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Show Universal Kicrofilniiar ' 277 Sixth A vr. Salt tV City, Second Ward Reorganizes Bishopric Co p 3m Vtfi 5k waai LOUIS! uni-- 1 VOLUME 57, NUMBER 3 BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1954 .8 PAGES March of Dimes Committee Offers Supper, Dance, Prizes For a Dollar Hold Services 'This Is Your Life ' Program Tonight j Wednesday for May Feature Utahn ; has It that the char acter to be shown on the KDYL-Tprogram, This Is Your Life," tonight Wednesday, will be a man who la Humor Floyd Morgan Floyd Earl Morgan, 47, of Corinne, died Saturday In the Dee hospital in Ogden after a illness. well known in Brigham City. Fairly reliable reports have it that he is a Northern Utah his man, end while Mr. Morgan moved to Corinne name cannot be obviously given out in five years ago and had owned advance, just on the chance arid operated a grocery store. it might be someone you know, tune in on channel 4 He was a member of the Rotonight at 8:00 o'clock. He Colo. tary club, Brighton, was a member of the LIDS church If the rumor Is false, we'll and served as branch president for wasting your apologize and as a member of the district time because this newspaper mission at Denver and was an' isn't prone to plug television active boy scout leader in the and radio programs. Corinne ward. two-mont- Bishop J. A. Mescrvy seated center, is flanked to the left by First Counselor Claudius Olsen and on the right by Second Counselor Wynn Jeppson. Standing left to right is Earl Sheffield, financial ward clerk. clerk; Roger Sederholm, assistant ward clerk; and Horace Littlewood, o- . . . - Girls J. A. MESERVY SUSTAINED AS Twenty-On- e BISHOP OF SECOND LDS WARD Now Compete Claudius Olsen and Wynn Jeppson Named New Counselors s LDS J. A. Meservy. lifetime member, was sustained Sunday evening, January 17, as bishop of the Brigham Second LDS ward. Named to head activities of the ward with him were Claufirst counselor; dius Olsen, Wynn Jeppson, second counselor; Horace Littlewood, ward clerk; Roger Sederholm, assistant ward clerk and Earl Sheffield, financial clerk. Bishop (Meservy begins his second term as bishop. He previously served in that capacity in the Logan Twelfth LDS ward. For the past nine years he has been a member of the South Box Elder stake High Council. He and Mrs. Meservy have always taken active parts in church activities as have their children:- - Darlene Meservy Bur-- , rows, Brigham City; Jay A. Meservy, serving now with the U. 111.; S. Army at Fort Sheridan, Beverly, a senior .at Box Elder; Jerry, a freshman at Box Elder and Cheryl and Carla Rae, both students at Central school. Released during the Sunday night meeting with a hearty vote of thanks for the fine work acooitip'lished during their service in the bishopric of the Second ward were: C. LeGrande Horsley, Lafe Jensen and Wynn Jeppson. Jeppson was retained as second counselor. Claudius Olsen has served as ward clerk and Earl Sheffield as assistant clerk. Jay Kunzler ToGoToLDS For Snow Queen t, d Leron Joljnsen . will leave soon for Danish Mission field. , . Leron Johnsen To Denmark In Mission Field Leron Johnsen, son of Mr. and Bear Mrs. Austin L. Johnsen, River City, has received a mission call from the Church of of fatter-daJesus Christ Saints and will leave on February 3 for the Salt Lake mission home. will sail on February 16 New York for Denmark where he will enter his field of He from labor. farewell testimonial will be held in the Bear River ward on Sunday evening, January 24 at 7:30 oclock and an invitation is extended to his many A farewell testimonial was in. the community to atheld in the Park Valley ward friends tend. for John (Jay) Sunday evening J. Kunzler, Jr son of Mr. and A star football, basketball Mrs. John J. Kunzler, who will and track man at (Box Elder enter the mission home in Salt high school, he graduated in Lake City this morning. 1051, serving as student body Jay, popular Box Elder High president during his last year school graduate, will leave on here. He was active in the FuJanuary 27 for the New England ture Farmers of America organfirst in the mission field. ization, winning He was enrolled as a sopho- state speech contest and going on to the national contest and more at Utah State Agricultural college when he received his placing third. He also won first place in the 440 yards dash. mission calL As a freshman at Utah State Agricultural college, he won letters in football and track, placing third in the conference in the 440 yards dash. He is now a junior at the agricultural college, a member of Sigma Chi social fraternity and was selected as the favorite guy of Alpha Chi" sorority. A Mission Field Held Here for Former Citizen Graveside rites for Archie An gus Crossman, age about 65. iBoulder City, Nev., were performed at the Brigham City cemetery, Friday afternoon, with members of the Corinne and Brigham City Masonic lodges of . ficiating. Crossman, a former resident, died January 13 at Boulder City and funeral services were held there Thursday. The body was brought here Friday for grave His wife and side services. the son,- lArchie, accompanied body. Roy Campion conducted for the Corinne lodge while members of the Brigham City lodge acted as pall bearers. Burial was under the direction of the Harold B. Felt Fu, - neral home. The number of lovely Box Elder county girls vieing for Snow Queen of 1954 now talleys up to 21 with the following announcement from Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Larsen off the queens committee: Sheryl Ann Barker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Barker; Claudia Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Morris; Bonnie Nay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Nay; Jean Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Parker; Jeanette Weight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Weight; Maurine Rigby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Rigby; Dorothy daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Hansen; Carol Laney, daughter of (Mr. and Mrs. Marie Jensen, Laney; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nello Jensen; Karen Marie Jensen, daughter of Mr.and Mns. Frank P. Jensen? Colleen Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eliott D. Ward; Joan Kimlber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kimber, all of Brigham City, and Mary Jo Chadwick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Gardner, Hon eyville. Nominations will be accepted until Thursday, Jan. 21. Those mailed must be (postmarked Wednesday, December 20, and telephone calls will be received all day Thursday. The number to call is . The Snow Carnival and Dance will be held Saturday, January 23, at BEHS gymnasium begin ning at 9 p. m. The coronation ceremonies will begin at 10:30 oclock. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bott, announced general chairman, today that the following foods iwill be included on the menu on sale during the evening: hot barbecues, pie, cake, ice cream and punch. Those attending are invited to enjoy supper at Sixth Ward to Offer Building Benefit Dinner To- - speed construction work on their new chapel and recreation hail, the Sixth ward will hold a building fund benefit He was born August 10, 1906, in LaBelle, Idaho, a son of Joseph Edward and Nellie Elizabeth Shurtliff Morgan. He was reared and at educated District Governor La-Bell- On May 10, 1926, he married Avis Catherine Cameron in Rigby, Idaho. The couple resided in LaBelle for two years, living short time in Montana and moved to Brighton, Colo., where they lived 20 years prior to moving to Corinne. Surviving are his widow, CoMrs. rinne, three daughters, Gene (Marjorie) Olliver, Denand ver; Miss Diane (Morgan CoMiss Claudette Morgan, rinne; three grandchildren, the following brothers and sisters, J. H. Morgan, Monticello, Calif.; Ivan Morgan, Vern Morgan and Mrs. Will Rhodes, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Mrs. Levi SaUrey, Hibbard, Idaho; A. L. Morgan, GreeClarence Morgan, ley, Colo.; 84-R- Dr. J. Gordon Felt named Northern , was Utahs district governor for clubs at an the Twenty-Thirt- y Intermountain district meeting in Idaho Falls last week- Denver. Funeral services will be con.' ducted Wednesday at 1 p. m. in the LDS Corinne ward, Bishop J. H. Norman officiating. Friends may call at the ward chapel Wednesday from 11 a. end. m. until services. Interment will be in Brigham City ceme tery, under the direction of the Harold B. Felt Funeral .home. Dr.J.G.Felt City Officers Named to 20-3- 0 Take Finger Print Course District Post 20-3- 0 City police Officers are taking special schooling this week in finger printing at Salt Lake City, the course being offered by the Federal Bureau of Information. Attending on half day schedules are Chief Harry Smith, Officers Scott Lee, H. C. Hampton the event and Jack Jorgenson. Two at The LaVerd John orchestra tend morning classes and rehas been engaged for the eve lieve the others in time to at tend afternoon classes. ning. Ticket sales are going nicely The three day course will be according to Mr. and Mrs. Clo- completed Wednesday. vis Jordan, chairmen. Tickets will also be available at the Everyone is invited to phone door on Saturday. The price their society Items for the News and Journal to 7TL per person is 50 cents. . U-- P r ff,' Tuesday A. M. r i Scheduled for Agent Here, - - v r tSSf-c- Otto Emil Linderman, 63, living at the Peach City apartments, died Tuesday morning at 7:30 oclock at the Cooley Memorial hospital after an illness of six months. He was born November 14, 1890 at Kearney, Neb., the son of Henry and Elizabeth Lowen-steiLinderman. (He was reared in Ogden, graduating from a college In Indiana and received a degree from the University of Utah. He married Ada M. Orme, November 19, 1921, at St. Anthony, Idaho. They lived in Salt Lake City, Garland, and Buttp, Montana, before moving to Brigham City over a year ago where he has been station agent for the Union Pacific Railroad com pany. He had been active in civic affairs and in the Lions club. He is survived by his widow and three sons, Otto Evan Lin derman, Syracuse, N. Y.; Har old J. Linderman, Fullerton, Calif.; Robert Bruce Linderman, Pasadena, Calif.; one grand child; two brothers and two sis ters, Dan H. Linderman, Clem entsville, Idaho; Robert G. Linderman, Vista, Calif.; Mrs. Paul Smith, North Hollywood, Calif.; and Mts. Ray Leavitt, Ogden. Funeral services will be an nounced later by the Harold B. Felt Funeral home. n High School Circus Dates Marshalling their forces for one gigantic effort, the Brigham City March of Dimes committee are planning a gala evening on Saturday, January 30. J Planned is a pancake supper with all the trimmings to be served at the high school cafeteria followed by a polio dance, in the high school gymnasium. Included at this affair will be the giving of a nice steer as a door prize, donated by J. Y. Ferry for this event. Other prizes will be awarded during the eveL ning. Mack Young Pointing up to the big polio . , new Republican head for program on Saturday night will be the Mothers March. Date Box Elder county. for this event has been advanced from Friday to Thursday night when local mothers, helpE. ing to fight and prevent polio, will call on Brigham City homes. A special training meeting for the 150 women who will take part in. the Mothers March will be held in the First ward chapel at 8:00 oclock on, Monday, January 25, Mrs. KMtgaard announced. Mack Young was elected as Speakers for the meeting will president of the Young (Repub licans of (Box Elder county in be Dr. Creed IHaymond, Salt a meeting called to organize the Lake City, state polio chairman group last Saturday evening, and Mrs. Ere Evans, Salt Lake January 16, in the Chamber of City, state director womens activities.' Special movies will be Commerce rooms, Session began on Saturday shown. All Brigham City residents with flag ceremony being led by Mrs. K. B. Olsen. Mack Young who want a worker to call for a polio donation are asked to offered prayer. Musical numbers were pre- turn on their porch lights on sented by (Helen and Patty Pal- Thursday, January 28 and one off the mothers will sitop. mer, The , Qut of. town, guests w era then home . campaign, will start - at 7:00 oclock. introduced. All contributions of $1.00 or (President Cooley of Salt Lake more will be given tickets to City introduced Marvin J. who gave a most Interest- the Saturday night affair, Mrs. ing talk on iMdCarthyism and Elma Klltgaard, mothers march the Communistic Conspiracy. chairman, announced. the Brigham Following his fine talk O. Dee Spearheading Lund made the motion- that City campaign, is Wade Ebeling, nominations begin for the elec- local March if Dimes chairman tion of officers for the new Re who is working directly under (Nominations Maurice Burtcher, county chairpublican group. were made from the floor with man, and the regular county secret balloting following, polio committee. Those named with President Tickets for the January 30 evYoung were: Mrs. Wade (Ebel ent, each offering an opportuning, Brigham City; (Max Adams, ity to win the steer donated by Tremonton and Carl Sederholm Ferry, will be on sale this week and all next week, committee Brigham City. The officers will meet In the members announce, climaxed near future to name their ad- with the house to house canvas visory board and begin draw to be made the evening of Janthe constitution for the uary 28. ing Burtcher Young Republicans of Box El County Chairman announces that a special meetder county. ing for March of Dimes workers In Garland will be held at Dr. 4:00 o'clock Monday afternoon, January 25, at the Garland elementary school. B. Young Republicans Elect Young ... Ber-toch- Are Feb. 10-1- 1 Committees for the forthcomannual Girls' ing fourteenth and Boys League circus were announced this week by the Box Elder High school sponsors, W. H. Griffiths and Mrs. Helen Peirce. The annual fun event will be held in the high school gymna sium on Wednesday and Thurs day nights, February 10 and 11, It was announced. com(Heading the program mittee for the event will be Vern Wells, assisted by Sharon and Mrs. Griffiths Olsen, Peirce. for the foods concession will be Gary Hollingsworth and LaRee Korth. Other committee members will be Reese Quayle, Ron-alSmith, Janace Leonard, Marsha Fod-nes- s and Portia Reeves. Advertising for the circus will be handled by Ann Westenskow, Beth Bunnell, Robert Hansen, LalRue Nelson and Griffiths. Joyce Leonard will serve as chairman of the games concessions aided by Donna Jensen, Janace Jensen, Baty Morrison, Carlyle Hunsaker, Leon Vail and Mrs. Shirley Jensen. i-- j w' , Smiths Super Market, located at Fifth South and Main, was burglarized sometime between 12:30 and 7:45 oclock Tuesday morning. Entrance was. gained by knocking off the knob of the back door. It was discovered by Dee Glen Smith when he opened the store Tuesday morn ing. The store had been check ed shortly after midnight. Loss could not be easily be determined but was thought to be small. u-- Paul L Huchel Opens Office Here Co. Officials Dr. Paul E. Huchel announces the opening of his office In the Professional Center about Jan uary 25, for the general practice of dentistry. Dr. Huchel has been a dentist with the U. S. Air Force for eight years and is now coming to Brigham City with his wife Skeleton staffs will be manand three daughters to make his home. ning most of the county offices Paul is the son of Dr. and for the balance of the week, as Mrs. J. L. Huchel. department heads and deputies, if they can be spared, will attend the Utah State Association anof County Officials 311st nual convention at the New-houHotel, Wednesday through Friday. "Improved service to (Utahs county governments" will be the before principal consideration members the three day meeting with departmental sesSworn into office as a state sions conducted by some of the ' highway commissioner Satur- states most prominent public J. servants. Lorenzo was morning day One of these will be Kay Ol- Bott, former Brigham City mayor. Secretary of State ILaMont sen, county clerk and auditor, F. Toronto administered the who will serve as departmental chairman on Thursday afteroath of office. from noon. The new commissioner Others besides Olsen who Brigham City succeeded Harley are J. Corliessen, Provo, who resign- will attend the sessions deputy ed recently to return to private Mrs. Lucille Howes, business. Governor J. Bracken clerk; Margaret Evans, county Lee named Bott to the post. His recorder and her deputy, Hanappointment will expire on nah Hillam; George Johnson, county treasurer; Jess Olwen, March 1, 1957. Meanwhile, at the state capi- deputy county assessor; ComLewis S. Wight, tal Saturday, (Bott was contact- missioners ed by a group of Weber and George H. Davis and Robert PorMorgan county citizens headed ter; and O. Dee Lund, county L. Petersen, Fred by David Peterson and Richard attorney. W. Modling, Ogden and Jack county assessor, expects to atsesKipper, Morgan, asking his sup- tend some, if not all of the Hyde, port of highway U. S. 30 im- sions. Sheriff Warren particularly be- secretary of the state county provements, tween (Uintah and Echo Junction sheriffs organization, will the Friday sessions. and at Morgan. Leave Today For State Meet Bolt Sworn In se Highway Post Last Saturday - Mumps Still High As Reportable Disease A total of 48 cases of Tepor Saturday night at table diseases were uncovered 7:00 oclock at the Central in Brigham City for the week school. ending January 8, the Utah Ward members and friends State Department of Health attending are requested to bring noted in their most recent retheir own dishes and silverware. lease. Tickets for the dinner will be The report disclosed 38 cases of $5.00 per plate for adults and mumps, one case of measles and $230 for students and children, nine of chicken pox. ; Thurs., Jan. 28 Dies Tuesday ' v,. Mothers March Republican Prexy E. Linderman Scouts Lend Their Support Smith Market Burglarized Dr. J. Gordon Felt, a past club, president off the local was named Northern Utah district governor at the Central Intermountain district convention held at Idaho Falls, Saturday and Sunday. Attending from Brigham City were Dr. and Mrs. Felt, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Fishburn, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Coleman, Mr. and and Mrs. Hadfield, President Mrs. Leon Carver, and Mr. and Mrs. Verl Petersen. Dr. Felt will fill the newly created post which will include the area including Salt Lake City and north in Utah. Plans were discussed at the convention to sponsor the 1955 international convention at Sun Valley, Idaho. 0. ' dinner on Dr. Roy F. Barnard smilingly hands over his three bucks to Scouts Sherald Andreason and Glade Sycamore for the Eighth ward chuck wagon supper to be held next Monday evening. Eighth ward boy scouts are helping with the ticket sales for the building benefit supper. . . . nd , |