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Show Dr. Rose Ellen Bywater Valentine Is Special Guest at Fort Brigham Camp Box 0 For Sale Elder NEWS "r ' ' Brigham City Utah i Wednesday, November 2, 1955 For Sale For Sale CLEAN your carpets with Blue Lustre. at home and North Main bright colors texture. ture. Highlight of regular monthly meeting of Fort Brigham Camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers was the presence of Dr. Rose Ellen Bywater Valentine, first woman dentist in Utah. Soft shell English walnuts. 54 North First East Phone 366. FOR SALE Leaves softened The meeting was held Friday evening, October 28, at the home of Mrs. Fay Harper. Mrs. Flora Walker conducted. Following the singing of Ode to the Pioneers," prayer was offered toy Mrs. LaVine Hansen. The group then sang Sing Me the Old Songs. Furni- FOR SALE Good used vacuums No. 90 combine and up. Breitenbeker Elec-- 3 FOR SALE New Stokennatics; 14 ft auger. Practically new. trie. stovused oil heaters and coal No reasonable offer refused. es. Your Stokermatic dealer. ducks. FOB . SALE Muscovey Phone Salt Lake 224174. or . 128 South First Call Excellent eating. 575 South 78928. ! Third East Phone 1026. West I USED TV Motorola 21 inch taCOAL DELIVERED ble model. Excellent condiSALE Yellow Pearmain FOR with New tube $12 A TON tion. Pick them picture yourself. apples. one year guarantee. Mountain Very reasonable. Ph. 0289-HStates Electric. LEONARD DICKEY FOB SALE 4 1953 h Massey-Harri- s $10 238-W- a 5 Phone . FOR Used Car Specials 0191-R1- Studebakex Overdrive; Champion, in very good condition. S350. Call at 422 South Second West ' SALE ' ft Willard Air Cadet FOR SALE Radio, Heater and Overdrive 'CIOQI IfcUv y '50 PLYMOUTH - door sedan.' Radio, ' Heater, Good Rubber, Clean 4 CCQC yslsjw '49 CHEVROLET door sedan. Excellent motor. Good rubber 4 QgQC '48 CHEVROLET 4 door Sedan. CQg C yOlfiJ Radio and heater '47 OLDSMOBILE MAC yfcW Hydamatic, Radio and Heater, Seat Covers, Unusually fine car. 2 door '46 CHEVROLET 5 Passenger Coupe Radio and Heater, Spotlight. Dependable Transportation N y Iwv ' -- ttelD Wantea yr HELP WANTED Guides Boat Operators,', , t- Good Pay Board and Room I get More Work per hour Box 632 WOULD LIKE to find lady able to stay nights to give physi- cal aid to disabled person. Duties would be to turn and aid person a few times during the night Comfortable bed furnished. Will pay $3.00 per night Time involved, 2 weeks. Phone 1535. 649 South Fifth West City. . Service Ottered William D. with our III Tractor Service Need Some Help I not alone so did wel Contact A-it's for Freel Don't wait phone 1262-or 1303-- For Saturday Several newspapermen and educators of northern Utah will toe discussion speakers and leaders at the fifth annual high school publications workshop to be conducted at Utah State Agricultural college, Saturday, - apt ! DELIVERED SUPERIOR 300 DAIRY j. CARLYLE Brigham City, Utah D16-tf-c- b Stove and 152-J- WANTED for RENT Call evening and morning. APARTMENT LARKIN 285--- Local Technician Phone 1357 or 0396-R- 2 TO before ' plates BUY 1918. Auto Repairs years Shupienus, Newport, New sey. JerALLIED ARTISTS presents DAVID NIVEN (of fib Mm i IW YVONNE DE CARLO Tin Cufi f Tkt Coptoiai Auto Works. TRUCKS 1952 DODGE 34 $9951 Ton 1951 International Ton . . . .''S695I 1953 FORD ton Express 1 1953 FORD 12 Ton, Heater, Overdrive $1095 All Readv To Go! ANDERSEN'S-FOR- D TECHNICOLOR Cinemascope INCORPORATED Phone 323 So. Main S0-000- WE'VE 0 56 CUT PRICES mm way-to- y SAVE $1000 1955 Oldsmobile Super 88 4 Door Hardtop. Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Packed Motor, Aulronic Eye, Signal Seeker Radio, Plus many other fine accessories. New Price $3858; sale now DEMONSTRATOR. 1955 Chevrolet Deluxe 4 door sedan. V8 powergiide. Radio, heater, Plastic Plymouth 2 Door Chevrolet Bel Air 1947 CHEV. 4 Door Sedan 1946 CHEV. 2 Door 1951 STUDEBAKER Champion 4 door. Overdrive fanSW tncol ITlw feint Mo "OH-HH- $145 $75 $445 H THOSE Call Us Today For Prompt Delivery Office Supplies rented, bought, sold and RE1 PAIRED, The Reminder Office. The car with power personality! ON DISPLAY THURSDAY Royal Coal Contains More Heat Units and Less Ash Per Pound t PHONE ONE North Main Street SEE THE 56 CHEVROLET iHIIW I UH sq is sm m Hvc b! Brigham City THE HOT CAR OF THE YEAR FRIDAY AT rare PLUS NEWS BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 60 I $1795 56 OLDSMOBILES! 83-- service. Phone Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal .... : TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS! Dm RiOwi Residential, commercial and au tomobile glass. Complete line Cleaners of General paints for Inside and out Andersens Glass and CLEANERS. Sanitone MODERN Paints. 85 No Main Ph 480 Free fur storage. dry cleaning, p diMi nn mediate HIT1 BARRY FITZGERALD We vacuum clean all makes and TYPEWRITERS, Adding Mach sizes heating equipment. ImCash Registers and ines service. 420. friendly Goodyear Tires. Garage. Repairs. V8 Hardtop Coupe. Radio, Heater, Powergiide. New tires. One owner. Like new, only Dm BRIGHAM. AUTO SUPPLY CO. 40 JOFUN 1952 Glass and Paint 4UTO PAINTING, Oody and fen-de- r work. Burts Body Shop, GLASS AND FAINTS Furnace Cleanlna , Radio, Heater. Low Mileage. Only . A handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions 250. $435 . 1952 PONTIAC great &QQC Overdrive 1955 License Anthony BUSINESS DIRECTORY tors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. North Main Furniture Co. Ph. Aureal hnv! White Wall Tires. Executive car, To go at only O Wanted To Buy This Is Your Brigham City North Main, phone 1952 STU DEBAKER Seat Covers. NOTICE , 604 $935 door 2 BOUW "TW NOTICE re- . 111-- day; fresh semen every day. IMPLEMENT CO. SantaFe Passage cold water; share bath room. 104 North Second West Phone ARTIFICIAL BREEDNG Only A.B.S. offer: 100 proven great sires; make 2 calls a BINGHAM TRUCK AND PHILCO Television sets, Radios, Ranges, Freezers, Refrigera- - FORD 1953 V8 A apt Phone 504 Auto Paint And Body WINTERIZED! 1955 FORD Today to Saturday Claimant name as wRneeaea Jack Goddendge, Roes Codderidge, and Don T Meikte, all of Smithfield, Utah, and Dean R. Elba, of Logan, Utah. ERNFST E. HOUSE, Manager. Nov. 5. FOR PUBLICATION United States of The Interior Department Bureau of Land Management FOR RENT 2 room furnished or LAND OFFICE, Sait Lake City, Utah, 3, I9$JL - i unfurnished apartment Heat Ootober NOTICE hereby given that W ti155 North Main. Ph. 973-Nmer H. Church, of Logan, Utah, who, on September 20, 150, made Homestead entry. No. SL 070191, for Lota 2. 3, 4, i2SWV4, W!2SE4, S!4 FOR RENT Modem 5 room SE'i, Section 18, Township 14 N., 8 W., Sait Lake Meridian, has home. 4 miles north of Brig- Range filed notice of intention to make Final ham. Phone 0285-J- 3 after 5:30. proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before L. Hickman, . Notary Public, at Logan, Utah, on the day of November, 195$. FOR RENT 3 room furnished, 22nd Claimant names as witnesses: O. H. Peterson, of Mendon, Utah; heated apartment and 1 unDavid Peterson, of Mendon, Utah; Howfurnished Phone 558. 445 ard Peterson, of 648 E. 6th N., Logan, Utah; Ray Partington, of 49S W. 1st South First West N.t Logan. Utah. ERNEST E. HOUSE. Manager. FOR RENT 3 room; hot and 3 9 chg TRY IT ' ALL 1956. 028-N2-c- h frig. furnished. Ph. A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM SERVICE Appliances USED CARS T Grade CALL US TODAYS North Main GUARANTEED buy! FOR HCMB MOIL IT keep field work oo schedule. Take time now to save lim in the field later. Schedule your McCormick tractor service. (or 27 ; A PUBLICATION United States Department of tha Interior Bureau of Land Managemennt LAND OFFICE. Sah La La C tty, Utah. October 21, 195$. NOTICE U hereby given that Grover Pmtt (Hancey, ci Hyde Park, Utah, who. on June 19. 1950, made Home' stead entry. No. Salt Lake 071387, for 12 Section 24, EV$, North, Township Range 9 West, Salt Lake Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make Final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Cleone art Read, Notary Public, Smithfield, Utah, on tha 22nd day of December, NOTICE UU You're It will pay you to fet our skilled servicemen restore your, tractor to full pouter ... to do your work faster , . . to PHONE BACK original to the where the lamily likes to got Roger Budrow, managing editor of the Ogden Standard Examiner, iwill tell high school newspaper editorial staffs How to make your paper more attractive and readable. Eleroy Rasmuson, manager of Logan Herald Journal Printing Co., will discuss ProducO lo tion of the high school, newspaper." PICK O THE PICTURES Yearbook - production probLAST TIMES TODAY lems will be reviewed by HarHe was also recently con rison Conover, of Seven Cities of Gold ' publisher firmed as Deputy Wing Com Sprlngvilie, and Fermen Wes and mander, which is a key 6taff tergard, yearbook adviser at Lord of the Jungles" position In the AFROTC cadet Weber high school, wing. Talking of the men re Mrs. Gladys Eckersley, adver celving the staff positions, Col. tising manager, Box Elder News THUR. - FRI. - SAT. On these men and Journal, Brigham City, will Moody stated, BIG DOUBLE BILL rests the responsibility of lead publications business speak cathe within' ership training HEART-STOPPIN- G staffs pn Planning and selling det. Selection of these students advef ttelng' for he high!' school to fill the key position Is an newspaper. important one. Air ROTC policy "Planning and selling adver requires upper classmen to ex tising for the high school year ercise their training and lead- book and magazine will be ership ability to the fullest with treated" by L. A. Robins, tousi-in the AFROTC program. It ness adviser of student publitherefore becomes the respon- cations at Ogden high school. to sibility of these young men Tips on "How to take good operate the leadership - labora- pictures, wilt be offered to stutory." dent photographers by Ted Collins, Ogden Standard-Examine- r staff photographer. tor Rent or Lease These specialized sessions will HttauiiuTU i follow a general session at FOR RENT Modem apt 127 which Dr. Daryl Chase, USAC president; Murray M. Moler, inSouth Third West termountain manager of the R. CLEAN FIVE room Apu. Steam United Press Assns., and T. of Johnson, Ogden correspondent TKVCOIOa IrlMM for heat furnished. Flay yard adchildren. Peach City Apts. The Salt Lake Tribune, will JOHN PAYNE 677 south Second east Brig- dress the high school publications staffs. ROD FAITH ham, phone 723-The workshop, for yearbook, - CAMERON DOMERGUEFOR RENT Ironrite ironers. magazine and newspaper staffs a &M mini no ooroon mthonv cmuso Cut ironing time in halt Ph. of high schools in Utah and w W6AMI awn, w Wmm a suia Mtiunnu 410. Free demonstration neighboring areas, is sponsored Wwim foMwi sowtt FBODUCTIOX A REPUBLIC , by USAC and Weber college. CO-HIRENT FOR Unfurnished O LEGAL J. DRINK TOO MUCH? Cl reading Dentist was given by Mrs. Ann Jensen, followed by the lesson for the evening, Pioneer Dentists and Druggists, by Mrs. Ruth Black, class leader. During the lesson period, the guest, Dr. Valentine, presented a nistory of her career as a dentist in the early day of dental surgery. Her talk was greatly enjoyed by the large group attending. Come, Come Ye Saints was the closing song with benedic MONEY 1 Duckville Gun Club . ; Journalism Conference Set Marsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Marsh, of Willard, is among six Air Force ROTC cadets at Utah State Agricultural college who have applied for regular Air Force commissions, Col. (Howard A. Moody, PHONE 313-- J professor of air science, announced this week. . Wanted Only students selected as Distinguished Air Force Ca dets at the end of their junior WANTED apply for models to pose for local year are eligible to Col. commission, Moody regular camera club in amateur said.. All applications for a reg Include shots. glamour ular appointment are forwardphoto. Write Box C, Box ed to Headquarters,. USAF. .for Elder News. review and final approval, he reported. Cadet Marsh will enter flying for Sale Livestock FOR SALE New bom Holstein school after receiving his commission. calf. Ph. 0383-R- , 5-S- Sar " Seeks Commission Tile kitchen, large living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, full basement, hard wood floors, large garage. Ideal location, fine landscaping, large lot, spmkling system. Has FHA loan. Reasonably priced. Phone 272 South Main Street clever NOTICE LEGAL MODERN BRICK HOME Jack Morris Buick Co. 550-54- 5 Real Estate For Sale CICQIi IMPROVE USED CAR LOT Packer Motor company started construction this past week on a new 40 by 90 foot structure on their used car lot at 647 South Main street. The motor companys big wrecker was called into service to hoist the heavy steel beams. d '52 MERCURY ' 1950 , Hardtop. Low. Mileage. Radio, Heater and Dynaflow j 1006-- Circulating coal price 510.00. Phone . FOR ALL COMPLETELY WINTERIZED AND GUARANTEED! '53 BUICK Special Riveria A "Sonnys Trip SALE heater, tion by Mrs. Caroline Christensen. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Blanche Crossman, Miss Sarah Marble, Mrs. Ruby Wight and Mrs. Ruth Black. CARTOONS and SELECTED SHORTS 7i Central Chevrolet Company Phone 935 |