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Show Universal Microfilming Corp 227 Sixth Ave. P.C. Box H7 Salt Lake City, Utah t Jan. ?5 Merchants Prepare For Biggest Dollar Day in Brigham City Saturday Cancer Society Plans Fund Drive TTT VOLUME 57, NUMBER 10 BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1954 6 PAGES Polio Vaccine Test Will be Given in Box Elder County NORTH STAKE CONFERENCE TO BE HELD SUNDAY, AMERICAN 111$ Wit IN LeGrand Richards and William S. Lawrence Will Be Speakers KOREA I 7MONTHS! V 16.480 South Box Elder Division Officers of the American Cancer Society held a planning meeting last Friday in anticipation of a fund raising campaign scheduled for next month. Attending were Mrs. Roy L. Thompson, chairman, seated; standing left to right, Mrs. Don J. Morrow, Mrs. Charles W. Claybaugh, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton and Mrs. Harold B. Felt. ... Local Cancer CITY COUNCIL ADOPTS FIRE Society Plans PREVENTION Fund Campaign Council officers of the South Box Elder division of the American Cancer Society met last Friday afternoon to lay plans for the 1954 year round program, Mrs. Roy L. Thompson, division chairman announced this week. Included in the council group in addition to Mrs. Thompson are Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, county educational chairman; Mrs. Harold B. Felt, county welfare chairman; Mrs. Charles publicity chairman; and Mrs. Don J. Morrow, Intermountain school chairman. Dr. J. Gordon Felt, county physician, acts in an advisory capacity for ... . , , the council. "A Message to Every Door in drive 54 is the theme of the this year which it is hoped will raise a $1,250 quota for the county. Ward chairmen will be named in advance of the fund' raising drive which will be scheduled nejct month, the chairman said. . The local council has available for distribution to cancer patients, dressings, .pads, bed It can pads and bed jackets. for distribution also obtain when needed, rubber rings, back braces, pillows, sheets, fracture collars, bed pans, back rests, hot water bottles, ice packs, wheel chairs, Wash basins,-- bed tables, urinals, rubber sheets, cblostomy bags in two sizes and spitum trays. The council is prepared to give some aid on radium treat ments, and when financial as sistance is needed for any pa tient, Mrs. Thompson or Mrs. Felt should be contacted. Clay-baug- , CODE AT MEETING Seek Elimination of Fire Hazards Urged By Fire Department Complying with a request from the city fire department, the Brigham City Council adopted the fire prevention code recNational ommended by the Board of Fire Underwriters at their meeting last Thursday night. delegation from the fire department, composed of Jack Taylor, Richard Hansen, Hansen, E. H. Jensen and Don Baird met with the council and asked for better cooperation in thet elimination of fire hazards. Chief Taylor acted as Spokesman for the group.'Tn the motion of adoption, the council asked City Attorney Walter G. Mann to draw up the necessary ordinance. The delegation also asked for the construction of a fire wall between the street department quarters and the fire station which occupy he same building on West Forest, so that fire fighting equipment would not be damaged in the event of a fire starting in the street department portion of the struc-- . Glen Burt ture. Councilman Var-nic- Citizenship Oath Is Given To26Tuesday was asked to investigate. Mrs. Ella Long, Mrs. Merlin Balls and Mrs. Roy Barnard representing the Kindergarten club, met with the council and tendered a check from the club in the amount of $198 for payment of park benches for the city playgrounds. They also urged the city to continue piping and covering ditches irrigation throughout the city and place gates in front of culverts, calling particular attention to the one at Third East and First South. Councilman Boyd Packer was asked to check on this and report back at the next meeting. lAlvin Cox attended the meet Ing and askecT'oonsideratkm of this same condition. Oouncilmen Boyd Packer and John Larsen were asked to check on the condition of trees on the city parkings and report to the city council. Bishop Richard Hansen pre sented a diagram of the parking areas on the east and north sides of the new Sixth ward chapel. The council approved the plans as outlined. He also sug gested that a study of the drainage problem at Second East and Third South be made and Councilmen John Larsen and Glen Burt, along with Superintendent Tracy Larsen were named to check into the propo' sal. Ordinance number 140, pro viding for changes in the place ment of a stop sign at Seventh South and Second East was pre sented and passed. It will become effective upon publication in this issue of the newspaper. Box Elder county Twenty-sinaturalized residents became citizens of the United States in impressive rites in First District court, Tuesday morning, when the they were administered oath of allegiance. Judge Lewis Jones presided on the bench, while Court Clerk Luella MaCFarlane administered the oath on behalf of the Federal government. Two people were injured SatWilliam M. Lince of the Uniurday night when their car left ted States Department of Justhe street and knocked over a tice presented the 26 men and utility pole between Third and women to the court, all Box ElFourth East on Seventh South der county residents. They were Injured with a cut on the Pali Pandi, Kumakichl Endow, forehead was William D. Hoi Umataro Nagao, Giichi Ben land, 24, of 428 South Main. His Edna Hayes, Riichi Aoki, companion, - Barbara Bertelsen, Horace Eekersley Hayes, Yoshii 30, of Logan, received a broken Jinbei Horoye, Masao Shiotani, nose. The pair were treated for Mori, Mori, Matsue Ka 'Hayano their injuries at Cooley Memo- no, Tokukichi Nagasawa, rial hospital and released. DamFusae Shiotani, Shiotani, age to the car was estimated at Momoyo Okada, Yoshitaro Su $180. zuki, George Tasasui, Kiyoko City Police Officers Scott Lee Takasugi, Shigeno Takahashi, blocked Isami and J. Lanell FOote Takahashi, Asano Tantraffic after the crash while aka, Isono Tanaka, Fusa Yagi elecelectricians took care of and Fumi Segi Yagi Jugoro tric wires which fell when the gawa. pole was toppled. Kol Haramoto served as Japa Holland was cited for reckless nese interpreter for a few of the accident. the driving following were unable to group who speak English. , Out of the state and unable to take the oath was Makino Mitamura whose oath will be given on August 10. Present for the ceremonies and serving on the welcoming a intefmission good Dancing, program and refreshments are committee were George Davis combeing offered as Saturday eve- representing the county Kay Olsen, county ning entertainment by the Sec- missioners; ond ward MIA, the party to be clerk; Dr. C. R. Jones, commanheld in the Seventh ward rec- der of the American' Legion post; Tolman Burke, commanreation hall. Music for dancing will be fur- der of the Veterans of Foreign nished by Fred and his Philip- Wars post; O. Dee Lund, county pine orchestra who will start attorney; and several membersA playing at 8:30. The program of the court, bar and press. will be presented at intermis- large group of spectators attended the court session. sion time. . ,i( V x FIRST, SECOND, THIRD GRADE PUPILS TO RECEIVE VACCINE II your phone rings Friday morning, lift the receiver and answer "Saturday Is Dollar i Day." Should It be the merchant's committee of the Chamber of Commerce placing the call, your answer will be worth a dollar. Of course, if it isn't, you won't get the dollar but you will be helping to spread the word and tell some friend about Srighsm City's great annual spring bargain event. Lincoln PTA To Hear Miss Written Permission Of Parents Required Before Test Is Given Decision to Include Box Elder county In the nationwide polio vaccine trial area was reached last week-enat a meeting held in the offices of the State Health Miss Myrtle R. Jensen, who department, with tests for all is associated with the USAC first, second and third grade putraining school at Logan, Is to pils scheduled for early April. be guest speaker at the Lincoln The merchant's committee school PTA meeting slated for Nearly 40,000 grade school will give away S25.00 Friday this evening, March 10, at 7:30 children Jn ' nine . Utah areas be eligible will to parmorning to 25 local residents p. m. in the Central school audIn the new poliomyeliticipate answer. who give the correct itorium. tis vaccine program which will Miss Jensen will speak on Include Box Elder, Cache, WeChildren and Books" and cor- ber, Davis, Utah, Carbon, Emery dially Invites a question and and Salt Lake counties and Salt answer period following her Lake City. She will speak on lecture. It was announced that Utah stimulating childrens Interest can expect to receive the vacin reading and will discuss the cine during the first or second subject of phonetics. week in April. Each child will Devotion for this evening will be given three doses over a perbe led by Frank Forsgren with iod of approximately five weeks. stu- Only one-hal- f music to be of the children, South Box Elder stake dancers dents of Missfurnished by Mary Nichols. however, will actually receive were reminded of Tulip Time, Mrs. Donna Kramer and Miss the vaccine. The other half will the annual Gold and Green ball Lucille Jones. get a substitute which looks slated for Thursday evening, According to Mrs. Dean Free- exactly like the vaccine, but March 11, at 9 p. m. at the ar the which will have no effect, conman, program chairman, mory. committee will pre- stituting a control group. nominating The LaVerd John orchestra sent the ballot for the No one taking part In the coming has been engaged for the semi elections. tests,' not evert the doctors glv-in- g formal affair. the shots, will know which The dance is under the direc child received the vaccine and tion of the South stake MIA whkh the substitute. After the leaders, Mrs. 'Dorothy Jeppson polio season the incident coming and Wallace Christensen with of polio in the two groups will activity counselors, Mrs. Jennie be compared, through a special Nielsen and Lynn Hailing, mak code system to Identify which ing special arrangements. ones had earlier received the of Arlene Wilson, daughter vaccine and which had . been Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wilson, 347 given the Innocuous substance. n Showers Supply .35 Ngpth . Main, was named Only by maklng-thi- s Nesel in and folks Issct this type1 of of the graduating can the effectivecomparison Box North are area invited Inches of Moisture by class of 1954 at a special recogElder stake missionaries to a ness of the vaccine be deter-minenition assembly at Box Elder ' ' showers week this sup- program and social to be held Spring High school, Tuesday afternoon. All children In the three , plied .35 of an inch of moisture, in the Corinne UDS ward chapel Named also were the ten hon- it was reported Tuesday eve on Saturday evening, March 13, grades living in the nine areas which comprise Utahs , most or students of the graduating ning by Charles Clifford, keeper beginning at 8 p. m. class who were Gay Conger, of official weather information. Two lady missionaries recent' populous section, will be eligiSandra Knudsen, Joe Dell HugSpring temperatures have kept ly returned from Japan are to ble to participate with the writgins, Billy Glover, Carmen Reed- pace with the showers, Clifford be guest speakers as a program ten consent of their parents. The vaccine to be used was er, Bonnie Lou Terry, Ruth Mor- said, with a maximum of 65 under the direction of Richard developed by Dr. Jonas Salk of rell, Mary Joe Chadwick. Arlee degrees reached Tuesday after' Smith of Logan Is presented. Reeder and Arlene Wilson. noon. This was the warmest reg Following the program a SO' the University of Pittsburgh, Istered since November 16, he cial will be held with light re' working under a grant from the as chairman George Nielson, National Foundation. Some freshments to be served. reported. of the graduation and scholar2,700 children, including the ship committee, announced the three sons of Ik, Salk, have alselections which were based on ready been innoculated ' and the highest averages for the enthere have been no unfavorable Miss tire high school period. reactions from the vaccine, the Wilson was given a rating of of health reported. department 170 points out of a possible 180 It was emphasized by the for these years. department, that while great hopes are held out for the vacis Time Serving on the committee In Theme; Tulip Verd Johns orchestra has been cine, no one can guarantee that addition to Nielson were Floyd it will prevent polio in those No Admission Charged engaged for the evening. Jensen, Mardene Godfrey and On Saturday evening at the Inoculated, The nationwide tests Morrell. Sam Gordon Lymap Everyone Invited Armory, beginning at 8:30 p. m are being conducted to deterand Mardene Godfrey are the mine in preclass parents for the graduates Senior and Teen Gold 'and the Teen ball will be held. John ventionits effectiveness from polio due to the viruses of 1954. Green balls are slated by North Jardlnes college orchestra will furnish music for found throughout the country. Dr. Henry Aldous Dixon, new- Box Elder stake MIA this week- Logan Mrs. E. B. Owen Is the county the affair. of end. ly inaugurated president chairman of the Nachapter no admission There be will The Senior ball will be held Utah State Agricultural college, tional Foundation for Infantile dance. for either Every was the speaker at the recog- on Friday, March 12, beginning charge under whose auspices at 9 p. m. at the Armory. La- - one is invited. 'A special invita- Paralysis, nition assembly. tion is also extended to South the local tests will be given. stake dancers. General chairmen for the dances are Win. D. Hollist and Mrs. Lois Hunsaker, stake dance Decora members. committee tions, Tulip Time," are being arranged by Dr. and Mrs. Roy 'Barnard and the following course at normal the University committee: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sponsored by Local of Utah In 1901. She taught Glover, Mr. and Mrs. LeVan school for seven years follow- - Hunsaker and Mr. and Mrs. Kindergarten Club Clovis Jordan. For District Honor (Continued on Page Six) Continuing with plans for a and better than ever" "bigger Mrs. Abel S. Rich. 74, of Brigfashion show are Kindergarten Mother Named Northern District ham City, was chosen this week club members In to represent the Northern Diswith local merchants. trict of the Utah Womens FedRaffle prizes for "Fashion erated clubs as District Mother. Fair go on display this week She was sponsored by Kinderin the window of the office of Mrs. Abel Dr. Roy Barnard on Main street. garten club of Brigham City. She has served as president of the The prizes were purchased from S. Rich group and was also a charter local merchants who have so member. generously donated prizes in Mrs. Rich was born Alice Redd, the past. Mrs. Kenna Jacobson, the 13th and last child of L. H. raffle sponsored and Keziah Butler Redd, in New and door prize chairman, said today that door prizes will be Harmony, Utah. She has been by the Kin active all of her life in the serdisplayed shortly before the vice of her fine family, her fashion show to be presented dergarten church and community. Thursday, March 25, at Box Elder High school gym, at 8:15 Church offices held in the inLDS church by Mrs. Rich p. m. Club, was clude: 60 years as a Sunday Special favors under the direcschool teacher; 22 years as a tion of Mrs. Ella Long are being honored Gospel Doctrine Sunday school arranged. All seats for the fashion show teacher; 16 years on MIA board; will be on the floor of the gym this week Sunday school board member in Cedar City, Bear Lake and Box facing the full length ramp, it was explained today by Mrs. Elder; president of two MTAs; Northern by Clyde Glover and Mrs. Herm president of Relief society for seven years and numerous other Hadfield, general chairman. District. Ticket sales ate progressing positions . in various organizations. nicely and men and women inMrs. Rich attended Branch terested in this annual affair Normal college at Cedar City for are urged to make , ticket arthree years, then completed her rangements now. Myrtle R. Jensen d South Stake , Slates Annual Gold and Green Arlene Wilson Valedictorian Jerry S. Fruin Program Planned For Issei and Nisei Folks Sat. Of 1954 Class Cited by Club Leaders 4-- H vale-dictoria- Jerry S. Fruin, agricultural representative of First Security Bank of Utah, has been award ed a citation for outstanding one of two peoservice to ple so honored this year. The award was made at Utah State Agricultural college in Logan at the final session of the 1954 club leadership school. Fruin and Miss Genevieve Allan, director of the State Dairy council, who was also honored, were presented with plaques bearing their name, the insignia and a suitable inscrip tion. A committee appointed by officials of the Utah Extension service selected Fruin for bis aefivities with ybuth throughout the state, at livestock shows and county fairs and for his cooperation in promoting farm youth activities through the American Bankers association and Utah Ibankers. 4-- 4-- 4-- Cited for Outstanding Service Utility Pole Clipped Off Conference Speaker Quarterly conference of North Eldel stake will be held at the stake tabernacle Sunday, March 14, according to Vernal Willie, stake president. Richards of Elder ILeGrande the Council of Twelve, and Elder William T. Lawrence of the General Church Welfare committee will foe present from Salt Lake City representing the general authorities of the . LDS church. Elder Richards is recognized as an outstanding speaker and leader especially with the yout'h of the church. General sessions of the conference to which all are invited will foe held at 10 oclock Sunday morning and at 7 oclock in the evening. A stake and ward welfare meeting will be held at 8:30 oclock Sunday morning Elder LeGrand Richards and a stake Priesthood leader2 be held will at ship meeting . . . of the Council of Twelve, oclock in the afternoon at will be one of the general auwhich all priesthood leaders at North Box from the wards and the stake thority speakers conference. Elder stake are expected to be present. Music for the conference sessions will be furnished by the Box Elder High school music department under the direction of J. Earl Johnston, and Margaret Johnsen. Box 3 MUM OfCAMXKmM UHtd MARCH 14 Dollar Day Dollar Will Be Given To 25 Local People By Automobile i 1 TEEN GOLD AND GREEN BALLS MRS. ABEL S. RICH NAMED Fashion Fair NORTHERN DISTRICT MOTHER Raffle Prizes To be Displayed Fu-ku- i, Sa-tar- o Mutual of Second Ward Plans Dance Jerry S. Fruin agricultural representative of First Security Bank of Utah, was recently issued a citation for outstanding service to dubs in Utah recently. . . . 4-- H N k ri I n |