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Show New 1954 Oldsmobiles On Display Mr; and Mrs. Ben Day Entertain At Dinner Move To Intermountain School Bear River Ag Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Day, 864 West Forest, last Wednesday, included Mr. and Mrs. Roland Struve and two daughters, Marilyn and Sharon of Bell Garden, Teacher Now at f Intermountain Clifford G. Hansen iwas recently placed in' charge of the agriat culture department school. Hansen previously taught vocational agriculture for five years at Bear River high school in Garland. He graduated from the USAC where he received his B. S. and M. S. degree. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen are formerly from Idaho Falls, Idaho Before coming here they resided in Garland, where they were both active in civic, church and musical circles. They are now making their home at shook Two of their five boys attend the public school. (Dennis is in the first grade and David the fifth. Other boys at home are Jeffrey, Tlmo thy and Paul. 3 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, JaAuary 20, U54 and (Mrs. - O, S. Oskar, Mrs. Waymen TldweJl and Mrs. Emmajean (Lee, all, of Logan. Calif., and Mr. Inter-mountai- n Inter-mountai- n Olds 98 Deluxe Holiday Coupe e reflects the modern sweep cut fenders in the front and rear and new combinations. The new 1954 models are now on display at the Central Chevrolet pany, local Oldsmobile dealer. . . . two-ton- color com- Genevieve Yates and Jerry Lee Olson Speak Wedding Promises in Rites Performed Jan. 9 Sunflower Camp Met Thursday at Bairds Genevieve (Jenny) Yates, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Willard Yates, Harper ward, became the January bride of Jerand ry Lee Olson, son of Mr Mrs R. H Olson, Brigham City, in nuptial rites performed January 9. Vows were spoken at the home of Bishop and Mrs Joseph L. Yates in Harper ward with Bishop Yates performing the ceremony. Immediate family members witnessed the exchange of wedding promises. 'For her wedding the bride chose a gray suit with white accessories. lA dinner followed the Sunflower camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers met last Thurs-daevening, January 14, at the home of Mrs Florence L. Baird. Captain Pearl Compton pre sided and conducted. Following the welcome ex tended to County camp officers: Jennie L. Jones, Ruth L. Reeves, Emma D. Hansen and honorary member of the board Martha Pierce, the opening song, Utah, Our Own Beloved Homeland, was sung May M Horsley offered opening prayer. The 19 members and two visitors attending then sang The Spanish Cavalier. Following the treasurers report by Mrs. Vera Earl, a sketch of the life of Esther Williams Call, mother of Martha Jensen, was read by histoman, ILa Wana Jensen. Vocal numbers by a trio composed of Merna Janiel and Bernice Kimber, entertained the group Portia Reeves accompanied the girls. A report of 25 good cheer visits was followed by lesson for the evening by Mrs. Alice R. "Miss cfere-mon- showers recently honored the toride. Mrs. O. Liptrot of Ogden was hostess to a shower at her home. Immediate relatives attended. (Mrs. LaRue Yates and Mrs. Willard Yates were at the (LaRue Yates home. Neighbors and close friends attended. (A brides book was made and many lovely and useful gifts presented to the young couple. The just weds are making their home in Brighafti City. The bridegroom is continuing his education at the Utah State Agricultural college In Logan. Both are graduates of Box Elder high school. The bride attended the Brigham Young University in Provo. fltwo Bridge Luncheon Fetes Mrs. Glen Humphreys Mrs. Glen Burt entertained at bridge luncheon recently in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs Glen Humphreys. Those attending were Mrs E H Jensen, Mrs. Carlyle Baty, Mrs Oscar Grunig, Mrs. Dwane Jensen, Mrs Ray Ottley and Mrs. Don Chase a Hansen Bishop on Birthday Surprised E. E. Bishop Ernpst E. Hansen was completely surprised on Thursday evening, January 12, during class period for Special Interest's MIA members. More than 70 people of the ward participated in the surprised party in honor of the Bishops birthday anniversary. As Bishop Hansen arrived at the class room the entire group arose and greeted him with "Happy Birthday. A delicious hot dinner was served from tables beautifully decorated with evergreen boughs and potted plants. A in birthday cake decorated ' green and white with glowing candles was center of interest. A program conducted by Max Bott followed the dinner. . A humorous toast written by Mrs. lHazel Bott was presented to the Bishop. Mrs. Shirley Hol-lisang his favorite song, "I Love You Truly. Mrs. Vera (Marble, representing the group, presented the guest df honor with a lovely gift. The bishop responded. The evenings entertainment was completed with the playing of tbingo. IMany prizes iwere awarded. Mrs. Vernal Willie and Mrs. Wm. D. Hollist were of the affair with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lichtenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bott and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Walker in charge of the food Mrs. Christine Bott and Mrs. Lavina Clark decorated the tables. Quig Nielsen was in charge of the bingo games. The party served at the Special Interests class project for the year. Mrs Vera Marble, class leader, said today. st VFW Auxiliary Past Presidents Meet Thurs. Past Presidents of the Auxiliary to George Gidney Post 1695 Veterans of Foreign Wars met for their regular monthly meeting last Thursday evening, January 14, at the home of Mrs. Ellen Richman. Following the business session a social was held. Named as president was Mrs. Jo Anna Petersen with Mrs. Stella Rasmussen as secretary. Refreshments were served by the hostess to 11 past presidents attending. Fort Brigham Camp Slates January Meet Fort Brigham camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold their fibt meeting of 1954 on Friday evening; January 22, at the home of Mrs. Alfred Whitaker, 321 North Third West. at The meeting will begin 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Art Stowell president, urged that all mem bers make a special effort to attend the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford G. Hansen . . with their five boys are comfortably settled at Intermountain school where Mr. Hansen will be in charge of the agriculture department. Boys seated, left to right, are Dennis, Paul and David; kneeling in front are Jeffery and Timothy. . NEED NEW FLOORING? v r V Merrells Inc. for quality hardwood flooring. Youll get more beauty and durability at lower cost beu j cause of the superb factory finish. You will love thee See Ogden Miss Won't Change Name When Vows' Are Spoken With Russell M. Rasmussen March 12 - Miss Anne Rasmussen, daughRasDr and Mrs. D. I mussen, 2894 Brinker Ave, Ogden, wont change her maiden name when she becomes the bride of Russell M. Rasmussen, son off Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rasmussen of Brigham City, on March 12. The couple plans to exchange nuptial vows in the Logan LiDS temple. A reception is planned the saime evening in the Weber College Institute of Religion. Attending ithe bride as matron of honor will be Mrs. John Allen with Miss Julia Rasmussen, sister of the bride; Miiss Barbara and Deon Rasmussen, sisters of the bridegroom, and Miss Joetta Ballings as bridesmaids. was affiliated The bride-to-bwith LaDiananeda social unit prior to graduating from Weber college. She received her degree in 1953 at the BYTJ. ter of e Wiiile there she was a sponsor in the Air Force RQTC, a member of Takalon social unit White Key, senior scholastic honorary and Theta Alpha Phi, a drama honorary organization. She Is now working in a radio station at Salt Lake City. The prospective groom is a graduate of Weber College where he was affiliated with Phoenix social club. He recently returned from army service In He plans to continue Korea. his education at the University of Utah. - i way oak flooring adds beauty toybur home. stand a life time of tough walk wear. Stop in or call 8 for a free estimate this week. NEW FLOORING CAN BE PURCHASED ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS Support Your March of Dimes Beehive Camp to Meet Friday at 7:30 P. M. 'WALK A 8L0CKWSAVE "t Of v The Beehive camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold their regular meeting Fjd day, January 22 at 7:30 p. m. at the home of Lucy Johnson, 123 West Second South. Rich. Best wishes for a Happy New extended by Mrs. Jennie L. Jones. She also urged members to wiite their own histories and buy good books on pioneer history. In The Sweet By and (By wias the closing song with benediction by Louie B. Andersen. Refreshments were then served (by: Mrs. Baird, Lura Redd, Martha Walker and Martha Year were Pierce. BIRTHS New for 54! ...Ultra-Ne- w The following births are an nounced from Cooley Memorial hospital. A girl was born January 16 to Mrs. J. P. Jensen, (Bear River Eudean and Lily Beth Smith Mrs score to went Baty, from High City, has been released of Bridge, Idaho. Mrs Ottley drew cut and travel- the hospital and now is conval- Gunnell Second Boy ing went to Mrs. Grunig escing at the home of her son, Announcing the arrival of a son A lovely gift was presented to Lincoln Jensen, 670 North Fourth born January 17 are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Humphreys. West. Donald Jensen. This is the second boy for the Jensens. Mrs. Jensen is the former Verla Tracy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe v w its completely new Body by Fisher that new lower, longer, 'lovelier silhouette! The daring new slant of its panoramic windshield! The .dramatic new flair in its sweep-cu- t doors and fenders! And just wait till you drive the hew Worlds Record "Rocket Engine with 8.25 to 1 compression see NOW ON GALA DISPLAY AT YOUR ratio the engine that outperforms, , s even the 53 "Rocket. For a completely hew view on modern automobiles, see the thrilling power-famou- L. Mrs. J. P. Jensen Is Home From Hospital 1 ANNOUNCING the breath-takin- g new OIiLmobile Tha Oldsmobile so ultra-neSuper 88 fpr in . . in so . . design , original style throughout theres never been a car lile it before! Just wait till yon OLDSMOBILE ... new Super "88 on display now! And watch for Oldsmohiles new "Dream Car, the Classic Ninety-Eig. . . coining to your dealers soon! ' DEALER'S ht v Tracy. First Child Mr. and Mrs. Raulon Nelson announce the birth of their first child, a 7 pound 2 ounce daugh ter, born January 17. As yet the little miss has no name. She is the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs Marvin Nelson of Brigham City and also for Mr and Mrs. P. W. Jensen, also of Brigham City Mrs Nelson is the former DOn Jensen. 10-1- WED. tr! -- THURS. Brigham Couple Back From Month's Trip 1 6:30 P. M. ft CLOWNS! ft ROLLER SKATING i0 ft BANDS! ft DANCING GIRLS! ft CONCESSIONS! HOT DOGS 'BURGERS -- DRINKS DONT MISS IT! Mr and Mrs. Henry Harris re turned last week from a months vacation trip to California. While in Redwood City, California at the home of their son, Richard, wife and family they became acquainted with the new. est Harris, young Mark Thomas, who was born November 21. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harris have two other youngsters, Richard Jr. and Sue. Mr. Harris is on the editorial staff of the San Francisco News. Enroute home the Brigham City couple visited with another son, Fred, and his wife and farry ily in Elko, Nevada. Phone your society news to 771. BetterCough Relief When new drugs or old fail to help your cough or chest cold dont delay. Creomulsion contains only safe, help, ful, proven ingredients and no narcotics to disturb nature's process. It goes into the bronchial system, to aid nature soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guar anteed to please or your druggist refunds money. Creomulsion baa stood the test of many millions of users. CREOMULSION trasrtuia tt Cttr ilhulmtpti" 1954 Super 88" Hniiday ( mp4. IPfttfe SidnutU itpuvaat at extra co l A Central A iotore k'alum. Tint World's Record "Rocket SEE YOUR MO NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER r Central Chevrolet Co. j 18 r North Main St. |