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Show Univjiv"! Microfilming Corn, 141 Pioroont ve. Ut?h Salt ' City, ' ' i'-'k- o Jm. f ftT M lil IW! n y W - 56 o' BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 VOLUME 58, NUMBER 44 - EIGHT PAGES t Changes Made I In Highway Support the Boy Scout Program ( Patrolmen Here 111 STATE OFFICERS VISIT JAYCEES Bob Poe, Salt Lake City, state Jaycee president, center, and Glen Burnham, Layton, national director from Utah, right, are welcomed to Brigham, City by Bob Pella, president of the local Jaycee organization when they made an ', official visitation here last Friday night. , October Building Permits Total Earls Total of 44 New Homes Have Been Constructed -- 21 (building record-breakin- permits, including nine new homes and totaling $115,180 were issued during the month of Oc tober, it was reported this week by Varnick Hansen, city building inspector. During a poor month of September, when only eight permits were issued for a total of $23,900, October came back to be listed as one of the best during the year, Hansen said. With the nine new homes now under construction, it brings the total in this division to 44 for the year for a very substantial growth in Brigham City, he reported. Listed among the new building permits issued 'during October are the following: Earl Glenn, - 49 South First East, residents JremotifelTrtg, $10,-00- , $1,000. F. M. Pratt, north side First South between First and Second West, residence, $12,000. John C. Weir, west slide of First East between Fifth and Sixth North, moving residence from Honeyville and placing on foundation, $700. .1 - Romer, Sonoma reihodeling, $2,000 - James - Lorenzo for Palmer Jew $1,500. eiry, ! south side of Keith Nutt-allSixth South, between First and Second East, residence, $12,000, Delmore Anderson, north side of Second North between- - Ninth , $12, and Tenth , 280. (U Dance Slated At Willard , The first class in an advanced course in salesmanship for sales personnel of Brigham City r was conducted Monday morning this week at the . ox Elder Chamber of. Comrnefcetqpai. , r ters. William C. Winder "of the State Department of Public Instruction is the Instructor , 'of the course which deals with new . and advanced techniques of - North Stake RoadShow Starts.Tonight . The annual road show presented by the Mutual Improvement Association organization of North Box Elder stake will be presented Wednesday, tonight, , and - 0 ' 1 f - Three more classes are scheduled for the first three Monday mornings in November from 8 a. m. to 9:30 .a. m. to complete the course. ' Enrolling atthe salesmanship school 'on the' opening morning were Harold A., Bouck, Jr., Mer-rell- s Inc.; Kay Shuman and Dennis Pimper, North Main Fur' niture company; DeVaun Breltenbeker Electric; Robert Jeppesen, J. H. Bacon, Dorothy Hansen, Eva Valentine, Leona S. Wright and C. J. Beasley, J. C. Penney company; Donna Reeves, Peoples Drug; Letty T. Troxell, Glen ' M. Bennion, Jane B. Clark and Harold Tanner, Van Engelens,, Inc.; Paul E. Anderson and Ron Anderson, Reminder Office Supply;, v Melvin L. Kay, Rawleigh Products; H Wm. Call, Mountain States Electric; Vernal Willie, Box Elder County School district; J. Leo Nelson and Morris Glover, First Security Bank of Utah; and Charles R. Brown, Browns Shoe Hospital. h Theme of A - , 12-mo- -- ....... 4 Four Hundred Scouters Take Part in Campaign To Raise Annual Budget Noted Artist To Appear at Civic Art Tea club The Civic Impovement of Brigham City will sponsor ah art tea and exhibit on Saturday, Nov. 5, beginning at 2 p. m. at the War Memorial home. , Max D. Weaver, noted artist of Logan, will be the guest speaker. At the present time he is president of the Utah Crea tive Artists organization. He graduated from the Utah State Agricultural college with an art major. He spent the past summer at the University of Southern Cali fornia in advanced study in the and graphic arts, painting, crafts. He has also studied for two summers under Ralph M. Pearson in New York City. Mr. Weaver has exhibited his paintings . widely throughout Utah. He has paintings in the permanent collections at the Utah State Agricultural college, the University of Utah, the Logan High school, and the Logan Junior High school. He has exhibited with the Utah Creative Artists shows which have toured the western states and the coastal states. the Club and Schools' Join in Nationwide Art Observance r i 'se ; i ij V - i Brigham City merchants are wholeheartedly cooperating with National Art Week,, Mrs. Onqta Thorne, Box Elder- - county art announced ,, today, chairman, with the showing of 'various paintings in their, store windows during the week rlong ' obser- V vance. , , The general public is to tour the store windows . in ? Show this year Look ' Into bers. j , Thursday' evening they - will show at the Fourth, Eighth and k Honeyville lyairds, and again in the Seventh ward for Seventh ward members. Curtain time will be at 7:30 p. m. in each Of the wards both nights. Chicken Pox, Mumps Reported to State Four cases of chicken pox were e Utah State Dereported to-th- partment of Health from Brigham City for the week ending Oct. 21. One case of mumps was also reported for the same period. I More than four hundred scouters are expected at a special kick-of- f meeting to be held tonight, Wednesday, , at . Central school at 7 p. m., to get final Instructions before the start of the annual Boy Scout finance drive , ; Thursday morning. Included will be 15 majors, some 80 captains and approximately 400 solicitors ' Who will contact every home and place of business Jn South Box Elder county before Saturday night in an attempt to raise 'a $5,000 budget to conduct the scouting program for the next year. at the Principal speaker kick- off meeting will be Harrald S. Alvord, deputy regional executive from the, region 12 .office of the Boy Scouts of America at Los Angeles. He will be introduced by Clyde B. Stratford, dis, trict chairman. ' . 4 Other speakers will include Charles W. Claybaugh, finkhce chairman Pres. Pond and Bob Parker from the .council office after which prospect cards will be turned over to ward and business district majors who in turn will divide them among their captains to he issued to workers who will make the actual con- , tacts. All scouters at the meeting their the after- will be expected noons program will he J. Earl personal contributions 'at that Johnston, 'who will present two time and they will be turned vocal selections, accompanied over to the finance auditor, Dean Freeman, as will all following by Mrs. Johnston. - Also featured on e Secretary Benson Approves West Box Elder for Drought Relief 'co-chai- Utility Pole Hit Auto Saturday -- . , Piano Concert Scheduled for, 'Tonight, 8 p.m. the-distric- n U Bach-Buson- 1 Will Sponsor Story Hour - the Fu. ture. The road show is made up of seven original acts, presented by thb individual wards of the stake. Harper ward will hot participate this year. Wednesday evening, the acts will be presented at Corinne, Bear River City, and in the Seventh ward for Third ward mem- will be - Paintings Displayed by Loral Merchants During Art Week Thursday-evenirt- g. - 1 full-tim- Thursday -- sell-ing- Charles Whitaker, north side of Sixth North between First and Second West, 'residence, $11,000. Roy Forsgren, north side of Second South, between Third and Fourth West, remodeling resi, dence, $500. , Packer Motor company, 467 South Main, car port, $5,000. Glen V. Bowcutt,' west side of Sixth North on Second East, , residence, $7,000. 21 North SecJames Brown, ond past, ear, port, $300.1 (Leon Christiansen, remodeling : In Bird Haven District, , reports. Members of the 'Kindergarten for an intensive Intended Club are being invited as spe- three all reports campaign, day ... of cial guest end members " are due by this coming Satur! the Civic Improvement club are announced.! freeman asked to invite guests to the day night, Majors serving the , Brigham r . 4 ? L I event.' business district are C. HenMrs. Harry Bloom is chairman CityNielsen and Ross B. Jenson. with Miss Stella Young, direc ry Recruited under direction of Detor member, and Mrs. Henry los Thompson, vice chairman of Thorne assisting. , North Box Elder stake are Glen Mrs. Fred L. Petersen and Nelson, Third ward; Herman r Mrs. C. J. Beasley are Hadfield, fourth ward; Melvht men of the refreshment com- B. Bott, Seventh ward; Wallace be mittee. Those assisting will Reeder Offer Ranchers Lower ward; Emery Eighth Mrs. J. Edwin Baird, Mrs. Nello Wight, Harper; H. Ross Coombs, . Christofferson, Mrs. Nolan Jen- Honeyville; Earl Nelson, CoPrice on Grain for i sen, Mrs. Ross B. Jensen, Mrs. rinne; and Doyle Archibald. ... Feed,, Other Benefits Glenn Knudsen, Mrs. James Serving with J. Oleen Palmer, Powers, Mrs. Eric Seashore, Mrs. vice By chairman of South - Box Western Box Elder county was Dee Glen Smith, Mrs. Naldl Elder stake will be Wendell as a drought area, designated Sam James, 118 East Forest, Stokes, Mrs. Paul Holmgren, Kotter, Sixth ward; Lee Thorn, Mrs. Lloyd Rees t and Mrs. M. Tuesday, by Secretary of Agr- was treated for Perry; Alston Jensen, Mantua; injuries Satur- Reed Merrill. iculture Ezra Taft Benson, it was Don Nelson, First ward; BUI Daafter the car which he was day announced by Sen. Arthur V. Second ward; Leo , Mea-chavis, knockdriving hit k utility pole, Fifth ward . and Carl OlWatkins. f ing the pole off at the base. ; sen, Willard. ; Senator Watkins learned of the campaign on The accident occurred at SevDirecting the approval in a telephone con- enth South and Second East the Intermountain school ; camversation with Benson. Included streets, pus will be James Bordeaux was the area west of Promontory who wUl be aided by members to the Nevada state line and Police (estimated $700 damage of the staff. . r from Lucin north to the Idaho to the car. James was cited for Assisting on trie functional listate line. This ds the same intoxication and no drivers committee for the drive are area covered by the relief desig- cense. Glenn Andersen, prospect list nation last year. Miss Mary Hill, talented pian- chairman; 'Dean Freeman, audiist, will present a concert at the ting committee; Ross B. Jenson, Application for the creation of prevailing market price. 'the folBrigham City hnd and LaRue Yates, also announc- Intermountain School auditor- publicity; , Senator Watkins t was. made the by J' lowing pairitingsi chairman. ed that he is proceeding in an ium this evening, Wednesday, kick-of- f Box. Elder commissioners county oiGrace Solomon's The Canyon the memfrom obtain decision m. 8 The a effort concert to at is being Handling sustaining p. Road'1 at the Mode o Day; Grace recently and approved by Gov. the of bership campaign, now in progBracken Lee, requiring final which-woul-department of agriculture sponsored by the local unit B. Soloman, After the Storm, ress are offer further relief Soroptimist International.Stratford, Ross Clyde Cornelius approval from Secretay Benson. on the purchase of hay for feed Jewelry; Miss Hill had studied exten- B. Jenson, C. Henry Nielsen, DeBrei Salisbury, Bastle Buttes, By virtue of the designation, and lower freight rates for the sively and will present a pro- los Thompson, J. Oleen Palmer, tenbeker Cornelius ranchers will (be enabled to buy drought-strickeElectric; area in addi- gram of both popular and clas- Glenn Andersen, Dean Freeman, Late Arrivals, at grain for cattle feed at a dollar tion to the benefits announced sical piano arrangements. t Salisbury, LaRue Yates, Don Chase, Glen (this is a hundred weight under the Tuesday by Secretary Benson, Thompson Hardware, Her program will .be as ' fol- Bennlbn, Reese Davis and J. ' the sweepstakes winner of the Leo Nelsort. lows: Utah State Fair and is a night T Toceato and Fugue in D Miscene); i Comeliu Salisbury, nor by f The Quiet Cove, The Pueblo Variations In E Major by Han; People, - The Desert Rabbit del. Western Glow, Brush," and Sonata, Op, 57 (Appassion-ata- ) Peters Jewelry; Rose Howard, by Beethoven. j C. J. Spring in the , Valley, Gershwins Preludes; Allegro AuPenneys; Rose Howard, ben ritmato e diciso, Andante S a no tumnal Arrangement, con moto e poco rubato, and Al! mas; Rose Howard, Regal Lil legro ben ritmato e dec iso. ies, Milady Shop; De Ana McLa plus que lente, Danseuses In-- ' Donald, Winter Peonies, Had observance of National de Delphes, and General De FishAna fields; McDonald, Book Week, NoV Beta eccentric by Debussy. ermans Wharf, Forsgrens; De Etude, Op. ,25, No. 11, Valse, Sigma Phi sorority willsponsor Ana McjDonald, Jackson Lake, Op 64, No. 3; and Scherzo, Op. a story hour ,at the - Brigham N. L. Hansens; Ray Jeppson, 31 by Chopin. City Carnegie library on SaturHouse and Trees, Drewes; Ray Tickets for the concert are day, Nov. 19, beginning at 10 a. - in the Bend River, Jeppson, being sold by members of the m. according to. Iona Cefalo, ' The Horsleys; Ray Jeppson, Soroptimist club or they may be chairman of the project. ; Climb," Blocks; Ray Jeppson, cosIn be tellers will obtained at the door this eve Story Harbor and Ship, J. C. Pentume with Interesting stories for ning prior to concert time. Mantua neys; Ray Jeppson, Miss Hill arrived in Brigham children of ail ages. Barn, Reminder; Elverta Jacob after The .library will be' especially City Monday morning son, Cactus on the Desert," Van a concert at Boise, Ida , decorated for the week's event , playing All children are invited to atEngelens; Lura Redds painting Sunday night. She appeared at displayed at Comptons, and cro the Box Elder High school Mon tend and bring their friends, chet work by Valeria Baird in day morning where her concert according-t- o Mrs. Cefalo. Art and Gift. - - - , was very enthusiastically re ! ceived by the students and fac SALE OP BICYCLES According to Mrs. Thorne, other service and Civic clubs in ulty members alike.. According to the provisions of the county planning to observe In private life, she is Mrs. Ar City Ordinance No. 151, a pubthe art week other than Brig thur Hill, and the affectionate lic auction sale of unclaimed ham City clubs, Include; Friend mother of two year old Eric bicycles, picked up and stored Vincent Ricky Hill. Her hus by the Brigham City Police Del ly Circle club of Deweyville; Civic club of Honeyville and band is a civil engineer and is partment, will 'be held at the CONCERT Miss famous PRESENT TONIGHT Mary Hill, Lions club of Willard. a member of the Ohio State front door of thfe "city Jail on pianist, looks over recital program with Mrs. Verabel All schools in the county, In University faculty at Columbus, Thursday, Nov. 10, at 2 p. m. I of local concert the dub. .The Soroptimist Intermountain soil president HARRY SMITH, Ohio, where they make their ' eluding the r home. She has been on tour Chief of Police. , school,, are planning special ob .tonight will be given at Intermountain school auditorium, servants. for the past two months. starting at 8 p.m. During 1955 . Salesmanship shop, remodeling Smith, Shfirley Bakery Car Fatalities For Course in South -$15,500. W. L. Walker, remodeling Arctic Circle on North Main, $4,000. Noble Hunsaker, - 124 West Fifth South, car port, $500. Members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and their partners, attended a special dinner meeting last Friday evening, and heard Principal Edward Payne of Box Elder High school tell of the problems caused by Sgt Pitcher has been with the married students attending the highway patrol for the past 15 local school. years. He formerly was assignA lively discussion period fol- ed to thej Logan area. A native of Boise, Idaho, he lowed the talk. The Jaycees decided to hold another meet- married the former Venice Laring in the near future to draft sen and they have six children. a resolution their expressing opinions on the matter. Honored guests at the Friday meeting , were Bob Poe, Salt Lake City, state president of the ' organization and Glen Burnham, Layton, national director from Utah, who attended the meeting as an-- official visitation of, the (Brigham City chapiter. . Box Elder county has decreas-e- d the number of fatal accidents the past year by 75 perduring MIA cent according to the Utah Traffic Fatalities Analysis published in October of this yea t. Nov. 3 According to - the analysis, - J compiled by the Utah Safety t The Willard ward MIA . will Council, there were eight fatal sponsor a dance in their ,ree?ea-tio- n accidents in Box Elder county hall Thursday evening, during 1954, while only two Nov. 9, beginning qt m. have been recorded from JanP'p. s. ' in 1955. . An, orchestra will, furnish the uary through September music -- and. a progrurfr, wjjlr, toe In the same analysis, Brigham presented during intermission. City was one 'of six cities with , , ( population over 5,000 to be Mutual officer n charge', of anamed on the Honor Roll for the event 'are Charles Lpffhouse, had no traffic fatalities Young Mens, superintendent; having Iva Archibald, Young Womens up to Stpt, 30 of this year. and 'Boyd Nelson president; Other cities mentioned includIreneSimonsen, age group coun- ed American Fork, Bountiful, selors, and 'Don Christensen and Cedar City, Spanish Fork, and Grace Keyes, activity counselors. Tooele. County Lowers 23 Enrolled Fifth East, residence, Working with Sgt Hunsaker in Cache and Rich are Roland A. Rees, Logan, whose condition is reported as improving, following an accident in which 'he was seriously Injured last month; Leonard Jeppsen, Mantua; and Lowell Bair, Tremonton. ; ' . B. W. Meaeham, - 650 - Local School North Main, $4,000. Ralph D. Nelson, west side of Fifth East at Fifth North, residence, $14,000. Willis Hansen, east side of Fourth West between Forest and First South,- - car port, $400. Willis Hansen, remodeling store building at Forest and Fourth West, $500. Marv Peters, east side of Second South and Fourth East, gar. age, $1,000. Elnora Bowcutt, 326 East First North, residence, remodeling During First 10 Months A Food Fare building Sgt. T. Earl Hunsaker, who formerly had the three counties under his supervisiony'W'lll continue to direct highway patrolmen in Cache and Richcounties. Patrolmen working with Sgt Pitcher in Box Elder 'county are William C. Sackett, Brigham Tremonton; City; Evan Green, and T. Wayne Woodland, W1 lard. JayceesTalk Problems at $115,180; Includes Nine Homes , as State Recently named Highway Patrol supervisor in charge of Box Elder county was Sgt Ed M. Pitcher of Smithfield, who took over supervision. of this County when the district which formerly Included Cache, Rich and Box ' Elder counties was divided. (An Editorial) Here is t an announcement of vital importance to . every boy . . . and every parent in South Box Elder ty. Its the story of the finance drive being held this week to support the Boy Scout program, To give intelligently, it is important to understand the Boy" Scout organization, and here it is in a nutshell. Institutional representatives sponsor - individual and dens. are troops, posts responsible for furThey nishing leaders for the sponsored groups, provide a place to meet, supervise those meetings, plan hikes and organize the training program. ' None 'of the funds raised in the annual drive go to this purpose because that is the sponsoring institutions responsibility. A Instead, the money raised in Bird Haven district of Lake Bonneville Council goes to provide top supervision, such programs as the University of Scouting which will jbe held here soon, to train scoutmasters and scout lead-ir- s, coordinate the entire program, provide permanent scout camps. . e scout executives, stenoIt takes a staff of graphers and clerks to do this job. They must have an office for headquarters, travel expenses, stationery and supplies.- It all costs money . . . and each of us is expected to pay our share during this annual financial . , campaign. 4 Bird Haven district is expected to raise $5,000 to pay our proportionate share in the scout program. It ' isnt a question of sending $5,000 to Ogden, the Council It means hiring a man, with office and headquarters. staff, to bring help and supervision to us to aid our scout program. It would be impossible to do it for less. Thats what youre buying when you contribute to the scout program. Remember too, its a program. Those of us who are able, should certainly give a minimum of 'a dollar a month and this program can be put on a monthly payment plan. No one would ever - , - miss it. ' Others perhaps, cannot give as much, but all should give according to their ability. - Heres a famous quotation we should all take to heart. It reads: A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house 1 lived in, or the kind of car I drove. But the world may be different, .because I was important in the life of a boy.; M , ' good slogan to rernember is the "one adopted for - this Boy Scout financial drive. It reads : , -u ; "Give until it FEELS GOOD Boy Scout Finance Drive Opens PROCLAMATION : i,; ' f Whereas, officials of Bird Haven District of Lake' Bonneville Council, Bojr Scouts of America are conduct-'- " ing their annual financial drive this week ; and Whereas, to insure an adequate program of Scout-- " ing for our various communities it is necessary for the to this most worthy cause; citizenry to give generously ' and . v 'S , Whereas, the Scouting program has done as mucri to build good citizenship, to combat juvenile delinquency, to further high moral standards irt our state and nation as any other agency;1' v com-,-munit- y, NOW THEREFORE, I, C. LeGrande Horsley, mayor of Brigham City, do hereby proclaim the period from Nov. 2 to Nov. 5 as the time for giving to the Boy Scouts of America and I urge every parent, every business institution, every householder to offer their support generously so that we may meet and exceed our goal, to insure a better Scouting program for the future. - C. LeGrande Horsley Mayor of Brigham City La-vin- e 13-1- -- ( I " |