of the The pledge member Owimi Phi sorority of the Uninative entertained of Utah versity members at a Halloween party Friday arenlng at Fort Douglas. i Tho oommlttoe In charge at a magemeata Included Mies Marjorie Allen. Mian Ethel Maya. Miss Elala LaFownt JUn Ethelyn Mias Virginia Hill. Mias Besets Tburmea, Mtes Alta Hanson, Mtee yVtreoce Bntler and Mice Thelma linen The gneaw numbered SO. Members of fans of Sigma Chi will b MUHtlncd t luncheon on Wednesday aftarnoon by Mm foy Ooates at her hemp Oarf.eld avenue. The assisting hostesses will be Mm Milton Levp Mm Paul Bassett. Mfi. Arthur and Mm Harvey Hancock. Majte o The entertainment committee the Forest Dal Golf elnh will en-of tertain Saturday evening at a party at tha clubhouse A Hallttoean costume will be given Saturday by the party Maimonl dee club at th Manor house. This Is th first affair to be by th ergaateation and will given ha support by the adult Jewish organ Irsttona of the city. i a ' Mr. an Mm Stanley H Cham bene will entertain at a Halloween party Saturday evening at tltelr home ga Tate avenue. , lilt Members of the Delta Sigma R. intngaatlaaal gommarc fraternity, entertained Friday evening at tba in Elks' atah. The committee arrangements included NoalL Harold and ComingEvents th 0. in nro-gm- 8. Burning ham amtatants; committee. Charlotte C. finance Mr. and Mm James A. Rybefg Hogla end Christina H. Boransen; pub- - will entertain at a tea Sunday The Veteran Volunteer Firemen 7 from t to -o'clock at auxU-their ll aasoeiattoB and tha tedhome, fit east South Temple street, "! ; lary entertained at a Halloween v1.. in honor of .Efrem Zlrabaltet. faparty Friday evening at the home , ,, horth. tickets, Elisabeth mous violinist, who will appear In .of Mr. and Mm Naff, 1412 P. Hayward, chairmen, Elisabeth. concert here " Hollywood avenue.Harry Tho evening T Beer. evening. Ehia C. Thomas. Louise Member of tha Monday Musical Arts so. we apant in garni and dancing. M. Silver. Elisabeth R. Wright. ciety will be the guests. Lata refreshment were served. Uly-C- . Woletenholme. Van Home 0. The gnesta numbered Mrs Whiteley; refreshments Clara AnIn honor of Mr. Howard Drigg Emma Powell wm In charge of tho derson. chairman. Rhea U. Beam who will leave arrangements a Hannah Dupont, Fannie Capener, for her home in th near future In New York, Pr, Mamber of tho Rujacla club JennlfF. White, Bessie Naylor. ' end Mrs A H. Allen wlU enter-tii wore entertained by Mia Florence dinner Monday evening at it Olbin Monday evening at her maThe active memberswillof the Gam- their home,- 201 avenus. Eighth i-Sigma sorority entertain a e haw on Harrison avenue. The newlg.lnitlated members of the Thomks O'Brien and Alfred isanban present Included: Ml the an t eoronty Informal Mia Barton. dancing Frank win entertain at a'dlnner Carol Margaret party, Batufdav evening at the dance Saturday Bryan. Kin Norm Bryan. Mu evening at th Al eneetr Dancing studio. The Emma Dost. Mtes Nina Giles, Mu Christ ? will be a Holloween parry ta club. a Beatrice Gunther. Mm Ruby affair Miae Helen Kimball, Min Ruth me James. Mm Katie Ka rath. Mm James Brookia Kenneth GardMia Beth KeHy are In Oertmd Mtes Evelyn Bird And Lobrat. ner, Ward Riser and Edward Flan-dr- o of the arrangement. will entertain Saturday eveMorgan. Mm Alice Robertson. charge - Mtes Irva Stark. Mm Blanche t, Theron Covey .will entertain the ningM.at a Halloween party at the Mia Elra Wing and Mm members F. Brooki home oa Douglas of the Phi Delta Theta Lota Hansen. --fraternity et w danrlng party at street, a pm T. his November - Mte Leon Forney entertained , horns. Mu Alice HcQuarrie wm entert n costume Halloween partv The Ladieaf auxiliary to tho Na- tain Saturday aventng at a Hal loween 7 'Thursday evening at her horns 411 tional Association party at bar bom. 1414 of Letter CarMilton avenue. The decoration riers snd their husband will be Ninth East street, in honor of hat were carried rooms tb Through entertained at a Halloween party Brother, Bruce, whtf will live on ll .out In orange and black. The at the home of Mm J. D. Cheshire. November. 4, for th - Australia ng wa spent in music and 112 Third East street. Saturday mission. - i a Jute refreshments vrr 'games. served. The guests numbered 25. enth West street, Friday evening Miss Vers Richard and Mtes prior to , hey departure from the Gladys Ball will entertain Salnr r In honor of Mrs. Fanny 8. Brown ward- - The evening was spent in day aventng at a Halloween dano "member of the Twentr-a'xt- h ward music. Late refreshments were Ing party at th home of Mte met at home, Tib south Ber-- i served. Ball, 7 west Becond North atrest. a aft-mo- J' I -- r - - Eng-gar- j ,,- ve--i- i 3- - hi v- x. ... -- al - e, a Civic Center Claee for Next Week Announced schedule of Following is th classes at the Civic Center for th week beginning Monday; Monday: (1 to 11) dressmaking; No. 4; (1 to 4) dressmaking, Kp 4; (I to 4) parchment shades; (I to 4) dressmaking No. 1; (1.14 to 4:14) mllUaery. Tuesday: (14 to 12) drees making, No. 3; (14 to 11:14) home hygiene and ear of sick; (10 to 13) drew forma; (3 to 4) dressmaking, No. 1; (3 to 4) elomentary dress(3 to 4) polychrome; making; (7:14 t I) home hTglene and. car of sick. Wednesday: (i to 13) d making. No. t; (14 to 121 polychrome; (3 to 4) millinery; (3:14 to 4) home hygiene and care of sick; (3 to 4) parchment; (734 to I: IS) millinery. Thursday: (14 to II) dressmaking No- - ; (14 to ll'I4) home hygiene and care of sick: (14 to 1J) flowers; (14 to 32) cooking; (3 to 4) dressmaking Kp X; (7:24 to 4) horn hygiene and care sf sick. Friday; (1 to 12) millinery; (2 to 4 dressmaking, No. 1; 2:J0 to 44) home hygiene and car of sick; f7:24 to 4:24) English; (7:14 to 4:24) millinery. 1 i ' Mlxpeh chapter. No. f. Order of the Eastern Star, will hold the regular meeting Monday evening at T:24 oclock at tha Masonic temple. All members et the order ar invited to attend. a acr - LAk Ill -- The Utah League of Womeg Voters will entertain at a IntvcLsoa on Monday at 12:14 oclock at th Hotel Utah, for Mtea Marguerite Owen, national legtetetlvo secretary, from Washington. D-- C. and Heater HolUngahead, regloa-secretary of the seventh region. All members of the league and In. touted friends are urged to at ton. Mtea Owen to eloeely associated with Mm Maud Wood Park and Mten Julia- Lathrop In tha legislative work of th National League of Women Totem will speak. Rea. rretion may b made until Sunday night from Mrs. James A Ho-glwho will presidp The ftrvt regular monthly lunch eon of tha lea gua will be held at the (Trie Center on Monday, November , at 13:14 ecloek. Judge F. R. Morgen will bo tb speaker. a " in. League of Women Voter WUl Give Luncheon ' Club Day-bal- ft. and-Mr- clan: Key & Moogk Beauty Shop ll lit' in., u T si H-O- Th Ladles auxiliary to th Vet eras Volunteer Firemen association wlU bold tho regular monthly business meeting Wednesday evening at S o'clock at Firemen's ball. Ilf Canyon road- The auxiliary will meet for an aH day quilting Friday moraine at It oclock at tho homo of Mn Thomas Bimpson. It! Coatmrillo avenue. Miss Roi Besvsr. . , , Th review will hold the Maxwell-McKeaNo. A W. R. ular meetlnr Monday evening 'regat t C, will bold tho annual inspec- o'clock at tha K. P. halL a tion Wednesday aftarnoon at I Mtes Mm - Elisabeth Geoghegaa an Louis o'clock at tho L O. O. F. hklL Ttgbt Mrs. . H. Tonkin will be Walter wot glen a masquerade All mem bare and O. A R. are Lunchesses invited to attend. on at the exhibit of paintings at party Saturday dyeing wf Iks home of Mm A W. evening eon at il oclock at the Elks ths Chamber of Commera Wad- Ilf I Fifth Bast . - o.O street. Personal Notes (Can tinned from page oo Mm on) Howard B. Drlggs will In th near futdro for her ta New TorW City after a two mouths' visit tho city, o r Mm Harold Braastord Lamb ha close her country hoasp la th Cottonwood, and will bo at th Hotal Utah for tha winter. Bor mother. Mm Houston, who ha spent th rammer harp has returned from s short visit to her heme In New York and Will M with Mm Lamb for some Oak-woo- d, tint, v , , . oeo Mr. and Mm Paul Lincoln have returns front a motor trip through Idaho. O O O P and Mtes Adeline Thackeray Mte Gwendolyn Murdoch have arrived In New York from a several months tour of Europe and will reach their bom to Balt Lake Sunday. 'Mm A. W. Hamilton nnd small aoA Walla cp left Monday for thalr hold In Fort Ctlilnp Colo, after a with Mr. week visit ef thro Hamilton' mother. Mm W. H. oast Biend Booth Looep stroot. ml ' Mm Fred A Hate. J- - ds vtett-ln- g .with bar sister. Mm Bamuai Dar (Mtes Marjorie Crltchlow). la Philadelphia. , a-- com-red- w:i! be entertained Monday ning at th hem of Mtes M Pearson. 141 south Seventh West live homo , n. In -- 'h te T . a n' Hai-towe- m Sim Loranao Cardwell entertained the members of the Wilkes' stab at tanehson. Wednesday afevening. The hostess se for the evternoon at bar homo on Emerson ening will be Mm Cheshire, Mm A svenas. Tho rooms wars deoorat- -' Kelson, Mm 8. H. Hooves and Mm ed Ip Em fall gardan flowers and L. C. Lovesy. was aeateted -Has. The hctm from (Continued page one) T. Mm Mtes Winifred Ward, Mtes Ella-beby Mm Jack wnHama. Smith. William Mrs. Mm C. A and Behle, Mm Thomas Ighmia MeCutcbeon, and Mte Luclllt A aMMteal program was given dur wise. Mm Q. F. McGonagla. Ml Folsy will entertain at a Halloween Saw the ataMat The genets mum Jmn Lawton and Mtes Catherine party at the Ward home oa Forty-fift- h henod SO. Howell; table. Mm E, A. Roger, South street Saturday evenohalrmaa. Mm Hamilton, Mr. W. ing. Thirty-si- x guests have beea eatw, M. Powell, Mm C, A ran. Mrs Invited. at a etsdlo tea this attar-- 1 W. A Ratten. anew at her atndtet a a Hooper The Sigma Chi fraternity win M! Afton Greenwood wilL en- entertain at buttatag. lnfie,. tertain at a Halloween costume par- part Saturday evening at ing the Halleweea colors end symbols. A house. M Entertainment will the home chapter Saturday evening were Mid. R. O. Clark, Mm ty of her stater, Mrs. C. A. Kimball, he furnished by members of the Leaner Bkagga of Ogden. Mn. 021 WUsun avenus. Thirty guest fraternity. Stanford Rees and Z. D. of Ogdon, Mm F. J have been invited. Dsan Hart have charge of the are MeGasaey. Sr, Mm T. J. McGan rangement. aey. Jr, and Mm O. W. Adams Plan toy the annua) " Pioneer - The tnUowteg stadenta of Mm bell, Tb Hiking club of the Unlvara-h- y which will, be held Dee. 4. WnUaamon pr emoted a vocal of Utah will entertain at k were made at a recent meeting of Mrs. Z. D. Jones, Mr. the Balt Lake county camp. Daugh- 2f,,owr".danc mt h home of Lean ora Skaggs, Frank StcGanney, ter of the Thelma Bwaner Saturday Utah Pioneer. The folJT, Mtes Slae Jordan,R.MiG. Chrls-- . lowing committee Merlyn were appointed. night and Eddington tin Robinson. Mm Clark. Peterson Moyle have charge of tho Alice C. EdgeheUI. chairmen, Mtes loan Whitney and Mm O. arrangements. with Lillian H. Brown and HaratlT W. Adam. The guests numbered o SO. The Women's Kalkmal Republican federation vriU meet Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Unity Second East street. Prohall, fessor Leri Edgar Young Will gtv tha third In a eerii of lectures oa "Govern cent." Mrs. A L Mathews will apeak eu fAmertcan teatIon." Vocal ae lections will be gtven by F. T- - MacKey, who will elhg "Stt-UThtnkln'," Howard Fisher, and I Love You More." Dorothy Lap accompanied by Mm MacKey. A report of the nominating com-mi- ll wlU be given, The hneteies of the afternoon will Mm A L. Mathews, chairman. Mm Ben Rich, Mm James Melville, Mm v. it podg Mm a. W. Teudt, Mm Rom Solomon end Mm W, W. Roger Mm Hate wlU re- turn early ta November. s a a a Mr. and Mm W. L Penich have r turned "from a trip to New York and other easier ettli served to 44 guests. Me. snd Mm Davtd Wilkin entertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mm Cecil Raynor, and Mr Mr. and Mm Jami Purser have and Mm Lawrence Fro Island of returned from n week's visit with Belt Lake and Mm R. B. Thorn of relatives in Logan. Msgn. Mr. and Mm T. D. Curtis had as , Mr. and Mrs. C. J.' Bruner announce the birth of a daughter oa gussts last week Mr. and Mm Thomas Curt's of Spanish Fork. Monday. 3(r. and Mm Lloyd Peterson Mtes Alice Duckworth left today announce for Oakland, Calif. 8b will spend Oec 32. ' the birth of tb winter with bar sister. Mm Mm Theodore Hansen, formerly William Benson, and Mr. Benson. Mrk H. H. Wight spent thg week ef Magna, now of Salt Lake, spent the week with reisttn here. . with relative in Tgylorsvtll. Th marriage Mil Glehneth Th Magna Woman's, dub mat Coon, daughter of Mr. and MmjDednaaday evening in tb library Abe Coop and Ralph Coates, of rooms A businese meeting was Hunter took place Wednesday In followed by social. Mtasee Lada th Salt. Lake tempi. A wadding and Lillian Allan nnd Mm D. F. hostesses. Retrih-men- ts recaption In thalr honor wasflvsn Boil war were served by the bride's parent ths asms Mtea In Edith hall. Green BhurtUff will enterth Pleasant evening Th hall was decorated ta lavender tain 24 friends this evening at a Halloween costume party at the end gold end la autumn flowem Th brides gown was of gold lace home of her sleter. Mm J. L Moes-s-oa Fifth East street-- over lavender satin. - Th Artel Mr, and Mrs. Jsrold Larssn anquartet furnished mus'q for deno- nounce the birth of n eon at their tes. Rfrihmnu were served to . 204 guest. The young couple will heme test week.. Mm Jack Caranee. Mm L make their home ta Hunter. Thursleft Barton. him Victor NeUson Williams, Mm Fred Sr., Mrs day for an extended visit with her Clark Hyatt and Mm Frank Faren-kowill be hostesses at a Hallo-wi- n daughter, Mrs. Louis Colons, and Mr. Colons, In Park City. party this evening at th Member of th Mar Chet club Farenkopt home on Fifth East were entertained at a Halloween street. costume party by Mr. and Mm M. A surprise party ws given tor D. Martin, on Thursday evening at Jack NeUson, last Saturday their home on Cyprus avenue. Mm t hte home, the occasionevening being H. C. Culverwell of Garfield was a his birthday anniversary. Garni special guest. Hallow el it symbols Kara a feature of the evening. were arranged through th rooms. Refreshments were served. Th Garni- - wore played. Pumpkins guests numbered 14. Mr. and Mm Leo Larson had filled with fruit formed tb centerpiece for the long table at which guests last week. Mm Mary Stack, and the Mtesea Margaret and g 1st supper wad served. - In compliment to her daughter. Katherine Stack of Eureka. Mr. and Mrs. James Kone have Mm Marlow Hafen. formerly Miss Elra Carter, a bride ef tho month. as gnesta. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mm George Carter entertained at Kona and family ef Tooele. Mr. and Mm Charles Shaw. Jr. n mtecellnneous shower Wednesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. 8. T. ammunce tha birth of a son at - Decoration wrer HalIn thalr bom ta Pleasant Grtsn on Huteh. ., loween design. Chrysanthemum, Tuesday. cratered the table. Luncheon wu Th M. L A of th pli of er pt 'A i- Tflve Kt sE w o |