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Show 5 Box Elder NEWS hostess to her club at Tier home and Mrs. LaVal Andersen. Thursday evening. The program in (Mutual con1952 reading, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Johnsen sisted of Scriptural and Mrs. Carl Hendersen were Sharia Jensen; theme, Betty Chrisguests at a turkey dinner held Iverson; song by Peggy tensen, Karen Ramsdell, Judy at the Chi house. Miss Alpha ARE FACTS Andersen, Lynn GayNell Johnson was chairman Jensen, Joyce Thompson, Gail Perry, Emma From of th event. Lou Lind Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Johnsen DeAnnAndersen, Katherine Whitor River City were Neisen, c U of S.A.C. the guests aker and Carla 'Iverson. Each dept, at a dinner Satuday girl also gave a short reading. preceding the football game with BEAR RIVER CITY It was a B.Y.U. They also had special Carla played a piano solo. Mrs. Emery Wight, presdent gala affair Thursday evening sideline seats. Laron came home of when the Mia Maid girls enter- with them and spent the week of the stake 'Relief society, ward, visited Relief sotained at a dinner at the home end. He was bruised after play- Harperhere Tuesday. Mrs. Mabel of Mr. and Mis. Austin 'Johnsen. ing full time as defensive safe- ciety H. Strong gave the literary lesMra. John P. Holmgren and Mr. ty. He is enjoying school very and Mrs. Moroni Mortensen were much and is being kept busy as son, ChristenMr, and Mrs. guests of honor. Jerilyn Holm- he is Rush chairman for the sen entertained atIrving a family dingren) president, acted as hostess Sigma Chi fraternity. Out of town guests ana Austin Johnsen as host. A Mr. and Mrs. Carl iMoon and ner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murchicken dinner was served, fur- children, Lance, Earl and Carla, included of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Gay-lenished and. cooked by the girls. of Boise, were dinner guests of ray Christensen of Tremonton, ' Mr. A short program followed the and Mrs. Vernal Andersen, Mrs. Thera! Christensen of Ogdinner was a solo, Holley Holm-ge- Sunday. They also visited in den and Miss Carol Bishop of and iBetty Iverson, a read- Logan and Hyrum. Garland. ing. Mrs. Austin Johnsen is the Mrs. Carrie Christensen, Mrs. The Associated Women of the girls leader, and should be Gladys Thorson and Mrs. Ger- Farm Bureau met at the school for her fine work with trude Iverson attended the D.U. house Friday. Apron patterns the group. P. convention held in Brigham and Xmas ideas were exchanged. f Sergeant S. Bee Christensen ar- City, Saturday. New officers were elected to rived home Saturday evening The Road show presented by serve for the coming year. Mrs. after having quite an exciting the wards of the stake was en- Arvilla president; time getting here. IDee came joyed very much. The towns- Mrs. 'ElTiteHolmgren, vice pres home on an airliner and when people saw it either at Corinne dent; LucilleAnderson, Petersen, secretary they arrived in Salt Lake City or Honeyvllle, because the recairport the runway was too icy reation hall is being renovated. to land, so they went to Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Iversen and but conditions there were no son, Jerry were Salt Lake City better so they flew back to Den- visitors Monday. Ivan went treatver, Colo, and landed, and Dee down to receive medical caught a train from there and ment. arrived in Ogden Saturday eveThe Daughters of Utah Pioning. Dees parents didnt know neers will meet at the home of anything of the difficulties he Mrs. Roy Thorson, Friday, Nov. was having, but he telephoned 28 at 2 oclock. his brother Varge and told him Mrs. Adaline Andersen was a soi Varge went to Ogden and got dinner guest of Mrs. Mary Brad him and when they neared their ford at Garland Thursday. The home they turned the lights off ladies spent the remainder of the car and the parents didnt the day visiting. know he had arrived until he Ellis Dee Andersen tele Mrt and opened1 the door. Well, anyway, phoned his parents, Dee, we are all glad you are Mrs. LaVal Andersen, from home. (Re (Will report back to his Camp Stoneman, Calif, that he base at Atterbury, Ind., Thanks- and Wayne 'Andersen, son giving day and we understand of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Anhe isnt going alone. dersen were assigned to the Mrs. Ronald Anderson was same boat to go to Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Vernal (Ike) Andersen spent Monday In Ogden. Ike visited the stock show and Mrs. Andersen did some Xmas shopping. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Alvin and Mrs. Freldo Andersen moi tored to Salt Lake City MonFAMOUS day. The many friends of Mrs. Emma Paice will be happy to learn that she recently underwent All WIATHm surgery on her eye and is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Iverson motored to Brigham City Sunday oo tach plut taa where they visited her father, 1 who is confined at a Brigham Regularly 222 L City hospital due to injuries sustained when' a car run Into him. Her father is Wallace Burt. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Andersen entertained their club Saturday at a delightful party. A hot dinner was, served at small tables and cards were played. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bywater attended the Cooperative convention at Hotel Newhouse in HUSIWY MATHIS LOTION Salt Lake City, Monday. 12 for use. os. body Mr. and Mack Christensen are . LOTION SnaAl the proud parents of a baby for hands and face. 12 os. boy bom Nov. 18, trraooiNtc hoimom lotion Primary preparation meeting for overnight and use. was held at the home of Mrs. 5,000 1. 17. of Natural Estrogenic Rula Checketts Friday evening Hormones in each ounce. 6 oi. Mrs. Melba Checketts gave the teacher trainer lesson. Delicious refreshments were served. Ted Ramsdell, a student at the USA C. at Logan, spent the week-enwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ramsdell. Dee Ramsdell wrote to his parents from Germany and told them that he and Collin Hansen had been to Giesen and visited with 1st Lt. and Mrs. James E. Karo fFae Ann Huggins.) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shaw and children of Conner Springs were dinner guests of her sister, Mr. Brigham City, Utah WtdnMday. November 26, ath-leti- n n d the proud parents of a new son bom Nov. 15 at Cooley Memorial .hospital at Brigham City. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larsen of Brigham City and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Carter of Park Valley. The now baby is awaited at home by a ma Louise Carter are both away Twins Rule Class Ancient Dugouts Found 3 attending school but tjiey also FreshTenn. (UP) MARTIN, JACKSONVILLE, (Fla. CWM A had earned awards. Music was men the students at youngUniversity party of furnished by the Youth chorus of Tennessee branch here have sters discovered four dugoot cadirected by Mrs. Lelilla Palmer. tough time Identifying their noes in a mud flat here which Relatives and friends attend- class officers. BUI and Bob Kirk, the state archaelogist, John Grifing funeral services for Neal Identical twins, were elected fin, believes were made by Indians more than 250 years ago. Whitaker who was killed while president and vice president. pheasant hunting at Perry last week, were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palmer, Mr, and Mrs. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Rudger Palmer, Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth G. Carter and Mrs. Ray arter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mr. and Carter, Parley Carter, Mrs. Roy Pugsley, Mrs. Henry Kunzler and Beryl Kunzler, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Kunzler and Mrs. Harold Kunzler, Kay Carter. Many local people attended Bear River stake conference on Saturday evening and Sunday, and the ward was proud to hear the report of our recently Weston J. Hirschi, son of Mr. and Mrs Louis Hirschi, who reported on his missionary labors in the Grea Win The Lakes area. 'PARK VALLEY NEWS baby Mr. and Mrs. t Antonio Olague are visiting the home of their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. James V. Hunt of Salt Lake City. Antonio is convelescing from a recent hernia operation performed brother, Steven, three and years old. at the L.D.S. PARK VALLEY son-in-la- hospital. Announcement has been received of the arrival recently of a baby girl born In Malad, Idaho to Mrs. Sherwin Larsen. The tiny daughter was born on Oct. Cl, and her father Sherwin Larsen had left just a week previously for overseas duty in Germany with the U. S army. The mother was formerly Miss Ilene Jenkins of Malad. j Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carter are and treasurer; Helen Huggins, two year director.' Pearl Jensen r director. Mrs, is the Lela Andersen, Verlyn Jensen, Wanda Johnsen and - Pauline Leonard are the retiring officers. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell D. Hug gins are rejoicing over the arri val of their first son, bom Nov. 18 at the Cooley hospital. His two sisters are overjoyed, too. hold-ove- one-hal- clam-hunti- f Dur-war- a taste of the good d award program honoring all the girls of the girls program in the ward was held on Nov. 9 in the regular sacrament meeting. Each girl had won and received an Individual award and each age group received a group award. The group awards were presented by Bishop Kenneth G. Carter to the group leaders, Mrs. Emma Carter, Mrs. Norma Carter, Mrs. Alfa Jean Carter and Mrs. Elizabeth Hirschi, Mrs. Dorothy Rose was absent. As the girls received their individual awards, Bishop Carter also pre sented each girl with a beautiful rose corsage which he sug gested each girl turn and pin of her mother, which each girl did. Girls receiving awards were Joyce Hirschi, Shirley Kun Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Gessel and zler, Rhea Kunzler, Junelle Pal young daughters are visiting at mer, Janet James and Jo Layne the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer. Sharon Carter and Em J. Kunzler. An Vs V old days return-missionar- y, xi r.csEii B3JMD Home-Swaaf-Ho- lilt Grandma Uid to Mak ean(JWM(riwiwCiiiwi sfAwinie Oheee ft A-2- c 0 V Price v t : Dorothy Gray Lotions SI ""' all-or- y d V v7pipGi? ugo-- . vM improve crop yields. A similar grant of metallurgy. 1 . . v y VX J t - to B.Y.U. is being used for research in the field ; The grant to the U. of U. is helping to solve problems in metal mining,' while part of it will be used to build a nuclear reactor that in turn will help solve other problems through the magic Kf of atomic energy. In addition, Kennecott is building a research center at the U. of U. that will cost a million and a quarter dollars. The successful completion of these research projects will be felt in every part of our state by all our citizens, because anything that helps any one group soon help us alL By encouraging research, Utah Copper continues its policy of being a good neighbor helping to build a better Utah. Division coppbb CORPORA r I ON BETTER 00(503103 UTAH" 1 Of Reynolds V. Reeder How To Keep Your Back Off Cold Garage Floor j., 'C-Vt- build a Copper goes to college in Utah, not to learn, but to help better future for all of us. In the form of special grants by Utah and Copper to the University of Utah, Brigham Young University Utah State Agricultural College, copper is helping Utahns gain knowledge through research to build a more prosperous state in the years to come. A Utah Copper grant to U.S.A.C. is being used for experiments to improve Rambouillet sheep, to study how copper and other trace elements may help cure diseases among cattle and fruit and Hamilton Drugs By .DDo0Q G . If you prefer doing your own auto maintenance work, this easily made creeper designed by one of our neighbors ought to save you time and trouble. -- Consumption of RPM Ix 2 hand wood bolted or screwed 7 swivel furniture r coster Sub-Zer- o 5w is less than that of ordinary 6W oils, no greater than any X0W oil, as proved by road tests and two-thir- actual service. If also cuts gas consumption by reducing need for idling and choking. Call us about this economical cold weather lubricant. & ' You can help prevent below- zero driving troubles by filling crankcase with RPM your SUB-ZERMotor Oil 5W, wnicn pours and wilt circulate freely at temperatures down to 65 below 0 F Helps lessen battery drag too, because it helps your engine get started quickly. 1 ; Mg, , I . Distributed iOilCmsasf ( California Prefect by REYNOLDS V. REEDER Brigham City t f Telephone 1588 k k |