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Show ' V H NEWS-JOURNA- Eagles, Cleaners Lead In Ladies Bowling League RESULTS GET ADS L ur partys great, Don, and i' Team standings: Petri Wine! ;S0 is your f i v - '4- - r,, M-M- 22 16 15 12 Still Undefeated Three teams remained undefeated in the South stake league after two rounds of play. n Modem Cleaners clipped the In last Thursdays games, Eagles auxiliary in the Ladies Fifth leaving ward ward, Mantua, and Sixth league last Monday, hung up Impressive vicboth teams in a tie for first tories. The first game saw Fifth Dlaee. 35-2in The Indian school won a clean get toy the First ward, a hard fought contest. Bunnell to take Bess over Service sweep second and Clairs Service climb- led the Fifth with 18 points, and t vic- while Goldsberry of Fifth ed to 3rd with a Adams of First each had 10. tory over Club Billiards. the Second Clairs Service won both high Mantua walloped Keller, with 20 points and team series with a 2057 and high team game, 714. Gladys Wilson Hansen with 16, were Mantuas rolled a 538 for high individual big guns. In the final game of Sixth ward ran series and Lydia Hess had a 201 the evening, the from Willard, away for high individual game. Baird set a scoring record for 34 points. Cox. The U. S. consumed 476 mil- the season with Falion tons of bituminous coal in of the Sixth, had 12, while of Willard tons cer and Braegger 1951, nearly 100 million each had 11. more than in 1939. Official standings: Won Lost 2 0 Sixth 0 2 Mantua !..... 1 From Common Colds Perry 0 1 1 Fifth OH HANG That 1 0 Willard 2 Creomulsion relieves promptly because 0 First it goes into the bronchial system to 2 0 Second help loosen and expel germ laden for Schedule night, Thursday phlegm and aid nature to soothe and four-poin- 57-3- 60-3- Beware Coughs , J FETRI TOOK heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial Nov. 27: 6:30 Sixth vs. iMantua. membranes. Guaranteed to please yon or jnoney refunded. Creomulsion has 7:30 Second vs. Willard. stood the test of millions of users. vs. Fifth. 8:30 YOU GOOD WINE TIME TO BRING PETRI WINE CO SAN FRANCISCO, CREOMULSION reborn calif Coughs, Chest Colds, Acuta Brouchitit i in involved drivers Speeding 1 out o? 3 fatal traffic accidents auditorium. Following welcome by Mrs. Zenos W. Earl, president, pledge was led by Mrs. C. R. Jones, Mrs. C. V. Forsgren offered prayer. Special guests for the afternoon were Miss Delilah Keller, sister to Mrs. Glenn Campbell, and Mrs. Mary Pearse Owen, guests of Mrs. Russell Tlngey. J. D. Gunderson invited civic ladies to Join in the Lion club by project for city betterment buying a pencil with a chance to win a TV set included. Minutes were read by secre tary and approved. Mrs. C. F. Epley introduced Mrs. E. Harold Evans who pre sented a musical tragedy. Those present very much enjoyed Mrs. Evans presentation. On display during the afternoon was a 'beautiful, satin quilt to be presented to some lucky winner during the holiday season. Gold pins are being sold by finance committee members with a chance to win the quilt The accompanying the sale. quilt Is now on display at Electric. All proceeds will go towards the building fund. It was decided by majority vote of those present that a Civic Ball will not 'be held this year. . Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 26. Civic Improvement club members met Thursday afternoon, November 20, at Central school Teams en 6 Central School Thursday Wins 22 21 Bess Service "" W Mv . Eagles Auxiliary Modem Cleaners Indian' School ..... Clairs Service Club Billiards Civic Club Met At Three So. Stake 4? Trailers Topple League Leaders With a new found surge of talent, the league tailing Eagles bowling squad toppled the league leading Corinne Celtics y in the Wednesday night league this week. 3-- 1 Tri-Cit- At the same time Best Market took three out of four from the News and Journal to secure see ond place and Waynes Associa' ted walloped Brigham Truck and Implement Taro Yagl rolled high indivl dual game, a scratch 521, and Max Slaughter captured high series honors with a handicap 4-- 660. Waynes Associated took team high game, 1032 and Best Market had high series, 2947. Taro Yagl toppled the and pin combinations. League standings: ' Wins , 25 Corinne Celtics 22 Best Market 20 News and Journal 17 Brigham Truck 16 Waynes Associated .'. 8 Eagles ' Perry Jfi hour' Leads Tri-Sta- te SERVICE ffiECD 2rr:T Hr S41-- Hij n Thursday Jtfottinptom fowling League Lumber took a slim lead in the Thursday evening bawling league, Nov. 13, with a clean sweep over Andersens-Ford- . "K-n-- Tri-Stat- e Long Brigham Tire settled for second place this week with a victory over Earls Food Fare and the Indian school rolled high series to swamp the Eagles, High score honors for the evening were: Earls Food Fare, high team game, 1018; Indian school, high team series, 2934; high individual game, Ralph Williams, 235 and high Individual series, Earl Seegmiller, Max Morgan rolled a 201 to win $1 trade at his own Brigham Tire Shop and TaTO Yagl hit 207 for a pound of Hollywood candy. Everett Andersen won $2 In Lumber for his : " Team standings: Wins .. 20 Tri State Lumber .. 19 Brigham Tire Shop . .. 16 Earls Food Fare .. 15 Andersens Ford . 13 Eagles ... .. 13 Indian School tade at Tri-Stat- e 203. Tri-Sta- , NOW U " is i r t v , Eagles ... The Fabulous WEE SCOT Range reception Only ' PHONE rTOMjElOYLOFMABEl MABEL ON btecs TO WORK NOW (WAY or 142-- lulll In provision for now 14 THIS MISSA6I SPON5QMD IN IHI INTII1ST ' OP YOUR SAFETY IY THE BOX ELDER WJeivS journal by The Advertising Council ln eoop.rot!on with the Notional Safety Council. , v , , t ,,, - LIBERAL TERMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT! n. 1,1,11 1.11" m M lin7-- Dealer 68 N. Main 171-- COAL AI1D APPLIAIICE ph" ONE by Gene Sand By Bad Fisher MUTT AND JEFF Js cm but r coulont DID HELP IT THAT. rso, if RUN THAT 6UV VOU KNOW , the IU. vtou coAinee OTHER JURORS SO HAW: TO RAhSAV, SHOO DAMAGES, Il-- L BLOW VOU HISMMg DENOTES A LAPSE OF "THREE DEUeERMlN 5 QUEim. VIRGIL A official pub tarvica mot sage prepared IIHf. VS Happy Christmas! An ' HER ILL for tho doctor. This driver Re epMlyl 18 15 wait. He speeded past another car on a hill, and look what happened! Remember this and be extra careful. Dont pass on hills or curves. Dont weave in and out of traffic. Always drive at a safe speed. save may be your ovn ! porta $S2)50 couldnt Hie life you (M. BOX ELDER WEE SCOT SALES 2 ,y M. grtotor distinct, graved by tods. brighter, extra sharp, extra deer, reflection proof pideiOA Actually 10 New Automatic Sletlen Selector for easy Instent tmin. , - Grass cut shorter than VA inches may not have enough leaf surface to manufacture food for new growth. BE CAREFU-L- (lKMm Now 2S BEEN Too lot 2299S U, JURV HAS Lights out for another speed merchant. Somebody tried to outguess a traffic light and now somebody is dead. Don't let this happen to you. Slow down at intersections. Remember when you step on the gas instead of the brakes, it may be your last step. handle TV k super-power- gives you marvelous conditioned water that feels smooth and acts sdft without chemical change. The WEE SCOT . . . Eliminates chlorine taste in most cases. Eliminates scale in water heater and pipes. Makes soap and detergents go further. Rinses ' white clothes whiter. Reduces annoying bath Makes quick work of greasy pots and , tub ring ' ; pans. The initial cost is the final cost with the WEE SCOT. No servicing or regenerating required. A lifetime of marvelous conditioned water without a single thought for upkeep. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Five year warranty. ELDON MALMROSE, In a close contest, league Lumber won leading three points from Brigham Tire Shop, Nov. 20, in the Thursday evening bowling league. In other contests, Andersens Ford clipped the Eagles for three points and Earls Food Fare and the Indian school split two points each. League standings: Wins Trl State 23 20 Brigham Tire Andersens Ford 18. Earls Food 'Fare Indian Schl o r Now, get undreamed of clear, sharp pictures from greater distances with this ALL NEW Zenith TV chaswith Zeniths new "K-5- 3 sis, the result of a million dollars spent in engineer- ing and research. Compare it with any other and youll be convinced that Zenith is Americas Greatest TV value! See it and youll want it for your home, for only Zenith offers you so many quality features. Water Conditioner Leads te Tri-Stat- e f mohooony-coto- Ivbo oml In Thurs. League y tabia model , 639. more damage. Make it a point to drive at safe speed . . . always. When driving conditions are bad, sae speed is often much lower than the legal, posted limit. Be sure to slow down when weather or visibility is poor. It may take a little longer but chances are you'll live a lot longer. Compact cabinet flmihed in huurtoa Pyrabitlo Wood wtb yam fine fvniMe. Also in Blonde at Model KtBIbR. ft. O0W SUprpOWrta h, 4-- may be spent in the cemetery. According to official traffic records, speed is the most frequently traffic accidents. reported violation So exercise your foot someplace else than on the accelerator. Remember that a speeding car is harder to handle, takes longer to stop, does . 1952 3-- 1 Watch out the time you save by speeding V . happy, happy Christ-ma- s from the 10,000 men and women who ARE the Utah Poultry and Farmers Cooperative. This is a business enterprise 100 owned and controlled by members who practice cooperation and the spirit of brotherly love. 12 months every , year, mrnmrm tl W' t W0NORFUL,JEFP I only haue PM $100 to DAAAA6ES-B- WHAT TOOK qou JURORS SO LONS TO DECIDE THE OTHER ELEVEN 6UVS WANTED TO Acqurrvtxi BUT I TALKED rrJ jpwouTOF , 'Mr |