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Show rf f MMMl Brand New Tech Sergeant Present Gift Classmates Make Gift 1 I Lamp Made as Elder NEWS Box 5 Brigham City, Utah Wednesday. March 10, 1954 For Sale Pontiac International D16-tf-c- Cadillac Trucks h 1951 MERCO-MATI4 Door, Radio and C Heater REDUCED TO ' 1255o 1911 PONTAIC 2 Door Sedan FOR SALE Revere movie camera. Model "88" 8 mm. Like new, or will trade lor good goli set. Phone 441 J. . Outboard boat, made, North 471 824-J- . lac-tor- y it. aluminum; with oars $175. First West. Phone 12 HA-tl-p- d FOR SALE 1948 Ford New motor, tires and year ago. $395, or $95 $25 ' month. ' Phlone Sedan. paint down, Ogden M10-12-p- d FOR SALE New sewing machine, $49.00. Save up to Phone 0191-JFOR SALE 1952 Chev. DeLuxe Town Sedan; radio, heater, back-uwindshield lights, washers, etc. New tires, low mileage, one owner car. $1170. or $270 down, $40 month. Ph. Ogden 1 A-W-FOR SALE model tractor, $350.00. No. 21 Oliver 2 way plow. Good condition. Phone 2312. M5-10- M10-12-p- d M3-ti-c- h FOR SALE Evergreens, pruned . and sheared. Experienced Free planting landscaping. service. Paul Rosenbaum. Ph. 435-M- . h h 869-M- g mm M10-12-p- RENT to Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED $3 North, 1889-W- Logan, . RENT ' VALLEY BREEDING As SALESMAN First Securty Bank bldg., Brigham City, Utah. March WANTED Apply to M10-12-p- d h Chev. DeLuxe MIO-tf-c- GLEN BENNION Van Engelens, Inc. Wanted To Rent h Partly tumished ground floor, 2 bedroom apartment or house. Couple with 2 small children. Phone 653; WANTED WANT Lc'uuj 3 bedroom RENT TO home. Call 1132-J- . notices Probate and Quar (Tranship No tices. Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City, Utah, or respective signers for Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Etate of JOHN RICHARD MORGAN. Deceased. Probate No. 2823. Creditors of John Richard Morgan, deceased, will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned the atClae-manoffices of Young, Thntcher flr HOT and CLEAN attorneys at LET US FILL YOUR BIN TODAY! PHONE ONE BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 60 North Main Street Brigham City First 1018 law, Securty Bank Bmlding, Utah, on or before two monthsOgden, after the date of the first publication of this notice. EDNA B. RANDALL, Administratrix of the Estate of John Richard Morgan, Deceased. YOUNG, THATCHER & GLASMANN, 10 IS First Security Bank Building. Ogden, Utah, Attorneys lor Administratrix. Date of first publication March 3, 1954. FOR SALE Nursery GLASS AND PAINTS PHILCO Television sets, Radios, Residential, commercial and auRefrigeraRanges, Freezers, tomobile glass. Complete line tors, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. of General paints for inside North Miain Furniture Co. Ph. and out. Andersens Glass and 250. Paints, 85 No. Main. Ph. 480. Auto Repairs Lumber & Hardware BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. service. 36 years friendly Goodyear ' Tires. Garage. Auto Repairs. BUSHNELL SERVICE, 696 South Main Welding and Repairing. N 23p Radiator soldering. Auto Paint And Body body and fen- der work. Burts Body Shop, . 604 North Main, phone Cleaners REEVES RELIABLE to wall carpet, drapes & Venetian blinds. Full basement with asphalt tile foor covering. Knotty pine rumpus room, bedroom with tile bath & shower. Oil furnace. Sprinkling system in lawn. Phone 1154. Wall FRUIT ZONE Evergreens - Roses Shrubs - Trees planted. Free Landscape Suggestions. Garden Fresh Produce Merrells, Inc. Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements Knights Spring Canyon Coal Benjamin-Moor- e AUTO PAINTING, Real Estate MERRELL'S HOME at 305 East Forest handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions Glass and Paint For Sale g BUSINESS DIRECTORY Appliances 724 FOR SALE By Owner Modem 2 bedroom home. Fourth ward. Phone 423 W. This Is Your Brigham City A FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC SALE United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management LAND AND SURVEY OFFICE, Salt Lake City, Utah, February I, 1954. of section 2455 R. Under provision S., as amended by 'section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (4-- Stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and pursuant to the of Philbert C. Lund application of Lynn, Utah, Serial No. U 04385, there will be offered to the highest bidder, but at not leas than $3. 00 per acre, at a public sale to be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 30tb day of March, 1954 next, at this office, the of land: Tract I: following tract Sec. 6, SE'ziSW4 NE4, NEtfNW Sec. Sec. 7. NE14NE14 y4t EiSZ'A 360 18, T. 13 N., R. 16 W., SL.M. acres. Tract 2, 3E4 Sh!4 Sec. 18, T. No 13 N.. R. 16 W., S.L.M. 40 acre. part of either tract will be sold separately. Bids may be made by the princiat pal or his agent, either personally the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must be in sealed envelopes accompanied by certified checks or post-offic- e the made payable to money order Treasurer of the United States for the The envelope amounts of the bids. d must be marked in the lower Public sale bid. Serial corner No. U 04385, Sale, March 30, 1954.M The highest bidder will be required amount the to pay immediately thereof. d of claimants the adverse Any land should file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. The Bureau of Land Management has not searched the records of Box Elder County to ascertain the existence of any adverse claim. Any contiguous owner claiming a must assert such preference nght right within 30 days from the above sale date. ERNEST E. HOUSE. Manager. NOTICE Preferably with experience but could furnish training. Call at store, or after hours phone 1280. Ph. 1163. 443-W- Probate and Guardianship Notices. Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham City, Utah, or respective signers for information. of the estate of Administrator FLORA Deceased. HANSEN, Dutfe of first publication March 10, A. D., 1954. E. DAVIS, WILLIAM Attorney for Administrator, , ' ' Leaal Notices M10-12-ch- g sociation provides the beet Holstein, Jersey, and Gurasey sires for artificial Insemination service. Phone Carroll west. Hall, 92 north Fourth Tudor. Radio, Powerglide, turn For Rent or Lease signals, paint etc. New tires and seat covers. $1095, FOR RENT Modern apartment. or $250 down, $39 month. Ph. Inquire Apt. 5, Krusmark. Ph. . Ogden Spe-cia- 3 Help Wanted M3-tf-c- Darrell A. Loveland . . . serving with the Marine corps reserve unit in Ogden, y has been promoted to technical sergeant in the 45th G. M. comCaptain Halliday, company. Infantry manding officer of the reserve unit, offers congratulations in the above photo. chg room upstairs NOTICE CREDITORS furnished apt Heat and hot Estate ut FLORATO HAN.SLN, Deceeaed. Creditors will present claims with water furnished; Couple only, nt bear vouchers to the $45.00 per mo. Ph. 393- - J. 305 River City, Utah, undersigned on or before the th day of Mev, A. D., 1934. E. First North. LORIN E. HANSEN, DAIRY 410. 1951 Instruments, Utah. Phone Phone 504 CACHE d M. H. Educ. Serv., East 3rd FOR TRY IT SUPERIOR BAND $5 mo. 261 FOR SALE Matched team. 1350 ELECTRICAL wiring and appliance service by trained eleclbs. Good work mares. Showy trician. All work guaranteed. color. 0386-RBrigham, Earl Mountain States Electric. Ph. D. Young, Perry. FOR SALE WILLIAM g p - When David iLee, Jr., of the Intermountaln school was sent to the campus his hospital, classmates decided to make him an electric lamp. Each boy In the class did his part to help complete the project by cutting, squaring, smoothing one of the pieces and taking part in the assembling, electrical wiring and finishing. The lamp Is made of small pieces of hardwood including beech, walnut, maple, birch and oak. Presentation of the gift lamp was made recently by Wilber Charleston and Henry Gambler. The boys taking part In the project are group three of Miss Harringtons school. Mr. Sorenson is the class room teacher and Mr. Nay, the shop teacher. h d MOTOR FOR SALE Class Project teter-swing- C0PP1W 00. $35 and line manure. CLEAN FIVE room Apts. Steam heat furnished. Play yard for Latham raspberry plants. 30 children. Peach City Apts., gallon drums. Phone 1189. 677 south Second east, Brigham, phone 723-J- . FOR SALE Clothesline poles and See at Sll FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment with bath and a half. South First East. Unfurnished. 144 South First STRUGGLING lor Success? A M10-ti-cWest. Phone 572-J- . quicker, sure way to succeed is revealed in the dynamic FURNISHED or unfurnished book, "You Have a Date With apartment Automatic heat and hot water. 11 East Happiness." Only $1.00 postFourth South. 136 paid. Don Mathews Co S. McCadden PL, Los Angeles FOR RENT Strictly modern fur4, Cali I. nished apartment Automatic heat and hot water. TV anFOR SALE 1 two bottom tumtenna. Adults only. 112 East ble plow, $125.00. IntermounForest tain SchooL Bldg. 69, Apt 14. DELUXE furnished apartments, 60.00. Kaiser Co. FERTILIZER delivered ior flowers, lcrwns and gardens. Phone FOR RENT 1 month free rent c Mack Wilson, 757-R- . apartLovely duplex, ment Children allowed. PriFor Sale Livestock vate bath. Near school, church and store. Ph. 2031, Corinne. FOR SALE One heifer, half guernsey and holstein. Freshens March 24. 43 North Fifth FOR RENT Small modern MIO-cWest or call 1194. home, partly furnished. Includes strip of gardening Service Offered Wilground. Phlone 0191-Rlard. WILL DO lot plowing. Call . FOR RENT 3 room basement apartment Partly furnished. Reasonable. Call at 328 West Forest. TOP SOIL Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances Markets CLEANERS Garden Supplies Phone 873-NY- V or 0381-R- 5 Office Supplies Adding Machines and Cash Registers rented, bought, sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office. TYPEWRITERS, Services Offered MOUNTAIN STATES ELECTRIC PHONE 410 for all electrical service. We service anything and everything. Howard Call Jr.. Mgr. Specialize In Quality Cleaning. SHEFFIELDS IGA U. S. Choice 132 South Main. Phone 31. beef sold, custom cut and wrapped for your home freezer MODERN CL.EANERS. Sanitone or locker. 120 So. Main. Ph. 69. Sewing Done dry cleanin.g, fur storage. Free 86 Ph. . anti Mac Mr. delivery. pick up Meet SEWING DONE Good food at Its very SEWING and Thrift. Mending done. Ph. best Earls Food. Fare. Ph. 17. 169 R. WE STILL HAVE TWO HOMES left in the $9000 to $111100 class. They will GI probably qualify for loans. Both in Central School District NEW BRICK HOME AT BEAR RIVER We will be proud to show you this nearly new home. The best hot water heat, fireplace, attractive kitchen and many other fine features including finished basement Also 19 acres of the best farming ground with full water right all planted to alfalfa. WE NEED LISTINGS We have several cash buyers for modem homes. We will, without obligation, be glad to have you call us if you are interested in selling your home. THRIFT-T-MART- Furnace Cleanina Mens & Boys Wear Vacuum Cleaners We vacuum dlean all makes and sizes heating equipment. Im- BLOCKS, The Friendly Store for ELECTROLUX Vacuums, repairs, Men accessories, parts. Free demmediate service. Phone 420. Quality merchandise, 54 onstration. Phone 295-good service and fair prices. Clyde. P. Lijirsen Sheet Metal I Works. Phone 53. Sa 4th Eagt, C. B. WILLIAMS Realtor & Insurance 140 South Main Phone 6 or 714 K A - Edward Begay and Oscar Schenally CASPER TELLS B.E. Spent Months Living With 4 ! Different Families . . put finishing touches on lamp to be given to classmate' . David Lee Jr., wha is a hospital patient. . . . v GIRL SCOUTS' FOLKS OF INDIA TRIP 3 f Casper traveled by air to India, then returned to Europe by air, toured Europe and continued back to New York by UNDER Mr. THE TREFOIL L. ship. Last the Blue Bell troop William Casper, 27,' of Heber Upon his arrival in India he had a week Mexican fiesta party in one returna and traveled half for who day City, just recently Commerce ed from three months in India, on a wide gauge railroad, (then the ' Chamber of Legal Notices has been on a speaking tour of for five hours on a narrow rooms. Mrs. Norwood Hyev asThe narrow sistant leader was the head of Box Elder county during the gauge railroad. NOTICE TO WATER USERS the group that gave the party. gauge track could climb the The past few days. committee and the IB. Anson head-gateof s the Call, Himalays. rest troop steep slopes County Agent Many Irrigation ditch of the troop were invited need to be replaced. Reg- Jr. traveled with Mr. Casper as A jeep was the next form of -- ; ulations require that the bottom he lectured and visited with transportation with the last five guests. com The committee Is troop of the intake must be four students at Willard, IHoneyville, miles traveled by foot. of iMr. and Mrs. Bert prised IHe different four with inches higher than the bottom Bear River City, Corinne, Thatstayed Mrs. Mr. and Owen cher, Boswell, Garland, Tremon-ton- , families of the upper class of Reeves, of the irrigation ditch. Mrs. Norand Mr., Westenskow, arDurIndia, through government A new reinforced concrete Fielding and Portage. wood Hyer. Mr. and Mrs. Don headgate has been designed. ing the evenings he spoke to rangements. During his entire Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Mwrle The Water Master can furnish Eighth LDS ward MIA members stay there he saw but one knife ; Markham. and install a complete set for and people of Snowville. During and fork. All meals were eaten In order to make the party coun sealed Box his in tour Elder the brief fingers yvhile the nominal ifee of only $5.50, by successful, we had to divide Jn-t- o upon the floor. providing you order before the ty he talked to 1543 people. the following committees: 12 He who spent was one of comes on. With the completion of the irrigation season Julia Clark and Imogene Otherwise you will be required (Box Elder county trip he has time in India and since his rehostesses; Arlene Orwin, to Install your own to meet now lectured in 25 of the 29 turn has enjoyed lecturing on Eleanor Johnson j and In Utah since his re the habits, customs and condi- Mary counties regulations. Mary Beth Baird, cooks; Mary tions in that country. turn to the United States. Ann Singleton and Linda Call W. L. BARKER, Mr. Casper was selected from During his lectures he told entertainment; , and Water Master, Phone 232. a group of outstanding habits. He club of the clothing Olsen. Margaret Baird members. The representatives brought home a shari for a girl Marilyn are named by county agents in and turbans and shoes for both and Gertrude Gillespie, invitations. j' areas. The young people men and women. their NOTICE TO PUBLIC The meal was chile and beans, while bachelor chosen should be college grad Being a young and ice cream bars. After this date, 1 will not be uates or nearing graduation and there he took special note of the crackers Mrs. Markham and Mrs. Balch responsible for any debts or ac- must have been away from schools. There were no coeducational Institutions. Of special judged the costumes. Radene counts incurred by anyone other home. was the winner and she Mr. Casper fulfilled all re interest to Mr. Casper was the Reeves than myself. had the privilege of breaking some customs. In, qulrements. He is a veteran of marriage Cyril Housiey. pinata. Everybody ran; as M10-12-three years in the army, part of areas the parents arrange, mar- the broke, and each which was served in( Korea as riages and the young people are the pinata share of the gooda paratrooper. He has also serv required to marry within their grabbed her , . ies. ,1 ORDINANCE NO. 140 ed an LDS mission in Califor- own cast. They are not permitIt was a fun party for every-on- e nia and will graduate this ted to marry a person in a highAn Ordinance especially the committees Loer or lower cast. The marriage from the lUSAC in the position pf the stop signs at spring gave it to earn their hosbetween 12 and who is age usually gan. tess The Mexican costhe intersection of 7th South Lions clubs of Utah sponsor-e- 15 yearsN Parents of the brides tumesbadges. were very attractive. and 2nd East Streets. him by donating $600 to- furnish a dowery to the brideBE IT ORDAINED by the City Shewink,.,our leader,! espewards his with the remain- groom. Following . the marCouncil of Brigham City, Utah, der of the trip enjoyed It, because she furnished by riage the fellow returns with cially money was invited as a guest and didas follows, Ford Foundation and National his wife to the home of his nt have to work. . , Section I: Club Council. father. Julia Clark, scribe. ' : That that part of Section II visit In his main of The the Brigham trip Following entitled Stop Intersections De- is to promotepurpose better relation City at the Call home and his signated of that certain Ordi- ships between the people of lecture tour in the county, he Sixth Ward nance No. 136 passed by the India and the United States. continued to other counties to Training Meeting Held City Council of Brigham City, American ideals are stressed, tell of his trip. Auon 20th the Utah, day of Children from Two to, Four gust, 1953, insofar as the same was the training lesrefers to the following, son given by Mrs. ' Raymond South entrance to InterLewis at the regular monthly sections of 2nd East and 7th preparation meeting held for South Streets officers ' and teachers I of ' the and, Sixth ward Primary, East entrance to interThe meeting was held Thurssection of 7th South and 2nd a member of the LIDS church he day evening, March 4, at the Now Former Brighamite East Streets served as bishop of Garland home of Mrs. Royle Reeves. Mrs. is hereby repealed, and in lieu the President as ward, a member of Bear River Jay Oldroyd , conducted Serving XI thereof said Section of said stake high council, a member of meeting. Ordinance is hereby amended Of National Group the general board YMMJA, and Opening prayer was' given by to Include the following: Bait Lake City, a member of the Executive Mrs. E. E. Gleason. Singing was Mark Nichols, The North entrance to inLake conducted under the direction is now serving as 1954 president committee' of the Salt tersection of 7th South and of Margaret Lewis and Rosella As- Council of Boy Scouts of AmerVocational American of the End East Streets. Tingey. Marjorie Christensen sociation, an organization which ica. Mr. Nichols is married to the called for a report of the March 35,000 includes professional Section II: Ellective Date of workers in the several fields of former Josephine Buringham. scriptural reading and the closOrdinance ing prayer was given by Mrs. the They have two daughters.. , In the opinion of the City vocational education in Alonzo Anderson. Council of IBrigham City, a Pub United States and Territories. Luncheon was served to ,16 was born and Deserves Mr. Nichols ' . lie Emergency exists in connec Vacation ward officers and teachers and tion with the matter herein reared in Brigham City. He is MANHATTAN, Kan. (UP) A the following members from contained, and it is necessary the son of M. L. Nichols of- Brig- Holstein cow owned by Kansas the stake board: Mrs. Oscar from He to the health, peace and safety ham City. graduated has completed Call, Mrs. Lewis Siggard, Mrs. and general welfare of the in- the public schools of Box Elder State college production record of 318 pounds G. E. , Barnard, Mrs. Wayne habitants of Brigham City that District and graduated with a of butterfat and (14,217 pounds Loveland, Mrs. Maurice Burt-che- r this Ordinance become effec B. S. degree from Utah State Ag- of milk in 322 days. and Mrs. Evan Jackson.' tive immediately on its first ricultural college in 1924 and 1940. M. a S. in degree publication, and it is hereby deMr. Nichols began his profesclared that this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage sional career as a teacher of vocational agriculture at Weston, SPRING-TIM- E and publication. Passed by the City Council of Idaho and Bear River High Brigham City, this 4th day of school. He then served as State Supervisor of Agricultural EduMarch, A. D., 1954. C. LEGRANDE HORSLEY, cation, Utah State Department of Education. He was advanced Mayor. to State Director of Vocational ATTEST: 1950 STUDEBAKER Del. OD $745.00 Education in Utah; which posiFannie J. Christensen, tion he now holds. City Recorder. 1950 STUDEBAKER 4 Dr. $695.00 He has been credited with a STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF BOX ELDER, ss major role in the organization 1947 PONTIAC 2 Dr. Sedan $495.00 I. Fannie J. Christensen, City and growth of the Young Farthe mers Dr. CHEVROLET 1947 2 country. 'Recorder of Brigham City, Utah, throughout $495.00 hereby certify that the above This group represents a small 1947 STUDEBAKER Comm num$445.00 and foregoing is a full, true and army of young men In a correct copy of an ordinance of ber of states. who are becoming ; 4 DeSOTO 1947 Dr. Custom . . . . $375.00 Brigham City, entitled An Or- established irf the business of dinance the po- farming and believe in the baDr. 4 PLYMOUTH 1949 Sedan . . . . $685.00 sition of the stop signs at the sic principles of cooperation and intersection of 7th South and becoming acquainted with the 1949 PLYMOUTH Cl. Coupe . . . . . $685.00 2nd East Streets, Ordinance No. major problems of farming and 140 passed on the 4th day of theii solution. LOW INTEREST BANK RATES He is also author of a new March, A. D. 1954. field In WITNESS WHEREOF I have text In the agricultural hereunto set my hand and af- entitled, "Young Farmers, Their fixed the corporate seal of Brig- Problems, Activities and Educaham City this 4th day of March tional Programs. "Where Quality Counts" .. -- . A busy professional career is ,1951. of one but the'day'to day phase Fannie J. Christensen, life of Mark Nichols. He has City Recorder. been active in many civic and (SEAL) 647 South Main Phone 1147 As ecclesiastical organizations. Del-garit- ,Jep-perse- n, MlO-12-c- I , ... to-wi- ce to-w- MARK NICHOLS RECEIVES HIGH VOCATIONAL EDUCATION HONOR . SPECIALS! .... ...... i ........ , PACKER MOTOR COMPANY QUALITY USED CARS ; i |