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Show . ' Chow Time Fine Food At Little Mountain a' O A t Vi I V r " Ot V i IL 'w w yt Cn. ' " if - Intermountain 3 At Camporee . . . held by the Birdhaven Scout District at Little Mountain last Friday and Saturday. In the front, left to right, are Neal Beecher, Paul Rosenbaum, David Beecher. In the back are Dick Nelson, Rex Lish and Shannon Christiansen. ' The Soup Tastes Good Three Cars Prowled Here Saturday Night Driver Cited After cars was a tire and rim while the third car was stripped of a radio and aerial. Police Officers P. R. Parker and Richard Pearse investigated Dennis Pettlngill, Seventh after owners reported the loss. South and Second West, was cited for making an improper turn, early Saturday morning, when his car struck a car driven by Roy J. Hyer, 511 South First East. The prosperity of all Utahns depends on raw mateThe accident happened at ithe rials industries like mining, farming, cattle and Intersection of Main and Seventh sheep raising. And these industries need the protecSouth, while Hyer was stopped at tion of the amendments to the Trade Agreements the junction. Pettingill, making a Act proposed by Senators Watkins, Bennett and right turn to the west, swung Dworshak. Protect Utah's prosperity. Write your wide hitting the halted vehicle. Congressmen and Senators to back the amendments. Officer Odell K. Hatch Investigated for the local police department. Damage to the Pettlngill car. was set at $25. while the "From the earth tomes an abundant life for all " Hyer car suffered $60 damage. Car prowlers had a busy night, Saturday, when they stripped automobiles different three parked in the alleyway behind the Club Billiards. Missing from two different Intersection Crash , Your Prosperity Is At Stoke! UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION MAY This js lie (lay f0 Remember Mother! p ' ' School Boy Scouts the stew simmering and the bacon crackling over their open fire during the scout camporee at Little Mountain last Friday. There was a large delegation of Intert mountain School Scouts at the camporee. . . . keep Services Today for Sister at Evanston Galbraith Mrs. Louisa Ellen Kelly, 76, resident of Evanston, Wyo. for 70 years, died Sunday morning at Uinta County Memorial hospital, following a brief illness. She was the mother of Evanstons mayor, Harold G. Kelly. Mrs. Kelly was iborn May 15, at 'Davenport, Neb., a 1878, daughter of George H. and Grace GalElizabeth Hollingsworth braith. She moved to Evanston as a child with her parents and graduated from the Evanston schools. All her life was spent in Evanston except for three years when she lived in Ogden. She was married to Harold G. Kelly, May 22, 1900 in Evanston. Mr. Kelly died in Novem- ber, 1932. She is survived by one son, Harold G. Kelly, Evanston; two sisters, Mrs. Dean (Myra) and Mrs. Jay (Grace) Reed of 'Brigham City; two brothers, George Galbraith, Brigham City, and Ernest Galbraith, Gresham, Ore. Funeral services will toe conducted Wednesday ait 11 a. m. at the Union Presbyterian church in Evanston by Rev. J. Austin Lininger. The body will be taken to Ogden for cremation. Friends may call at the Roy E. Bryan Mortuary in Evanston today until time of services. The family requests no flow Hig-ginso- n ers. Mothers Day Tea is Set by Legion Aux. The American Legion Auxiliary will hold the annual Mothers Day Tea, Saturday, May 7, between the hours of 2 and 4 p. m. at the War Memorial home. Gold Star Mothers are special guests of the day along with mothers of the auxiliary members. All auxiliary members are urged to attend and (bring their mother or another mother as guest, Mrs. Kathrine Fishburn, president, announced today. A program is being planned to be presented during the afternoon. yvill be Light refreshments served. 1 Mountain States Welfare Meeting Held in Salt Lake City April The conference, declared highly successful, was one of the Loral Public Welfare Workers Attend Various Sessions Seniors Plan Agathon Day Omer J. Call, Attorney for Administratrix. D Event Friday of first publication 1955. April SUMMONS 0 best organized and finest conadministrators, ferences held in this region, Jay welfare directors, state Oldroyd said today was the field staff and board members. unanimous opinion of the host The entire conference was un- - of workers attending. the different 30. People of Inherent Good Taste Glenmore MORE r,.. GLENMORE h City, Utah, day of June, A. D 1955. CHRISTINA B. BARNES, Administratrix of Estate of Robert James Bradshaw, Date 27-3- The Mountain States Regional Conference of the American Public Welfare Association was held In Salt Lake City at Hotel Utah, April 27 through April 13. MORE taste . , A ... (right) are with Scoutmaster Norm Lichtenstein and other scouts watching. Both boys had a good blaze going in a matter of minutes. They are members of Troop U4. der the direction of H. C. Shoemaker, chairman of the JJtah Public Welfare commission. The conference Included representatives from Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana and Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. Idaho was also represented. Box Elder county representaO LEGAL NOTICESno- tives included: Jay Oldroyd, Probate ana Quaicnrana tup County Welfare director; Walter tices. Consult Clerk of District G. Jaggi, child welfare worker; ac Court, Brigham City, Utah, Stephen R. Bunnell and respective signers lor informaTea, case workers and tion. Mrs. Ed Ryan,' Mrs. R. N.v Price and W. H. Gleave, board memNOTICE TO CREDITORS bers. Ewtate of Joseph S. Graehl, Deceased. Creditor will prevent claim with General sessions were held voucher to the undersigned at Brigham City, Utah, on or before the 30th with the public invited. day of June, A. D. 1953, One of the special meetings M. REESE JENSEN, Administrator of the estate of the conference, originally of Joseph S. Graehl, Deceased. a closed session, was Date of first publication April 27, slated for A. D., 1955. opened to the public and feaWalter G. Mann, tured Dr. R. H. Felix, director of Attorney for Administrator, 37 First Security Bank Budding, the National Institute of Mental Brigham City, Utah. Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Apr-The sectional meetings were divisions: divided into four NpTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Robert James Bradshaw, Da Problems of aging; services for ceased. and Creditors will present claims with children; family counseling vouchers to the undersigned at Room Inddans and their problems. 26, First Security Bank Building, BrigMeetings were also held for ham on or before the 13 th 2 No Matches But Fire Is On Its Way Building A Fire From A Spark Clell Andreason (left) and Dwight Kelly - MORE quality... MORE enjoyment... LEGAL NOTICE FOR NOTICE OF MEETING PURPOSE OF INCORPORATING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; , NOTICE is hereby given that Wednesday, the 4th day of May, at 1955, at' 8:00 oclock p. m., 4V n a 9 eem p mte. an. WB9 mb iM HB mk SBQS mm MUM wt Civil No. 7666 the District Court of the First Ju the Masopic Lodge Hall, located Box Elder High school In dtcisl In and For Box Elder District seniors will take part in the upstairs at 21 West Forest Street, County, State of Utah, R. L. MibcheU, t Plaintiff, at Brigham City, Utah, a meeting activities special Agathon vs. Utah State Agricultural college Great Western Development Company, of all members of the Amity a cotnmon law trust and Solomon Lodge No. 23, F. & A. M., will Leery drop distilled and bottled bj Friday, It was announced this Weingarten, also in the event of the week. death of Solomon Weingarten all Hie be held for the purpose of in said Amity unknown heirs at law, devisees, and corporating The all-da- y program for high creditor of Solomon Weingarten, No. 23, F. & A. M. school seniors starts with a heotCon, deceased, end to all other persons, Lodge, Darold E. Petersen, title, chuck wagon breakfast in the unknown, claiming any right, hen or interest in the real estate, Master. beUnion building Worshipful cafeteria Louisville , Kentucky property described in the complaint adverse to plaintiff tween 7:00 and 8:30 oclock. ownership, or title cloud upon plaintiffs any State FTA judging contests will thereto: Defendants. OF UTAH TO THE open and continue throughout THE STATENAMED DEFENDANTS : ABOVE the day, as will special displays You are hereby summoned and to serve upon Paul J. Merrill, at the college. attorney, whose address The Region 1 traqk meet will Plaintiffs 29 North Main, Spanish Fork, Utah, an start at the stadium at 1:30 p. answer to said complaint within 20 ater service of this summons upon m., following a noon period of day you. If you fail so to do, judgment by will be taken against you for special events. A football game default relief demanded in said complaint in the evening and dance will the which ha been filed with the clerk of said court, and a copy of which is complete the days program. , served hereto annexed and herewith Selection of an Agathon upon you. Thi is an action to quiet title to from Box Elder had not located in Box Eider County, been made late Tuesday after- property Stat of Utah and more particularly noon but was being considered, described as follows, The East one half of Section 14. school officials announced. ToWnship 13 North, Range II West, Salt Lake iBase and Mendian. PAUL J. MERRILL, I Box Elder Attorney for Plaintiff, O. Box 29, P. Brigham City, Utah IN WHITE or PASTEL SHADES , Spanish Fork, Utah. I Wednesday, May 4, 1955 May A11 GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY the rV XV . , ; f'j Z. ? a KAY WINDSOR Kay Junior AND Featured in CHARM. Americana print cottons by Pacific. Black, purple, navy or moss green on white backgrounds. Sizes 10 to 20, 14 Vt to 22'A OTHER GIFTS MOTHER ' $2.9845.98 COTTON SLIPS and HALF SLIPS $2.5044.98 APRONS (Organdy) . . $2.00 JUST HONEST WILL LOVE-- HOSE (Elonge) $1.95 The stocking that stretches to a perfect fit HANKIES $1.00 up MILADY SHOP HONEST PRICES SERVICE! These coats are washable in your automatic or conventional washers and can be drip dried or dried in your automatic drier. The more they are washed the prettier they mother one of these coats. IN ANY REAL EMERGENCY , any druggist will deliver your prescriptions to you as fast as possible. become. Give ' - Reduced from $35.00 to Delivery expense is a costly item and is never really free. Its certainly a cost to someone. To assume that expense, a merchant must charge more than the service is worth, or furnish an inferior product. We believe the best business policy is to offer Honest Service at Honest Prices! GLENS ORLON Shorty Coats NEWS FOR t BLOUSES Mothers Day Special! 100 X- f' 0uco ZnaclutUfnf $ 19.95 i AT FORSGRENS |