OCR Text |
Show , .4.4- -- E113 AILTOMOBILES int lot UTOISOBILES OUR PALI PLID CAI theas , WO ITATAI" Pedalo amowarDASSIO THE - - 1S -' Oa I. , MISS 11111 Chavrelot touriag. Ian Clitivrelet - ISIS Cloovrolet coup.. tell;TiSt. 2114 este, P4 1M $O. MAIM ST. latil Tort tionOtarketall eaa- !Pert taertag. 2124 fated knit ton.. la AI. 116it 1721 : AtITO LOANS tall handl sit If dditt.sal woo?dtalls, r.pay .cts iontract. seed, Tog ; Chaltaant touring. Chat-reiI ton'truck. OAR A To arenANan , I. l'S 'not Second South Ind gist St Ind Inutk, cowessry. lEtOattiar - strYs... AUTO CO, ALKIRE-SIUTI- W. 404 3attli. 3 1(041 IN VOLD OAltit 2,!11 Fodster btos ' 11 bode We toltrhis 13te 410 'animist awl Was soliveleet torma. at Itiebardsooow 00Wel. LEM, MOW 17111 assensassuntaltualaniessisasa Ta3I4,11111C1011cAit coscriarT Jo' sad 1st Ithisso, Alf WWI A1,11. ION CNITIOLMT 00111 , Tear Perxerr first tt perassi. 71,111WItil4 'Poet towing inlet bonnie ' oleo Go tiros, 'LSI down, MT Motet IWO" Won. 1144 Open Si.. 4$ I Wane nod nonnol. ;4U4 PACZAZD foam. Unneuittly Kt: DonaSit. illoo WICIETSR IMOTOIll CO, Wite. S4St 46 So, Wan. re- riad and , ona41tiosad, Prkao slot. term& CaU tillamona. Wail, SUL lcitrit. MIS ,poutods. stood voldtar., too', Side cartados I.,. to toas000dittoo a&ritakt totes& 'Soma sad to VISB E Da A-- 1 1 crap, 1210 Motor Co Std do. sod to on 1128 Sid 1228 1212 LAVA Iltd Vora MooSstor. ittil1011 - 1018 daub Mto. look witoot., --4224 lord tiros. Mop Itto. Site. wipor. .,1221 terms,. 4I6 So. Sotto. 1021 -- 1120 PAINT owor 4", bias Aide Palatist. WM move SalaarMAtagat-llaaa-Abbeala-a- nom esaabar 1. le. Was, aaaa. 143 II- -1 too panel book, lit. DODOS DISC A root boy tor soy light dstiv- Mt. work. Ur. Woontotoy. Woo WI Illetwirkses-bowk,try tow r. Ito, or if.a It at ' MOTO WAL. A218E. 1111,L BUICK t.tyl tour. Irttir beat telt. at t good C110011111t. Witt sod tent& Can mimes& Witt 1411 b- 1924 ditto .t.. I sat . L 1111 DODOS lm 1114o a twat?: astir , Paint. Balloom Tiros., good 61441ftithe. Car him 1644411weadrte1 tom 14mralit omit IL TOVIISOVir.s. L HS 2711 coup 2L0040W2 280 180 Rosdator Tourtrif ititir It ole1201.41 ails; T0o8r8of I ttat10 With Ruckatall Tourtiog fle 1211 ?ourtair Usist deltvitr true10- -.; 280 Tea truck elisaut8..e.,e.,; ; 180 Jtari V. taros lb omit 1411. 74ts..Call tials" 441.110. Itaiit ltd. DODO, lOkt)d- - Norton freak . rebollt sod polaloo: I ood rood Moo Call Mealltioor Waa ltd. Riellardoas Bower. laa. have Depoottob le aged OWL ,11r Ford ?aortae tote toodele, good casuals'', take to ant la the sh00 all toady bona good Tornio Du rtAlt tract. , sad titem Waa It& OA. seer Woe. Ovorloa41. tato toodisto S eaiwtor Models eteevrolsta elan loPookaolool teed certain' imeottrot stoned tato to Owego trona. Boos 4 I Woo ' lad Richartlaan-lasma- Pt EN'? A r. 101141 Nr. Maa Mid Ise. cm'. - Cr Itt. , - -- -- . - 11111, FOUR t 41"1111. City )te Sista Waft $41. twi rook hood ontithres Tont troilite. 411 IPS vont . whks; win I. "wit show torts& 44f , t h big discount, with Math. ro Torii SVION Authorised MOTOR porch. iopits Sasentecti tad 110. So. SU. Was, 1 CO., dssiere SPord Four ,A rso Madre buagalow. otroptatt porch a.att mmout ammonia smarty now, st lth Waal. 1124. . .4 teem modern ark lour. U tiormaeo lat, 12444. hung$ itaaa, tang.. ?lei sad bath. 1014 Was 'MaCONAUOWT a. S. hal Kearns SW, -, SPECIALISTS - t1201 Pet 304 PlIdu Realty& 8111SA148111P TICK1tT'S J. - used MIN; and all woataar tatveada Ilona Kam Ttra nontpann 4P1 POLLY AND HER yyrtwierntits - Taw itarittiesta. Poly30guarper list. getup). ialkpo. Maio $t. Phenol tote model sato. no. on ,,,ur brie. I'vrooritof Co,. 1,nrid. I Itsmorcprom ryvvritrrelitstirt, al000lattoaf root. repair than. oildt troll trolood alkaehaalta Lat. t model ranted. Spacial rat to rtudoato R.0.pacc Typewriter Ca., ill Sat ylouTtkesatioutbultualtdt.trtmleas4 let, nod I am Mgr &eking autch mil non Hy. beim far II410.0 root CNII,DIMNItpxcIAL DAN:cola CLAPPEII I)ANCINO DRICN COUNKNCING Oym.-- IA- - girt Hold or far Statto - DESICRIIT SOL WILL - 1k' . ?OR CHU, -- se meta. , ' SCHOOL OF DANCING , ...) MIAOW TO Toartre. Woodward', Sem& ICI Se. Pdals. All lbw dat04661. T- Umiak Trot. 'Dowiniess mama 11100TORII of , porelise hoorahs" eolninote o, les home, km toak hiss W pis. , - Sddl-- lion. 4 See- - 1. 001r40 19 rreoldts 4414 Ilithor Twattday Woo14,44,647 Aigrime deablog lo is amy W. 411 kvo Ressonsiole 146. quire ..tik PIANO JAZZ twAlId,. aIi krieketa,lbrarlatal. cootAl, My. A I. 1 rti OW i ---) '- Ettieu i 8! 0 ' - .t--- 0 ,' - 4' - a 0 0 . , - THINK - Ileti- .itfo 3)1 - ITS ? - - , ii 1 10. Pi f 0 1011 tl A ivt 0 IIMI de h....-- --- I di rdi wimp fl , f7 . . tonoli Notior boom ',nitro's, Itétte EITHER, ammo boot farm Mot OWNISISodit sifts 4 room boom mope, berk to. two antes front (tartars& putor Motors lot I by Aloe 21 omen pastor Prim rooms. , ist 4$4 66: butt, tar .Z. Stonework tin etrat Widow , oak ?Imes rsnstittoa 114, or Ilk Soak- - Salt Lotto Cttro ' $till DosSI. write ......-0." emated:-- At GOOD Loiter-do- r Potato roots or Trotto tor oorsor, Ton Ohi slid Rod Mem goods- - Toast Moo) as te V et. will take email Woks I. tho groat log leas basin of ht trade. soroolat P oosallor Colorado,. A , oko.0 base for epirttoel derrotop good tem ou osol' web. - meat, HILIOCH 'rho eon etimite lied looter con- yowl SOSO took. or 111170. toor forme. riro dittoes ado smolt, for tho oropo groom so to otalooll Hoopla porch roothh, ogled proper rlierottiod torrotot meat, moth Mal of bowl. Hot trator hoot. Titan Pull esmsolt bosomont. wwhipir rims , Romeo tad law' as ho houghl Oemtholudod oztrat Humorous OW oaor tonne god frisk - rhos. t000tt Hsieh. Pl000loot Co Wood& oil' Broom ot M, G. took Idols from& Joe off Mr Us moor aortror any ottortiong I , troirorottr school.. Conrarist A bore the otooko. THoptorso Hylood it iala : , GENERAL REPAIRING 110h-- 4 tilde sl eeping lifk trysb:lii; atanadd lettvinegroztans, "a al.,'" asitor. Woke mut Iltat South. sod mad ' staxcrotte zAmpust 44 'lichees 1211 CALL , of Placa., Irensdvx. ter ad Wadi jackets asd sea, repairs W1101011, ',star Watatett 4474. $16010-01- ' 4,e; OHL? SNICK BUNGALOW NACHITICH-414.- , - - 1100irris(t impairing, sit and sogri work first striae; tart Wail graissi. Was $101.7THEAS?.. 41164.41. 114Y(7MT...?,...Ctsit 04. ?SHUN AltRANONO. PROWL Lambert illeartatt Cm. tam tom work. Hardwood agora. gtmwood ftnists rhea Wax ISH. Set Toriateat eabinot kltehate tiroplado. boohoos, Iron-toboard with Hiroo drain board. tamest basemttrit with 111001P repair's, and palettes; elf ere brokfast Sabi. two floor drain -- and- Woad, asereateed.- - Go ear estimate then tail the ether fellow. "eta 1791-e- r. ,b.d.ryroorneasayanhd...convet..titersetetbal,ellityroo,mtimA rcon owl, Largo lirlog room. d "Oat . thlittodwePa- - - - Stove Furnace RePairhtg goepital; tad eolith $tate; tot nogg 04 es de do aronritireosntme,:lot bnaatiybriak t and Camont walk. oreona. Pa34 sower , ampetwrinots all insket pour repairing tjaelronto tad It ratios, liana ill haat, 404-- : 10440041. vtator Mokat with (h plIS Lot 40att to tarnish pans gair AMY Mali of wee LOwnto tioworo and shrub, onto Hoed of Mrs toottboast location tort- Olio Immodloto oath compel-i41143 Was. va4sy or DOSS your tenure trim oittlatattiou Vs. Pito Niro ootoraitio in dttrinn 'wen16r wag. It not, roil LIS Inotallations impropoo tertecting Motor Arm. Shoot Wrk. lU Groin bliootrob ' TRUSSES ANON.. ant Brondwalt-- FURNITURE REPAIRED 3. WILLIAMS. Mann revolter tomrly -- kb White' Co rinurlitag. kamaiiritt allPhiristering sad as 3e$2. caning. I N street- - - 'eel - trOPENSOW Permits, retleishies. E - , , - mGuar1- 1021 east , 0 INDEPENDENCE HOTEL toed piss ts Ati ntatisra yousseSteces. stop Wait itrasSwir. 1 O0 P hi block wool 41Pootottlos..---Co4------.W4 le romoortobi talrito your potrooseu.pooplo.00ly. Tour filimrim aro ants loom Undo: I b.1 0. moo- ogoment- - Rote U. tco U. ON öij . .., ' Ill Noel. tt T. tot booth. 134 440. boo, foes roomo both tbo- - Sportof rate, by tbs book or month. Woo- - Sort. LINCOLN rootoo, Modern - iiji- 'I' io'italtrat. ,),e), - - Wanted Miseellaneo" us 11 Dtpoor n th r..-"- REI Repels Ce. epholetettne. etal1s and eet4not making. 1)1Rood twit Stems work only. Iona tat jt.sh et.ettt, (- HOTELS u I: - Pipimo. r.hohdrrni 6;74,,i o sato tesSre and bodlao stratiStoned eel repaired. COMBS HAGEN SMOP, 131 east Fount Bout COLICS IMetor and Usable Cao II littelv thrbtenS WHEISta Across entire front: beautiful polished Mee disarm whits enamel ktch.n I areod fads rest, Wee 44i3. Machine work , "arooma parch; auto ropotrinc,orindfing, motes wumtim drive cement and fureace; garage , and lawallint, will TO Times south ea dist South. like thee item end we shall do enritra MAKI AND RICPArit boot to arrange terms i suit marchesand MST ltind et electrical applies. r. taymino. esu wpa, 124a-i- t light fixture& Call- Waia CM; COOK & NOVEL ,, Ili goo . - tut 6174.11 ETHEL,Cct A SCXK 14 ' larooklisa ro4A wit 1 ;7By Cliff.Sterrett: ;. . Boa Ilk Doostot C.41 TOIS ISALIS.-064 rbotis 144,440 - . Imola. -- , IR Ipo, ' lieC .., lit ' Stirs Itto Porto loot Zotato Co.. alti ratIrltrt.. Stormy tat or SlL PT terattsis ono boa farm lama matt& Sousa toopo. barn. Iota too winos treat Garland ouiror torralt Alto St &arta oastato. Pilot reasseatallio, , - sarth ' trustamr.itptoduts trout hardwood sours riorzteTY AND PLENTV. ACRES elate plumbing. gaa rang book Solis troth anent Platt& tbrsogiut. tintinuo, rowan drupsik tangs,. istagrt taws; monthly payments 11 as sees Gummi with beommat pars. Orissa trams Masted. aerad for 11 Sli ampermsgmts Sour. special pat.. above, mot; SYLVESTER E, Is al sag ',Immo. SON, Dap- Orlando. rut. t14.4Maar. Want Largo tut with di, tr;, - Ivo tototollo tit smolt atom 'Immo goo taiga" Ito tomtit Nook. T.TURIt , N Imitator tor small across ii loads. dealt toll to tall mad oot tan tot leo& to wont Our Arnow& rtt tesrletood Rex Drug. CAL, south Woet - ne. eyE ! . , IP rot art - .4 11 rooms- -- . h, i tor- LANNI AND LOTS WOM MALI CASS Patantud Land. AU toneot Poeta and WITS. Obit bundrod y44", TIT 64TSS being ellitiVated iS Vain CreP- pont errkland. Iti! taring' arstWithit tog watar runs through awl and half Miles of Ttreni of Ronosh on Highway. ?Moan Bailee from VIM mato County east on Railroad Nib lord 40.Luisi7. Visit. Good &beam ano Chu Aloe gavot Lets In Balt take City If you want good runt land Chang on terms writ to weer, W. It. Soataph. $an Leandro Celt Addroso R. IL Stottoaaos. 111T aka Kett ' LIAO City. Web. I WILL ALLOW WM par Om ter riAlt $alt dommo,mmo.00tbuo a ea aU ear otot stk. Oil walor, fruit trope. barn. PLORIDA load. Pr Mato party Intl I r, SIb. bath tittitien load aut3rirbora in Florida. Mat. Wa$. SIM tit. txdo tat et nithor to donation& thektre or whore down town. Waft 3$W. eTHEL 'VA - trait, &WIWill &evil met lui.rmollt & ISO 'Attie 110 lots DS. EMICALL le te "Leen Moshe nen" le Mate. Wae. ate. Cint Don't -- e .,. : .0, , - . a 8 1 , It -- sr Psi in Protiorts - rty 4, 1tdr, pittr of dark I sommoneopossomo. uwitsy "kw too tses, One fens stankod- WINN ',fantod - ' alu - i I - . - t f' - ' smt I - IN at Nam South Mot& r1 4 P-- CAI florid" , ... HQ Orverhodelog , . ts 5) i0 "NMI 0641111111. W 140 N. -- 41111111111111111111110M11111111 ktot - TONtlive0N, "seers; amid fur . ilgu tactical4i, outcry public.- Ilriloce Labe CUP. tictcl. ' ' In . ,,,,k --- - REAL tortvro. Nana huTors for Sarn ranchos Ant Long diremso aloft iilad Sackanaso a woonutity. Writ., today. - - "Ltiot tiftorsturnta-- ' At It tAirrirtrt, SAS? IliriLL w. boys eltatK tirri &iris st Tarr & vivo rood latto out which stod&rts home. This site& ts Mott tor tivits horde& or shirk. tom. It is located os stood stroot. Ito tan &oil sits this &t & bar- - - have& et , , EH, prinvrty thrtiAllr SWAPO racra brick. sovittaitst hog this to yea tetthig. TrmWallspocatralanaso.4. tu Wolfing: 'old home IALMMI2 'oleo, front mink 101401 tar inlanELhraas and !ICPW1111::""tee"rItir!TWrialtitsrlww--mambos. ter alartatantak Uot your lomat, !boo and poem of oludd. 140 award Ann, totivosa 4t8 Jltoork OS (lift bullInc tkottotY Culture. araportr Irlith no.8nd It Norsk, ICPPLItnON ARAtTT COmPAKT. Phone Watt Salt Lake City, -Vtah. 301-1- 1 ?ribs's. Bldg. Irs& 184., CONIPOltrAtILIL want ad in dean. limas bested. 414 out way to itilltrt 'rho Xei PP. IS kr plonk Ito 'milli ar- t MEW H. X. Apt" stoepte end porch It dooltnd. lbotoront It Boo , roadentent virago notra btoottary.. MutColleation o nd lot South. II do, Otb 111101, LOST AND poiiND wood. nor your , ad oppossuit " tempi Hi sawn ad OM. Citurittout tog 7. With your bon 6.4.4114 softy it Yoe desire. 'I414 sub so.; tvtd rotten apartmania oho delve fair. vitt triafood 11.01411ITVII CURIO TOR OMR attire 4014 Wooten howard. taeation. walk- porch tile RXTERNAL VAR, MO, TRIAL loryr8y. ing diotatire. all Ito. tit tart. Small LIA TWIRL. T01.11CON 11101IIIDT C11, d 150aina buil rentals wi't; eitlitireet loam. T NAST IIRCOND sotrtn. It) .."4"01P; luoutwil to Nora "00117." ts1. LAX CITY.- - HT. -- , Bar. Saab. assord. T ett.tfl owl, torolohol norm! tor It 4 440444444oanso,4444,44,ionmo4ompo X Apply INVILITTIOATV718 OSkat 11, eARIMAtett Chit &ohm Aro. sad ICA le. LOSTBotwoos avid telmtbst, Made sal, ;goof to the Partfreiter atteettiote eves eel - 4...a..." .1.16 "181.1.,ta! J. 11" Watkins to W. P. Lad. -Atoetikro of dontriote motion. tepee.' lilt eolith irt. Italics oleo room aemeeelt ot ears. rebettled or sterol -. own, 1.4h1. Utah.- Ittlartist. luallottat. Is,. us APS g Art 101, 4. Visa 410 or WI,. liusittoos prroortr; aa 41,- - I rams Vadik.-TWith alarm' bet tiosol iotoilrgoneo Iturooa, Inc, Ste 74St Noas toot , Wee lei lift ,mo Ith sod 3 ith N44. iWh WU. olt el tvrattL Can Was Ube violent. - WANTICD dead De , Sate pet pair, '- 141-- 4 COMPANYIhnot I room brick. strictly mutant. itet watar bast. in tottestlent aoattiton. anod soouthaast location. ONLY it... Terme Idiot Pair. toot fear ream teed localles Liberal tans& twat your abase: at this. ' RNA!, SaTATE BARGAIN Writ today fir rasa bargains in tarns and stack ranch's. ovary., berg goo , or, turbantoo trat with us. ' 11111111 REALTY COMPANY. L10444-"DosorBank Bldg. Wag,1111 WILL, thado 11 trait. bongs. Urn ' seem stock. 2 wilco front peatottica 1tr a room hewn, Was., 111 or Mo A mall paymett will sonars Liboral &mown your awns,. , tor all tualt. bet us build tor 70 GEORGIC K. CANNON COWPANT. 531 Kitarna Sid, Wad 2110. , avrantst. -- 11 wiltasubt ombreldaratt riu,owoLips eta& material& hitat. ti:r:nnwtrnot , .. Ito., them to Oro now WS Allittistittil , 117441.... . Due For An Eyeful.' PALS!!-Ashu- r's ffili-,- a. . 110.1111 onteertnherm SAV't molt, elm moot Owl stow torarto AND rnsztrrievNo. awl& void for , oad oars. reit 'HAT FACTORY anaamomaccammocaa Nattresims, pillews. comforts. beAding Auto iVrockass-Cto142 loot Ildiry. 1 ALL mikes ter het sad rrst. Metro NSW ntahrsooss from OLD upplisA Corona. 114h Ortrohtutot se wants , sad nott Royal tilt PIttuu svg by MODERN WAAANtory. tp4 NATI; etestuwi and biteki Imo eisotoSAtti dO to II iwt- - mkt imm huts IPMrta Short LAIN" tracks TiPWiter tzetwinil ti. s'it 1Pirst . wear, Orechs Phan Waostok USA im sod proofed United ECM. ITO Auto SlituStr es, 131 Sheila Ststo. South. Was 4616., SONNSVLLLIS WATTSSSI 4 MTG. CO. glib Wit 6146. T. T Burt. tat& Was. 10$47. Nc 1146 Wait Ildrol Nortb. .1!!...m.. 4;1... I1437-St-s. LW? tit 7 11 rostke matttem Hy. 3141 7 Hy. Stmt. mattes.... rotten, weed. halt er box uprise, swede ever ilk. seer. riesser Illattrees teeter,. weft ?bird North, Wes. 114$1, - stow WANtrtsTe . - n F-r- - cuter I.. Suet DSAI:). enr4 by" 014 horses: will 11101101144 WS11,11 tab." Sy. 4 Inn. W. by all kind ot 4ault prices. Salt Luigi Junk eu, It", 'habit ad 1 er usninsi oaua yr harms Murray ES. ... oar cask rho. - e Idaho Rnioe, III:lire,Ntclui,nitrladiandiorbcf.elinluttno...utarAtamktos TALE AVRICIM TN SALECREST PARK I. being pave Drive out an4 gee werlt being dere these daily, The city water end sewer Airs "freed, Witt Paving will be Ca. 'shed before TheekagiCinIC We took all iota oft the markat peading eirtainty that all modern improvements dould be ' t.iai , mrx! 'Itesertm Nakao." S IVATTAZINO OLD 214S IPL,RTctunt:LtycAs um. co, Ploaltora - ,e' ' ' tit. 07:1",411.3.4' 1,ifellrf 10 Lucian la Novo Realty Inv, CO. lk Rooth Mat", Wain 1111.11411. - room modern II wxstanoto4b:a.arrtnnotocunitvbsrmaionlyknitnsheovek,oco,oltaetoraarkdobtlistibbt ed. itiecalItkAti444,1SITilar:Ird";"1"IslurttuscfitChlinIlbadhlrthrhelar"tnt,,1 ' v tut I .1Writa - IterpretEtirit01114101011.111ft nrSen et 614: ;Was.. wribbilittail:71WitatrblastiLatberlotritrataiireatail ATTRACTIVE - -- . NIC0ALR) fits turelehed hoses-1111 seat govantossub ssfetts , tants. furnished trona rows, - downstairs,sleets with piano; shoo )4, 1 esteems pries SS per wash sod up. 0 Set North. 'I ed. corns. Ingrown and club ball& lettlebtat erule sill clown-lisp- s' Arnornort. trOaro IMAM labors. boas. tslostobit. cyttaolor MUNI ISM DODOS photons. verso, pools roast. Samstuata toioolloot omit, Woo balloon 'orankohatio n4 soonsestal riots sots Item, Imo paint; ready for tit road-Tole- r MIAs, to histalit all mania, la oar sod tonne to mit Wm. rhea Week asuartartnoti. lamest Oomph, IS Oro Moto. Or ass Kayr, Woo, 3111, 446 , IIDI,Ij In am oett th South Main Wasatch 123. steer Int vas 1 ONIS ZIAIONATION Pit1111 DI L. P. DELJC.,04400tIc. ablrepodb4, tout sodiebillet. luetaut relief ryes III Wan Simplot. ' ISS des Alain Tires, Act;esaorks and Repairs À- moms. oft): APARTMENTS FURNISHED roPmESUNDAY. ISIVERA011 , VW MATPRESS REPAIRING wzrz, sitak. tram, garage, hada tot 408144; eattaaa taosta; sal owner lth Won and Arartthae ..,,Ilattatt-tata SI" - antr104 room me - brick. roar Nutt"; ate. 4 ... .,,,,,td to (11;40,47469,aco:"Mishbtlo Veal ei for comfort erg gerabilitrWino ' bet aroma in winter. timeliest CTA it COUNTY. wotor furnaeo, MmHg big Perth. fell TWO rani DARGAirtill basalts ct bees. All rooms on first cuiCivated tilt geed , wattv hard floor Ira tints'tcd In gumtree& riabC ottir Sated on attract tartan woad floors beat wall vapor. largo 82.11ACRICS trrtgatat ball fireplaee in front room , with 8 reamcultivated and bar awl barna lira roong dints brieg Mom largo ' and abed, late) ft Oa our terms bulb ta biattot. itch's Irbil OH bolit These are real good. antra Wm in features, Ira acroon& back porch4 fret Immoitta tot,' tient 'amok Tom. bark statr irev. ad nor tars bad roams op stair citlarra with largo - gory, all fitted b111C-- is IrRITarlit LOAN '18 Titrirr CO tiro big toilet Was 8648. dt1S18. Jmot et giumblog. eiparat Fait flidg Hy leaf Ono Ito Porn alooata and me. .,..,1101" 4a otemor any ftas IrrntaretIrrartild'rEalltoriMiTI On choirs tar information, Sr tat minim .41110,t In nootIvidano and East ()wean's nrnoirod toortaainf through torsolovuto CAM or orna Idaho atata room 4 . ' trm.1.1,44 Mpnatoctlit sante, heat,: dangerous treat& I acres tu grape about a sere, in malt trait attaigs &slows to vearetabied Pilo $2 tad ea on sour own tonna, or trade to . ,Loialigrol eel W bars la Otto woo block, near the throe othoota, other 4. I sod I room madam' hang.. Iowa. all romonably pticott sat-anbra room. at 1114, lottated Sib anti 1th So. lath to4 alth RAM. So hoar tho school& . cleats. TYPEWRITERS Dutch ihstattoist. This tiros In sosatiortal coop, dittos. also Too shouts PlaW Sit rebuilt typewriters.- le say moo slits so tosohantricratir ttlW 4 at a mem seas. Special resist rate to tat. toe. roal plied, $421 mithC Brothers. Typodeism ' writer Co.. Ns. $ toetottico Piss& Woo. 1014 NAST our is a saapS es. in. oomtortablo 4 roost CotNY. toot'. portly mod., good condition. Optiir 123 Z. Otto, South. , , ' .111 mod oprtme.basollA utzta.9030) 1.4rrr , 41244. ' TIL'ell Ex rAmm, - Laktmist. A? A SIG . tea lath rearoaktorott sovags...,4, 'sr Is? Avows. 11011. 'Ilia Soothoro wrote emeb . and looks liko nowt. Terms to pott Con btooillotor...Wast no- -. Ittcharlote-Sowo- r. Iso. task. gikasartitir 1st - COMPANY,- riNzaT . , n Ina Dadt rano svmApr. bony - 01011114en treat. loo. bat spar body. 'Apron , 'trait, - son fr.r., CIO iibrAtniro-ryria. MIK"Nita Are Abl KIVO Lefirst 11P15 40 lo. Sritifros.linfak Is.. - - georil 4SS., th TNT. et:). Wat. 2841. "jut ' DODOP Nair Mims IS a. " PIUS SABI' Omni torus. Away , LAKIC AND Criticic ' - ACREAGE SALT ONE Or SALT LAIKES Now 4 room tagUalt Imagatom largo Irma lad dialing rooms.. rata tamoat moment. kit oak moat Omuta; 'att boom - SMART OP GILMER PARK, now I rows English Cokmiat, a badramot, loondartut tot. sli protai sa. wiser. Wid asoantsuts paid. Stitt.", yam ARMTON-3Elogl- Id& - REA1-ESTA11---- ---- , fissile feet. .511 tin Smolt. stoo40114 0000110a. bult1,0111 Deo( south. near lid Etot Impreoed withfaring barn oat soot. inotorotetor. whstolliolt DOUBTalt HOLTZ. I rooms melt tbrea room frame. Giving it away. and cover to Irina. certain Ilk. now, A4-Ttethomushis ronoustod. (Ito bathe. wort PERSONALS Lars terms. too ortoto 4sono, for doottot4 . or tootar tor OAS torm. sad Issas or Citteaostrody. $11410.00. MOTOR TRAVEL retrourAty, INC. MO. sad room. Addrma D-- S besret Kim. 1,1.0 to OS Mum Naley! 'Not $121. topt TRANSPORTATION TO POINTS A; dandy S room modent ItrIek rottemo, la L.OS ANGLES. EAST AND WEST. ',SENTRA MOTOR CO..116 O. MAIM AN may may to Moot a moat ad arr11,04 teemed Oft tile ir,.t pm, sth South. The Notts to by oboe& No orodtt , Stilt DENVER. 1111 SC KANSAs cITY. cosh and balance SDI oar month, Nonresi- to OMAHA. SIC ST LOUIS, Sat SC dent owner antiona to aall. attimmoot to amosart. Colima left aPPoOt0d mods attOr your ad CHICAGO, Set SPECIAL CARS kora Mill itasist 7014 - PARTIES OP Fritz OR MORE roit Courteous sd SEE Ws writs all kinds of !montane., Make I. "Ilk Sour SOpy 4t you dootra Phone 13EFORE MAKING RESERVA- loans, Rent bottom". I To coo 'ambitoi a alma mood Fora O. Vressteh OFFICE AND DEPOT Al mortgage 'IONS. ear sow tor loam thou eh mom ear SEMLOM MOTEL LOBBY.. IPRONE Tours Neal- ratata-l-y. aill rusee you nett owls& Vey Mtde' . a FURNISHED HOUSES A "rim rooroolt yt the mortem oar title "taw. INV. COMPANY BY AUTO LOS TRAVEL TO ANGELES. IM West Ind South. cottage, strictly modem fliesWas, 1354 SIG Silt TRANSPORTATION . IT ott.teT Torts , . furnished. gll Vendor ?Less, th TRAVEL THE RIGHT WAY. ileullt Towel' list Third send Mut maw WS own IP. aad CI foot" motor, tool ,"Iiiii Me partite . Typo. Cali 'RIG . Stadabakare, siren passenger. bonded , talk cow paint and fneurati ears. For your proton.'"'--OW IttatiMatt bitL Pereh. ---MOM, tOtni -t . Ilk teetd boat triti rugs ftaa., astkottrdrWareHiatt 'retriume, 111. baimmelifi toe TWO BARGAms.. .. rm. gerairs, Saab driver bac a gestiimi bending earda. T461 SIPS Wita 138 60 vac Poutit, -- -overnmant Scenes federal for Misr. SIISCOS only. Liboral format I TotraING. see tp. mietiliest mats drivint, Schedule "WYNN ItI Lee 1111.41 buy Ma 4 room boom, proctio- Seto, all good miing Anattlatti. Tutadara Fridays and Sun., we,. ally Mr. dark rare SIC, Main affitte Little ROOM AND BOARD ttion-weia, itistrtolaoWIL kayo WI--- , meow motor coUpe Orsr-- good vac!' kir---....,,Et rit 1W Or , t CODIttet WIN tor Wa . Tiff. maks t.OvZLY 'vents all now tarnishing& torte ot 1eltriO3.-sow-loprgoTims Oltalt.1t1vs rooms. old wttrt motor. body; trillinittlf tot and ono room with priooti solstitial" location; it takon at both: not rultwzrx BTAUTIS doitosstoble with Aggro top moo can bo ha4 tor 4110111e: 110.4. , southoro bona. cooking. 1114 gag &Pin , Ivo shingling, inareglittig. slat waiving. gaper waiving, shampooing. tte- 1)21 BOADSTell. Beod tontilIkos. Isla manicuring. dyeing. PO SALTS OW TIPLADIL Itt.60 iit-- I saint A1111 PIM INTL Conti- - Bank Bldg. stoats teat, hosts, Good doublo house is Prtoo, eissk irbelommis king, 04 111 11114 tourebtumd alto Baer Ott, Inity-- be Utah, Will buds tor siS7 Wes. SIONS AND ACIONSAY. $1 wseitts. sarstsa, eisso is. Was 36311 )11011. W.U. tar 13 down. Wanes moothir r 4111 Wost. CPIAS. Partstasopt SION CO.. It Par year eowvatente pelt SingdT1 or 114 ISICJIANDI STASST. ' IS sores, boo land ta 'ration FUSINISSIIISS tames: board it dStrad. guest? orator, tine, loceelon, Will M. HOattatt. dolma lob. 1$03 NUMMI SIIIIVICB lined for good home la (AT, $S emit So. Tamps. Wu tleS-'Pilger Imooka 3. aids.. It tam tams 3 or I BUILT aro tt ssitossaist-401Istip.liIt I triellOrt Oil 13111011; matoti TEUTON homes, tor mow tad booker. omen in Sinn, --ebsof beard. GS iss, Maim. NAIR illetitureg iremee'llitom mid diseAutiowlaed Ford Dialer. torroo mad rattails tor port,- Was. 4S4. men. Ilts multiple adloo, Mr be Maus. latil SPIliCIALI--f, removes It forever. Der- tamales, pests akin. Curse tent. I de ;,' IlltALTT OM sprelutort Apartments Unfurnished. itMAAll beauty survive skilled menet, I Imbeds Itemusee dtudie. 211III Waa ?Sit Stott Bldg, (tdovator.) ;SA tell. ' MAYPELL TitADMSWIEd Corr' abrott meow ritootaboariala boa. bathroom. I croonod yitAysta poreboa, sir AV1-4- Art LeoMONXT. OR.,Mn ea, haul fools and , .,, your antittlos t111-11Irby 116 Z. trb ATVSNotre?. ISM; Aortioo nark' $111.. Woo. Id tour tonal? automobile? Kansas cur- - $16; rot. SPICCIALTSIC la: 4uall1 low te INAVIS you au apartment., thor 0,114441 clue& rooming To eon "arrives from Into Sevor. wr. ferAT011 TRAVICL AozNey or store LARGE robot business, yosi would Oho rooms and Ault" SkrMonate. timed t trord ammeter.. kite Stator Co, good Office Komyen Itiotol. Phone, WILL 14. , to triad tor a otty nom at forint Or tforret, illt So, that.. MI oars. Matuding paned delimitate oo.6.......... do you want to trod your Immo or epos canopy tope and roadsters with effelICAle BARGAINS In ladlete; lightly farm for a stern spartmeut house or oily on bodies. whkant Mt tee room& title mod (Nothing., boat motortain late a floor businrs If you On these ears toe may dirplay your Ilift anything 161 St .It. tart.. ith alma trot elabe condition hours I 2 to trod., call and a.. o.hay. Myles. Wo special. trade, advertising, pleas munbar and Ita a, Was. SSIO or Waa Ds1, Apt. to 11 Sunday, from I to p.m. Call , Ito in trailmo pt all kintla addressee Wan 12,1 Constitution RICHARDS Timm aril good iserviesabla aro With REAL, raTATIA COMBldg. ' PANT. smotentablo rims owl starter rantNICE room sod both. it.. I H. X, toTris PINoP LAM ere 11r. 1,,A.o 111T Waikor Bank Bldg. :Wan ill,. 114 MoMbor Et.. room for odonts. ing be pram from lit 3 to 201 and so 1C11414016 bo wits. smiNOLit, 0A dotes befor inar aso, 3244.M. Low root. tties lettithir.- latiort 'viers todar. 1. Oolatortt &glue ollstor amino Of and 000poo,--41bargains Term& Dakor. Wier Co. Ord 0o. 3,4 porvia; 7Attpio , Ja. Remiss tot 41414.04 Memo $3606-0- 114, CLOSS ON'S IdM, 441 s 'FARMS, Ain! Improved and lJnimpróved. .........................w.. mi.... t'Orartir rarrr. nw, si.1 Row shift end Veva Cara Drive it Tolima' Co. 35 Wert 4tb South. Salt Lake. Was. 1404. Mil Wash. eve, Cade. Dimes $4ea. A. IL TOURISAIL lo. Mato Plies, Wes. 11411, palm. Call - 01.4. SPOItT ROADSTER Du NEDCIE 11,0.14 bo pleo.04 to &too A oar you ooto. Car noolS Pointot oat SO dibegra AND OTROS GOOD O&M& , - hoop. boom NICIV 1$141 Tudor aloe loft 444,40 AND drive tient is tties, Slag dawn. CitY Maur or touring ear. no bolastoo to pot, on Wow Wo& 1144. Opou omega's sad than two earn Raker Motor Co Int gouda's. So owl trd toot- - - lin. teens& surfonms sow 3914, ItAXWILL towbut, ORD tourtar. 1014, ORD tosetair. OIL IRDDERAMDD, et -, EIGHT-room- Otedel0111411 broustant. , WALK Aritxtrit SPECIAL. TOWN. I roost tottata. h.srtot oast front. Modern. RZN't 1,7XrelLSISHIED.. rocatt SAR !bony Pat, stoat Lase lawn. treat aat back.. No mouth eniidrn. HI. Fora-roomod hoop rim tn. toquiti 111 SO0 Almond St.. Adults Preform:I. POUR rm. Log. 717 moot Sieber H.Oath. or 1 OS wear rourti rtortk. TOR r TAL01, 31001 MtONAIYORT R E. 4 vent retlith SOS UnimprOted:- of - - . -.- tour room firebrick tPr 6170.61 lovoro loom 6 own- - Oa ttroot.- raw tor Iowa at 634 610. d ,n h ' AL ESTATW improved-ith- I lovely 'room, itor et roller,. hot water brat. shade tte611.. 110viara, 160 Abrubtrono at $7660 .06, Tornio, irrItorrr prieW CAR brick tiardiwtOod tittpre. itploreild Twa ittatereoritea bargain. iteveral irtter Makes and typos at i cheese troav We rwm Improvod sad Unimproved. STRICTLY amt. lett I room bolos. IN Amems. 31$1,IL ,, ant Own- eloon41 I tiooms Piet, 1110 flo Nelvtit tvost tis Ste tik. Sas SS1 inolro.Sith 2LS &Vet wot it , TEl Ator0 1111CCNANGI , readdoweed Polak hod head it lidd South. - - PPHOOL., tilt, -IttiMbfikar-tipilfitlilt Daises fauna, ;statean -- H. An Now. WILTS Mar 011r:0;1- ,- - Wed sag ear lin' do tar-I-. take roll aarwhos16 Per. 114,1Wwill. addltioallutit. SONS goat. ZSTATZ ..-1- 111AL .tirkasoix. - , HI I! . Chevrelet cacao. We erM ant tare Issra -fait prOpostt tow 'lank of tt!-Say Ford s. Daddroda Old malaise. tintlusisited. Houses , Marcelo', sada& Itat Clovnalet getup& late Chavretat inuring. late Clnivrilit -Da like lou'rieg.. a Clievrolit pada& . AVIL 414M 1T. MOD. sS1 PT. MOD. lit STII r.... I$A gaow-nortiturcio MA MAIN LAM MOD ids gO, CT)IiAN't 1lMAS. NOD. IsS 1- W. TIMMS ..Si Warate Is III.. 33 towil Main. MOD COOT.. 111Itare AVE. (NMAN Ssit ITN 4c) SION 1111rTet 80:71.11, WIEST OP MACE( 1111 S MANADS rpm sr& MOD . . 14.14 ;- low: som. wipe:W1 by flow124 S AVM . . ... we 1 VA shrsablF. . $11336 win )11.,1) . ROD. Sit MO. MAiN, take, tonne BOUSS CHOWN MOONING 411'" PAYMENT, IMAM., DOWN LOCATION SID... toolattoo stoatittir, 5 rowel tiroITN. br4elt. aotr ea4 prettily tiorerat, LOP.. IPVINISIVID, 231 SD IL IL Sailor Moues Cowie, 14060- ROOMING LO- BOARD 10Mo CATION NTNTN- - ZAN? AND NINTH IS NM ATM. MOD, '0, DAMAO& 4 room sod We Weep-lo- g SOUTH VS.14 v The M. IND MO. porch, retwee tub ,. big lot. INV. CO. l'ETERSON IL B howovenneatat Paid. A rest but. MALTOlt. will take, Terms it row WAIL 111, STNI IAA . Wok. , .4Irset 1.th PON tikft., licletotlitOR UTAR ;AST NIDE itat ROW. Palsy. staildard from alIS SS ta XO&RENT - 1111. NEWS SATURDAY OCTOBER 31 1925 .e AtITOUORIM8 The mord at the "sot toolra solo snore dodoes' bars, bst no bettor Hiss Itas seat Ian right Bream, DraR,ET - ren II Asa H sost odor big. But we toys 'demo bards's hare ter yea. We aro tleardst out all OUT stock sad are Irsoarnall, Mar o Ins t cam Sr earil am the VID -r- ON ELL W " dr 440 4 .4 , -- . ,........,.......mgpmm..-,-,.. 01.. , |