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Show f J NEWS, Brigham Gty, Utah THE BOX ELDER MMMMl M if iff nr Iff M1 Cosfume Parly Tuesday, November 14, 1961 Enjoyed by Club a Mother Goose theme to costume ideas. Beta Sigma spark Phi members paraded about the With ocial k cene Sarah Yates, Society Editor Telephone PA .m J PTA PATTER Couple Plans Temple Wedding ! Mr. and Mrs. James W. BOX ELDER High school was given a surprise visit on Thursday, Nov. 9, by the PTA to study the teaching methods and student cooperation at the local school. try HIGH "ssO Dinner Meeting will meet- ing on Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 8 p. m. at the Idle Isle Cafe. Program chairman for the evenings entertainment is Mary Ann sHolman, who has prepared an interesting discussion on art. The topic for November, which is national art month, will follow the theme of learning more about art and artists both of the past and . , v, naumsonaiA aaaaaaisk Miss Julia Irene Edheringlon, daughter of SET TEMPLE DATE Mr. and Mrs. James KW. Etherington of Layton, will become the bride of Robert DeVaughn Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Hamilton of Rupert, Idaho. The couple will trade vows in the Logan LDS Temple on Friday, Nov. 17, and a reception held Saturo day in the Layton Stake House. from RAY E. MALMROSE Do you have dry mustard in your medicine chest? If not . . . why should it be there! Well, two tablespoonsfull of dry mustard stirred into a quart of warm water . . . and drunk . . . iting Newcomers Welcome Wagon Club will welcome as special guests the members of Civic Improvement Club as they hold their first afternoon program on Tuesday, Nov. 21, beginning at 1pm. .Program for the day will be a fur show and lecture on the types, styles and upkeep of fuis. A short film entitled the Royal Family of Furs will be piesented by the Mutation Mink Bleeders Association, along with an illustrated lecture by a Salt Lake City fuirier. normally bring about vom- when acci- dental poisoning is the emergency with which you are dealing. 1 his, ol course, is x i First Aid in its literal meaning, because you will need a doctor Mustard-wateimmediately. however, usually brings up the contents of a poisoned stomach. Mustard may also be used for hot packs, but it is so strong that such treatment should be prescribed by your doctor, because serious bums may result if applied Incorrectly. To an ever Increasing number of friends and customers Malmrose Pharmacy is known Civic Improvement Club Invites Local Resident Public to Attnd Enjoys Outing make reservations. Modeling fur styles will be Mrs. Hazel lireitenln-kerMrs. June Johnston, Mrs Margaret Pelham, Mis Marilvn Henmon, Mis Marge Plum and Mrs ave Miller. Different styles of furs, running from stoles to full length coats will be shown, us well as different types of furs. , 1 tion In this field . . . Plenty of free parking at 102 E. Forest. OUR NEW LINE OF Unfinished "th Division, will speak to the Beehive Chapter of the National Seeretaues Association on Wednesday, Nov. 15. at Maddox Ranch House in Brigham City. Hayden, who was recently elected to the executive committee of the National Councils Safety hemicul section, will speak on Civil Defense und will highlight fallout and bomb shelters. 'lhe NSA Lomond Chapter of Logan und other guests will join the Beehive Chapter for this meeting. a Rheumatic Fever. Parents are urged to attend, since the room with the best percentage of parents in attendance will receive the roving phonograph Have you, Finished 5 Drawer Chests 8 TAKES EVERTON MATTRESS COMPANY TO REBUILD YOUR OLD MATTRESS. CALL EVERTON TODAY, SLEEP BETTER TONIGHT. COMPANY 24 Eaif "S lit South 31 102 So. Phone PA Main Any Diamond! But A Palmer Diamond! The right diamond is too often chosen by chance! Today,- this is no longer necessary, for Palmers offers you a choice. And while it is true that only an expert can really tell the difference, it is also true there are certain Palmer diamonds are most carefully graded as to quality, size, brilliance and value. They have been chosen with the guidance of our skilled associates in and Antwerp, Belgium diamond other famous WHILE THEY LAST! Mens and Ladies' Waterproof, Shockproof 21 Jewel High Grade SWISS WATCHES Reg. Self-Servi- ce VILLAGE new home? de- finite things to look for in judging the value of a diamond. Brigham Citys beautiful new, modem $39.95 24! Y4 WATCH STRAP or CRYSTAL with each watch 55 East Seventh South HOURS: 8 a.m. to 1 0 p.m. weekdays cleaning or major overhaul job PALMER at JEWELRY grwtinga from tha com malty. WATCH FOR OUR BIG GRAND OPENING Friday - Saturday - Monday November Phone PA STUDIO Not Just NOW OPEN . . . you know, just moved to a PA EVERTON MATTRESS COMPTON centers. LAUNDRY & CLEANING Your Wolcomo Wagon Hoataaa will call with FOR Order Now for Christmas serving for the event are Mrs. Oscar Dunn, Mrs. Fran Holman, Mrs. Zenos Earl, Mrs. Herbert Adamson, Mrs. Lafe Jensen, Mrs. Mrs. Louis Breitenbeker, Mrs. Chester Horsley, Knudsen, Mrs. Ben Knudsen, Mrs. Lewis S. Booth, Mrs. Wynn Anderson and Mrs. Gilbert Horrocks. Mrs. George Osborne of ham City was honored at ner party Saturday evening The following births are report- honor of a son, Roy Osborne, ed at Cooley Memorial hospital Clearfield, and all her children were present for the happy occaduring the past week: Franklyn Carter and Arliss sion. Bradbury Hunsaker, Rte. 1, boy, Born Hannah C. Nelson on Nov. Nov. 7. 8, 1871, in Denmuik, Mis. Osborne Dale Fredrick and Mae Mason came to the United States when Hansen, Brigham City, girl, Nov. only two years of age. She has 9. made her home in Utah and Idaho Floyd and Coleen Stokes Ham-so- since that time, and has resided Brigham City, girl, Nov. 9. in Brigham City for about 50 John Joe and Annie Fisther years. Chovez Lee, Brigham City, girl, AN ACTIVE member ol the LDS Nov. 10. Jarvis B. and Rowene Maureen church, Mrs. Osborne served as Williams Facer, Willard, boy, Nov. a Relief society teacher for 40 10. years. Relief society members Filwood Russell and Beth Marie from different LDS wards made Mrs. Bunnell Petersen, Proco, boy, visits to her at an open house NOW 90 YEARS YOUNG held on Nov. 8, at the home of her George Osborne of Brigham City Nov. 11. Albert Benjamin and Eva Jane daughter, Mrs. Alta Young, 252 celebrated her 911th birthday on Nov. 8. Christensen Watson, Brigham North First West. Approximately 90 friends and relatives called to City, girl. Nov. 11. Edward Peter and Phyllis Mae pay their respects to Mi s. Os- gi andchildren. Kesler Redel, Brigham City boy, borne and to wish her a happy Her sons and daughters include Nov. 11. iMrs. Lillie Johnson, Ray H. birthday. After her marriage to Sterling John and JoAnn Mariborne, Steven L. Osborne, Leon lyn Jensen Bennelt, Jr., Brigham Osborne in 1898, Mrs. Osborne be- ard Osborne of Ashton, Idaho; Mrs. came the mother of nine children, Roy Osbnrne of Clearfield; City, boy, Nov. 11. A. and Janet DeRae eight of whom are now living. Ivy Jensen and Mrs. Alla Young Rodney Larsen. Thompson Tremonton, Numbered in her descendants are of Brigham City, and Mrs. Wilma 38 grandchildren and 52 great- - Hammer of Bountiful. boy, Nov. 12. or has someone gift and frlandly IT Friends and relatives miles away and here at home will be delighted with a portrait memory of your toddlers changing ways taken at Compton Studio At 90th Birthday Celebration NORGE Night Stands HASNT SHE GROWN? Mrs. George Osborne Feted for the month GIVE d cleaning and laundry service store FURNITURE IS ALL Mrs. Abel S. Rich recently enjoyed a family gathering held in of connection with the blessing two new grandchildren and a in an LDS ward in Logan on Sunday, Nov. 5. members Twenty-nin- e family and close friends, including Dr. and Mrs. Charles Munns of Brigham City, enjoyed a family dinner at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Rich of Logan following the blessing of the babies. Blessed in LDS services were Robert Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Vayne Rich; John Elliot Rich, II, son of Mr. and Mrs. John and Dean Carlisle Elliot Rich; Rich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rich, all of Logan. n, 1 as Brigham Citys prescription specialists. Prescription Idling is our business so we are glad to have an established reputa- HOURS ma CAN BIRTHS THE MIFTING will begin with light refieshments at pm, followed by the program at 1.31) p in. in the basement recreation room of the Holy Cross Lutheran church. No charge will be made for the afternoon event, but members of to Newcomers Club are asked make reset vutions for themselves and personal guests. Civic Improvement Club members need not r, SEE ONLY YOU COMMITTEE READY Cassie Felt and Beverly Packer serve general chairman Mrs. to be sponsored by the Civic ImEmory Kassell refreshments in preparations for the provement Club on Ihursday, Nov. 16, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Geralyn Peters watches, as the group sits beneath a painting by Alan Houser, one of the local artists who will exhibit at the show. ginning in A to H going from until 8 p. m., I to P from 8 until 9 p. m., and Q to Z from 9:00 until 10 p. m. Schedules of each pupils classes should be obtained Art-A-Raby parents, who should visit only in the times specified for their name group. Short individual conAs a part of the days program, The public is invited to share in ferences can be held with each a community-wida e will be presented to a teacher, and special problems exhibit sponsored by the Civic thepainting local art center as a permawill be covered in special appointPresentation of the Improvement club on Thursday, nent exhibit. ments made at that time. Nov. 16, from 3:30 to 6:30 p. m. painting will be made at 4:30 p. a BOX ELDER Junior High school at the Central school art center. m. on the day of the Included in the showings will be by Mrs. Oneta Thorne Dunn. The PTA will be held on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 7:30 p. m. instead of both oil and water color paintings, work of art is being donated to the Mantua artist, Mrs. on its regular meeting night due mosaic work, ceramics, leather-wor- center by silverwork, and wood carv- Amelia Jensen. to the Thanksgiving weekend. A panel discussion will be held, with ings. THERE WILL be no admission the topic to be Dating in Junior acLOCAL artists exhibiting work charge for the art showing, be will High Age. Represented at the annual observance of No- cording to Mrs. Emory Kassell, Dean Mrs. Bunderson parents, vembers Art Month are Ray general chairman. The exhibits and Mrs. Steve Anderson, teacher Amelia Jensen, Rita will be kept on display until 6:30 Jeppsen, Clair Bailey, and student Ann Call, Roma Thorson, Alice Rich, p. m. to enable working persons Shelton. Ivalu Nebeker and Alan Houser. to attend the event. Parents with students at the Other participating groups will be Director member for the anhigh school and junior high are the Weber college art faculty, Box nual art show is Mrs. Stayner asked to attend the PTA meeting Elder High school, Intermountain Thompson, while Mrs. Oneta before or after their conferences. school, and members of the local Thorne Dunn will direct the placeNew members can sign up begin- handicrafts art Refreshgroup taught by ment of the exhibits. ning at 7 p, m., prior to the meet- Marie Thorne Jeppesen. ments will be served to those ating. Avard Fairbanks, world renown- tending the by a MOUNTAIN VIEW PTA will ed sculptor and member of the committee readed by Mrs. Gordon meet on Monday, Nov. 20, at 7:30 University of Utah, will display Felt. Committee unexhibited works members assisting as p. m. with Mrs. Frank Dalton previously with the planning, publicity, and of the show. part on The and Heart speaking Fur Show Scheduled Tuesday For Newcomers and Civic Club Pharmacy Phacts will the k, present. All members of the group are encouraged to attend the dinner, and the meeting to follow. THAT GIFT THE er interviews. Parents will go to school in alphabetic order, with names be , Brigham City Jayceettes hold their November dinner parent-teach- fun. school on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 16. Parents are asked to respect the time limits set for Jayceettes Set ' SCHOOL conferences will be held at -i gg Meetings Planned By Local Groups Ether-ingto- n of Layton announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter Julia Irene to Robert Devaughn Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Hamilton of Rupert, Idaho. The marriage will be solemnized In the Logan LDS Temple on Friday, Nov. 17, with a reception the following evening in the Layton Stake House in Layton. Miss is a graduate nf the Davis High school and is now employed at Thiokol. Hamilton is a graduate of the Minidoka High school and spent a year at the University of Idah at Moscow, Ida. He is presently attending Utah State University and is employed pt Thiokol. room to the words: Hi diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle; the cow jumped over the moon. We all laughted to see such sport, as Beta Sigma Phis paraded about the room. Oct. 3d found the Chamber of Commerce rooms decked out with Halloween splendor as F.psilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held their annual fun party with memMother various bers wearing Goose inspired costumes. Members were taken back to with childrens their childhood games, such as spin the bottle, and all reported having a good were time. Light refreshments seived as part of the evenings PICK UP YOUR WATCH IMMEDIATELY! The value of your repair job is lost when you leave your watch in our shop longer than 60 days. PALMER JEWELRY 17-18-- 20 lS T& if in. |